stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 2)

Hope all the creams, drops and antibionics do their stuff, Katy, and everything settles down soon.

I’ve done it. I’ve booked a bra fitting for Tuesday at M&S. They’ve got a campaign on at the moment. I’m so sick of wasting money on uncomfortable bras, I’m going to let them sort it out. I’ve booked a “post surgery” appointment - even if it was 12 years ago (+5 days) - and it looks like I shall be able to get a bra VAT free.

I remember being fitted when I was first wearing a bra, as a teenager, and being excruciatingly embarrassed but after all the gawping and mauling I’ve had getting through BC and subsequent mammos this should be a breeze? I hope they can find me something comfortable :crossed_fingers:t3: - although I have never found much in store in my size, which is why I always buy online. They’ve been forewarned, though, as I had to put my size in the online booking form. By Wednesday, I shall be strutting around with an impressive bosom and not being desperate to rip off the bra and let everything flop (or tuck my right boob into my waist band!!:face_with_hand_over_mouth:) We can but hope.

Lovely sunshine today but it’s been Cold so I’ve admired it from the craft bench, whilst reading and knitting a zebra. As you do? :joy:

Frogspawn in the pond! First lot on Tuesday and more each day since. Spring is coming. At last. Hurrah! :frog:

Well that was an excellent service and a pleasant experience - apart from the horrifically unflattering lighting and mirrors! :face_with_spiral_eyes: Bra fitter was friendly, sympathetic and extremely helpful. She listened to my issues and preferences and found several styles to try. It turns out I’ve been wearing the wrong size! :roll_eyes: I was bracing myself to be told I needed a bigger size, but no, the bras I’ve been buying are too big! Well that’s a surprise!! Finally settled on the most comfy, best fitting style and prepared to get my credit card out, bracing myself to pay however much it cost - but I’d only buy one for now… until I’d road tested it for a while. Imagine my surprise, and delight, when she said it was a set of three bras (1 white, 1 black and 1 “opaline” - what used to be called skin tone) for £20!! That’s less than any ONE of my last, several, miss-fitting bras have been. Woo hoo! She adjusted the straps to the right place on the one I was trying on and then made the straps on the other two exactly the same.

Of course, now I’m wearing it at home, it doesn’t feel quite so comfy but I’m sure the band will stretch a bit. And I have no nasty wires to dig in but it is padded enough to disguise my inequalities! :blush: Can definitely recommend the service.

Woo hoo, that’s brilliant, hope they feel less tight soon and super comfortable a bargain too?? Fantastic!!
Did use same service because bra after ops was not pretty at all and because of all the examinations etc felt embarrassed by the state of it haha. Did buy one to try and after a while thought will order more of course couldn’t find that one at all ever again so you are so lucky you bought 3…
Well am a mess, eyes are awful, no infection, something clear can’t remember what it was but it was good news haha. An allergy in both eyes, a stye forming and all glands are blocked, so heat mask, antihistamines, the drops and she showed me how to massage the eyes arrrgh all because of skin issues, can’t believe it. If that doesn’t work back to docs, am very much hoping it does.
Met friend from school days for a coffee yesterday, we had a great catch up. Non stop talking (sounds like me and someone else haha) then went to see ED and family. All doing well and we did a lot of laughing, all talked out went home ate a whole packet of sweets then a short while later off to bed.
Annoyingly had to purchase a new printer, don’t print lots but do like having one at home. Was having an issue with printing, checked ink prices and checked prices of new printer, found there was only a £10 difference so that’s why there is now a new one in cupboard. Thought if I buy ink and that doesn’t resolve problems and have to faff about for hours is it worth time and effort? NO, it’s not…
Am lolling around on the CBA bench now, pecan doughnuts in shed just cannot resist xx

Had an email from bra fitter this morning thanking me for going, informing me of my current size and a picture/link of/to the recommended style. Service! As you say though, when I need to buy more they won’t still be stocking them. :roll_eyes:

The band is a teeny bit tight but not too uncomfortable. I discovered that I still have the extenders I bought when undergoing RT. There are 3: one in each of the right colours so if I do decide the new bras are too tight, I can give myself another inch. Win.

Your eyes sound really sore. I hope the various treatments help. :crossed_fingers:

We’re in our little local town. OH wanted to come. I’ve braved letting him go off on hus own. Bit nerve wracking but I just saw him emerging from the Turkish barbers (!) with his hair (what’s left of it!) cut short and tidy so he must be feeling considerably more confident than the last time. I’m in a cafe enjoying a cuppa and choccy muffin. Bloke (customer) is watching me. I’m self conscious: don’t know whether to eat it as daintily as possible (armchair, low table so not easy) or just stuff it in my face and try to put him off! :smiling_face: I want to be able to come back here so I won’t embarras myself.
Ah. Text message: he’s shaking and heading to car. That’s my peace over.

He wasn’t too bad by the time I got back to the car. Home now. His hair is VERY short - he’ll probably have a shock if he looks in a mirror! - but he won’t need to go again for a good while - and they also did his eyebrows, ear and nose hair. All for £10. Which was just as well because it was cash only and that’s all he had!

It’s so annoying with printers, isn’t it, that the ink costs more than a new printer? When we bought a new one, I managed to get rid of the old one on Let someone else tinker with it! :grin:

We might have to have a new fridge soon as our larder fridge keeps freezing at the back and in the salad drawer. The temperature dial won’t turn below 2 and the light stopped working a couple of years ago, despite replacing the bulb. I’ll investigate to see who will deliver, install it (under counter with socket in adjacent cupboard: not sure my ancient bones are up to that level of contortion!) and take away the old one for responsible disposal. Then I’ll wait - as usual - until I really can’t put up with it any longer! :joy:

Haha you should have just stuffed it in your face have been laughing, imagining, since reading your message hee hee hee. Glad OH managed having haircut and the rest, that was very cheap?
Oooh new fridge, exciting YD bought stuff from C*****, they recycled, fitted and delivered so keep them in mind.
Bra’s just soooooo annoying, good idea expanders.
Eyes are not sore just look awful, red and blotchy.
Just had my appointment for foot thing cancelled, it’s not arrived yet and they will contact me when it comes in. To be fair don’t think it will make any difference but maybe surprised.
Have been quiet today, hurrah, it’s sunny here but oh so windy, brrr.
Have you read anything interesting recently? Looking for something.
Anything yummy in the shed tonight? xx

Well, that’s something to be thankful for, if your eyes are not sore. Shove on some sunglasses and no-one will see the mess! :stuck_out_tongue:

Finally. I collected OH’s new meds from the hospital pharmacy this morning. We’ve been trying to get through to the pharmacy, PD nurse and consultant’s secretary, all week but nobody was getting back to us. The ****** things had been waiting in the pharmacy for pick up since last Wednesday! Arrrghh! A whole week of him getting more and more wound up! I had to intervene, this morning, when I heard him, on the phone, asking Neurology secretary for a "consultation with Dr T or A…H… “ (PDN). No. No. No. You don’t NEED another consultation, just what the **** is happening? Honestly, I’m sure he’s completely losing the plot (and I’m a fine one to talk?) Secretary rang pharmacy and then rang me back. Hurrah!

We still have not received the promised letter with the detailed instructions so I hope I can remember correctly, from the phone conversation, in the cafe, that I listened in on, what he needs to do. It took me three attempts to explain it to him so goodness only knows if he’ll take the right things at the right time! :roll_eyes:

Crossing everything that he’ll feel better very soon. :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

Just made a veggie lasagne. And remembered why I usually CBA! Such a faff. There’ll be some to put in the freezer - and the shed.

Forgot to answer the books question.

The Bryant and May series, by Christopher Fowler are good if you like detective books with quirky characters. K&N friend recommended them to me because I love Richard Osman’s Thursday Murder Club series. I’m enjoying them. They’re quite amusing.

Also, I’ve recently read Bob Mortimer’s The Satsuma Complex. I thought it was going to be an autobiography but it’s a detective thing. An entertaining read.

Dana Stabenow writes good police/detective series Liam Campbell based in Alaska. I’ve liked the few I’ve read - and she’s written loads and other series.

Every time I open another tab to remind myself what I’ve read, I lose this reply and have to hunt for it. Stupid new forum :rage: so I’ll post this, check my Kindle (other…) and come back…

Morning in This Broken World by Katrina Kittle was very good. Set in Covid lockdown. About a feisty older woman and her relationships. It was a bit close to home in places as it references both BC and PD :pleading_face: but it was a very good read with likeable characters.

I hate recommending stuff in case other people don’t like what I do - but hopefully there’ll be something there of interest.

Edit: Tried to add another suggestion but blocked from sending 3 consecutive replies :rage::rage::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth: So I’ll copy and paste it here:
Oh yes. Also Rev Richard Coles has written some church based murder mystery books that I’ve enjoyed. I could hear his voice when I read them. :grin: Murder before Evensong was one can’t remember the names of the other(s). But you need to read them in the right order because they’re full of spoilers!!

Are new meds now in OH’s possession? What a carry on REALLY???
Thank you for all recommendations read a few blurbs and have settled for the Richard Osman book saw one in charity shop today, will let you know how it goes. Have a book to finish first.
Went into town and saw there was a sale on in that underwear shop managed to buy 2 cosy jumpers so was pleased, it’s really freezing here today so need them brrr. xx

How are you both? Has OH started his meds yet jcj? I hope that it’s not too complicated.
It feels like we’ve been back at school for more than a week. At least it’s a shorter term. We are expecting the big O any time, so everyone is feeling the pressure. They’ve been to the junior school near us and another school nearby, it feels like they’re circling us.

New meds started the night I collected them… Thursday? I had to follow the instructions from memory of the overheard phone conversation but luckily the letter from PDN arrived on Friday and I had heard - and remembered - correctly. It was fortunate that the letter came because I was struggling to get OH to believe that the new meds were INSTEAD of something he was already taking 4 times a day. Having gradually reduced the other meds, over several weeks, before introducing the new one, he couldn’t understand just stopping ALL of the Entacapone. He has to further reduce the Ropinirole, down to 3 tabs a night, but I’ve put that off until next week to give the new Opicapone time to work.

I’m wary of tempting fate but he SEEMS to be a bit better. :crossed_fingers:t3:

OH, Ali, how I remember how quickly holidays faded into the past. And the dreaded O visits! It’s ridiculous how much pressure it puts everyone under. I hope they come soon and you do well enough for you all to be able to relax and get on with your jobs! My school is part of an Academy and they do “Peer Reviews” where the schools inspect each other and they were even worse than O because the Academy Big Cheese is an expletive deleted. I am SO glad I’ve not got to endure that any more.

Cold here. We had a good frost this morning but it’s been lovely to see some sunshine at last.

Roast duck leg for dinner followed by bread and butter pudding, raspberry sorbet and ice cream. In the shed as per…

I’m off to finish assembling Deborah the Zebra. :grin:

All ok here Ali, hope your unwelcome visitors have been and gone…
Hoping all is going well with OH, JCJ. Do they work immediately or does it take a while?
Deborah finished?
Out for breakfast yesterday lovely catchup, received photo of my Grandad which will cherish.
Out for lunch tomorrow so am going straight onto the FB bench. Think I have been spoiling myself too often haha.
Have insomnia now arrrgh another side effect, only have to get to Sun then it’s done for a while. Don’t remember any side effects with the squamous but have been thinking it may be because was only putting on one bit now it’s at least 15.
ED has internal shingles and was at hospital on Sat, she has her meds but is feeling awful, such a shame.
Thank you for the lamb yummy yum.
Small bakewell tarts in shed xx

SMALL Bakewell tarts? Small? OK then, I’ll have three. reinforces FB bench.

Deborah is finished. See photo below. Probably going to knit a monkey next (another one - I’ve made about 5 or 6 before - because it’s really cute) as I bought the yarn for it when I was purchasing GD’s birthday gem mining kit, online, from a well known craft/hobby store and was too mean to pay postage :blush:. I’m itching to start a special blanket, I’ve planned, but that’s an excellent holiday project so I’m trying to save it until we go away.

OH’s meds do start to work straight away and he does seem to be improving - at least mentally - but I expect it’ll take a week or two to fully get into his system (after all, it takes that long, the other way when reducing dosage?)

Last week, he went for his little walk around the block and slipped slightly. He didn’t fall but it shook him up and he started to tremor and couldn’t move. The lady came out of the house and she and her husband practically carried him home. The first I knew was when I came back in through the back door, with the washing, and she was in the hall shouting for me. They’d ‘put him in the garage’, which, in retrospect, is hilarious if you didn’t know he has a chair in there and likes to potter about making stuff. Today, when he said he was going for his walk, I insisted on going with him. Goodness! He’s so slow. Took us half an hour to walk about 100yds!

He’s trying to organise a private physiotherapist in a nearby town instead of going to the class at the hospital. I’m dubious about it: worried he could be ripped off and/or wrongly advised but I suppose he is at least being proactive and positive.

Owy! Internal shingles does NOT sound pleasant. :face_with_spiral_eyes: I hope her meds work quickly and she feels much better very soon.

Went for a little walk with the Ambling group this morning. Really close to home, somewhere I’ve driven past hundreds of times in the last 40 years and had absolutely no idea existed! You live and learn?!

It was sunny as we finished the walk, so I popped to the supermarket and bought a baguette, fruit and a drink and went back to sit quietly by the lake. Then I came home and sat in our sun lounge where it was - almost - too hot. :sun_with_face: Bliss. More of that please. We’ve seen far too much grey this year!

Ouch internal shingles sounds very painful. I haven’t heard of it before. I hope she feels better soon.
Love Deborah, you are so talented. Good that the meds are starting to help your OH, hopefully will feel full benefits soon.
Still no O, the waiting is awful, the head was convinced it was going to be at the beginning of this week, he had us expecting it! Could get the phone call tomorrow or else it will be another week. Aargh!
It’s been lovely and sunny here too, our dog has been even more playful and wanting to go for more walks. She follows the sun around in the lounge moving from one sofa to another!

He’s in the garage hahaha, what a fright for both of you, glad it wasn’t a fall and very good he wanted to go out again.
Love Deborah! Is she for GD?
Great you also managed your amble, a little bit of normality, fingers crossed.
What kind of dog do you have Ali?
Have they been yet?

ED very slightly improved, do mean very slightly. Was talking to her earlier and was saying it would be best if she stayed off again next week because as soon as she feels a little better she will return to work, even though she wouldn’t really be well enough to do so. Said it will only make everything worse. Lots of mmmms from her. 2 hours later she texted saying she is off for another week, was delighted, Thank goodness.
Lunch was yummy, we are trying somewhere else next time as friend is a vegan and menu was a little limited. A new place has opened recently so we are thinking of trying there.
Been busy, photos that are up in hallway were very askew and wanted to add some new pics also wasn’t too fond of 4 of the colours of the frames. New pics printed, 4 frames painted and up on wall and all are now straight hahaha.
Put a picture up in kitchen, eventually on third attempt liked where it was positioned, hurrah. Covered a blanket box lid, armed with glue gun, gave up with gun because it was taking too long and was quicker just using normal glue!!
Also managed to put up new lampshades in hallway. They were ED’s and when she moved she didn’t need them any longer. They were fiddly to put up and at the time couldn’t be bothered to keep trying. Almost 2 years later they are up, there was a secret to putting them up and once I knew that, it was simple. It is now so bright, will take me a while to not be dazzled hahaha.
Feet are now up and back on the CBA bench, ooh chippie tea tonight JCJ? xx

Glad ED is slightly better and taking another week off work. As you say, going back too soon will only slow - if not reverse - recovery.

Deborah is not for GD: she probably has enough of Nana’s ridiculous knits? :rofl: She will be sold for charity (Deborah, not GD!! :smile:) possibly at the C-word (not that one! :flushed:… or that one!:face_with_hand_over_mouth:) craft fair organised by the woman who runs the sewing group. If I have enough stuff by then to justify having a table.

Yes it’s chippy night but, for the 3rd week running, I’ve been down to fetch his whilst a less greasy version cooks in the oven for me. Much as I love them - and, even more, the 40+ year tradition of having them on a Friday - I have decided it’s not worth spending most of Saturday trying to digest them! I shall save having a chippy tea for special occasions; high days and holidays. I do enjoy the oven variety and I’ve felt better for it. Although I do still get the chip shop mushy peas because they are so much nicer than tinned ones!

OH went for his walk unaccompanied this afternoon. And he managed the bigger circuit that he’s not attempted for weeks (months?) - and without having to be escorted home by any concerned neighbours! - so things are definitely improving. Makes me feel a tad more positive about our holiday in 2 weeks. Mind you, we still have a further reduction of Ropinirole to negotiate in the next week or so.

PDN has arranged a phone appointment for 1st Tuesday in April to review the situation. Of course. Precisely when I wanted to be out with the Ambling group; I probably should be here to make sure he actually understands her qs - and answers them honestly!! (I think that questionnaire got binned before he even finished filling it in :roll_eyes:)

Look at you with all your handywoman skills, Katy! No wonder you needed a lie down after!

Coffee cake in the shed, which I made yesterday. And fish supper, obviously. Enjoy

Pleased to hear that your daughter is feeling slightly better and good that she’s not rushing back to work.
You are always so busy Katy!
I have a westie dog, she’s called Leia, she’s 7 and a pickle! Very playful and is a typical westie, stubborn and loves routine.
No they still haven’t been so now another week of waiting and worrying.
Good to hear that the medication is starting to work for your OH jcj. I hope it continues . Isn’t it always the way when you want to do something, something else comes up?

They’ll keep you on tenterhooks all term, Ali, and then announce their arrival in the last week when your guard is down and you are all absolutely kn - ahem - exhausted!

Ambling is only once a month but I’ve only managed 3 of them since I joined the U3a, last MAY, because something else always comes up in my so busy life (NOT!)

OH is back getting on my nerves so he must be feeling better? :face_with_spiral_eyes:. Strewth! I need a holiday from him! Tomorrow, I have to go and do battle with the surgery receptionist - no point in trying to phone, especially on a Monday! - to get his new meds put on the repeat prescription. They’re not due until the next week but all his other stuff is due, we go away Friday 22nd and anyway I don’t want to be faffing about with his prescription twice a month. Once comes around fast enough!! :crossed_fingers:t3:

Venison for dinner tonight. Followed by chocolate & raspberry trifle. I’m hoping I can successfully freeze the latter in single portion pots because otherwise we’ll be eating it all week! It is delicious (even if I do say so myself :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) but for every meal…? :nauseated_face:

oooh love choc and raspberry, best dessert ever, thank you.
oooh a westie, you will def be kept on your toes haha.
Have they been yet?
Did you manage to sort out meds?
Very bad behaviour on my part but where are you off to? Memory is like a sieve…
ED is on the mend, she just has to realise that it’s different at home puttering around compared to running around at work. Am hoping she will do another week to get herself properly sorted and healthy again. She has a lower auto immune system due to meds she is taking at the moment, so do worry about her.
Have just been catching up on things I have wanted to “do” for ages Ali, am a lot quieter than I used to be haha.
Hair chopping tomorrow, thank goodness bit of a mop head style going on at the moment, arrrgh. xx