Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

Can you smuggle a sheep back for the garden?

DJ, I would LOVE to, as theyā€™re really weeny, only knee-high when fully grown, but my garden isnā€™t big enough to feed two and they are never let go on their own, being herd animals. On top of that I donā€™t think I could afford them, and my cat would probably EAT them! (Not that the idea hasnā€™t already crossed my mind - the baa-lambs are just so teeny weeny, theyā€™re adorable, and even the adults are really cute. And they taste nice too, so Iā€™m toldā€¦)

Good evening fellow benchees
Twinky, the fact that your cornetto migrated over the duvet just means you can have some later lol.
I have had a great day today, on the smug bench. I had bloods taken early this morning and then went straight to knit camp where I did battle with an American knitting pattern. I won! Had an enormous lunch and then went to see some friends. Made a lovely dinner and am sitting in comfy chair listening to planet rock with my son. Bloods came back normal so will have chemo tomorrow. Oh the joyā€¦ I am just beginning to feel more like myself too! Still, have nearly finished one sparkely sock and shall begin itā€™s partner tomorrow.
X Sarah

Hi Sarah

Nice to see you back posting. Shame you have chemo today. BBC Coventry & Warwick have a knitathon today at Coventry Cathedral from 5:30 - 8:30 today raising money for Myton Hospice & trying to break a world record. Your knitting skills could have helped them!

Twinky x

Just rushing in for some spoonsā€¦ ran out yesterday, so Iā€™m going in later today (half anhour or so, wicked me!!) Adding some homemade carrot cake to Revcats suppliesā€¦ byyeeeeeeeee! (as she runs full speed into a boingy thing and is flung out of Benchland backwards!!!)

Jane, guffaw, guffaw, you should have used the trampoline! What are you like?? xx

Twinky, the knitathon sounds good fun - I have been busy knitting clothes for my grandchildrenā€™s dolls and teddies. Stops me from thinking too much and because the items are small, I donā€™t get bored with them before I have finished!
I guess I should be on a celebration bench, but not too sure - just called the Docs for results of bone scan, my GP is on holiday so receptionist tells me the results are ā€œsatisfactoryā€ - what on earth that means I donā€™t know, but will assume it is good (so why am I crying?!!).
Is there a bench for contemplating future career or lack of? One of my big fears from my initial diagnosis has now come true, and yes, they found they could do without me when I was sick, so I am being made redundant. Trouble is I cannot think of a single thing that I want to doā€¦ but I am the only breadwinner, so will have to face up to this at some point very soon and get my act together.
Love the sound of the teeny sheep CM! I think my grand daughters would adore them, but not sure Lucy the spaniel would be too keen on sharing her gardenā€¦

I knew about the knitathon and was gutted I canā€™t attend. Itā€™s not a very nice day here in Coventry. Hail storm earlier and now rain. Still, my ferns will be pleased. Cats are disporting themselves in various areas of the house having brought in a small ā€˜giftā€™ in the form of a bird earlier this morning. 8-(

Oh heavensā€¦am glad the bunnies donā€™t bring ā€˜presentsā€™ in for me! I falsely got my hopes up when I saw the sun first thing but itā€™s horrible now so yesterdayā€™s washing will remain outside for yet another day! Wonder if CM is having soggy cuddles with the lambsā€¦lol

Twinky x

Sorry Warwickshire ladies - my fault itā€™s raining - again! Just cleaned all the downstairs windows, for first time in eons, because the window cleaners came and did the outsides earlier this week and I realised how filthy the insides were. Now cream crackered and canā€™t see out through them due to the rain!

Never mind, friends coming to take me out for tea and cake in a bit :slight_smile: to get me off the rising panic bench about tomorrowā€™s RADs planning apt.

Just had a call from REACT trial research nurse. They are going to catch up with me while Iā€™m having rads so I donā€™t have to make any extra hospital trips. Goodo! Reading all the problems people are having with joint pain and Tamoxifen, I hope I get the anti-inflammatory not the placebo - it might help. I am going to tell myself its the anti-i anyway! :slight_smile:

Thank you all, I had my op on Thursday everything was so quick from being diagnosed to the op, itā€™s been a wirlwind, but now no hospital visits until results I feel lost.This forum is a god send. Yesterday I felt so guilty and upset about work how much time Iā€™m having off. And that I was wasting everybodyā€™s time, but thanks to you all I feel a whole lot better, about alot of things

Hi Jane, I wasted an awful lot of my time during active treatment last year worrying about work and the time off, so worked as much as I could through treatment, and went back full time straight after rads. It is SO not worth it! At the end of theday, focus on yourself and getting better as no one will appreciate you for doing anything else.

Jane, welcome to Benchland, throw all that guilt in the huge lake, as Projectwoman says itā€™s just not worth it xx

Jane, I have been trying to work round my treatment, I have had 3rd chemo of 7 today then go on to rads and tamoxifen, I had a lumpectomy on October and an mx in January. The problem I now seem to have is that as I have been going in to work when I can (because I feel so guilty at being off work sick), people seem to forget that I am having treatment! Its my own fault, I never give in to anything unless I can help it and think I can cope with whatever life throws at me. Sometimes I could bang my head on a brick wall cos I am so stupid!!!

Mind you, I do think that some routine is good too!

Sorry, I am not much help, I am having a ā€˜difficultā€™ day today, CM would probably give me a kick up the backside!
Joan x

Thanks all of you it hard not to worry about work but with the help of you guys Iā€™ll get pass the guilt , and have some me time.
Jane xx

Hello all,
is there a " is someone having a laugh bench " in benchland at all ? I had 1st fec 27th march , 3 days ago got a urinary tract infection on anti biotics, tonight got signs of being in contact with chicken pox, cold sore on lip and daughter informs me granbaby has crusty spot on torso ā€¦

What have I done to deserve this isnt having BC enough ā€¦ been to hospital for anti biotics for chicken pox 3 1/2 hour wait to maybe take one tablet before bed !!! dont think so i have come home where no MRSA and more germs ā€¦ will phone dr in morning for emergeny appointment ā€¦ Please give me a break !!! Rant over i feel better for that

Love to all

Janice x

Good evening Ladies

Dress rehearsal tonight was a bit grimā€¦

Judith Producer (she who must be obeyed) had us all running round like headless chicken cos we got our entrances wrong. Well just me actually - I have to come on set in the dark clutching laptop, glass, ashtray and stage ciggie. I fell over a table and said a VERY BAD wordā€¦ and there was a sharp intake of breath from the rest of the cast. Just confirmed my reputation as a loudmouth. Now sitting on the In The Doghouse Bench! Well at least Iā€™ve got company from the Girls.

RevCat - I really need those choccie eggs to boost my energy levels. Or would extra spoons be better?

Somehow I donā€™t think I can use the ā€˜Be Kind to Me, Iā€™ve got BCā€™ excuse here - oh deary deary me!

So tomorrow will be having a lie-in on the Chill-out bench, then trip to the tip to get rid of rubbish, then a caramel donut from the bakery for lunch - why DO we crave bad food???

Iā€™m so glad you are all hear to listen to my ranting.

grumpy ( and a bit squiffy due to North of the Border tincture)

Only on phone but giggling at director having kittensn We Seb allowed to be gag. want to reply to pstchit but canā€™t remember whatā€¦

Will edit .

TEEN sheep are completely adorable but I appreciate Iā€™m just a townies visitor and donā€™t have to do the hard work.

Wine helps though. Currently in an electric free caravan clutching the remnants of a glass (no, soddit, bottle) of wine and not a thought in my head. Heavenn

Love to all. Will post from laptop tomorrow.


Effects of wine obvious. I have NO IDEA what I meant to write in last post. Curse predictive text!!

Patchit Iā€™m not in the mood for kicking anyone Iā€™m on the delightfully mellow bench. The most you might get is a slightly raised eyebrow. Will that do?


Absolutely! Phew, got off lightly!

Hope you are not on the hangover bench in the morning choccie! I think you should be on the ā€˜posting from my mobile is funnyā€™ bench though!

Joan x