stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from Stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 1) - #11998 by JCJ.

Previous discussions:

Aha! Figured out how to shrink my keyboard on my tablet so I can see what I’m typing… but it’s very hard to see the tiny letters. Might be nigh on impossible on my phone!! :thinking: And it is sooo slow!

I had the same trouble. Just noticed there is a small grey tab on the pink top of the text box. If you drag it up you can make the text box bigger.

Oh my goodness…
After approx 50 attempts, 49 invalid password resets, have made it in arrrgh.
Then trying to find out how to post, fine on laptop but no way on phone.
Couldn’t find anything.
Lets hope it gets easier xx

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Hi naughty_boob (love you username! :joy:) Thanks for that tip. It works! Doing this on my phone without having to shrink my keyboard. Whoop!

Welcome back KTC! Remember how awkward it was last time they revamped the website but we got used to it in the end.

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Hi @katytc, I’m sorry to read you experienced difficulties logging in.

We are aware of some niggling issues, which I can assure you our developers are working on now.

If users experience difficulties, you can email - we’ll do our best to help.


Physio appointment about my neck last Tuesday and he didn’t seem to think it was anything to worry about and almost laughed at my explanation that every new problem that lasts more than 2 weeks makes me worry because of having BC. I must admit, he was the first medic I’ve seen who wasn’t sympathetic about that! I have some exercises to do and been advised put heat on it. I’ve purchased a wheat bag but, of course, the weather’s got warmer and now I can’t bear to heat my neck :roll_eyes:

Neurophysiology appointment is on 29th at the hospital that’s a scary drive away with impossible parking. I looked at public transport but it’s a convoluted 3 bus + walking journey that may, or may not get me there in time. I have a cunning plan to park at a supermarket, up the road, like OH did when he took me for rads… 11 years ago - can you believe it?! - and walk.
It’s all a bit cloak and dagger. My appointment confirmation letter says I should arrive half an hour early but MUST NOT enter the department. I must phone from my car - or downstairs reception, if arriving by public transport, and wait to be phoned back and invited up! I suppose it’s still Covid precautions but it adds another level of stress?!

Feeling very “meh” at the moment. Not much enjoying being back from holiday, especially as the weather’s still so hit and miss. Looking forward to my next seaside mini break but that’s still a week away. Made myself go for a walk in our local woods just now, and used my newly discovered Merlin app on my phone to help me identify and appreciate all the birds. I do feel better for it. Must get out more… even if I haven’t got a nearby beach as motivation! :grin:
Roast chicken dinner in the shed followed by lemony jam sponge pudding and custard. You’re welcome.

Thank you for yum yums woohoo lemon sponge pudding delicious.
One appointment down for you with ok news.
Journey sounds bad, sometimes buses are def worse, 3 changes arrgh. No trains?
Am impressed by speed of your referrals and appointments, excellent.
Can’t get a doc appointment here never mind a referral…
Quiet weekend, thank goodness.
Busy week ahead youngest GC start school so will be along for 8am on Wed to ED’s haha, having ears hopefully sorted on Thurs and Fri lido an 8 am appointment too arrgh haha.
Funnily was speaking to a man who was up here on holiday and he said he saw a bird of prey scattering seagulls and pigeons, not seen a bird of prey but have seen feathers, a lot of them…xx

Oh. Didn’t get a notification. Nor in the app. I wonder if I set it up properly. :thinking:

I looked again at transport to my carpal tunnel diagnostic appointment. Yipee! I found a simple 2-bus route, door to door, changing at a bus station I know. Downside it takes 2 hours and there’s only 5 minutes to change buses so I’d probably not want to risk that - too stressful because buses are usually late?! - so I would have to get the one an hour earlier from home. Annoying but definitely doable. Then I looked at getting back. Oh dear. At least 3 buses, changing at random places and I’d be travelling 9 hours, in total, for approximately an hour’s appointment! Trains are even worse because neither my house, or the hospital are near a station so I’d still need to drive and use 2 buses. Madness! I shall drive for 55mins and walk for 25 instead. All these people who say we should use public transport obviously live in cities?!

Just done the 3-week supermarket shop. Ouch! Makes my car insurance seem cheap!!

Weather looks promising for my little seaside trip next week. :crossed_fingers:t3::sun_with_face:

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Lounging around all weekend hurrah, hope there are some tasty bits in the shed tonight??
Also hope you are having fun with your girls JCJ.
Did you have a nice time away?
Received a gift of chocolate gingers yum yum, had to hide because could/would have eaten the whole lot, haha.
Bought a jigsaw while I was away, finished today and there is one piece missing arrgh so annoying, grrrr.
Out for lunch tomorrow, looking forward because have not seen friends since June because of holidays etc. Lots to catch up on.
New chariot should arrive soon am excited…xx

I had a fab time away that was over far too quickly. The weather was kind, for once this year, and I didn’t want to come back home!

Roast Chicken dinner in the shed with plum (off our tree) crumble and custard for pud.

It’s lovely having the girls here but I am exhausted so it’ll be very mixed feelings when they go tomorrow. Their drive here was uneventful, although the services were hideously overcrowded, and GD wasn’t carsick so that was a huge improvement. GD had a major screaming melt down yesterday, at dinner, which was very stressful for everyone. YD is suffering with her mental health at the moment so we’ve let her have some time to herself all day. She joined us for dinner - earlier tonight! - and we all had a lovely time. GD much more angelic today. Thank goodness. Which makes me much less apprehensive about babysitting duties during her October half term. I can’t believe she starts school in 9 days time. I think they’re all a bit anxious about that - especially juggling her half days with their work commitments. I wish I could be there to help but we’ll be on holiday.
YD and I went for a therapeutic walk in the woods this evening, while DIL put GD to bed, and it was lovely to have that time together. That, and a day in bed, seem to have helped her. It’s sooo hard when your “babies” are not well… even if they are 36 and parents themselves!!

Grrr about the jigsaw. How frustrating! Hurrah for the new chariot: you won’t be inadvertently running over little old ladies any more. :grin:

Enjoy you’re lunch tomorrow.

They rang, on Friday, to cancel my Tuesday hospital appointment due to “lack of staff” and rearranged it for 14th September. It’s a relief because I’m going to need to do very little for a few days to recover from walking and talking miles on my mini break, preparing for the girls’ visit and being non-stop SuperMagicNana whilst they’re here, before packing to go away again on Friday. Yes, I know, I should be so lucky! :blush:

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Helloooo @grumpy!! I saw you “liked” my last post (although email notification doesn’t seem to be working :roll_eyes:).

How are you doing? KatyTC and I were wondering about you the other day. Are you all settled in your new place? xx

Have you had some quiet time after girls have gone home?
Good you were able to “look” after YD, doesn’t matter how old they are…
Fingers crossed she is better soon with different meds.

Have had a mad morning, was invited out for breakfast/coffee, yum yum. Only problem was I decided to waken at 5am so by 8 I was starving haha, so had to eat breakfast at home. Just sat down in restaurant and received a message saying my new chariot would be arriving in an hour, arrrgh. Quick slurping of coffee and fast chat then mad dash home.
Chariot arrived on time hurrah. Next issue was putting it together, just couldn’t get it into my head…finally after around 40 attempts and watching a video, I got it, so simple it was unbelievable.
Obviously I have big problems with coordination and trying not to get lost places, arrrgh.
Never realised before???
Am away to try it out was meant to do some shopping after breakfast so need a few things. At least now won’t be scared of chariot taking off on it’s own xx

Forgot to say are you holiday ready?? xx

Well, you’ve definitely been chariot racing again, Katy! But racing to be there before it this time! :joy:

Sent most of yesterday firmly on the CBA bench. So tired. Today, I’ve done some washing and ironing, ready to pack tomorrow, and cut the front hedge. Again. It’s grown so much since I did it earlier in the summer after all that rain! The massive back one will have to wait until we come back from Shropshire.

Tomorrow, I shall fetch OH’s prescription (I went, in person, to Dr’s to order it, yesterday, as it’s not actually due until while we are away and last time they wouldn’t send it through early so it wasn’t ready for collection when we got home from holiday. Arghhh! The receptionist assured me it will be at the chemist’s on Thursday🤞🏼) I shall pack while OH is at the library but there’s no great rush because we can’t arrive at the apartment until 5pm and it’s only 2 hours away so we probably won’t leave until after lunch on Friday.

This is the first year that I am hugely relieved not to be going back to school next week. Finally, I’ve settled into retirement. It’s only taken three years!!

A bit disappointed that, yet again, I can’t go with the U3a ambling group on a walk that I’d love to do, because we’ll be away. That’s the 3rd one. I’ve not managed to go on any yet! Hopefully, there’ll be some more interesting ones once I’ve stopped gadding about so much.

Hope the new chariot is behaving itself.

Finding the new website almost impossible!!!
Everthing stable just now, and new flat is lovely.
Hope you are both keeping well.

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Stable sounds good, grumpy. Fingers crossed it stays that way for a long time! :crossed_fingers:t3:

I’m glad that you love your new flat. That must make parting with your house easier?

Weather here, in Shropshire, gorgeous. Almost too hot! As usual, just as the schools go back?! I’m so grateful we can holiday in September now…

AAARGGH! Stupid thing! Didn’t realise the WiFi had dropped off and when I went to post - much more than the above - it just said “saving” for aaages. I got the WiFi back on but still “saving” so I abandoned it and went for a walk. Got back to try again to post and the Draft only contained the first bit. Grrrr :angry:

So. To summarise: lunch. Cafe. Yum. OH book/CD shop/tea room. Tea and cake - espresso brownie: yum. Dinner in shed: roast chicken thighs, roasties, veg & gravy - impressive for holiday cooking?! Set smoke alarm off every time I opened the oven because it’s too near the cooker: must have worried upstairs occupants!

Hope this posts :crossed_fingers:t3:

Glad things are stable grumpy and you are happy in your new home. Fingers crossed for you x

Woo hoo you have good weather JCJ, hahaha.
Oh my goodness am going to eat everything.
Enjoy your holiday.
Planned a visit to YD because school is off for a few days in a few weeks time. Trying to stay away because I am a distraction hahaha.
Dates all sorted, next day received a letter for mammogram arrgh. have cancelled and am waiting for new appointment. Hopefully not be too long.
Weather is also lovely here…xx

Back from holiday. The journey back took almost exactly 2 hours, including a planned layby stop (I was forcing Google Maps to take the route I wanted! :stuck_out_tongue:) Got home in time to unpack before lunch!! That’s a first! Next year if OH is still up to travelling anywhere - I’ll either avoid booking from the last Friday of the holidays or travel in the morning, regardless of what time we can get into our accommodation. The roads were SO much quieter today. Thank goodness. I really don’t like driving in heavy traffic!!

Definitely chippy for dinner tonight, although it’ll be a HOT walk down for them!!

I feel for all those teachers and TAs battling with the sort of heat you’d expect at the END of the school year, not the beginning!! :disappointed_relieved: Glad I’m not one of them this year! :grin:

Aiming for a quiet weekend with maybe a bit of garden tidying as next week is a bit busy. Knitting (1st & 3rd Friday of month) and Sewing (2nd Tuesday) are, strangely, in the same week and I also have my carpal tunnel diagnostic hospital appointment on Thursday. I have to chase up the rest of OH’s prescription because they owe us some of one of the meds. The U3a’s monthly meeting is also this week (2nd Wednesday) and it’s about bats. I love bats but I don’t know if that’s trying to do too much. Nothing the following week, of course, except possibly the supermarket shop. :roll_eyes:

GD started school on Wednesday. Afternoons only, this week and mornings including lunch next week. She went in crying on the first day and a bit reluctantly on the 2nd but came out smiling both days so hopefully she will settle quickly. It’s 30° in Norwich, though, so the walk to and from school is a bit challenging. Poor little might will need the K bench!! YD was in Te**o (other…) on Tuesday evening, frantically buying black shorts as it was too hot for the uniform trousers they’d bought!

Ooh time for tea and cake… :blush:

Great you arrived home sooner than you anticipated, hope chippie tea was yummy.
Good luck with your appointment on Thurs.
Lovely GD is doing well with her first few days, always worrying.

Oh my goodness didn’t know you had posted, arrrgh.
Have been busy, YD has been thinking about new furniture for ages, just thinking haha. Last week she was really getting into it, so far new tv unit, sideboard and sofa finally ordered woo hoo. After tv unit arrives she will order new tv. Have been trying to get her to buy a new sofa for about a year. I have been searching and looking at the things she has liked, takes a long time…
Been hot here but not until around 2 pm then it’s boiling, whew.
Am picking up GS and GD tomorrow, will have something tasty then return them home, still getting used to no children during the week xx