Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Thankyou Horace, that was wonderful and truley inspiring.

Took a peek at Edward on bcpals and hes gorgeous.


Supper was over, a few of the gals had headed over to the saloon for a nightcap, some of the others were helping the old one clear up and the rest had hit their bunks. It had been another long day.

BlackJack wasn’t no drinker, she had seen enough of that with her pa when she was a young un. So, gatherin up some apples and carrots she headed over to the stables to check on the horses.

As she checked each horse and gave them their treat, she whispered softly into their ears. It was the same thing she told them every night, “you are a guardian for one life, take care of it”. Each horse blew softly down their nose as if to affirm the recognition of their task.

Finally she reached Jack, she opened the latch on his stable and went in, reaching into her pocket she took out a piece of chocolate, Jacks favourite. As Jack chewed on his treat she went over and sat down on the straw, Jack turned and looked in her eyes. He knelt down on his front legs and then rolled over so she could lay her head on him.

“Ya know Jack each one of these horses has a mighty hard journey ahead of them. Most of them have no idea of what lies ahead but I reckon they all got the spirit to get their riders through.” Jack swished his tail as if to agree. “You and me Jack, we been through a lot of rough times together, we got a bond that’s stronger than any enemy attacks. I know I can depend on you but I need you to show the other horses how to be strong. They need to understand their duty to their riders. It is their job to carry them safely to the other side, through every storm, every battle, all the ups and downs that this journey will throw at them. BlackJack turned to look deep into Jack’s eyes. “I’m relying on you Jack, you never let me down before and I know you wont this time. BlackJack rested her head down on Jack again. “Yep Jack we got a ways to go”.

For a while, she lay there listening to Jacks heartbeat, the rhythm of each pulse reminding her of the sound of a horses feet galloping through the unknown. It was a comforting sound but also a disconcerting reminder of the journey ahead.

Finally BlackJack stood up, dusted herself down and with a final look in Jacks deep brown eyes, she headed for her bunk. Another day was on the horizon with all the quests that came with it. Time for some shuteye.

This is getting to be a real tear jerker of a story. :slight_smile:

That was lovely Martina. Jack is a fine horse and a fine friend. There’s a hand here too for tomorrow if you need one.

Sandra - I know you can’t read this just now, but thinking about you for today’s op.

I wish I could write poetry - the last batch of posts has been inspired and inspiring - thank you all. By the time we all complete this journey we’ll have a novel and an anthology of poetry as well a doozie of a party…

Looks like I might have gotten back on Valentine a mite too early, as its now my turn for one of these dad-blamed seroma things. (Not big, not painful just looks like my boob has started to regrow of its own accord.) District nurse friend assures me its nothing to worry about, if nec they’ll drain it at the clinic when I go for my results in two days’ time.

Have to say I am NOT looking forward to that bit, I wasn’t this apprehensive about the op itself - however, whatever they say I need to do I know that someone amongst the Storm Riders will have been there, done that, and got the bandana to prove it.

So, as that tee-shirt of James May’s has it, I’ll try to “Keep Calm and Carry On” (and on that subject - am I the only one who has a major soft spot for the tousle headed one?)

Rosie/Calam and Valentine, munching an apple each.

PS - I’ve got my fingers crossed for Sandra as well

your right rosie, i have that and been gettin drained since op 22 jan. actually got drained today. its no big deal as they put the needle in through the wound so you feel abs nothin. i could prob do it myself now ive had it done so many times. so one less thing for you to stress bout lady.

whos the tousled haired one of am i losing the plot.

no dont answer that. i said dont


So no chemo for me tomorrow. My insurers phoned to say the At Home people had sent them the form today and they had filled it in and faxed it back. I then phoned my regional office of the at home people to ask if all was now good to go and they said that the form was obviously still at their Head Office in Bristol and they’d let them know when somebody had looked over it.

They are booking people for Thursday, but I wasn’t on the list (obviously) because they haven’t had the ok from Head Office.

Somebody will call me… yeah right!

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Maybe it will be later this week or, more likely, early next week now I suspect.

So frustrating.

Wow, you were certainly profound yesterday! Was there something in the water? If so, I missed it. And I’m now going to spoil the moment, but someone just sent me an email and it cracked me up. “Deal with life’s stresses in the same way as dog - p*ss on it and move on”. I reckon we can do that, can’t we?

Old One, that poem is amazing. It says it all and it made me cry. (By the way, I may be showing my ignorance again here, but what’s bcpals?)

Gen, your blood pressure must be skyrocketing again!! That “someone will call back” stuff drives you nuts doesn’t it? They never do and you end up ringing them back time and time again. It seems like there is always something wrong with everything you buy and you are forever chasing someone about something. Am I getting old, or is good service now a dirty word? How’s your wound doing - has it finally healed?

Rosie - the James May thing. I think it’s just you. Good luck with your results. I get mine on Friday and I didn’t think I was at all bothered, but it’s starting to play on my mind a bit now.

Martina, good luck for tomorrow.

I don’t even know who James May is. I do know about dog p@ss and how appropriately it can make the statement. That’s a definite good one to adopt Sal. I shall make sure the dogs show me how to go about it with efficacy tomorrow, or is that not what you meant exactly. :slight_smile:

Gen, you have the patience of a saint. That Arrgggggggggggggh! was very restrained considering. I wish I could be as calm in the face of ineptitude. You’re my hero!

At least every time we breathe now we can breathe in those first little atoms of spring air. What a difference. So keep breathing in the positive vibes Sal. You know we know how you’re feeling about Friday. Keep talking, we’re right with you.

Rosie, big week then for you too. All fingers, toes, and hooves are crossed for your results.

If you could be someone else for this year to take your mind of it, who would it be?

Obviously I have a distinct leaning towards Angelina Jolie on account of her general proximity to Brad. I’d even put up with the horde of kids. But Obama might be a good one - brains, drive, achieving dreams, big car, big plane, big house, big housekeeping staff, what’s not to want? Or maybe Scooby Doo. Simple, uncomplicated, everybody loves him, life’s an adventure with friends, and he always comes out smiling with endless supplies of Scooby snacks. Tricky, very tricky…


I have no patience at all - hence I am feeling v stressed and anxious. Maybe I’ll hear something tomorrow. The woman did tell me the nurses call the day before they come out, but I would really like a little bit more notice than that of the first one!!

Wound still not fully healed Sal, there’s a tiiiiiiiiiny bit of leaking from the top and I’ve noticed in the last couple of days it’s starting to over-granulate again but not as bad as last time. I’ll give it another day or so and see what happens, but I hope it’s nearly there now.

You’re bound to be feeling antsy about the results on Friday. I know you already have more knowledge than most about what’s going on in there from the scans you’ve already had but it’s still nerve-wracking waiting for the final verdict. Good luck for you too Rosie. I hope your consultants have nice big rooms available because it looks like we’re all coming with you!!

Good luck for tomorrow Martina. I’ll be joining you eventually…

If I could be somebody else for the next few months who would I be? Hmmm I might go for Kate Winslet - now there’s a woman leading a charmed life if ever there was one! Maybe I’d be The Stig and get to drive all those lovely fast cars. Maybe I AM the Stig… ;o)

Alternatively, if you’re going to be Scooby, Carole, I might opt to be Shaggy for similar reasons. Or maybe Basil Brush - he just laughs his way through life, nothing ever gets him down. Ahahahahahaha Boom Boom.

Speaking of Mr Doo, we’re going to see the Scooby Doo stage show on Sunday. Now if I’ve had chemo on Thurs (I say IF) will I be well enough? We booked it months ago waaaaaaaaay before any of this hoo haa started. I’m supposed to be in a quiz night on Saturday night too. Oh poop, maybe it would be easier if I do start chemo next week after all purely because it fits in better with my social life!! :smiley:

Oooh you’ve changed your pic Carole!! You look fab in that scarf I must say. Switt Swoo!! :smiley: :smiley:

It took 67 photos to get that one, and my body is about 2 feet behind my thrust out chin for that celeb slimming effect! I am definitely going on a diet tomorrow. Hamster cheeks are so not a good look with scarves, but I thought I’d better be brave and get on with pictorial evidence of moi for the next however long. :smiley:

Shaggy and Scoob on a whirlwind adventure! They could get chased by the Stig ghost to Winslet Mansion, where the mysterious Dr Brush is preparing the Boom Boom potion. Tune in on Sunday to find out what happens next… Yikes, Scoob, Run! Shrraaaggggyyyy! Jinkies says Thelma, it’s a clue.

Tee hee. How cool is that, going to see Scooby Doo? Definitely postpone the chemo. This is way more important and exciting.

carole you look fab. jus noticed the new pic.

i wanna be one of the “charmed ones” i wanna be Piper who can freeze time and blow up the baddies with a wave of her hands. oh wot fun that would be. i could save you all and play tricks on you at the same time:-D sad sad martina i know but you gotta have a bit of kid in you to keep it all interesting.

thanks for all your good wishes, if im not around tomorrow you know why, but it takes a lot to separate me an my laptop. lol


Why do you think my photo is taken from a flattering above “hide the double chin” angle? I’m way podgier than I look in my pic, sadly.

gen you look gorgeous in your photo, very glam.

got a pm from janraws son last nite. he says that surgeon doesnt think it is related to cancer but oncologist thinks it is. having her op monday week.

sorry to dampen the mood

Sounds like a fine way to spend a year Martina! lol. I still try to make things levitate and try and walk on water. It’s good not to grow up. :smiley:

Must admit I nicked the slight above angle from you Gen. :slight_smile: I thought, Gen looks great, let’s have a shot at that. Still had to pull back as far as my arm could go. I luv lettuce, definitely, I really, really do…

Phew, all the best to Jan. I really hope it’s not related, and something they can deal with easily.

So do you Martina. Unfortunately I don’t look like that in real life - I was dressed up to go out at the time with my face on and all. My hair is now way shorter since I had it chopped 3 weeks ago. It is a flattering pic though so I’m hanging on to it!!!

Pass on love and best wishes to Jan, would you? I wonder why the surgeon and Oncologist have differing views? Presumably this has now put chemo etc for her on hold until they know more about what’s going on. She’s been on my mind a lot these last few days.

Good point. No way they can do chemo if she needs another op. Maybe the onc is just assuming it’s cancer related because of the current situation. It would be great if it was benign. One of the lady’s in our local dress shop has a benign tumour in her brain that she’s had for 20 years. Just keeps taking drugs to stop it growing.

carole - I like it!! Well, I rang this am about my assessment and they said to come in at 1.30!! In I went, had a nose at the chemo unit, sat in the comfy chair whilst they tried to hunt down a vein…so have to go in next tues for PICC insertion and then hopefully 1st chemo the day after on wednesday…3 x fec then 3 x taxodere, mary x
who would I be??? Let me think…

Good stuff! I bet none of us ever thought we’d be congratulating people on getting dates for chemo! :smiley: