Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

mmph, whaaat… oh, it’s you Jane… mmmph wumpf zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Oh heavens JCJ…yes reference to pork was a joint in the oven not a smoking boob! In fact just enjoying a nice pork sandwich now…yum.

You rest up RevCat…you deserve it x x

Twinky x

On the Smart Ar#e bench today - just done a load of sewing of costumes for the Players and for seat covers etc for Beryl the Bongo ready for camping hols when the weather improves a bit…and managed to watch the Phantom concert from the Albert Hall, did see the live transmission last year at our local cinema, it is just glorious!

Dogs on the It’s Not Good Enough bench after being dragged round the village in the HATED doggy-macs. But they look so cute, Barley’s mac is bright yellow so with her little hairy legs she looks like an animated tennis ball…and Millie thinks PERHAPS she looks gorgeous in her red mac cos people stop to talk to her.

Spending the evening on the boingy sofa with a tincture and sausage casserole - run out of Easter Eggs (hint - RevCat are there any special offers on now?)

love to all the lovely Benchland Ladies
grumpy and a bit squiffy

Doggie coats, you will have to show us now, grumpy (but mostly now cheery). Remember a few years back they were advertising doggie wellies!! Do your dogs have wellies too??

On the “tad bit nervous” bench today but am about to beam over to the “what’ll be will be” bench.

When will the rain stop?? xx

Temporarily on the ‘My OH’s a b*****d’ bench this morning. After a bad night spent in spare room, battling with indigestion (and that’s BEFORE I’m taking any meds! :frowning: ) and able to hear him snoring, he asks if I slept well. When I said ‘No’. He enquired: “You’re not worrying about anything are you?”

“You mean apart from the radiotherapy I’ve got to endure and have been waiting FOREVER for? Or that I missed that phone call and may have missed an appointment while we were away? Or the side effects of all the various drugs I’m going to have for the next TWO or FIVE YEARS? Or the fact that I’ve said ‘no’ to chemo because this bl***y cancer could come back any time anyway? Or that I STILL can’t go back to work? No, of course I’m not worried about anything!!” Grrrr!

Then I beamed over to the ‘feeling sorry for myself’ bench for a bit, but I made myself go for a walk and the sun (sorry Katyc!)came out and there were some reeeeally cute little baby lambs in the field, so I’m going to drink my postprandial tea on the ‘grateful for small mercies’ bench and stop whining.

May even brave going for a swim tomorrow - though I’m really anxious about being that exposed in public!

I am on the “serves you right” bench this evening after thinking I could stop taking all the anti inflammatory tablets and pain killers that I have been on for the past 4 months without there being a consequence. The joint pains started early afternoon and by 4pm I was like some old woman walking about! I have taken some tablets and now hang my head in shame. I will gradually reduce the dosage like I was advised to do! When will I learn to listen?

Will get piccie of the Girls in their macs and put it up for everyone. Dog macs are GORTEX and cost more than most of my own clothes - Oxfam!!!

They don’t have wellies (yet!) but Millie had to have a ‘boot’ when she cut her paw badly and was bleeding all over the place. Bugs, the vet said, must keep that paw sterile!!! A dog’s paw - sterile - oh bu##er!!! said I. Jack Wolfskin boot if you please and nearly choked at the price. Outdoor types will understand.

Been to rehearsals tonight and got APPLAUSE from the rest of the cast for the 5 minute drama what I wrote - Miscommunication or The Perils of Internet Chatrooms. I leave it to your imagination…

Now on the Kna#####d and Tincture bench…after spending some time today on the It’s Not Fair bench with JCJand the Get On With It and Stop Moaning bench with Supertrouper.

Ladies we are all wonderful!

grumpy (and looking forward to a better tomorrow)

Lying down on the comfy bench for a rest. Been cheating the house. Even vacuumed under the bed ( and you would too if you had two moulting bunnies sleeping under there ). Also a late night dash to Tesco to stock up. Just tucked myself up in bed with a soft drink & a strawberry cornetto.

No more housework for a while. Juicing no.3 tomorrow…so I will be in hibernation for some while…


Liking the cornetto moment twinks. Currently on the I Can’t Sleep bench. really tired but head full.

Good luck for tomorrow.

Half price (half nothing still nothing) Easter eggs, chocolate chicks, bunnies (sorry Twinky), fish etc. all available in the spoon shed. Spoons are back in stock after a hiatus with the supplier over the Easter weekend - they claimed it was a bank holiday or somesuch… I dunno, does no one else work weekends?! :wink:

Rolling off the cream crackered bench and strolling around doing morning saftey checks in Benchland… found a very nasty alligator with the initial S.S. on its tin helmet so gave it a big thwack with biggest ladle before chucking it back in to the lake.

The spiders are quietly spinning in their sanctuary.

The boingy stuff is looking fine, though I did have to pick up a few stray marbles dropped by low flying Benchlanders as they whiz overhead on their bungees.

All life belts have been inspected and I repaired the broken ‘no swimming’ and ‘no fishing’ signs by the Guilt Lake.

Lace hankies by all benches.

Transmat beam machine working brilliantly… just beamed in your favourite beverages and snacks, all calories free, all able to be tasted during chemo… yum yum.

Phew, now I need a little sit down on the achey joints bench… budge up SuperTrouper…

What would we do without you RevCat? best replenisher ever!
Laughed regarding SS, perhaps there should be a special place for them, underground tunnel, entrance blocked with lots of the loose marbles and big rocks that can be beamed from anywhere.
Sitting on the “really excited because holiday draws nearer” bench, bit early but suitcase almost packed!
Treat from my ED how lucky am I?
Enjoy your venture into the big world for the retail therapy!
grumpy how posh are your doggies, love to see the photo xx

Erm…the cornetto in bed turned out to be not such a good idea…I left it too long before eating it & got in an awful mess ( and there might be a stain on the duvet cover to prove that).

RevCat…you will never catch me anywhere near the Sanctuary if that’s where the spiders are…eek!

An on the confessional bench…had a choclate bunny for Easter & ate it ears first…

Hugs to all

Twinky x


Today was supposed to be for sitting on the It’s Getting Better bench.
Should have known better -
Missed a hosp appt (not at the breast clinic) yesterday, so rang up this morning to apologise and re-schedule. Response from ‘lady’ in appts office - oh you will have been signed off for missing an appt, we can’t have people just not turning up to their appts.
My response - I didn’t miss it because I couldn’t be bothered or because something nicer cropped up, I am having treatment for BC and sometimes it scrambles my brain.
Her - what difference does that make?


appt now booked, but no apology forthcoming.


Grumpy (probably VERY grumpy), there takes a certain special type of skin for medical receptionists. And that one seems to have got the bumper special.

I’m just on the slobbing bench, having written a 5-page letter of complaint. I’ll leave it fermenting for a couple of hours and re-read it before I print it off and send it. RevCat, I hope it was a RUSTY ladle, and that you then placed it firmly where the sun doesn’t shine.

And now for a large bowl of homemade chicken and veg soup - the best bit about a roast dinner, I reckon!


grumpy, ChoccieMuffin: @gilescoren did a survey on Twitter for the job with the most unpleasant people. Medical receptionists and oncologists came out as the most disliked. It’s no wonder we BC ladies get joint pain (all those clenched muscles - especially fists?!) and mood swings: nothing to do with hormone therapy?? :slight_smile:

Can I add social workers please?

Here CM - borrow my thwacking ladle… I thought I got the alligator with the SS tin hat but sounds like it escaped AGAIN!

CM - before you send the letter perhaps ask your GP to look at it? I had to write a screed about mis-information and asked my GP (the one in the pink tutu!) to read it through for me - he said it was courteous and professional ahem. He also scanned it and put it on my records at the health centre.

RevCat - can I order 2 doz choccie eggs please? Stressful w/e coming up with my debut on stage…

Tried to get the dogs in their coats for photo, but they both sat on the We’re Not Having Coats on when it’s Sunny bench…

cheering up now, thank you ladies

grumpy (and grimy due to tussle with 2 feisty jack russells)

On smug bench with cuppa and a banana (resisted choc cake - trying not to add too much cake-related weight before even start on Tamoxifen!) Managed to mow back lawn AND trim edges. Previously only managed former - and that felt like conquering Everest! - can’t operate lawn edgers with one hand, so it’s had to wait until now. When suitably rested, and it stops hailing, I’m going back out to tackle the edge that overhangs (and nearly obliterates!) the concrete path. Have armed myself with a sharp knife for the job! - NO CM! You can’t borrow it! :slight_smile:

Then I’ll probably be on the “Ooops! think I overdid it” bench for a lie down.

JCJ, are you sure? Just for a little while? I promise to wipe it before I give it back… And when you’ve finished yours, can you pop round to mine next? I’ve never been into gardening and so leap on the least excuse not to do it. Garden is getting a bit overgrown again and there’s nothing recognisible in flowerbeds.

Going on the adventurers’ bench tomorrow, visiting a friend with miniature sheep so I can cuddle baa-lambs and coo over chicks and ducklings. Townies, eh?