Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

I’m back in the saddle again
Out where a friend is a friend
Where the longhorn cattle feed
On the lowly gypsum weed
Back in the saddle again

Ridin’ the range once more
Totin’ my old .44
Where you sleep out every night
And the only law is right
Back in the saddle again

Rockin’ to and fro
Back in the saddle again
I go my way
Back in the saddle again

Just thought I’d add to our collection of theme tunes! Here’s the whisky. Casey had in fact hidden it, and Steel has just retrieved it after some wrestling. Glasses all round and Welcome To The World little Edward. Huge glass to the Old One, and a thorough round of back slapping ensues! :smiley:

Sorry for the little lapse in attendance there. Steel is now back from her brief sojourn to Prickly Cactus Creek, having spent the night sleeping off the effects of a badly chosen herb which induces a couple of days of “don’t come near me if you value your life”-ness. Unfortunately she has a habit of picking the same herb every 3 weeks. Very grouchy, very slow learner… :slight_smile:

Just going to do a quick back track and catch up on yesterday’s chat. Back in a snake’s rattle.

Sandra, best of luck for tomorrow. Not that Scotia needs luck with all that full blown Storm Rider Spirit! See you in the saloon once the Doc let’s you out. Turn right and head up Main Street. Beer’s will be on the bar.

Really sorry to hear about Jan. You wonder why the draw goes the way it does sometimes. I know there’s no reason, it just happens, but it’s hard not to say “unfair”.

Tumbleweed, sorry to hear about your husband. He was clearly a fighter, with a strong lady next to him.

Red, start whirling and growling kiddo. We’re circled round you and this bad guy AC can’t get away. Give him the Taz! Then we’ll drag him into the saloon, tie him to a chair, and make him drink the spitoons. No-one messes with a Storm Rider! :wink:

At last you have some movement Gen, of a sort. What we need is Poncho-Cat’s whip here and Blackjack’s lasso. Blackjack lasso’s the meandering no goods into a bundle, Poncho-Cat cracks the whip to keep them attentive, and Riviera stands oh so diffidently by, silver capped boot glinting in the sun, asking exactly what they’re up to and exactly when they plan on handing over the goods, while examining her immaculately black gloved hand. They stutter, mumble, Riviera gives the nod, and Blackjack snaps back on the lasso, tumbling them back into the foot deep pig muck behind them. Riviera turns lithely, coat tails swirling, taps her heel down to the faint thrum of castanettes, throws a glance backwards, “Do it, or next time you’re face down.”

Martina, you’re on for Tuesday for chemo, yes? Right, time to stay out of the saloon and stick to that fresh water from the Old One’s well. How you feeling about it? Ok?

Just want to clarify something on that chemo depression front. Me and Steel only get hit for a couple of days while the drug’s in, not Depression City for the whole 7 months. Don’t want to scare anybody. :slight_smile: However, I have noticed an alarming tendency for personality fragmentation. Does nobody else actually talk to their Alter Ego? Erk. I’m seeing a Matrix moment in the future, me sitting here and suddenly, zzzappppowwwiieeskreeekshrike, and suddenly I am no more and Steel is sitting there tapping away. I’m sure you’ll know if it happens - Steel doesn’t say much. :smiley:

Computer’s still holding up, but I definitely need to book it in soon. I’ll let you know if I’m going off line for that. Otherwise, if I disappear I’m just being curmudgeonly. :stuck_out_tongue:

carole/steel glad to hear it - the few days bit is enough for anyone isn’t it - me, I’l prob go into cat mode, slink (well wobble)off and lick my wounds for a day or two…;o)

I’ve forgotten, when do you start?

Congratulations Old One what a fantastic way to start the day. I,m sure Edward is beautiful I will take a look on bcpals later.

I remeber Jan, its so sad whats happening with her. I hope everything goes well for her op. Let us know if you here anything Blackjack. And pass on our regards if you email her son, let him know we are all thinkinking about her.

Gen, good news on the home care front, fingers crossed you’ll get started next week after all. How you feeling about getting started?

Sal, the film was great and deserves every award it has had so far. I think there will be an oscar in there somewhere tonight. That ant feeling will wear of soon Sal but dont be fooled, keep the exercises up.

Carole its good to have you back. knew you wouldn’t be down for too long. By the way…Thats a mighty fine punch, you have there. You only had to ask and I would have given you the whiskey. Now I need extra for me brocken tooth… wink wink


Elbow slipped. :wink:

Thought I would share a message sent by my friend

To all of you

When its late at night
and your all alone,
just remember I own a phone.

When you are confused and cry
just remember you’ll always be
the apple of my eye.

When the world goes against you
and you haven’t got a hope
I’ll be there with you
helping you cope.

When your screaming in pain
and want to die
I’m gona wipe all those
golden tears dry.

When people hurt you
and you feel like its the end
just remember
I’ll always be your friend.

I like it…carole - no def date yet but have to have assessment for picc line…hoping its sooner rather than later…

Congratulations the Old One wonderful news!

Vegas Kid

Casey, you old softie. :0) Steel turns away with a rough “grrmph”, adjusting her bandana near her eye…

I remember now! Picc line.

So there I was considering why it is that a Storm Rider can ride the Storm where others can’t. How does she dodge the lightning, swim through the flash flood and out the other side, circle the tornado but never get caught? It’s not the absence of fear. Storm Riders know fear, they just don’t choose to show it. Not being afraid doesn’t keep you safe. Sheer stupidity? :smiley: Possibly, but stupidity makes mistakes. A Storm Rider runs that storm till it blows out and laughs while she’s doing it, then looks for the next one.

Musings On The Nature Of The Storm.

A storm is a natural occurrence caused by movement and pressure. It’s largely unpredictable, yet it follows patterns, has structure, varies in intensity and duration, and has absolute calmness at its centre. The features of a storm range from the simplest movement of wind and rain, to the most devastating of hurricanes, floods, and lightning strikes. A storm’s path can’t be changed, and the effects of a storm can only be managed. It can bring destruction but then renewal in its wake, adjusting the balance of pressure and ultimately moving as part of the earth’s life cycle. Storms are wild, uncontrollable, intractable, and inescapably beautiful if watched from where the storm’s breath just moves the leaves. Seen with the right eye a storm is a living thing, born somewhere from beginnings hard to understand. It’s hard not to imagine a spirit in the storm, and yet a storm has no thought, no intention, it just moves through its life with effect and consequence, interacting with everything it touches.

What does a Storm Rider see in a storm that keeps her out there in its wildness instead of shuttered down in a basement? Perhaps the Storm Rider can touch the storm where others can’t, deep inside where the storm spirit breathes. She can feel the danger and she knows it cares nothing for her, but she can also feel its energy, its freedom, its sheer raw life. And through her the Storm is given expression, meaning that it would never have. I am beginning to consider that the Storm Rider and the Storm are two parts of the one. She holds the storm and its calm, its danger and its beauty, its inevitability and freedom, its energy and unpredictability all inside her at the same time. A Storm Rider can ride the Storm because she is the human expression of the storm, it’s awareness, it’s conscious nature. She has the strength, the life force, the absolute confidence of the storm, and then brings to it her own inescapable, undeniable essence of adventure, love, and the art of living.

Today, I am embracing my inner Storm. :smiley: :smiley:

This is just a little fictional musing, just in case anyone thinks I’m suggesting all Storm Riders should see themselves this way, which I’m not, which hopefully I’m stressing enough, now I’m stressing, now I’m stressed. Oh pooh! Think I’ll go buy a Calvin and Hobbes book and shut up. :wink:

I love that Carole. Your poem too Jane.

Today I feel as if I’m sitting and watching a new storm inevitably advancing towards me. The sky is getting dark, I can feel a change in pressure, but I don’t know how fast it’s moving or when it is going to hit. I’m just sitting on a ridge on my horse waiting for the eye of the storm to catch us up and then I’m going to ride like hell until I get to safety.

Heck, bring it on. Let’s get riding!!



Yep, pull up that bandana, tie your hat on tight, then imagine yourself leaping through the edge into the centre, low down on your horse as its hooves cleave through the furore, bringing you down safe and ready to ride.

No denying it’s yet another luverly moment when you face your demons and have to go Pah! Natch! Chemo Shmeemo! or whatever you phrase du jour happens to be. And then you have to look at your nicely thought out collection of scarves and hats and realise you now have a Goldilocks moment (not the hair part obviously). This one’s too warm, this one’s too cold, this one’s not quite right, this one makes you look like a bowl of grits, this one makes a bowl of grits look better than you. The endless trials and tribulations of woman!.

Liking that one Blackjack!

For each of you a bitter storm is raging,
And at first you struggled through it all alone.
Then hand reached out to hand,clasping,engaging
As you battled through the wild winds scary moan.
You started off,each one a stranger,
In a place you didn’t ever want to be;
You only saw the darkness and the the danger,
And only in your dreams could you be free.
And then you joined a sisterhood of riders
United in the fight against the beast.
You didnt name a single one outsider
You were all comrades at the very least.
One by one you fight each cruel new threat
Then turn to help your neighbour struggle through.
It doesn’t matter if at times you may forget-
The others are all there for each of you.
And as I watch the yellow storm clouds gather,
I hear hoofbeats pounding and loud yells
I see your brave horses,shoulders white with lather
And I promise you - all will be well.
Storm Riders in Determination
Resting at last inside the first saloon.
Your faces glowing with such proud elation.
Together you can reach out and touch the moon.
The Old One
Not great poetry and it doesnt always scan but I wanted to try to write one for you allxxx

That is really wonderful, thank you. :slight_smile:

How’s Mum, Dad, and Edward? And have you stopped smiling yet?

Oh wow that’s made me cry. That’s lovely, thank you, just perfect. :slight_smile: