stop feeling guilty, small rant (BENCHLAND) (Part 2)

Sorry about the weird formatting in my previous post. I tried to edit the bold italics back out but they’re caused by the *s I used in the famous supermarket shop name and are not visible in the original screen or the editing one. Strange!

Forgot to tell you something funny that happened: I was swimming along on my back, thinking how wonderful it was to enjoy my swim without worrying about Him - although booked into the Medium lane, I’d moved across to the fast lane, because it was empty and likely to stay that way with only 15 minutes of the session left so I could swim on my back without bumping into anyone. Five minutes before the end, I reached the shallow end and went to turn around and had the fright of my life because there was a man stood right next to me in the pool!! I’d nearly collided with him! I almost screamed. :scream:I probably swore! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Who gets into the pool 5 minutes before the end of a session?! I guess he was early for the next one. :rage: So much for a lovely relaxing swim? :rofl:

Aaah you just weren’t meant to relax that day JCJ.
Gosh what a fright regarding tool shop, glad he was ok. Saw a man with PD recently and he had a chariot, he was chatting to people and did not have both hands on chariot handles, he was shaking very badly, thought may not be a good idea after all?? Know he doesn’t like idea anyway…
It’s been raining for days here arrgh, have been lucky and just missed downpours, hurrah.
GD had her first uni interview this week, at the moment she has two more to go, she knows which one is her favourite. Asked her if she was feeling nervous she said not really, good for her.
Store had pecan doughnuts again hurrah, so lots in the shed, yum yum.
What did you have for dinner JCJ??
Are you still going to sewing club?
How is your thumb now? Did you ever receive a call from doc? xx

We had steak & kidney pie (bought, not homemade), mash, carrots, sprouts, courgettes in lemon & garlic butter and gravy for dinner on Thursday. Did you not find yours in the shed? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Fish & chips - obviously - last night. Tonight’s offering was beef & mushroom casserole with mash and peas. Tomorrow there will be a roast chicken dinner with, probably, apple sponge and custard for pud.

Well done your EGD! Uni already? Wow! Oh yes: she’s not 7 any more. :thinking::joy: I hope she gets an attainable offer for her favourite, and gets the required grades. :crossed_fingers:t3: How exciting. Will she be ‘in residence’ or will she commute from home?

We’ve been to the local park this afternoon. Yet again. It is all he can face at the moment. I’m so sick of the same old, same old. :roll_eyes: I know I should be grateful that he’s able to go anywhere and is not a blithering under-medicated wreck stuck in the house but I can’t help thinking that, this time next week, I would have been packed and ready to go to Norwich for a couple of days. :cry: It didn’t help that YD sent me a photo of GD on the beach this morning! Lucky girls! I’m so jealous.

At least the weather is dry, if rather grey. We had sunshine yesterday and I got 2 loads of washing almost dry, outside!

My finger is still stiff, at times, occasionally locks and/or tingles, but as it isn’t carpal tunnel - and doesn’t seem to be getting any worse - I’ve just decided to live with it… And keep knitting as that seems to help! It’s probably Arthur so there is not much they can do anyway? My little finger on my right hand has started regularly locking too. :roll_eyes: Decrepit or what?! :joy: The fingers aren’t so swollen now so I’ve been able to put my rings back on. Hurrah.

I took part in the RSPB #BigGardenBirdwatch this morning. 40 Fleeces on. Blanket. Coffee. Binoculars. Sat in the sun lounge with pen and paper at the ready. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Not a beak in sight. Usually the garden is heaving with at least seven different species of birds because I love seeing them and make sure there is a constant supply of food for them. They all got shy! After about 10 minutes, I did start to see some of our feathered friends and dutifully sent off my data. Cue sudden reappearance of the usual crowd?! :joy:

We did the big bird watch at school, it was hard work trying to keep the children quiet enough to see any birds :shushing_face::shushing_face: :joy:
I hope OH is ok jcj what a scare for you. My mum (87) swears that knitting keeps her hands supple.
Three weeks and counting to half term. Sometimes I feel like I’m wishing my life away, but I’m looking forward to have a proper rest and everything is crossed that I’ll be well this time :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:
Enjoy your Sunday x

Ali, I used to count the weeks - and then days! - left to holidays and a colleague once told me off for wishing my life away, but I preferred to think if it as staying positive by always having something to look forward to! :stuck_out_tongue:

This morning, I watched a neighbour’s cleaner arrive. Honestly, I swear she carried more cleaning equipment/materials into that house than I actually possess! :flushed:She was only there an hour! Although it did shame me into cleaning the bathroom :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Swam this afto. OH said he didn’t want to swim but would come with me. I suggested it wouldn’t be wise for him to try to go around the town, in view of what happened last week, because I don’t have my phone in the pool! (Not to mention how stressful it would be for me worrying about him bumbling about, possibly getting into difficulties!) He decided to stay at home, so I had a relaxing swim - no surprises this time - but he’s in a bit of a mood now. Hey ho. We’ll go into town tomorrow or Wednesday. There’s naff all else to do after all. :roll_eyes:

Hope OH’s mood is better today.
Hurrah for your swim without any worries, well just less scary ones about OH wandering around.
No birdwatching here it’s quiet in town but do see magpies which never seen before they are super noisy haha.
Friend that does have BC is keeping very quiet but managed to squeeze out of her that she is having radio. She doesn’t want to have an operation so we will see. Don’t feel comfortable probing but it’s only through concern for her.
Did have lunch out and about yesterday, it was lovely. Going for breakfast next week to same place. Yum, so am sorted between shed and going out.
40 fleeces, goodness have been keeping heating on a lot this year so only have been wearing 39 daily haha.
GD doesn’t really need any more results, she has required amounts but she would like the safeguard of having more haha. She is thinking of staying away from home as journey to preferred uni is around 40 mins away on train. It’s another wait and see.
Sunshine here today woo hoo, very frosty but will all melt soon xx

I hope EGD gets to go to her favourite uni and study the course she wants. I can definitely recommend staying at uni as it’s the best way to enjoy the experience, not to mention the easiest way to become independent: surrounded by others in the same situation! But I know accommodation is so expensive these days so many students can’t afford it. :cry:

OH still managing OK at home but his PD symptoms are noticably worse. He’s not wanting to be out in public much.

We went to our little local town, on Tuesday. I didn’t risk letting him go off on his own but he wanted to get his walking stick re-feruled (as advised by phsio last week!) himself. I hovered outside the shop and then escorted him back to sit in the car before doing the bits of shopping I needed. It occurred to me it’s like having a small child (although, admittedly, I wouldn’t leave one of those unattended in the car! :wink:) but this one is only going to get more dependent, not less. :cry:

I’m struggling a bit, mentally, as all my activities happen in the 1st 3 weeks of the month so I’ve had nothing for the last 2 weeks. January seems to have gone on FOREVER! Also, I should have been going to see the girls on Sunday. :unamused:

Come on woman. Get a grip!

It’s sunny today so I have pruned the buddlea this morning (it always looks so drastic but always comes back with a vengeance! :joy:) and I shall go for a walk in a bit if he doesn’t want to go anywhere. Again. Knitting tomorrow so I can claw back some sanity. :stuck_out_tongue:

Aah it is difficult but hopefully only for a short while until new meds can be introduced. Big hugs flying your way. Tomorrow is another day…
So much for me having a peaceful journey I could scream. Train was 35 mins late so that meant I would only have around 15 mins at YD’s before GS would arrive home (had to be away before he saw me) jumped off train and ordered a taxi came very quickly. Driving to YD’s driver was in wrong lane and missed the turn off arrrgh. Arrived at daughter’s with 5 mins to spare dropped off stuff and ran up the road. Checked in to hotel and decided to go to shops was out for 5 mins and down came the rain, typical. When guy assisted me on train noticed that tyre had 2 massive splits in one tyre couldn’t believe it have no idea when or where it happened. Will phone store tomorrow as it is still under guarantee. Fingers crossed they are easy to deal with.
Feet are now up but honestly I’m exhausted xx

Good grief, Katy! So much for spoiling yourself with a night in a hotel?! I hope the rest of the evening was more relaxed! And that you enjoy the weekend with YD & GS.

For a moment there, I thought the train assistant had said the TRAIN tyres were split!! :scream:(I know, they don’t have tyres. Do they?) I expect the tyre is faulty, if it’s damaged so soon, so hopefully the shop will replace it - or the chariot if it’s not easily fixed. :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

Thank you for your kind words of support, as always; I feel a bit better today after a walk in the (muddy) woods and a good cry, yesterday afternoon. Most of the time, I muddle along making the best of a c*** situation but every so often it hits me that this isn’t what I’d planned for my retirement, especially after going through BC!! I must find something to do in the weeks when there is no sewing, knitting or ambling. I have to have time away from here - and him - every week. Throws guilt into the lake. Hold on: he wants “a chat”. Back later…

…Oh my goodness! That’s put the feline amongst our feral feathered friends! :flushed: He’s just said he wants to move to Norfolk!! So often, I have dreamed of doing just that but then my head takes over and I realise how massive that would be. I really don’t know if he/we could handle the stress of buying/selling/moving, quite apart from moving away from everyone we know - apart from the girls, which would put far too much pressure on them! - not to mention his medical team. I’m sure it’s one of the many times when his ambition outweighs reality. After all, there’s been several occasions when he thought he wanted to visit the girls for a couple of days and then bottled out at the last minute?!!

We’ve both had a cry, and a wobbly hug (another distressing aspect of PD: shaken but not stirred :smirk:. His hugs aren’t exactly comforting - more a reminder of why I’m upset :cry:). It’s something to think about, especially if it comes to the point where we HAVE to move out of the house to a bungalow/sheltered accommodation.

My head is spinning. Mentally compiling lists of “must haves” in a new home. Thinking of suggesting to YD that she keeps an eye on the property market. But now I’m sitting in one of my favourite places in the world: our sunlounge, with a blanket, enjoying our lovely garden and all the trees and wildlife, looking forward to meeting up with my new knitting friends this afto. So conflicted!

Also, the new bathroom!!

Absolutely no decisions will be made any time soon, at least until he’s on his new meds. By which time, he’ll probably have forgotten the conversation?! :roll_eyes:

Time to get some lunch. Keep on plodding on. :smiling_face:

My goodness that’s a turn JCJ, would be lovely to be near your girls but huge move…
As you say best wait until new meds kick in then see what’s what.
He’s obviously really thinking about you and about the situation you are both facing. It’s pretty heartbreaking. So massive hugs x
Hope you enjoy your knitting remember won’t be long till new meds start x

Fell asleep at 7 last night and woke at 6am so pretty well rested.
Phoned chariot company and kept getting cut off signal is terrible here so sent an email instead prob would have had to do that anyway.
Gale force winds here brrrr xx

Have to send chariot back to them grrrr so had to purchase a cheap one from Mr futon simply because I wouldn’t be able to get out and about without. They will inspect and let me know what’s what.
Good weekend with YD and GS he is so affectionate kissed and cuddled non stop haha x
Bus back no trains was successful as “train” bus drops me in town hurrah.
Am in hospital lido day lots of yawning. Makes you sooo tired.
GD’s birthday today, am hoping to get along tomorrow can’t do today.
Just going to cosy down when I arrive home, only an hour to go woo hoo xx

That’s really annoying about the chariot. You’d think they’d give you a replacement- like a courtesy car! - while they investigated? And you were so pleased with it, too! :smirk:

Hope lido does its thing and you don’t feel too rubbish. Happy birthday GD!! :balloon:

I’ve been set a birthday task to make my GD’s new doll (hideous: it talks when you put its dummy IN! :scream:) some clothes and to make a Spiderman - sorry, Spiderbear costume for Loofy! Trip to charity shop, soon, to find some appropriately coloured t-shirts to cut up and repurpose! :smile:

Just got back from OH’s physio appointment. 10.30am is too early to be at an appointment 10+ miles away! I had to help him get dressed :pleading_face: because he just couldn’t physically do it. We left the house about 20 mins after I planned but got there only 1 min late. Phew. No speeding tickets earned either. I dropped him at the door and spent half an hour trying to park the car!! Thank goodness it wasn’t MY appointment!
He’s got to go again in 2 weeks and is then expected to join a weekly physio class, at the hospital, 10:45 every Wednesday. OMG! It will be great for him but having to go through that EVERY WEEK!! :flushed:

Hope you had a restful weekend, Ali. 2 weeks left now? Can you hear me? :grin:

Right. Time to get some lunch. Bacon & egg sarnies methinks. We’ve earned them. Despite the fact I still haven’t digested last night’s roast lamb dinner! I’ll put some in the shed in case you’re peckish after your lido. :grin:

On 2nd thoughts, maybe a spare chariot isn’t such a bad idea - if you have room to store it - and then you’ll always have a back up when necessary. Also: chariot races when/if we ever get to go to Norecambe again! :joy:

OH has just contacted his PD nurse to say he’s followed the meds instructions. Hopefully, new meds will be prescribed very soon. :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::grin:

I can hear again hooray :grinning: now a TA at school has just had a bug like mine and is deaf in one ear​:smirk: can’t be a coincidence can it? Hope you get your chariot fixed Katy, but as jcj says always useful to have a back up. Hope OH’s meds start soon and they work without too many side effects.
1 week and 4 days to go to half term. Well 5 days for me😀

Don’t know why it says smirk?

Hahaha smirking indeed???
Glad hearing is back to normal, it’s certainly taken it’s time…
Are you off for a week? Kids are off here tomorrow.
Morning is always difficult especially finding parking spaces, happy you both managed and it’s great for OH.
Hopefully new meds very soon.
Asked if they provided a replacement, they don’t, so that’s why I purchased other one. It’s actually really annoying because they are searching and investigating for misuse WHAT?? What could I have done?? Just can’t be bothered with an argument…
Having a spare is a good idea and fortunately I do have a space, hurrah.
Oooh new look loofy? Good luck with the search.
Are there places around the hospital you can explore?
Lido was successful no headaches or sickness just completely shattered afterwards. Have been left with a massive bruise, like really big haha, not had that before, can’t have everything I suppose xx

It’s all that racing, Katy! You’ve inappropriately used your chariot and now it’s on the K bench! :joy:

Sorry ladies (and any gents if there are any quietly enjoying Benchland!) but I need to vent. :angry:

This morning, I should have been on my way home from Norwich but that had to be cancelled. I thought: Yay! Silver lining. Now I can go to the Ambling group planning meeting and a nice walk afterwards. I have some suggestions for where we could amble this year. Set alarm. Up. Breakfasted. Dressed. Made his lunch in case I’m not back. Ready to go. Nope. He’s in the bathroom. Has been for half an hour; struggling to “go” and I can’t leave the house with him like that even though there’s nothing I can do to help.! Arrrgh! I HATE PD!! I can’t do the things I need to do to stay sane. :rage::angry::cry::sob:

This is not how I envisaged retirement, especially after getting through BC!

Alligators are getting angry food as well as guilty food today. I shall assemble this knitted penguin, try not to dwell on missing meeting with my new ambling friends and look forward to getting out somewhere, by myself, later today, if possible.

Must. Stay. Positive. It’s. Not. His. Fault.

Thank you for being here. I feel better for getting that off my (lopsided) chest. :kissing_heart:

Oh jcj vent away, we all need to every now and again and I can understand why you need to now. Hugs being sent to you. :kissing_heart:

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Aaaah, the alligators are getting fat JCJ, please don’t feel bad it’s a very difficult time and you are allowed to feel certain ways, it’s ok and venting is very good, clears the mind…

Well was meant to go out for breakfast this morning had to cancel because yesterday noticed water coming out of pipe thing under kitchen sink arrrgh. Guy said he would be here today. Came here was in and out in 5 mins, needed tightening that’s all, hurrah.
New chariot arrived too. Managed to put it together without any problems, thank goodness. Went out to test and it’s fine. It feels very light as long as it does the job. Massive box was delivered yesterday thought it was the chariot? Said to delivery man is it heavy? He says no feels like there is nothing in it. There wasn’t hahaha. It was to send chariot back to company. It is now boxed and sanitised as requested and will be picked up sometime tomorrow, woo hoo.
Babysitting this weekend will need to think of things to do, it’s so cold here at the moment bbrrrrrrrr def not going to the park haha. xx