Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Hey Blackjack, that update was really useful, have begun to remember some of the names , but deffo not all. Hey Carole , sorry didn’t realise your hosses name was lightning too…hows that fer good taste, although my hoss is real stubborn and runs away all the time!!!To save any confusion I’ll rename mine Thunder, its easier to spell anyway :slight_smile:
I’m up for a fight this week…especially on Friday…results day…bring it on!!!
Yorkie x

See, knew I’d forget somebody. Thanks for the heads up Nell!

Piper, kiddo, good luck for tomorrow. I’ll be there at 2.30. Loving Bilbo with Firefoot!

Yorkie. Whoops! Confusion City! My horse is Runner. Stick with Lightning, unless you want to change to Thunder. Point me in the direction of where I might have said lightning by mistake?

EDIT: just worked it out. My horse is Runner which is short for Runs With Lightning. He hates getting called the whole thing, so I went for Runner instead. No need to change your horse’s name. Although, if your horse is a girl, Runner might see an opportunity for smooching if he thinks he can use the name to his advantage. :smiley:

Visit to see the onc at 11-15 - maybe she’ll actually look at my chest before she decides on whether or not I get the scheduled 2nd epi tomorrow. Part of me wants to get it out of the way - the rest doesn’t want a second dose of last time.Maybe it won’t be so bad…
Best wishes to others with an appt tomorrow

Tumbleweed, I have some “Fresh Linen” scented candles purchases in Determination grocery store (although goodness knows how they got in past the Boss’s border guards!). Anyhow, I shall be wafting their fragrant, uplifting scent your way about 11.15. I also revise my previous comment about nose hairs. I think I have a distinct deficit! :smiley:

Hi Carole
I got your horses name from the list Martina did…well I’ll keep the name lightning it suits his personality…if not mine hahaha

I think Sandra has a results day this Wednesday…but I would check on that I think…

Yorkie x

Lol! I am totally sure you have the energy of a lightning bolt when needed!

Scotia, how’re you feeling?

Red, how you doing? Did you get the patches?

Yawwwwwnnn!! ooops sorry, that one slipped out. Think its time for me to get some shut eye…will catch ya all in the mornin’, gonna crawl into my bunk now…

Everything crossed Piper…here come some good vibes>>>>>>>>>>

Helen x

Night all. The stove’s ticking over in the bunkhouse, the horses are calm and warm in the barn, the bacon’s hanging in the larder for tomorrow’s breakfast. All is calm.

Oh, except for Tumbleweed, Mule, Steel, Riviera, and Blackjack, who are all still stuck on the other side of that landslide.

But wait, I spy from above that a campfire is glowing, the horses are happy, and five Riders are bedding down with yet another of Mule’s strange yet oddly addictive stews settling well in their stomachs.

Sleep well Riders.

Tumbleweed, Piper, good luck today.

Tumbleweed, hope you get the second one ok. I found my second was the same pattern but not quite as bad - almost, but not quite. Fingers crossed.

Morning gals…:smiley:

Good luck to everyone with something happening today.
I’ve got my chest xray this afternoon - at least they are quick and hopefully there won’t be too many people waiting…:smiley:

Howdy All! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the good wishes, loadsa love to everyone else with something happening today too xxx

Hi everyone
Good luck with your results today Piper fingers crossed. Good wishes to everyone else with an appointment…
good vibes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Helen x

Good luck for today girls.We’ll all be waiting for you.

Good luck all of you who’ve got things going on today. Tumbleweed, you’re probably sitting waiting now - good vibes going your way!

Carole - I’m up for an ass whupping at the canyon! And why is beef and strawberry jam stew strange??? Careful now, or I’ll force feed you Victoria sponge filled with anchovies!

Well, the old lightning strike is healing well and some of the fluid is starting to go I think. There’s definitely not such a large hard area on the boob now. However, when I get up in the morning the area around the incision is starting to look like Nora Batty’s stockings!! lol.

Oh and Old One, how did you get on with the sawbones yesterday?

Morning pardners

Well I think I’m over the worst now - stumbling back out into the light and dusting myself down, still a bit weary from the ride but ready to get back in the saddle and kick @ss. Good to see you back too Martina - what a ride eh?!

Lots of luck to those who need it today. I’m lifting myself up to the positive vibe plane and sending them out thick and fast - nobody faces any of this alone when there are Riders all over the country rooting for them.

Sal - once the fluid round my lightning flash subsided the whole thing imploded and now it’s not so much lightning as scrunched up paper bag. Very attractive. However, it seems the slowing down effects of the chemo have actually caused the beggar to finally close over properly and heal. Every cloud…

Hey all, good luck mary with your line and Piper with those results, my turn for them at 4.20pm approx tomorrow, dont’ know if that’s why am feeling a bit out of sorts today or it’s just a week post op and I’ve hit some mad wall that’s making my head feel a bit weird and spaced out.Going to rest up and be ready to be up and at em tomorrow.

Sandra x

Hi Riders

Postie just brought letter with first appt with Onc to discuss chemo planning: this Fri at 11.30, which is excellent timing as I’m allowed to drive again from Thursday!

It will be a relief to know what’s going to happen and when, but also a whole lot of new acronyms to learn - deep joy!

Good luck to everyone having Stuff done today
Big hugs
Rosie x

Hi Sandra
I started feeling improvements, physically and mentally after my first 2weeks post op, so another week should make all the difference…get your rest…it helps…:-)Will be thinking of you tomorrow love at 4.20, thats a funny time!!!
Hope Pipers doing ok…feel a little butterflyish myself…hey think I made a new word up!..
Glad you got your chemo appointment Rosie, bet its a relief to know whats happening!

Helen x

Back from my chest xray… it was just at the little local cottage hospital - so just one man and a machine type set-up.
I had to just wait a couple of minutes until he had chance to check the image was okay etc… but then he said he was going to phone the usual hospital for them to look at it as urgent…:frowning: so now i am worried…:frowning: he said that my breast cancer nurse should have the report by friday…

Didn’t get back until 16-30, but at least had the chemo - feel as if one of the horses kicked me between the shoulder blades, so I think pain-killers and bed beckon - hope everyone else got on OK