stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 2)

Thanks ladies, I just want my hearing back and the cough to go!! A quiet weekend sounds lovely, Katy, you are always so busy. X

Hope youā€™re feeling a bit better now, Ali. I said: ā€œI HOPE YOUā€™RE FEELING A BIT BETTER NOW, ALIā€. :stuck_out_tongue:Keep warm. Extra snuggly duvet and hot drinks on the Get Better Soon (also known as CBA) bench. Donā€™t forget you can ring the bell if you need anything!

Quiet weekend sounds good, Katy. I hope you found the steak dinner and blackcurrant & pear crumble with custard in the shed on Sunday?

Iā€™ve just got back from an excursion up the lane to release a cute little mouse who wonā€™t learn that, although he is extremely welcome in the garden, heā€™s not allowed in the house! On Christmas day, I noticed what looked like chew marks on the Christmas wrapping paper of a chocolate bar, under the Christmas tree. The wrapping paper of YDā€™s present: Guylian (sp?) chocolates was also chewed as well as the outer packaging of the box. I set our humane trap - baited with chocolate - and caught an adorable, tiny little mouse. I released it into the garden. Rinse and repeat. Three times! Hopefully, he/she will have a nice life in the hedgerows and woods, although weā€™ll miss watching it scurrying about in our rockery. :confused: Iā€™ve reset the trap in case his family and friends also like chocolate and know how to find it!

Trip to the tip - sorry, ā€œrecycling centreā€œ - planned for this afto, to take the computer chair that snapped and deposited OH on his a*se on the floor (unhurt fortunately), before Christmas :joy:, and the fence that blew down, which was so old and decrepit that it virtually dismantled itself. Iā€™ll have a little nosey round the shop they have there, in aid of Age UK, and will probably end up bringing more tat home! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope you are well and truly on the mend Ali, are the rest of your family ok now?
A mouse?? maybe cute only if they are outside, def not inside arrgh.
Did you see/buy anything JCJ?
How is OH doing?
Still fairly quiet, strolled around the 4 shops we have in town yesterday haha and today ventured into stores nearbyā€¦
Have 4 birthdays end of Jan and dotted throughout Feb. 2 done 2 to go!
Managed to buy a jigsaw puzzle and 2 books too woo hoo.
Have purchased some sale things none for me unfortunately but am pleased with everything.
Finally tidied out sideboard have been just putting letters paper etc in there, opened door other day and everything fell out arrgh. What a mess thatā€™ll teach me to put stuff in proper folders, literally took ages, sorting sortingā€¦
Two days in a row have dropped my coffee cup, first time coffee splattered over radiator, sofa, up the wall and of course the floor, messy. next one was a small spill thank goodness.
So am sitting on the getting on my own nerves bench.
Did find delicious dinner, thank you, yum yum xx

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I nearly bought a book: All hardbacks were 50p and all paperbacks 20p. There was a pristine hardback copy of Richard Osmanā€™s Thursday Murder Club. It looked unread and I love that book. Iā€™ve read it twice but I have it on my Kindle (other e-readersā€¦) and I prefer reading on that - or my tablet - because my hands are free to knit at the same time. There were LOADS of jigsaws so I thought of you, Katy. :joy:
There were some nice furniture and even some TVs, all for really low prices, but nothing I needed or wanted to buy. OH bought a cushion for Ā£1 because it was covered in sequins; each one royal blue on one side and a rust colour on the other so you can make pretty patterns by stroking your hand across. Itā€™s just the sort of shiny thing that he likes to take arty photos of! Iā€™ll probably use the royal blue velvety back for something and maybe knit a new cover for the cushion. Or weā€™ll gift it back when heā€™s finished with it: itā€™s far to garish to use it as it is. :sunglasses:

OH is doing OK but heā€™s more wobbly/tremory which is frustrating because he canā€™t always control the shaking in his hands - especially the right one - to do what he wants to do. Heā€™s decided not to go to the library until heā€™s on the new meds and, hopefully, more stable: he doesnā€™t want them to see him shaking, and worrying that they will worry about him will undoubtedly make the tremor worse! At the moment, heā€™s staying quite positive and has said, a few times, that heā€™ll feel better soon. Heā€™s moved his dentist appointment - for a non-urgent filling - until mid March as he struggles to be still enough at the best of times. We have to reduce his meds again in the next week or two so :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:he continues to cope OK on the even lower dose. The sooner he cuts down the Ropinirole, the sooner he can have the new drug. So far, itā€™s not as bad as I feared. So far.

You need to put less whisky in your coffee, Katy, then you wonā€™t be so inclined to throw it about? :rofl:xx

Gosh you hit the nail on the head JCJ, whisky must be that hahaha!!
Good OH is coping well, must be difficult but does show the drugs were working, fingers and toes crossed new ones will be so much better. How long before he can start them?
Was busy other day, bed washing, ironing and even polished my boots, had a brainstorm indeedā€¦
Think will need to move around more because was pretty achy yesterday, went to PO early, came home sat for ages, then went over to nearby shops, came home and sat again, went over to EDā€™s early evening so really felt it ouchy ouch.
Am out for lunch tomorrow, woo hoo
Cherry scones in the shed from a small bakery they are delicious. Large muggatea and hot scone yummy xx

Funny you should say that, Katy: I absolutely canā€™t hit a nail on the head! :thinking: Iā€™ve just been attempting to do just that: Several bent nails and nearly bashed fingers laterā€¦ :joy: I have put some wires across between the two remaining posts, where the fence disintegrated, in the hope that the plants, that were on said fence, will grow across them to make a wildlife friendly hedge. Itā€™s a bit of a bodge at the moment but hopefully it will soon green up.

I was on the CSL bench this morning. OH - so much for ā€œcoping wellā€ - had a complete meltdown, last night, at the mere suggestion of reducing his meds again. Also, he was in a blind panic about me going to Norwich. He says I sprung it on him, but he was there when we were discussing it, at Christmas, and when it was first mooted yonks ago. He either didnā€™t listen, didnā€™t understand or forgot. :woman_shrugging: It took ages to calm him down enough to go to sleep and then he woke me at 5am because he couldnā€™t stop shaking! He said it was as bad as before he saw the specialist PD consultant :sob:.

Heā€™s a lot better now. I think it was the build up of anxiety about changing meds combined with Christmas and the rigmarole with his brothers. My impending Norwich trip was the final straw (no mention of camelsā€¦ or their backs?! :rofl:) However, I have cancelled my babysitting trip :cry: Apparently, it wonā€™t be too much of a problem now GD is in school as her best friendā€™s mum will probably oblige, so the girls can still see Sarah Millican. Iā€™m massively disappointed but I shall look forward to seeing them a bit later in the year when OH is, hopefully, stable again on the new meds. (Must NOT linger on the ā€œbut what if he isnā€™t?ā€ bench. :expressionless:)

I was looking forward to meeting GD from school but YD pointed out that ā€œIt would be lovely for the 10 minutes before she turns into an absolute, overtired #Ā£&*ā€. Hmm maybe she has a point? :stuck_out_tongue:

Weā€™ll put off dropping another 2mg of Ropinirole for another week. The instructions were 2 to 4 weeks between each dosage change and itā€™s only been 2 weeks so far. It will be at least 2 weeks after the 2nd reduction before he can have the new meds, which was why I suggested dropping the dose next week.

Dancing on Ice starts tonight. Hurrah! I bet they wonā€™t be as good as we were though? :joy:

Roast lamb dinner then chocolate and mincemeat pudding with chocolate sauce, tonight, in the shed. Well, weā€™ll have ours at the dining table, but you know what I mean. :joy:

Pardon, sorry what did you say? Iā€™m truly fed up with not being able to hear. Back to school tomorrow, it may be a blessing with all the noise of 60 foundation children! I hope Jcj that OH feels better now and is able to cope with reduced medication until he starts his new ones. I like the sound of your hedge, I think the mouse would like it! Katy you cannot beat a warm scone! xx

Hope you enjoyed your day back at school Ali, why are you having issues with your ears? What did doc say?
Aaah JCJ big hugs, you should never say everything is calm arrrgh tempting fate or what?? What a shame for both you and OH, must be pretty frightening for him when he has had some control of symptoms. Such a shame about your Norwich tripā€¦
Oh my goodness itā€™s absolutely FREEZING here, went out for lunch had my usual baked potato with prawns and salad it was very tasty.
Came out of restaurant chatting, the cold hit us and there was a small flutter of snow. Seemingly itā€™s going to fall either tonight or tomorrow. Stocked up on some food things just in case.
YD video called me yesterday and GS was giving me big kisses, loved it haha.
YD is painting GSā€™s bedroom just a freshen up, she has ordered a new bed so will be arriving soon, exciting!
Am still on the what will I get for their birthdays bench? Asked GS and he did give me a couple of ideas but am not sure, eldest GD says Iā€™ll let you know, which she will never do haha.
Thank goodness for the yummy dinner in the shed, thank you.
At last they had a pecan doughnut in store, I will share, well maybe if you are quick xx

First day went well, the children had missed me last week and I went home with lots of drawings and a pasta necklace!! I was absolutely exhausted though and have been sleeping most of today. I had an infection in my ear that took 2 lots of antibiotics to get rid of it and Iā€™ve been completely deaf in it for 3 weeks now. Dr said that the tube between ear and throat is blocked, Iā€™ve got a nasal spray now, but it could take 4-6 weeks to clear! All Iā€™ve been saying is sorry, pardon! X

Dooouuuuoooogghhhnuuuuuts!! Iā€™ll fight you for them, Katy. Well, actually, pacifist that I am, Iā€™ll just stare doggy eyed at you in the hope that you will share.

Ali, I was just coming on to say I hope the return to school was successful and that you werenā€™t too exhausted, when ā€œping!ā€ notification that you had posted. :grin: Itā€™s lovely to be missed by the children, isnā€™t it? :heart_eyes:

Meant to say, Katy: I cleaned my boots - and shoes! - last week, too! Itā€™s been on my ā€œto doā€ list for months and I was finally so bored I actually got around to itā€¦ possibly at the same time you were. :rofl:

Lunch out today, at the garden centre with my other retired TA friend. While I was there, I used one of the vouchers we get for paying the annual charge for green bin recycling (garden and food). Bought a pair of fleece lined plastic clogs to replace my old (not lined) ones that have a hole in the sole so my foot gets wetā€¦ and COLD. Ā£2 off and theyā€™re so snuggly. Also bought outdoor Christmas lights - 30% off in the sale - to replace a set that stopped working a week after I put them up, this year. :roll_eyes: Definitely not the batteries. They are clearly labelled indoor and outdoor use but the small print says donā€™t use in damp or humid conditions!! What? Do they know how much rain we get in this countryā€¦ especially this year!! :rage:

Nearly didnā€™t go to lunch. I thought I was going to have to cancel because OH woke me up this morning (it was 9am, though :face_with_hand_over_mouth:!) because he was shaking too much to take his tablets. He calmed down after I helped him take the tablets and brought him up tea and cereal. He seemed OK enough for me to go out for a couple of hours and was fine when I got back but within an hour was shaky again. Calm again this evening thoughā€¦ :speak_no_evil::crossed_fingers:t3:

I keep wondering if this is how it will be now: this meds reduction is to stop the hallucinations and what if the alternatives arenā€™t as good? Consultant did say ā€œIt will get worse before it gets betterā€ so the promise seems to be that there is improvement ahead. But for how long? Iā€™m scared so I hate to imagine how tough it is for him! :cry:

Sorry, had to offload that as, obviously, Iā€™m not voicing that concern to him. Stay positive. Ohmm :woman_in_lotus_position:

Discovered the specialist sweet shop in our local town sells salted caramel fudge. Oh dear! That stuff is sooooo addictive! I canā€™t resist it. It would have been much better if Iā€™d continued to think it was only available at seaside/holiday destinations. :stuck_out_tongue:

PS are you snowed in, KTC? xx

Snow still lying but can get out and about hurrah, just very cold. If it ices will be done for haha. Waterway in the front was completely frozen this morningā€¦
Goodness thatā€™s not great Ali hopefully be over soon, lovely children missed you!
Aaaah JCJ, lots of hugs flying your way. Difficult times indeed, it is frightening.
Glad you did manage to have lunch, just nice not to think about things for a short while. Bargains hurrah, love a bargain haha. xx

Brrrr! Itā€™s been cold all week but it looks like itā€™s going to get warmer: temps in double figures before next weekend! Madness. YD got me a fab indoor/outdoor thermometer for Christmas and Iā€™ve got it stuck to my freezer (it has a handy magnet!) while the sensor is outside, in shade and relative shelter. I can see at a glance how cold it is without venturing outside: -5Ā° the last couple of nights. Strange how I seem to be doing fewer evening walks? :stuck_out_tongue: 4Ā° tonight but I still CBA.

OH is a lot calmer. Heā€™s still a lot more tremory, and slower, than before we reduced his meds but he seems to be in a better place mentally. I was nervous about asking him, but heā€™s agreed to make the final reduction this week; after his physio appointment, on Monday. With any luck, in 2 weeks time, he can contact the PD nurse to see about having the new meds. :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

YD says they have a babysitter arranged so they can still go to see SM. Itā€™s GDā€™s best friendā€™s mum who she knows really well. That makes me feel better about letting them down. Although it would have been nice to get away for a couple of days - and to see them.

No altercations at K&N yesterday, although the stroppy woman was on the next table giving us the evil eye occasionally! :joy:

Pork chop for the roast dinner tomorrow, with all the accompaniments, obviously, and Iā€™m going to try making a plum and marzipan tart, probably with ice cream, as thereā€™s a bit of marzipan left over from the Christmas cake, loads of frozen plums off our tree and half a pack of puff pastry, which was in the freezer until I discovered it when defrosting said appliance - yet again - this afternoon. Oh how I wish it was the self-defrosting model we thought we were buying!! :rage:

I hope youā€™ve had a restful weekend, Ali, and have recharged ready for action back at the chalk face (OK, I know, itā€™s whiteboard pens now but that doesnā€™t have the same ring to it! :rofl:) Take it steady. x

Thanks, Iā€™ve slept a lot this weekend. Glad to hear that OH is calmer. Fingers crossed that he can start the new meds soon and they work.:crossed_fingers:
Didnā€™t you find that Monday mornings come around much quicker than Friday nights :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Thank goodness for the shedā€¦so CBA last evening didnā€™t make anythingā€¦
Glad you have had a sleepy weekend Ali, are ears any better?
Itā€™s a lot JCJ when you really think about it, a month is a long time for symptoms to increase daily, you do get used to a certain level itā€™s difficult going backwards.
Do new meds work quickly?
Good girls have babysitter and they can have their night out.
Shame you canā€™t see them but you prob would have been a nervous wreck.
Mmmmm naughty lady at the library, do some people ever grow up???
Have still been pretty quiet but am so busy over next few weeks have been enjoying ā€œmeā€ time haha.
Received appointment regarding bunion arrgh, not sure what will happen because my toe keeps locking donā€™t know how that can be helped?
On other foot it was arthritis so just saw a consultant then had operation.
Cream has been working a treat on hands hurrah, only two bits that are being very stubborn.
Decided to treat myself to a stay in a hotel, am going to YDā€™s soon and instead of rushing around to get there will stay the one night then saunter down to YDā€™s next day, woo hoo. May as well spoil myself haha. xx

Sitting in physio waiting room. OH has been with physio for nearly an hour. The door is broken so thereā€™s an icy draught. :cold_face:
It took me 3 trips around the car park and a spot of blinding luck to park. (Iā€™d dropped him off at the door). At least we wonā€™t have to pay because the system is broken! Who says the NHS is falling apart?!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Heā€™s been surprisingly calm considering he hates hospital visits so much although, just before he was collected by physiotherapist, I reminded him to make sure they advised about the ā€˜freezingā€™ and he said he thought he was just here for his walking and he already knew what they were going to say. Oh good grief! Perhaps I should have gone in with him? :roll_eyes:
Starting to wonder if he came out while I was in the loo and wandered off somewhere.:flushed:
Great idea to stay in a hotel, Katy. Spoil yourself.
Hope the little darlings arenā€™t exhausting you too much, Ali. At least they wonā€™t seem so LOUD? :joy:

Home now. He came out into the waiting room about 10 minutes after I posted :arrow_up: He was super impressed with the help and support and has some exercises to practice, strategies for avoiding/dealing with freezing and another appointment in 2 weeks. Hmm. Just as well Iā€™m not going to Norwich!? Iā€™m so glad it was a useful appointment and not just another jumped up PE teacher. Definitely worth the traffic and parking stress.

I spent the morning mending my comfy bra thatā€™s falling apart because none of the replacements Iā€™ve bought are wearable for more than a couple of hours. Grrrr. WHY do they keep retiring designs? I JUST WANT TO BUY THE SAME THING AGAIN! :rage::sob: Surely, Iā€™m not alone in this?!

Ear is still the same, canā€™t hear a thing :slightly_frowning_face: in it, when itā€™s noisy (most of the time) it sounds echoey.
How lovely to stay in a hotel Katy, what a treat.
Glad the physiotherapist was helpful for your OH Jcj. I know what you mean about a comfy bra. Iā€™m still wearing bras I brought after my lumpectomy. Iā€™ve tried others but nothing has come close. I canā€™t wear underwire bras as it still hurts 8 years later. X

Bras, bras, bras the bane of our lives arrgh. Did buy two recently and after around 50 purchases of others (maybe a slight exaggeration) haha they are reasonably comfortable but as soon as I return home off it comes.
Thatā€™s brilliant OH is happy with physio makes such a differenceā€¦
Had my appointment this morning, itā€™s not a bunion, itā€™s arthritis honestly I knew it wasnā€™t a bunion, so much for telephone appointments with doc. An insole will be used to see how I get on am assuming will need surgery eventually.
Was meant to have haircut today but hairdresser had a cancellation appointment with hospital so hopefully will have it cut tomorrow.
Feel such a mess just now, body has been very achy, headaches and just generally an unwell feeling. Had a brainstorm and checked side effects of cream, well, well had some of symptoms so am very glad I know whatā€™s going on. Stopped cream now so should start to pick up soon.
Itā€™s actually sunny here today after all the snow and rain how lovely. xx

Hope your ear improves soon, Ali and that your symptoms, Katy, clear up now youā€™ve finished using the chemo cream. Itā€™s funny isnā€™t it: we donā€™t think of external creams causing SEs other than local to the application site?

OH is now down to the final reduction of his meds, since Monday night, and heā€™s - mostly - doing OK (hope I havenā€™t jinxed it! :speak_no_evil::crossed_fingers:t3:). Generally sooo much better than I feared. But then thatā€™s usually the case with most things in life?! :stuck_out_tongue:

However, on Tuesday - the first day of the further reduced meds - I went to do the 3-weekly shop in the new To store thatā€™s opened, where the Cp (not a hen house) used to be, in our local town. I was hoping to swap to this store, instead of S****s, for my main shop, because itā€™s in a quieter location and less stressful to drive to. OH announced he wanted to come with me and asked to be dropped off by the tool shop in the town. We agreed heā€™d make his way to the car and sit in it until Iā€™d finished shopping. I texted him where the car was in the To carpark. Half way round the store - struggling to find what I needed - especially substitutes for all my usual own brand items! - I got a phone call from a shop owner in the town saying OH was in their shop ā€œfeeling very unwellā€ and could I go and collect him ASAP. Oh good grief!! :scream: I left my half-full trolley by the customer service desk (she said sheā€™d watch it for a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes!) and drove around to fetch him. He was OK. Heā€™d just got very shaky and panicked. Probably not a sensible thing to attempt on the first day of reduced meds?!
He said heā€™d be alright to wait in the car while I retrieved my trolley and finished shopping. Rush, rush, rush, stress, stress! :flushed:

My conclusion is that I shall probably continue going to S********s as there were too many items I couldnā€™t get - and no plastic bag recycling point. Ah well. Maybe I can alternate between the 2?

Iā€™ve just got back from swimming. Couldnā€™t go on Monday due to his physio appointment. He stayed at home (phew!) so, for the first time in absolutely ages, I was able to relax and enjoy my swim without having to rush to fetch him from the library or worry about how he was coping with changing or if he was waiting in the cold car for me. Bliss!

Treated myself to some knitting accessories from the wool shop and lunch from G****s (angry eggs) before coming home. :grin:

Now Iā€™ve just got to drag myself off the K bench to hoover and decide what the heck weā€™re going to have for dinner. :thinking: