Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Jane and Gen - glad to hear that it all went okay…:smiley:

It’s the steroids. Have fun on legal drugs!

Awwww, no free thrills for Gen. Must be the port. Maybe you could ask them to do the last one the ordinary way, just for the experience. :smiley:

So that’s it then, you’re off. Only stuff I don’t get is the antibiotics, and yep its dexamethasone I get. That’ll be your only pink piddle. I’m glad to hear the kidney bit. I always worry I’ve got something failing, despite all the blood tests. Goodo, top notch kidney function. Have you got your thermometer ready? I dropped about 3/4 of a degree by then end of week 2 and it’s stayed there. Some people say they get really cold, but the only thing cold is my heady weddy.

And Casey’s off and running too! So that’s you done with them end of the 3rd week in March I think. Wow, so soon! What happens then, do you know?

I can smell that stew. Oh my gurgling tum! Here’s a plate of lightly steamed french beans with just a dash of garlic and lemon to go alongside. So, all we have to do is round up Calam and get tucked in. Keep an eye on Mule, she’s bound to try adding something to the pot, or removing some of it when nobody’s looking. :slight_smile:

lol. My you know Mule, Carole.

Yeah I get finished 23 March. Not sure what happens then. My gp mentioned something about they might do body scans then but I really don’t know. Perhaps Angel knows???

lol. My you know Mule, Carole.

Yeah I get finished 23 March. Not sure what happens then. My gp mentioned something about they might do body scans then but I really don’t know. Perhaps Angel knows???

Hope your ok Calam and welcome Nell

Somebody else mentioned Angel. I feeling like I am having a huge DUH! moment. Who have I missed, I can’t think of Angel? Sorry Angel if I’m leaving you out there. Totally unintentional. :slight_smile:

Glad its gone ok Gennie.Its the Epirubicin that gives you pink wee.Its quite spectacular isnt it.I always had to go between drugs and the pink was visible almost at once.Dont take your steroids too late at night and eat what you fancy when you fancy it.Drink loads-when nothing else will stay down I could manage San Pellegrino but any sparkling water should do as long as it is well chilled.Daughters milk has come in today so hopefully Edward will begin to regain weight thanks for nice comments.Aiming to get back to the homestead before dark and will have the boys sweep out the barn for our next hoe-down.
The Old One

Carole - angel is sometimes me… lol :wink:

jane - not sure about more scans as it might depend on any other scans they have done earlier in your treatment… i guess that because they do the ct scan at your planning appointment they don’t need to scan there again…
i’ve been holding onto that thought today with my worries about my chest… that if nothing showed up on the ct scan on jan 5th then hopefully i am okay…

Of Course! (Slaps self up side head) Talk about dim. Lol.

I do feel quite cold, had to put another jumper on. Interesting…

Am feeling v tetchy. Mum has been here wittering all afternoon and I snapped at her just before she left and she got all offended. You’d think after 41 years she’d know not to keep yapping at me when I’m stressed wouldn’t you? I’m not much of a talker at the best of times but when I’m stressed I clam up. I just want companionable silence - the more she yaps the more monosyllabic I become.

Now I feel guilty that I’ve upset her and to be fair I did snap over nothing but heck I don’t need to be worrying about her feelings really. I do appreciate her help very much. Argh!

howdy everyone,
Thanks for the welcome, will be thinking of a name for myself and a virtual horse too. You seem to have coped well Gennie with your first chemo…

howdy nell!! mary x

I see what you mean about the steroids. What I really want to do is just sit on the sofa and read but I can’t sit still. Not sure if it’s release of tension or steroid hypers but I’m distinctly antsy!

Bet you’re really relieved to have cleared the first hurdle Gen - if it’s any consolation not everyone gets constipation and the opposite after epirubicin . By the way folks , what’s this about tingling in the nether area while having the injection ?
After today I think I have one definition for “chemo-brain” - is it when you go upstairs to do (whatever ) and forget what it was, so you sit for an hour gawping at the monitor, then you think “i must get ( whatever ) done” downstairs, forget that too and end up gawping at the TV instead ?
I’ve been walking/sitting/gawping all day with an ice-pack on my chest due to the infection - I guess they won’t give me my next chemo next week if it’s still red ?
I’ve noticed several references lately to what has been suggested to people about allowed foods/drinks etc - I didn’t have any such advice, so what have you all been told ?

Heh heh. Well howdy there mirror image! That sounds exactly like me and my mother, and in my case it’s got nothing to do with the chemo. :smiley: The antsy bit sounds like the steroids though. Welcome to Wide Awake Land. I might join you for a late into the night session. I’m absolutely whacked and just fell asleep for an hour or so there. Say goodnight to getting back to sleep at a proper bedtime. How I love this life!

Tumbleweed, it might just be Epi that does it, but in the first minute of putting it in you get a tingle in your arm, then a sudden, big rush of really sharp tingling right through your crotch. Nurse says they call it the chemo wriggle 'cos if you walk past the chemo room all the women are wriggling in their seats for a few secs. Lol. And that sounds like chemo-brain to me. :smiley:

Food wise, I was told to avoid anything that would have live bacteria in it, like live yoghurt or yoghurt drinks (how exactly are you supposed to sort your guts out then?) and unpasteurised cheese, and to make sure you cook eggs thoroughly, avoid home made mayonnaise, and wash fruit and veg (even organic) to avoid bugs spread by other people touching them. Ewwwww, thanks, I needed to think about that. Yuck. Blech.

Think I have a chapter coming on. And as I won’t be sleeping for a while…

Oh I’m glad it’s not just me who turns into a truculent 13 year old every time her mother hoves into view lol

I was told to basically avoid the same sort of things you’re told to avoid when pregnant - because of risk of tummy bugs. I also thought Actimel drinks would be a good idea to maintain the good gut bacteria and immune system but was told not to have them. But then I’ve noticed other people here saying they do take probiotics so there seems to be a bit of conflict there.

The only thing I asked about that she did say was ok to have was alcohol!! Not that I will be much but I might have the odd tincture in week 3 if I fancy. Drinking loads of water now - I see what you mean about the mouth being dry, that’s just kicking in now. Feeling tired too but still can’t keep still! I’ll be here going “is anybody there” at 3am at this rate :smiley: :smiley:

13, yes, that’s about the age. Lol. You’d think we’d grow into mature, intelligent women able to deal properly with them wouldn’t you. But noooo, mature and intelligent in every respect except that.

I think I’m going to load myself up with probiotic yoghurt in week 3. My guts are definitely not operating right, and if probiotic is the bacteria you’re supposed to have in there anyway… I can’t be doing with this for another 6 months. I’ll risk the tummy bug.

With you on the week 3 for a small tipple. I thought if I really, really want a small glass then I’ll treat myself the Saturday before chemo, and make sure I stick to just one or two so it’s completely gone for chemo day and I’m totally hydrated.

I tried the pineapple for the mouth, but apart from being nice and juice while it’s in there, I didn’t think it helped much. I just have water or herb tea at hand all the time. It doesn’t stop the dryness, it just keeps your mouth wet, but at least it’s doing the flushing at the same time.

Hey you two, get up, said Riviera, kicking Casey and Poncho-Cat’s bunks. The two of them groaned and rolled over. They’d all had a ball last night. There’s nothing like good food, music, song, camaraderie, a decent fight, and far too much whisky and beer to make a bunk feel like the only place you want to be.

Cmon, move, cajoled Riviera.
Stand aside, said Steel, and Riviera obligingly moved way over.

Steel stepped between the two bunks, emptied a bucket of ice cold water over each of them, turned and strolled out.

What the…… STEEEEEL! hollered Casey, tumbling onto the floor. Poncho-Cat sat bolt upright coughing, spluttering, and shaking the water out of her face.

Riviera grinned broadly. Sheriff wants to talk this morning, so get your boots on, we’re heading up there.

Bleary eyed and dripping, Casey and Poncho-Cat emerged into the late winter morning. Riviera, Steel, and Mule were on their horses waiting outside the bunkhouse.

I’ll just grab something to eat, sulked Casey turning towards the Old One’s kitchen.

If you can’t handle your liquor don’t drink it, chuckled Mule. You can eat when we get back.

Grumbling and dragging their feet, the two of them moved towards Jet and Folly. Blackjack grinned and handed them both a couple of pancakes layered with crisp bacon. Looking at you, she said, I can say I’m mighty glad I never took a liking to the drink. And she swung herself up onto Jack.

Hey Casey, fancy a game later? Asked Blackjack. Casey, always of a hopeful disposition, brightened considerably. Sure, why not, she replied.

Casey was a damn good card player. She liked nothing better than taking folk’s money from the card table with a good bottle of whisky next to her. She knew Blackjack wasn’t as good as she was. They made a good team at the table, but Blackjack didn’t have the flair that Casey had. Yet four out of five times they played against each other Blackjack won, and Casey couldn’t work out how. Blackjack had to have a card somewhere, but so far Casey hadn’t spotted it. She would though, just give her time. You can’t hide a card forever.

As the six of them passed the Old One’s door, the Old One shouted out to them, Bring me back some seed packets from the store. It’s time I got thinking about planting.

Sure, shouted back Poncho-Cat. We should get the ground dug over for her, she said to the others. Anybody know anything about growing things?

I’ll take a look at the ground later, said Steel.

Well, whaddaya know, said Mule, Steel reveals something! How would you know about planting then?

Hrrmmph, grunted Steel. Grew up on a small homestead. Satisfied?

Casey managed a chuckle through a mouthful of pancake and bacon fat. Careful there Steel, we might just get to know you. Why are we taking the horses up to the Sheriff anyway? She asked.

The Old One got a feeling about the mountain pass last night, said Riviera. She wants us to ride out and see if there’s anybody up there, so we’re gonna head that way next.

They hitched up outside the Sheriff’s office a few minutes later.


In between chapter sections, I made an amazing discovery about chemo. I have suddenly and surprisingly developed the ability to walk in 4 1/2 inch heels! How odd is that? :smiley:

I’m serious, really. I admit to owning two pairs of very high heels. While I am definitely more like Steel than anything else, I would love to have elegance and Parisian chic, so for fun a while back I purchased these divine bits of footwear and proceded to totter around pretending to be worthy of a Vogue photo shoot. As part of a new campaign, which I shall mention shortly, I popped a pair on last night and thought, “now then, now then, what’s this, these don’t feel as high as usual”. I then proceded to stroll around as though in a mere 3 1/2 inch heel. I tried it again today, and had the same experience. Who would’ve thought chemo could bring out my inner Dior!

Anybody else had strange and inexplicable miracles?

Mine will probably bring out my inner scarecrow lol

Hi Y’all

Well that pesky Sherriff gave me a real hard time - looks like I’ll be joining you in Chemo-city shortly…

Turns out both lumps (the one I’d found and a smaller one that showed up on the mammo and ultra-sounds) are both grade two, tho somewhat bizzarrely one was HER2 positive and the other was HER2 negative! (Consultant says not many folk manage THAT one! Trust me to be complicated …). So appt with oncologist coming up, chemo for approx 6 months and then Herceptin.

Ho hum
Rosie on the red wine