Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

I do remember Jan - didn’t her son initially post for her? Then she was worried that so many of her nodes were affected? Goodness, I hope she’s ok bless her - that is shocking news. :frowning:

I had some paperwork from the Healthcare at Home people this morning, so it looks like I am on their books and you never know, maybe just maybe somebody will call next week. Most of the paperwork was a copy of info on my chemo regime from the Cancer Backup website, which I’d already had from the hospital but the thought was there.

I’ve been out in the lovely sunshine today - we went to a local Anglo Saxon village museum where they had a sort of treasure hunt for the children in the guise of a Lord of the Rings ring quest. Basically it was a nice walk around woods/lakes/the mock-up village while the children rushed about looking for their next clue. Jolly nice it was too. It’s always nice when winter starts to give way to spring.

Right, it’s indian takeaway for me tonight. Yum! :smiley:

Dagnabbit - it’s a sign of how infrequently we have takeaways and also a sign of the times that we have tonight discovered that both our favourite curry house and chinese takeaway have closed down. The times they are a-changin. What a pity.

Can’t stop thinking about Jan. Every so often you hear something that just makes you go *&% (that was a rude word beginning with F) and rattles the heck out of you.

Jan, if you’re reading, lots and lots of love to you. We’re all here for you my love. xxxxxxx

gen yes thats the lady. i keep checkin my pm to see if theres any word but none yet. i will let you all know when i hear more.
i keep thinking about her too. mary i know you have talked to her too. its really not fair.


I remember JanRaw from the old site-the poor girl what rotten news.I wonder if it is a new primary in the brain or bc mets.
There is always a pot of stew or soup on the hob and I have baked a big apple pie too.
daughter and OH have gone for a meal at Thai restaurant hoping to give baby a bit of a nudge.She ate there 3 weeks before her due date last time and went into labour that night so heres hoping.
The Old Onex

So sorry to hear about your friend - hope you hear news soon…

Storewoman - sorry to hear that you also lost your husband last year - this has been a very tough 12 months for you…:frowning:

has anyone here had a seroma since their surgery. my breast is red and swollen and looks bruised but not near my wound. its around the nipple and underside of breast. have had it drained several times but it just keeps filling up. had to have chemo cancelled last week cos breast was so red and swollen even though there was no infection. im not scared or that its jus that it doesnt seem to be improving. has anyone else had this problem.

Yes I did Martina. I had it drained once and while that was being done part of the scar opened up and started draining itself. A few days after that the fluid that was left in there all just gradually drained out through the weak point in the scar over the space of a few days - messy, but a lot more comfortable once that happened and it didn’t refill although has taken a while longer for the scar to heal. There was no redness, just swelling and tenderness. It was for this reason that my chemo has been delayed to make sure it all heals properly first. I think it’s pretty common to be honest.

I had my seroma drained 4 times ( biggest 600ml )but once the refilling slowed down a bit our bcn said she’d prefer to leave it so the body could start re-absorbing it naturally.
i’ve stuck it out for 12 days now and the wound scar is very firm and taut like a showgirl’s dress - maybe I should get a job at the saloon

I developed a seroma as well… but i think i must have been lucky as mine only needed draining the once… mind you - can still see where it was even after all the rads etc…

Talking of rads - good news - in much less pain now…:smiley: My neck is still moist - but the underarm and main breast area don’t hurt anymore and the skin there is just peeling away like normal sunburn…

Storewoman - just noticed you had just posted on the Tamworth thread…:smiley: My sister lives there…:smiley: And my mum used to be in a nursing home just outside Tamworth until she died last April…

Actually - I don’t think i have told you all that part of my tale… I discovered the problem with my breast the day before my Mum’s funeral…:frowning: That was a surreal one… looking at your mum’s coffin thinking “Oh god i’ve got cancer - i’m going to die too…” :frowning:

Rejoicing here baby Edward arrived at half past 12 this morning he weighs 8lbs 9oz and mother and baby are fine.Jo went to hospital at 9.30 last night.I spoke to her 10 minutes after the birth and she said she felt ‘shaky’ but very very happy.May today be good for all of you.
The Old Onexx

Congratulations, Old One, Mum and baby Edward too! Looks like Thai food had the required effect then?!
big hugs all round

Ta Calam actually she went into labour before they got to restaurant so just the thought was enough!

congratulations the old one - that is brilliant news…:smiley:

Congratulations, Old One! A bonny baby boy by the sound of it :slight_smile: I think we should all wet the baby’s head don’t you? Where’s the whisky bottle gone? I bet Steel’s hidden it under her pillow.

Talking of Steel, are you ok Carole? Or is your computer being fixed?

Sandra, good luck for tomorrow. You’ll be fine and we’ll all be thinking of you. Then you can put that bit behind you and move onto the next.

Jane, I hope you enjoyed Slumdog. The arm’s not too bad, I just feel as though a colony of ants has taken up residence in my armpit!

Gen, good news on the healthcare at home people. Let’s just hope they get their act together this week. As we all know, the waiting and the unknown are the worst and even though you can have people telling you their experiences, until you’ve done it yourself, you don’t know what it’s like.

I remember Jan, Martina. She sounds like a really nice lady. I really hope things go well for her.

I had a long walk yesterday in the sunshine. It felt just like spring. A bit of sun is a real tonic isn’t it? Roll on summer!

Have any of you heard of - seen the thread on here about it? I heard about it last year on another forum i went on. Just been reminded about it as it is on the list of most recently posted threads at the moment…

congtats old one, thats great news. do you know what weight he was.

i was wonderin about carol too, hope its just her computer. but it would take something to keep carol away from us. so id day its computer.

hi everyone else talk later

ahhh Val!! Congratulations!! Bet he’s gorgeous…mary x

Aww congratulations and welcome to the world Edward! Isn’t it lovely to hear a bit of happy news? :slight_smile:

Baby Edward weighed 8lbs 9oz and was born 2and a half hours after his mum got to the hospital-where she found she was 7cm dilated!I will get back to the stove and the bunkhouse when I come down from cloud nine!!!
The Old Onexxx
if any of you are in bcpals I have put photos on there
I may try to change my avatar to show you lot!