Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1)

JCJ - why not tell her that you are off work while you have counselling before your gender reassignment surgery - or some other outlandish scenario. Might as well give her something to really gossip about!

Also good fun to tell her ‘in the strictest confidence’ and see how long it takes to get back to you!


DU, that is SO naughty but so funny!

DJ. Hahahaha! I repeated what you suggested to my daughter and she wants me to do it, video neighbour’s face and post it on Twitter! Very tempted, but we will have to continue to live next door but one to them - and I suppose they mean well really - just too stupid to realise that not everyone wants their every move to be discussed with everyone else??

I read once that if someone asks a question you don’t want to answer, just say “why do you ask?” nicely. Might get them stammering/thinking/… or not! Honestly, some people! Jane

JCJ, Well being honest, your OH’s leg being on the mend and your brave start at work, she must think you are truly wonderful taking time off to nurse your OH. Your halo will be glowing around the village!! Just smile sweetly and nod graciously each time you see her and keep your laughter at bay! The biggest satisfaction is someone who is really nosy not having a clue! Today you are sitting on the “my halo is glowing” bench.

It’s pouring with rain, no water shortage here. Still recovering from my grandaughter’s visit yesterday and have to go out later this morning so still on the “having a wee rest” bench but will have to get on the “hurry up and get organised” bench real soon xx

Forgot to say a few weeks after diagnosis, I went for a short walk on my own and sat down, just thinking about everything. It was a lovely sunny day and this couple came walking past the man said to me “Cheer up, things can’t be that bad”, I honestly could have killed him, but still smiled sweetly, I couldn’t speak cause I was so angry. Thinking about it now I’m still really mad!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR xx

Puchbag now installed in the spoon shed… it’s everso hi-tech, you can morph onto it the image of the VERY annoying perosn/organisation you need to punch. Best thwacking ladle is right next to it. Get that stress busted!

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, just had a conversation that has led me to the “FF” bench, via the shed where I swung a few punches, why do some people never grow up and just sit in their own bitter little world, they complain “it’s so unfair”. THEY have to change and they can’t see that everything is actually THEIR fault because of their own bitterness and selfishness. They just want everyone to do everything so that they can just sit back and bask in the glory???
Spitting mad, taking deep breaths and trying to carry on xx

Katy -
just remember that THOSE people are the unhappy ones in this world!!
Yes we’ve got/have had breast cancer and it’s grim, but we are the people in the world who actually know how to cope…

and the Punchbag in the Shed is EXTREMELY useful

love Marj aka grumpy

I would like to go on the cant be bothered fatigued bench please … two days yes two days I have still be in my nightie at 2pm - and I really dont care apart fom feeling really guilty that hubby is working hard and I am being a slob but I do have fatigue apparently !!!


Not quite sure what bench I should be on today. Yesterday had a phone interview, went so well I had a face-to-face today, which also went very well. Now I just have to wait for the feedback via the agency and you never know, I might have a full-time job by next week! EEEEEK!!!

Hi, I want to go on the FFFFF bench if you get my meaning. My chemo had to be delayed from Friday because of wrecked veins. Just been at hospital to have PICC but after three attempts they had to admit defeat. Next available appt for a Hickman at MV is 16th May!!! I am now sitting by the phone to see if they can do at Hillingdon Hosp. It seems completely ridiculous that they can’t continue my treatment without the line and yet there is a waiting list to have it put in. Perhaps I should give the cancer cells a good talking to and tell them they have to wait, it is the NHS after all.

Good Luck with the job, CM! Sounds like you should be alternating between the Rising Panic and the Smug benches?

I’m just having a lie down on the ‘wee rest’ bench before joining you on the Smug bench. Been in to work for a couple of hours again this morning. Fixed laminator, sorted new Deputy Head’s computer access and solved another teacher’s interactive whiteboard problem. Nice to have been missed (and to be useful for a change!) - but it’s a slippery slope towards being back full time and it being taken for granted that I’m at everyone’s beck and call?! I shall have to be careful and remember to use that NnnnnO word if it gets too much!

Neighbour checked the time when she saw me drive off! Where’s that punch bag? THUMP THWACK TWANG. OW! I think we need padded boxing gloves. Mustn’t risk damaging knuckles - lymphodoema alert! :slight_smile:

PMSL: spell checker wanted to change ‘lymphodoema’ to ‘nymphomaniac’! I don’t think so! Not in my present condition: ‘not in these shoes’/on these drugs!! :slight_smile: You have to laugh…?

grumpy you are right, you have hit the nail on the head! They are miserable, I’m off the “FF” bench now because I thought why should this person’s misplaced anger/resentment effect me? It is their own fault that they are feeling this way and it can be easily resolved they just have to change their attitude to certain things. I have already said that I think they are wrong and have spoken to others and they all agree. You can only advise someone so many times and if they never take heed why should I get upset??? Some just love to dwell in their own self pity. You only have one life so why make things extra difficult for yourself by acting in such a shameful manner. Whew!! Needed to get that all out!! It’s b***** draining, rant over. Where’s that punchbag again and any alligators wandering about had better watch out!! xx

Did have a moment or two on the FF bench again [post edited by BCC]. Have some stupid meeting or other tomorrow and I can feel my blood boiling just thinking about it. Can someone please waft something soothing in my direction, to help me calm down? GRRRRRRRRR!!!

Wafting some “Balance” Aromatherapy Spray in your direction. Got it from the Aromatherapist where I used to work- always made me feel better just smelling it. Hope you get the job you were after. x

Love the spell-checker error - yep. Definitely an error. No nymphs round Benchland… no nymphos round Benchland… Libido’s got lost in the lake…

CM Hope there’s positive news from the agency… now… Deep Breasts… sorry… deep breaths… cause you don’t want to go INTO the meeting FFurious or it’ll go down hill without anyone trying… As the old something-or-others used to say “breath in the calm… breathe out the stress” sorry - running for cover before you hit me!!! I know it’s not that easy, or we’d all do it and Benchland would be empty… Be thinking of you tomorrow…

I did actually SAY to a (lovely) young colleague last week that given all the great things that had happened to him recently, perhaps he should stop moaning and get a life!!! We’re still friends… just moving to the pooped bench… Jane

Definitely not any nymphs/nymphos in Benchland!! Brought a smile to my face on a very trying day!! Tomorrow will be better! xx

I have a neighbour who tells lies all the time. (I am sure there is a word for it but I cannot remember what you call it). She know I have had cancer for many years. Said she was a qualified nurse. Yet I have caught her out on numerous occasions. She just cannot have a conversation without making up something. She has had cancer (Not) so many times that all she can have left is her skin! She has had this removed and that removed and if I have had it she has had it too! She once told me that she was on morphine …until I questioned her and she told me it was called diclophenac (not morphine) and she was meant to be a nurse. She hasn’t a clue even about the basic nursing skills. I have numerous nursing friend and none of them ever boasts about what they do/or did in the course of their work. But she goes on and on about it! It has become quite a joke over the years and I am not the only one who has caught her out as other people have told me about their conversations with her and all the lies that come out. Why do people do that? I hate nosey neighbours. I am a very open person and don’t mind talking about things if people really want to know and ask me how I am doing. There are few people who are just downright nosey and think knowledge is power. I would just smile with your neighbour and ask “why do you ask” and then add “is there a problem with your windows or garage?” …hope she doesn’t upset you again. Val

On the insomnia stool tonight and I could really do with some kip. Too much stress I reckon. Can’t even blame tamoxifen as I’m on a tamoxifen holiday…