stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 2)

They’ve been! Now we wait for results. Luckily as I have only been in today, I didn’t see much of them.
I always describe my hair as a mop. Since breast cancer half my hair is curly (left side) and half straightish. I didn’t have chemo so it wasn’t that, I can only guess it was the tamoxifen or radiotherapy? But why just half? It makes having my haircut interesting, as my hairdresser has to cut the straighter side shorter so it looks level! X

Hurrah! They’ve been. Glad you were spared most of it. I hope the results are good. At least you can all breathe again now without constantly looking over your shoulders. Not long until Easter now and you’ll be able to enjoy the holiday. :grin:

When I got to the Drs’ surgery, on Monday, after I’d waited 10 minutes in the queue, I was told the new meds were already on the repeat prescription! Dr had not only read the letter from consultant, but acted on it. Wow! Good job there were no feathers about: they’d have knocked me over!! I could have just ordered the prescription online as usual… but we all know what would have happened if I’d tried that?!

I shall be collecting the prescription from the chemist, tomorrow, so time will tell whether it’s been done properly.

He’s doing OK but won’t make the final advised reduction of the Ropinirole. I put just 3 in each day’s section of his pill dispenser, this week, but he’s been nicking a 4th from the other sections! To be fair, he has had a major repair job at the dentist, yesterday, and is stressing terribly about returning to the library, tomorrow so perhaps waiting until next week will be better. It will be so good to have him out of the house for a couple of hours - for the first time since before Christmas! - but I’m trying not to get excited about it because he’s so wound up, just thinking about going, I won’t be surprised if he cancels. :roll_eyes:

Next week, we are going to a barn conversion near Stratford Upon Avon. It’s on the edge of a caravan park, apparently, so there is a restaurant, a shop and surfaced paths for OH to potter about. It’s right by the river taxi into Stratford, if it is operational this early in the year, or it’s only 1.5 miles so I can walk in, if necessary. The place is about an hour drive from home so the journey shouldn’t be too stressful. :crossed_fingers:t3:Although coming back on Good Friday probably isn’t such a good idea? Didn’t realise that mistake until after I booked it! I’m looking forward to visiting the nearby Butterfly Farm, which I’ve wanted to do for years. And it’s all indoors so the inevitable rain won’t matter!! :butterfly:

Oh my goody goodness!! Whoop! Whoop!. More feather-felling moments: Chemist had his prescription ready when I went to collect it. All of it present and correct. And the repeat prescription has been updated with the correct dose of Ropinirole and the new meds. A. Maze. Ing.

Despite being so anxious, before he went, that he could barely get dressed, OH enjoyed being back at the library and was touched that so many people had asked after him in his absence. That is a huge relief because I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed being home alone and I was dreading him coming back and saying he wasn’t going to go any more. Made me think of the phrase my late mother always quoted: “I married him for life… but not for lunch!” :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy:

Popped to the local garden centre to pick up an online C***** T****** order and “accidentally” bought some soft, yummy hot cross buns and a big delicious crusty loaf from a local bakery that supplies them. Seem to have had some of the bread with both lunch and dinner and 2 of the buns have vanished somewhere :thinking: It’s a good job the jogging bottoms I bought (for lounging about at home, not actual jogging - obviously!) have an elasticated waist?! Perfect for lolling on the FB bench? :joy:

Hurrah they have been Ali, whew.
Your hair is just doing it’s own thing haha.
Mine is now a lot tidier, it was pouring with rain so by the time I arrived home it looked squashed and wet, not a pretty sight.
Woo hoo for chemist and OH and the buns haha.
Just brilliant when everything goes to plan instead of chasing all the time.
Expectations are so low nowadays…
Your holiday sounds just lovely think it’s also great you are not too far away makes journey less arduous.
Has taken me ages to figure out CT.
Am half way through the Richard Osman book not sure about it but do want to find out what’s what??
No pecan doughnuts today so am just munching the crusty bread haha xx

I just wish my hair would decide all straight or all curly, it would make things a lot easier!
Wow that’s great to get the prescription done and ready. Let’s hope it continues that way :crossed_fingers:
I tried the Richard Osman book, I just couldn’t get into it and gave up. I love the old detective books, Agatha Christie and Dorothy L Sayers. Then I love sci-fi. From one extreme to another. I always have a book on the go. I also listen to audiobooks to get to sleep, I’ve not been able to sleep without them since bc.
Thank goodness it’s the weekend and no more O worry. Looking forward to sleeping :yawning_face::sleeping: have a great weekend everyone x

See. This is why I’m reluctant to recommend stuff. Everyone’s tastes are different. :grin:

I hope you’ve had a restful, relaxing weekend Ali. Not long until a proper break. Fingers crossed no lurgs will be acquired!

OH had a call from neurology dept, on Friday. I only heard his side of the conversation (I listened in because he went to get his wallet and i was worried it was a scam. He was just getting his list of meds he keeps in there!) Apparently, they are going to send him a devise which he will wear 24/7 ‐ except in water ‐ and it will monitor his symptoms and remind him to take his tablets. It seems the devise gets sent back to them to analyse the data and adjust his meds accordingly. I’m slightly dubious because it’s a private company. Are the NHS trying to offload PD patients? But if it can improve his quality of life, who am I to comment?

Also, they’re offering this to someone who refuses to wear a watch! :roll_eyes: :rofl:

Made Cullen Skink yesterday. It’s rather good! Especially with aforementioned local bakery crusty bread. More in fridge for tomorrow and some in the shed.

Roast chicken dinner tonight (only thighs,
not a whole one, because I didn’t go shopping) followed by blackcurrant and apple crumble and probably ice cream because we’re low on milk. That is if I can get of this chair, in the pleasantly warm sunshine, in our sunlounge. :sun_with_face::sleeping:

Sadly already have lurgy, I’ve got a nasty cough again! I’ve already given it to OH and son. I’m fed up of all these bugs. You’d think I would have had every bug going as I’ve been at the school for 31 years! But no, it seems to be getting worse.
It sounds interesting about your OH’s device, I hope he finds it useful.
Thanks for yummy dinner :grinning:

Oh no Ali, it really never seems to end…hope it doesn’t last long so annoying.
Used to read all the time, never without a book but am not like that now at all, find that all the authors I used to really like are not holding my interest. My preference is thrillers with a twist haha.
That sounds good JCJ, may make all the difference with OH being monitored, fingers crossed.
Ate everything in the shed, thank you, yum yum.
Went out for breakfast this morning, then did some food shopping. Very glad to arrive home. Feet are a little wild just now, ouch.
Friend is doing well, a little fatigued because she is up and down to hospital a lot. She is very positive which is just great.
Am away to lounge on the CBA bench until further notice xx

Oh no, Ali, how annoying! At least if you’ve got the lurgy already, instead of going down with it as the holiday starts, you might have recovered by then. We can but hope. Oh look! Did you see those pigs fly past?! :stuck_out_tongue:

I said, at the time, that the pandemic would destroy everyone’s immune system: no new bugs for it to keep tuned up - as it were - and all that hand gel!! :flushed:

What did you have for breakfast, Katy? Was it as good as Rita’s? :joy:

It is good that your friend is doing OK and coping with her treatment. I hope all continues to go well for her.

Is your Lido due again? Is that why your feet are ouchy? Definitely need to stay on that CBA bench and rest them!

Had a disaster on Friday: took off my Ftbt (no, not Fatbat) to charge it and the strap fell apart! Noooooo! After a bit of online research, I discovered that it was the bracket on the device itself that has broken so a replacement strap would be useless. Grrrr! YD bought it for my birthday, last April, so it’s still under warranty and they will probably replace it. However, I don’t really want to ask YD if she still has any proof of purchase and it’s such a waste to bin the otherwise perfectly fine device. Hmmm. Then I found a strap that fits around the FB without the need for the brackets. Ordered one. It arrived next day and it works!! Hurrah!.. BUT wore it swimming today and the £&_?! %# thing died on me (It is designed to be used for swimming). And now I can’t claim under warranty because I wore it with a non-genuine strap. Grrrrrrr!

I think I’ve got it working again. :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:But I probably won’t risk swimming with it on any more. Ho hum.

We ate dinner tonight (butternut squash & sage risotto and salad) with the curtains open. Winter is almost over! :clap:t2::blush:

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Oh no is it working now?? How annoying grrr especially buying a new strap…
Joined you on the lurgy bench yesterday Ali, tummy was not good at all. Started off fine washed beds, tidied etc then yuck so ended up not putting duvet covers etc back on just lay on mattress last night haha. Today am back to normal so have no idea what that was all about. Think you are right about lowered immunity ED with shingles and other friends son has pneumonia at the moment, 2nd lot of antibiotics not shifting it.
Yes lido is next week, am fine faffing around at home but ouchy walking out and about. No, not as good as Ritas just had a latte, bacon and tomato roll sounds basic but it’s a fancy place haha.
Eldest GD has a second acceptance for uni, she is waiting for an interview with one more. Not sure what her plans are as yet both places are around 30-40 mins away, one she is waiting for is nearer YD. Am going through over Easter for a week, not seen them for ages but will see them loads over next few months all the weddings etc. ED is back at work, not perfect but a lot better, thank goodness. Am going to try and pop along tomorrow or Fri.
Yearly review next week gosh that’s really gone in fast, it’s pretty far from home so will need to get a taxi as it’s super hilly, don’t mind walking back as it’s all downhill and I can speed walk haha. Used to be done at docs…xx

Fatbat worked. Then it didn’t. Followed troubleshooting tips and got the screen up but the battery drains instantly. Looking at the community forum comments, it seems to be a common problem. Apparently, showering wearing it is a no no because shampoo affects the waterproofing. Now you tell me!! :roll_eyes:
Started to make a warranty claim but then just thought $%^ it! And bought a new one. It’s on It’s way. Hoping it arrives before we leave on Friday.

OH’s tracker arrived yesterday. When I came back from lunch out, it was on the table buzzing for him to take his tablet. I followed the instruction to say he’d taken it (having checked he had!) but left it on the table. It monitors response to the drug, so, with no data coming in, it probably thought he was dead?! :rofl:
Eventually got him to put it on. He has to wear it constantly for 7 days and when it’s finished recording it will show an envelope symbol and he just has to post it back in the provided padded envelope! Consultant will be given the results and can adjust meds if nec.

GD birthday today. YD sent me videos of her opening the presents I sent. Spiderbear fitted perfectly and went down a storm. They all laughed. YD says they’re going to share a photo of Loofy wearing it, on the school online platform. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

In honour of her birthday, (and because I’ve just been shopping: any excuse? :stuck_out_tongue:) we’re having a 3 course lazy a*se dinner: sushi (never tried it before. Delicious!) starter. Chicken and bacon pasta ready meal. Be Good to Yourself Tiramisu. Nom, nom, nom. Oh yes, and crusty baton and a bag of salad.

Ooh. Pinger. Time to eat main course. :grin:

I would agree about immune systems. I have long Covid, which is why I’m tired all the time, and since I had Covid my immune system has never been the same. I also got sleep apnea and a heart condition diagnosed after Covid.
Now lurgy has turned into a chest infection, so back on antibiotics. So don’t get too close Katy!
How annoying about the tracker, jcj, you think it’s going to work and then it doesn’t, I hope your new one arrives soon. Have a great holiday, I hope you get some rest. X

New Fatbat arrived yesterday. I did my usual whingeing that I didn’t like it: never do cope well with technology “upgrades”! But I’ll soon get used to it.

We are at the holiday cottage and OH is snoring on his bed. :grin:

Journey here was blissfully easy, with very little traffic - apart from in Stratford itself. We stopped, for lunch, on the way, in the cafe at a big camping shop we used to love to frequent - back in our camping days.

The cottage is small and cosy and our bedrooms are at opposite ends; both with ensuite. Ideal! There is underfloor heating and it is very warm. :hot_face: Outside is a sunny courtyard - with a view of the surrounding buildings :roll_eyes: - but it’s a bit too nippy out there. I’ve been in and out, in and out, doffing and donning the fleeces. :joy:

Actually, for once, not a fleece but the cotton zip up cardy I treated myself to, on Tuesday, when I went to the garden centre for lunch with my friend. I’d seen it when I picked up that C**** T****** order last week. It was £19, so good value but I couldn’t really justify it whilst I was picking up another order. When I looked online, the same thing was £32! That did it. I’d be foolish not to buy it whilst I was there? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

We’re on the edge of a vast caravan park - got a bit lost trying to find our place - which is quiet at the moment but will probably get a lot busier tomorrow as Warwickshire schools broke up, for Easter, today. No road noise. Wonderful.

I’ve brought sliced turkey in gravy, saved in the freezer from Christmas, to reheat for dinner, with new spuds and veggies, and 2 of the portions of chocolate, raspberry trifle, which look like they may have survived being frozen. :crossed_fingers:t3:

Oooh sounds wonderful underfloor heating?? How cosy!
So glad journey was quiet makes such a massive difference, good idea that it reasonably near too no more long haul trips perhaps?
And a bargain?? You know how I love a bargain. It’s a beautiful day here but again very chilly, brrr.
Did a little shopping yesterday, came home and slopped/flopped about for a few hours then visited ED and family, didn’t arrive home until 9 too much chatting haha.
Busy next week but YD and moi have decided that it’s a good idea that I have a few days rest before I arrive at hers, whew, lido does tire you.
Purchased those little cherry bakewell tarts again so there is a bundle in the shed yum.
Can’t remember are you there for a week or longer? xx

We’re here for a week, Katy, or possibly less. It’s not going well. :confused: OH is really shaky and struggling with everything. I’m seriously considering increasing the Ropinirole back up to 4 x 2mg as he seemed OK with that. I think we have enough spares, in the emergency car stash, to do that without going home to fetch more. Phone appointment with PDN next Tuesday when I can explain.

The most annoying thing is that, as predicted, he’s not wearing the tracker 24/7; keeps taking it off because it annoys him, so they won’t have proper evidence of how bad it is. It lasts for a week so it will probably notify him to send it back tomorrow… unless it needs a weeks worth of data, in which case, about 4 weeks time?! :roll_eyes:

I’ve been out for a couple of exploratory walks but mostly just been in the cottage knitting and reading. Yesterday was warm and sunny in the sheltered courtyard so I got the outdoor sofa cushions out of their storage box and dried them off: they’d been sitting in a puddle because the rain had got in!! This is definitely not the place to be in hot weather: South facing courtyard with absolutely no shade for most of the day! Great at the moment, when there’s an icy wind everywhere else and intermittent cloud, but in the summer… :hot_face:

Can’t see us having a pub meal so I’m going to sample the posh ready meals from the nearby supermarket or, when I was in there on Saturday, they were selling a meal deal of a hot rotisserie chicken with a bag of salad and a crusty baguette for £8. Didn’t get it at the time because we had stuff that needed eating but I hope they’ll have them today. :crossed_fingers:t3:

Oh no JCJ, that’s not great, does feeling anxious make things worse? Such a shame, big hugs flying your way. Can you phone nurse before appointment? At least it’s not too far away.
Cottage sounds lovely though, not too relaxing unfortunately. That is a great dinner, yum yum.
It was lovely and sunny yesterday but windy and cold brrr. Back to usual rain today, yuck.
Do have to go out today my appointment is at 8am tomorrow arrrgh. It’s usually a Mon so am all confused haha but am lingering around the CBA bench…
Better move it soon.
Watched a new series last night but gave up after 4 episodes, don’t care for any of the characters and don’t care what happens to them?? Did try…xx

Anxiety makes it a lot worse, yes, as do frustration and anger. He’s calm and still at the moment. :crossed_fingers:t3:

Meant to say earlier… I fell about laughing when I looked through the suggested walks leaflets in this cottage (maps and instructions printed off from The Internet and laminated), looking for ideas for places I could go: one of them was through our own village!! The walk actually goes past our house!! Hahaha! Don’t think I shall be doing that one? :joy: Or trusting any of the others because the details claim there are public toilets in our village that haven’t been there for at least 20 years!

Went to the shop, just now, to get a chicken meal deal and, of course, they didn’t have any. Noooo! “Made do” with a couple of C**** (chefs?) fancy “homemade” ready meals instead. I’ve always wanted to try them but they are very expensive and hard to justify. However, considerably cheaper than eating out - which he is too wobbly to attempt at the moment - and I’m entitled to be lazy on holiday?! Steak in red wine pie (with oven chips and frozen mix veg) tonight. Smoked haddock and bacon gratin (with either new pots or microwaved jacket spuds and veg) tomorrow. Any leftovers (who am I kidding?) I’ll put in the shed. Will try again for a chicken on Wednesday :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

PS hope all goes to plan with lido tomorrow. xx

“Calm and still” didn’t last long.
Im on CSL bench. We are back at home. Holiday aborted because he was just getting worse and worse :tired_face::sob:

@JCJ sorry you had to come home, hope all calms down now, sending a big hug xxx

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