Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Hi all

Had my planning session with the Onc today - will be having first chemo on Fri 20th March, after various tests/form filling sessions etc are all completed. So much for getting my breath back… I’ll need to start stocking the freezer up again soon!

Its 3 x FEC, then 3 x TAX but with Herceptin starting at same time as the 2nd TAX,(anyone else having it in tandem?) and for dessert, a course of rads. I’m VERY relieved they are throwing everything at it, judging by the stats he gave me. I’m not going to repeat them here, (don’t want to accidentally scare any lurking newbies with completely different histology profiles), but happy to share via PM’s if anyone is eager to know).

A nice touch was being shown around the chemo suite, so it won’t come as too much of a shock on the day; also collected leaflets about free Aromatherapy and various other goodies available in my area, amd the form for concessionary parking charges during chemo.

The ‘phony war’ is about to hot up - so off to the farrier to get Valentine re-shod and ready for action…

Hugs to everyone, especially the others who were being ‘interfered with’ today (love that term, whoever said it earlier!)


Rosie - good to hear that you now know what is happening…:smiley:

Well looks like it is going to be no news here… there was no call - so i tried calling them, but kept getting the line busy message - finally got a ring tone at 4.55pm but got the answer machine…! So have left them a message to call back me back on monday morning… as i’ve said before this is just typical of what it is like there… even if my results weren’t on the system yet surely they could just phone and say that rather than leave someone waiting all weekend…?

rosie - chemo regime same as me but haven’t got her2 results yet…it’ll be all go soon then, Theresa - crossing all still - having trouble walking but hey its fun…sandra - I had a mini explosion with my infection early on and it was on way back from hospital after they checked the wound etc and it relieved it a bit bit mucky but muck’s good - better out than in…
well, doing well so far, I know I jokingly asked for rose and white wine when they brought the chemo drugs but beginning to wonder if thats what I got - mind you its still early days and I’m still taking the tabs etc so there’s time but making the most of feeling ok…hope everybody’s doing well or resting well…mary x

Hi mary - here’s hoping the tablets continue to work…:smiley:

decided to phone my gp surgery as it was them that actually requested the xray… the receptionist said nothing had come through yet about the results… so at least i can try and relax over the weekend… but as i said before - why couldn’t the breast nurse phone and say your results don’t seem to have come through yet…? they must know how much people worry about these things…:frowning:

Hey there girls
Have had a very confusing meeting this morning. Felt really positive when the breast nurse took hubby and me into a room to chat and not the onc. Thought…this bodes well…onc doesn’t have to see us. She was really positive…one node taken and that was neg, got all the tumour…big smiles from us to each other…then comes a but…
At the end of the margins were pre-cancerous cells…DCIS. So then she started talking about a MX…bit of a shock!! Talked about seeing the plastic surgeon that afternoon and reconstruction etc. Then I asked if another WLE was possible…was finding it hard to grasp…More talk then I said ok for MX. She went to chat with onc, who then came back and did a U turn and said thought it feasible to do WLE… so my brain has been doing ping pong today…

Any hoo…I’m having pre-assessment on Monday and operation on Wednesday…mext week!!! Hurrah the first time things have been fast.
My histology also says ER and PR positive. NOt much said , but guess they will get back to me about that.!!!

Phew!!!sorry for being long winded…feel like making my way to that there saloon right away…set em up bartender!!!

Thanks for all the positive vibes…they definitely helped!!

Helen xx

Nell - sorry that it was a mixture of good and bad news… So is it another WLE in the end…? (unsure…) {{{HUGS}}}

Hi Angel
Yes another WLE operation…different hospital, and overnight this time.
Helen x

That’s a disgrace, Angel, to leave somebody in limbo all weekend - i take it you’ll give them hell next week.
Best wishes for next week nell
I really shouldn’t have said anything about doing well after the epi - I feel like absolute s**t today, have eaten little but still like throwing up all day in spite of max dose of anti-emetics - ho hum !

Angel - on the plus side, if your results aren’t yet reported that means they haven’t been fast-tracked. So it’s looking more likely that the radiographer didn’t actually see anything bad on there when he said he’d report urgently. However, it is shoddy to leave you hanging all weekend. Why do these things always happen on a Friday?

Helen - sorry you have to have more surgery, but better out than in and at least you know the nodes are clear which is a big hurdle.

Storewoman - epi seems to get you like that doesn’t it (says she, a veteran of one dose lol). You think you’re doing ok then it sneaks up behind you and clobbers you over the head when you least expect it.

Today has been the first day that I have felt “normal”. Whatever that is. I haven’t felt tired, my tummy is more settled, the vile taste in my mouth is improving, basically back to my normal self. I’m on day 10. I might even go back in to work on Monday if I continue to feel ok.

Hi everyone - Helen, so sorry to hear you have to go in again - I was thinking of you a lot today, but as has already been said better out than in - that’s both of us back in next week now. We’ve been following the same path haven’t we so good luck to us both :slight_smile:

Angel I’m sorry you didn’t get your results, it’s so bloomin’ frustrating isn’t it when you gear yourself up to a particular day, no news is good news I suppose though (I don’t mean that to sound trite)

Storewoman and anyone else who may have had a rough day - big hug to you all, and brilliant news that you’ve had a bright day Gennie!

Phew…is the bar open yet!!!

Helen, rotten luck to have to have more surgery. I know what you mean about the recon thing. When I had a second biopsy I was walked through the recon options and sent home with a booklet to read - just in case I needed mx. But thankfully it wasn’t necessary. And don’t be sorry about being long winded - we’re all capable of that:)

Theresa, I’m with Gen on this. If it was bad, I’m sure you’d have heard. But I don’t suppose that helps. A weekend can seem like a lifetime when you’re waiting. I know what you mean about Fridays, Gen. I always say, if the sh@t’s going to hit the fan, it seems to do it on Friday afternoon!!!

I’m glad you’re feeling better Gen. How are the children? Bounced back to normal in super quick time no doubt.

I asked bc nurse yesterday if I could swim and she said yes, as long as wounds have healed. Sooo, I went for my first swim since wle this morning. Managed 14 slow, lop sided lengths of breast stroke (how apt). Got dressed and by the time I’d done that I thought - think I’ve done too much. Ouch. Then an hour after I got home, I had to have a kip - what’s that all about? But, exercises at lunchtime seemed easier, although I’ve siezed up now. Did anyone else sieze up as the day went on? I seem to be ok when I get up and then by about midday, it feels much worse - stiffer, more burning etc. Don’t know if that’s normal…

Piper, the red wine’s open my end of the bar.

Nikki/Red, you still out there? Hope you’re doing ok.

Nearly forgot. Got my appointment with the onc today. Next Wednesday at 10 am.

Hi all
thanks for your thoughts all…Theresa as Sal said a weekend can seem like a lifetime…so roll on next week!!!
Your right Gennie better out than in…I’d go with anything now…‘IT’ is so not gonna beat me!!! Hope your little ones are feeling much better! Great that you feel a lot better…and have the energy for work!

Hi Sal, yes it felt a bit surreal, going from feeling positive to then showing me prosthesises (is that right?) But I do feel ok about things, and am sure this time round, the op will ‘nuke’ all the bad guys!!

Hi there Piper! Yep it feels like the 2nd lap of this journey. But I think we will deffo beat the ‘bad guys’ this time round…so Yeah!! Bring it on!!! When do you go in again?

Big hugs Ros (((((0))))))

Well I’m already feeling mellow…a good rose will do that!!!
think I’ll join you Sal and Piper at the bar!!! No falling off the stools …well not straight away!!

Helen xxx

Oooh is there room at the end of the bar for me ? Just a bit worried if I drink too much it’s going to come leaking out my boob too ! But hey, alcohol is antiseptic so it’s bound to do me good ! Set em up bartender,first round is on me !

Sandra x

More apologies from me I have been so ill with a tummy upset today.

hi girlies - Val sorry you’ve not had a good day - if its not one thing its another isn’t it! Sandra - yes alc is a very good antiseptic - can you ahve a large glass for me too or two!
Helen - sorry you have to go back for more fun n games but we’ll all be routing for both you and Piper next week and am sure you’ll do great and then you can carry on the fun journey! Theresa -gawd it’d drive me mad too - nothing worse than waiting for phonecall, results etc - can I breifly uncross or I’m going to be in awful trouble…?! Will recommence straight away of course!! take care all of you…Carole - are you there kid??? Hope you’re not going into overdrive writing all the next bits…mary x

I’m here, I’m here! Steel skids through the saloon doors, across the floor, and bangs into the bar!

Dangnabbit, looks like a bad guy managed to get a shot in at you there Yorkie! The Doc will get it out. Meanwhile, get the cork out of another bottle, get the cards on the table and let’s have a good saloon night tonight. Casey can have another shot at working out how Blackjack keeps winning, and the rest of us can stick our boots up, ease back in those chairs, and jaw about the day. What the heck… Bartender, pop the cork on half a dozen bottles, and throw some of those peanuts over this way, we’re going to be here a while! :smiley:

Muchos huggy feelings to everyone today. Looks like one way or the other everybody’s in need of a good saloon time, except Riviera obviously got a highly amenable telegram today which brightened her up, so she’s springing for a bottle of the saloon’s best!

Ros, yep the Epi is sneeeeeaaaaakyyy! Once you get into the second two weeks and start to wake up feeling good, it makes me think of that thing kittens and puppies do, where they charge around like crazy, then suddenly stop mid air and drop to the ground fast asleep.

Sal, my healing time was a bit like that. I’d wake up and swing the arm about thinking how good it felt and wasn’t it healing quick, and in the course of the day it would get increasingly ouchy and achey.

My only moan today is I think I’ve got a touch of phlebitis, ie the Epi irritates the vein it goes into if it’s not diluted enough. Darn that nurse I had the last time! I really hope I don’t get her again. Oh, and I think my eyebrows and lashes are starting to go. Pooh! Me and Vanity are going to have a serious discussion about Vanity taking a few months holiday till I’m ready to look in a mirror again. :smiley:

Hi there all
hey Sandra, if your paying I’m a drinking…think we’re gonna fill the saloon tonight!!!
So sorry your not so good Val, get a good nights sleep love!
Thanks Mary…it is surely gonna be an interesting journey!!!
Carole, does phlebitis itch…it doesn’t sound too pleasant!!!

Think someone is gonna have to cut down the legs of these here stools, cos I’ve only real short legs…getting difficult to hitch myself onto one!!!

Helen x

Hiya - is the bar still open or have you all taken to your bunks? I’ll have a shot whatever and drink to you all … cheers!

Helen I go in on Monday and have been told I’ll be out by Friday all being well, so same stay as last time, at least I know what to expect and the staff on the ward are great, still nervous about it as I had such a bad reaction to the morphine … felt like I’d really been on the moonshine for 2 days!

Carole I’m sure you’ll look fab whatever, you have a very classy look about you on your piccie:-) Have a good night ladies, Di xxx

Hi Di - do you always have a bad reaction to morphine? i just wondered if there was an alternative! Mind you if you are out of it for 2 days that means no housework…mmmmmmm theres a thought!!

Right Its been a real long day…so its me for my bunk!!
Have a good night all!
catch yer later!
Helen x