Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

I couldn’t sleep last night either. That’s me had a total of about 3 hours sleep a night for the last week bar one blissful event. Cue the hallucinations…

Well I’ve changed my bed so it’s all nice and crisp & fresh if I need to take to it, I’ve tidied up, paid bills etc and now I’m just waiting…

Feeling a bit headachey but I suspect that’s tension - I’ll sink a couple of paracetamol and sit down for a bit now. Chucking water back like it’s going out of fashion.

Basically sitting on my horse on the ridge, the storm is almost here I can feel the wind’s getting up. Watch out for them baddies guys I’m on my way!!

well ladies I have now lost my photo altogether so will sink back into anonymity unless I find some inspiration from somewhere-I think I am too old for this techie stuff:(

Hi, storm riders, I’m new to this thread, and if I’m honest I haven’t read all 36 pages, but have read some and it sounds 'real interesting’and supportive. Had a bad night last night and feel a bit teary for no reason today - (maybe its the waiting) so was looking on the site. I have had surgery but won’t get results till next Friday, so no treatment as yet. good luck those who are having or beginning their treatment.

Nell x

Oh dear I think I’m feeling somewhat irritable already and I haven’t even started yet! My mother has just arrived and she’s sitting in here eating a salmon and cucumber sandwich - the sound of her eating is driving me mad, it sounds like she’s chewing gravel!!

And she’s talking to me. Don’t talk to me!! Arghhhhhhhh

hi all

good luck to all the gals today. im jus makin sure all the horses are ready to roll in case of emergencies so give me shout if you need your horse.

im still feelin ok. had a great nigts sleep thanks to the old sleepin pill. took my steroids and antisickness and although no big appetite im just having little snacks to keep energy up.

question: does the amount of days you take the steroids vary from person to person. i only have them today and tomorrow. im having 6 FEC so does that have something to do with it.

old one did you get my post on how to change your photo, basically you have to delete the old one and then go back in and put the new pic on.

thanks for all the help yesterday, helped get through the evening and stop me thinking bout other things.

nell welcome to the Storm Riders, you have come to the best forum on the site. now one of the things you have to do is choose a cowgirl name mine is BlackJack and then a name for your horse. its not something you have to do but as we have a story goin here that Carole AKA Steel writes, you will be included in the story and its fun. im the one who takes care of the horses, well i like to think i do. anyway all your questions or worries will be answered on here to the best of our ability and there is always plenty of support for the down days. so join right in girl we need all the help we can get with them baddies :-).


One thing I learned in life - never sit near your mother when she’s eating, or even better, never sit near your mother. :slight_smile:

The wind is definitely picking up round about you, but never fear, the Storm Riders are all sitting on their horses behind you on the ridge, hands crossed over on the pommel, relaxed, watchful. Mule is leisurely chewing on the end of a piece of grass, Casey’s flicking cards round her fingers, Blackjack’s sitting musing on the coming storm, Poncho-Cat’s smoothing the end of her whip, and Steel’s napping… We’re all here, and I can hear hooves in the distance as more of us gather. We’ll keep you in the saddle Riviera. Meanwhile, have another swig from that very expensive looking flask you carry around with you. One day we’ll find out where you get the cash from!

Oh, I found a miraculous hair restorer yesterday…

Titter :D. Actually I was trying to work out why the Old One’s having probs with her avatar, so deleted the scarf pic before realising I’ve deleted it from the computer. Silly billy nilly…

My new and even more improved avatar will be resurrected as soon as I find the camera.

Glad you’re feeling ok still Martina. I think the steroids do vary a bit from person to person. I get them for three days for E-CMF.

Hey Nell and Welcome to Determation! That teary thing happens all the time. It will get a bit easier once you have your results. Knowledge is power as they say, or in our case, a very strange sense of “so let’s get on with it and kick this thing to kingdom come.” Hang on in there kiddo, you can do it. I mean, if we can, a bunch of wimps like us, anybody can! :smiley:

Martina thankyou I did try but just lost original pic!Will try later a bit worried now cos baby has lost too much weight:(

Done it!!12 hours old in this pic.Thanks Carole moving pic did itx

He is so sweet! I’m sure he’ll gain the weight back very quickly. He’ll be getting very good care I’m sure.

Gorgeous piccie The Old One…:smiley:

Nell welcome to the storm riders…:smiley: I’m a bit of an unusual storm rider as i’ve just finished all my treatment - but i sat down one day to listen to Steel’s story and stayed…:smiley:

Gen - hope it has all gone okay - hopefully the nurse should have finished off by about now…

he gorgeous so cute. give a kiss from me.

rhapsody cant remember you got an alias, you still one of storm riders even though you finished, you and the old one are a back up you know.


AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH! He’s so cute Old One. Can I have a cuddle? By the way, you don’t need to delete your picture, just find a new one using the browse button and click submit. You’ll see I’ve reverted back to the edited version - too much of a bad thing, the other one. lol

Welcome Nell, I’m Mule (due to my stubborn streak). I had lumpectomy on 12 Feb (9 weeks after diagnosis and loads of extra tests). I get my results on Friday, so together we can lag behind all the rest. I think there was something in the air last night, 'cos we all seemed to be awake. Maybe it was The Boss’s boys creeping up on us that made us so alert. Maybe we need another hoe down to get us good and tired. Old One, has your offspring got her banjo ready? Steel, are you hogging the whisky again?

Hope all went well today Casey, Gennie and Calamity. We’re plumping up the hay for you to rest on in the Old One’s barn, so you can just watch the rest of us make fools of ourselves on the dancefloor:)

Lol. We finished the whisky the last time, and finished the bottle on one of the Boss’s boys if I remember rightly. Tod dropped by to ask us to go up and see the sheriff, and just happened to have a drop of that moonshine on him. Thought we could pass that around tonight, maybe with some more of those delicious pancakes the Old One was serving up yesterday, then head up to see the Sheriff tomorrow. Might as well find out what this Boss guy is about, seeing as how his boys are starting to get mighty irritating!

Calypso, Storm Riders are born beneath the lightning, growing up waiting for the day they saddle up and ride alongside the thunder. So you always were one, always will be. Yeehaaa!!! I can just see it 10 years from now, all us original Storm Riders still posting away, helping other Storm Riders fight their way through. There are going to be some classic hoe downs to come! :smiley:

is it just me or is the steroids makin me hyper. on my own here but spent most of the time on the phone talking away like a looney. dont usually do that. trying to take things easy but wandering like a lost sheep, feel fine but takin caroles advice not to do too much.
thats usually no problem for me but i think its the old reverse psychology, cos you know you shouldnt do it you want to do it.:-*


Oooh beautiful baby!! All of my children lost weight in the first week or so, they soon picked up again but I know what a worry it is.

Well the first chemo is done. Nurse arrived at 2.30 and left at 3.30, so there was a bit of chat and setting up time and the actual chemo took about 35 - 40 minutes. The portacath is a doddle, I must say - she does have to stick a needle through the skin to get at it, but it wasn’t too bad and then that’s it. Saline and 4 syringes of Epi slowly fed in with it - I didn’t really feel anything except it was a bit cold because she’d just picked it up from refridgerated storage. No groin tingles or anything - I wonder if that’s because mine goes straight to my heart first with the port? Shame - I was rather looking forward to a cheap thrill! :smiley:

About 15 minutes after she’d unhooked me I went for a wee and it was already bright pink! Amazing how quick it goes through, but I have been drinking loads of water. She said it was a sign my kidneys are working well and to basically keep doing drinking and flush it through asap really.

I took one lot of steroids just before chemo and I have some to take in the morning for the next 3 days (dexamethasone - is that what you have Carole & Martina?). She told me the steroids are basically to calm the inflammation of the stomach caused by the chemo, so obviously is anti-sick. I also have anti-nausea stuff to take twice a day for 3 days plus some other anti-nausea stuff to take if I need it. Doc has also prescribed a laxative if I need it plus I have to take antibiotics and something to prevent thrush during week 2. So I’m loaded up with drugs - the nurse said my Onc was being ultra-cautious and basically trying to head any problems off at the pass.

Somebody will come out to take bloods a couple of days before my next dose and I have a 24 hour phone number to call if I have anything I’m not sure about or side-effects.

So that’s me. Riding like hell to Determination. :slight_smile:

By the way I meant to say welcome Nell. Good to have you along with us! :smiley:

Back… Rads wasn’t so bad. Just uncomfortuble on the old arm. Onc has done her checks and I shouldn’t have any more skin probs than anyone else. So am relieved about that. However, thought I was just having 15 sessions but it seems I am to have an extra 4 boosters. Apparantly, these just target the scar area, in case any residue has been left behind and are not given to everyone. Just depends on type and stage.

Gennie, you should be all done by now. I hope all went well and your resting up now. I haven’t done any proper cooking (from scratch) for ages now but today I have made a very wholesome lamb stew with red wine and rosemery. Theres plenty to go round. It’ll be great with new potatoes and rustic bread. Give us all the boost we need. Then onto the Old Ones pancakes. Mmmmmmmmm

Looking forward to dancing round the old wood stove tonight and telling tales of our individual fights.


well done gennie. you done good girl. we all been thinking bout you and wondering how you were gettin on. seems to have gone smoothly. keep us posted.
