Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

I had an op last year and didn’t have the same reaction but evidently they gave me two extra doses as the op took longer, I just have to hope this one will be more straightforward.

One more for the road then if you insist,then time to fall off my bar stool ;-D

Hey, up here! Shouted Steel from the top of the gully. The others looked up to see her standing at the gully edge holding Runner’s reins.

There’s a way up about half a mile down the gully. It’s just passable enough for the horses, but take it easy and go one at a time. Same at this end.

Excellent! said Riviera, We’ll just have to wait for the coffee.

Mule kicked the fire out, retrieved the billy can, and the four of them mounted up to ride down the gully.

Eh, you might want to take it easy but do that as fast as you can, shouted down Steel. She was looking out towards Determination. Looks like Casey and PonchoCat are setting up for a Chicken Run.

What?! exclaimed Tumbleweed. How many are there? Where’s Calam.

Counting about nine, said Steel. Not riding fast, but definitely coming this way. Can’t see Calam. I’d guess she’s skirting the forest to get round the back. I’m going to head down and see if I can catch them up. With that she turned away from the gully edge, and the others moved out at a gallop.

Calam meanwhile was heading across from the forest along the Old One’s field edges. She could see Calypso, Red, and Scotia at the far end with the wagon and fencing materials. They looked up at the sound of hooves, and seeing Calam coming in fast they stopped unloading the wagon and came round to the fenceline, already sensing action. Calam reined in her horse as she got near.

C’mon, Casey and PonchoCat are heading up against some of the Boss’s boys, and Mule and the rest are stuck behind a landslip. We need to get up there fast and even up the numbers. Move it!

Without a word Calypso and Red leapt onto the wagon seat, Scotia jumping into the back. Calypso snapped the reins and the two horses pulled forward. Calam raced ahead with the wagon kicking up dirt behind her. She yelled back over her shoulder. Check your guns, I don’t know what we’re heading into!

Scotia picked up a rifle from the wagon floor then two handguns and handed them over to Red. She checked the second rifle and then looked at what else they had. Fence posts and the roll of wire weren’t going to do much good, but the rope might come in handy.

Red pointed ahead. There they are, she yelled over the clatter of the wagon wheels. About a mile ahead.

On the other side of the Boss’s boys, Casey and PonchoCat were riding fast towards them.

Don’t start shooting unless we have to, shouted over PonchoCat. I’m thinking we can maybe have a chat first. She chuckled and pushed her poncho aside to reach for her whip.

You wish! shouted Casey, None of those boys seem much up for vocalisation at the best of times. We see anything except a friendly hand and this Chicken Run’ll turn into a plucking!

They ain’t slowing down, yelled PonchoCat. After three then?

Three! Yelled Casey, and the two of them kicked their heels against their horses sides and the horses picked up to full gallop. Hooves pounded into the prairie, coats flew behind them. Casey moved her reins into one hand and flexed her free gloved hand. PonchoCat did the same and loosened her whip. The Boss’s boys glanced over at each other. They certainly didn’t have a chat on their minds. The Boss had sent them out to make sure this lot didn’t make it back to Determination. Steel was right, there were nine of them. The three in the lead grinned at each other. When these two drew up they’d take care of them alright.

Casey and PonchoCat were getting closer, only a 100 yards to go, 90, 80, 70. The Boss’s boys looked at each other again, confused. Why weren’t they slowing up? There were only two, what did they think they were doing. 40 yards, 30, they weren’t stopping and they were coming straight in. The Boss’s boys scrambled for their guns, two of them dropping them in their haste. The lead horses panicked and shied away, and,

WHAM! Casey and PonchoCat slammed into the group. PonchoCat’s whip cracked out and cut across one cheek, then another, throwing them out of their saddles with the shock. Casey’s fist hit one guy like a sledgehammer, knocking him straight back over his saddle. Then they were through the group and skidding to a turn, getting the horses feet back under them and heading back through again.

Split to the sides! came a yell from behind them. Casey glanced back and saw Calam racing in with the wagon right behind her. She pointed to PonchoCat to go right, and she split left. Calam veered left too and Calypso ploughed the wagon straight through. The three on the ground threw themselves out of the way, and the wagon ran up between four riders. Red thumped her rifle butt into one then another, Scotia felled a third the same way. Casey and Calam were riding straight at two of the bad guys who’d managed to get their horses under control and were lifting their guns.

Casey, watch out! yelled Calam and launched herself out of her saddle on top of one of them. They fell heavily to the ground, rolling in the dirt, kicking and punching. He got off a useless shot before Calam knocked him senseless. She turned round and took a blow to the jaw! Ouch! she said, putting her hand up. What’d you do that for? He stopped, confused, then shrugged, and Red dropped him from behind with another tap from her rifle butt. Thanks Red, said Calam. You’re welcome, grinned Red.

Casey looked at the second gun lifting towards her. She moved fast, and she was fast with a gun. She had it raised, aimed, and fired, shooting the gun out of his hand. He yelped and grabbed his hand, losing his reins and toppling himself onto the ground. Casey slowed her horse and walked up to him. Lazy Bones, she grinned. Up you get, and go join your friends. And she motioned over to where Calypso and Scotia were tying up various downed bad guys.

Hey, where’s PonchoCat? Asked Scotia, then added, Oh, there she is.

The ninth rider as it turned out didn’t have the stomach for this and had taken off full pelt in the first direction he could find. PonchoCat was after him.

C’mon PonchoCat, yelled Casey, what you waitin’ for!

PonchoCat raised her arm and her whip snaked out catching him round the chest and yanking him back off his horse. He lay there motionless and PonchoCat turned back to the others. Got 'im, she yelled over the distance.

Well, said Calypso, looks like the wagon’ll come in handy for transporting this lot over to the Sheriff. D’you think the Boss has got anybody worth fighting at all? And she guffawed in unison with the rest.

Steel pulled up her horse. She had one of the Boss’s horses in tow. Found this wandering about, she said.

I’ll take that, said Scotia, I ain’t riding back in the wagon with this lot. And she took the reins from Steel. Where are the others?

Found a way out of the gully so they’re not far behind. Thought I’d come over and give you a hand, but it looks like I could’ve spared Runner the run.

Right, said Casey, let’s get this lot loaded up, round up their horses, and head back into town. I’ve got some thirst worked up!

Boysoboys, these are getting longer all the time!

Looks like the bar’s emptying. Cheers to all, and let’s stagger down to the bunkhouse.

Morning all… Yipee Ki ay Carole, what a humdinger…I take my stetson off to you!!! A real marathon of a chapter that one is…
Brill!!! No wonder your’e crackered on a night and ready for your bunk!!! but here’s the selfish bit…keep it coming…

Couldn’t sleep…my 2 braincells went into over drive!!! Actually its nice having all the quiet to myself…well for at least a short space of time!! Well I’m gonna get my hair done this morning…so that will give me a new image to look at…for a week or two, until the ‘paint’ (dye) wears out lol . Then a bit of retail therapy with my daughter!!! Sounds ok to me…Right another cup of the strong stuff…coffee to everyone else…

Have a good day ya all!!!
Helen xx

Morning everyone…:smiley:

One hell of a chapter Steel…:smiley:

Mornin’ All - hope you’re all enjoying the lovely sunshine which we have here in the West, what a tonic.

Yes…what a brilliant chapter, can’t wait for the next installemt.

OH has gone off to do the weekly shop as I still can’t go out unless it’s in my nightshirt which is the only thing I can bear next to my skin!:slight_smile: - he never does it so although he is armed with a list we’ll wait and see what he comes home with bless him.

Have a friend coming for coffee at 11.00 so will be good to have a gossip, then it’ll be time for another nap no doubt.

Anyone any suggestions re cream or lotion for really sore skin floowing MX and nodes? Skin feels like it’s on fire although bruising has gone it is sooooooo tender - only half the feeling has come back and feel pee’d off I’ll be back to square one next week but thought if I could be preapred this time with something to put on my skin it might help.

Sorry about the moan…I hope you’re all feeling okay today and big hugs all round.

Di x

carole - brill chapter there girl!! Piper - I like the aloe vera gel from holland and barrat - you can order online too - and they do it in a lotion too…mary x

Our nurse advised against aloe vera unless the wound is fully healed - it seems they all go with the good old aqueous cream.
Seems like 2 weeks of anti-biotics have finally decided to act on my digestive system - had a c**p night - literally, so I’ll probably be catching up on some sleep later. Pity when the weather is so nice , but just have no energy on Day 5

Morning gang

Excellent chapter again Carole. I really must apply myself to one at some point, but you’re so good at it!!

Aloe gel is good for sore skin, Di, or maybe just good old aqueous cream. You can get both from chemists.

A bit of good news in the Riviera household this morning. Despite mine and hubby’s cautious outlook on whether the critical illness insurance would pay up, having heard all the horror stories, we got a letter this morning to say that they are. No quibbles, no arguments, just here’s a form for your bank details. Baa boom. So this means mortgage paid off and a bit over to replace Dh’s car which desperately needs it(we replaced mine back last October). Kids can have a Wii for Easter and I shall treat myself to something nice too since I’m the one going through the cr@p. :smiley:

Big up to MGM Advantage Insurance. Happy to name and praise!!

Big down to E&L pet insurance though while i’m on the subject - still waiting for them to pay out for the death of our dog over 4 months ago. Appalling. Never use them.

And that’s the end of this episode of Watchdog. Tune in next week for dodgy builders and Nigerian internet scams. :smiley: :smiley:

Right. Time for a shower. I stayed awake from 7.30am to midnight yesterday. Today I woke up at 8. Still feeling ok, although tummy a bit runny. I must get different antibiotics for next time. Kids seem to be healthy again (touch wood). No sun in Suffolk today though, can you send a bit over here Piper?

Gen - that is great news…:smiley:

Hello campers - hi de hi. Great news about critical illness insurance Gen. I know of someone else who had a pay out without quibble too. Amazing. What are you going to treat yourself to? I’m sure we could come up with some suggestions if you’re stuck:)

Di, I know what you mean about the burning!!:frowning: But I’m thinking it’s nothing to do with the skin, as mine looks fine. I think it’s the nerves that are the problem. I feel as if my skin is raw and something is rubbing, even if I have no clothes on my skin, so I think it’s the nerves that have been b@ggered about with. Bc nurse tells me that they have to move a large nerve in your armpit when they do the axillary sampling, so I guess that’s it.

Great chapter Carole - you’re really getting into the violence now aren’t you? Worrying, yet strangely comforting.

Thanks Mary, Angel, Storewoman Sal and Gen for the advice - I may get some Aloe Vera just to try, I do have some Aqueous cream somewhere too. Sal the symtoms you describe are exactly how it feels so sounds like yes, could be a nerve thing - it’s definitely getting on my nerves!

Had a brilliant visit today from an ex work colleague ( I lost my job due to company closing the same week as diagnosed!) - she came armed with Chocolates, booze, cake and magazines :slight_smile: What more is there? I’ve realised what wonderful friends I have through this and I will never, ever take them for granted again, which I’m ashamed to say I think I have done in the past. I feel like writing thank you letters to all of them for their support but don’t want to be too mushy about it, how do you go about thanking someone for being there?

Hope you are feeling a bit more rested now Storewoman and Angel, I’m not looking forward to the Chemo but I’ll worry about that after the next round of surgery. Hey ho…

Time for a little snoozette in front of the telly I think. xxx

Now you mention it I did have a period of time where the inside of my arm felt raw and I couldn’t bear anything rubbing on it even though the skin was fine. I think it was neuralgia, the nerves waking up and jangling. It passed, but I was very uncomfortable for a week or so with it.

G’day mates!

Watched Crocodile Dundee and have decided to have an Aussie moment. Am currently thrashing my way through the bush trying not get nabbed by crocs, aka re-potting all the house plants and discovering revolting things lurking in some of the pots. I had no idea cactii had roots that looked like flobby intestines. Ewwwwww! Or maybe something was evolving? Yikes, run Scoob!

I’d go for the nerve thing too. Is anybody still numbish over the scar area weeks after the op? Chin up Piper, it’s just another step towards success, and it does look like you have fantastic friends. :slight_smile: Just give them a hug when you see them, and thank them. Simple. And if you cry, then they’ll cry, then you both laugh, and you thank them again, and you both/all sob, and so on. :slight_smile:

Top Ho on the insurance front Gen! Go on, crack open the champagne at the end of Week 2. I experimented with a couple of glasses I must admit, and it was fine. May I suggest a spa weekend accompanied by purchase of a To Die For accessory of your choice, followed by a fab holiday, purchase of another TDF accessory, you get my drift… :smiley:

I use Sainsbury for pet insurance. Ok, but ran into a tad of a problem with big dog’s ongoing op saga after the vet made a mistake on the form I think, and am finishing the payment without insurance. Dangnabbit! Might need to engineer a bank hold up and blame it on the Boss. :slight_smile:

Thought I’d better get on with the a@s whupping Sal. That’s what we do best! We’re so good at it though I think we’ll have to pace ourselves or we’ll have whupped all the bad guys by next week. Then what do we do in Determination for the rest of the year? Oops, silly me, there’s always the saloon… Yuk Yuk :smiley:

And thanks for the chapter praise All! Much appreciated.

carole - yes its normanl re the numbness - I had a caesarian with my eldesy nearly 16 yrs ago and part of the scar area is still numb!! It might vary from being hyper sensitive to numb etc…funny ole thang…well done with the plants - I have a few sad ones that need sorting…just been lazy for now and chillin’…we have a film night tonight - got the popcorn ready and even ice cream for the interval - me and himself still like ice cream in the interval…mary x

Hey there all…I know what you mean about the nerve thing Sal and Piper…I had a pain like yours really bad the first 2 weeks. It felt like I had badly grazed myself on a wall or something, and the top layer of skin had come off! I couldn’t bear any material on it, or lean on it(my arm and shoulder blade) . It’s still there now but to a much lesser degree! I don’t know if it will work for you Piper, but I decided it must be inflamed so I took Ibrufen 3 times a day for 5 days…it did seem to ease it somewhat!!! It always felt worse as the day went on!!!
Glad you had a great day with your friends Piper, I have had quite a few visits from work friends too!! All nice experiences!

Treated my daughter to some retail therapy this afternoon!! Couldn’t wait to get back though…it was so busy, and I’ve gotten out of the habit of pushing my way through crowds…surprising how quickly you get used to a nice quiet house.

See you in the Saloon then gals! unless we have some more bad guys to whup Steel? :slight_smile:

Helen/Yorkie x

What’s your favourite ice-cream Mary???

The OLd One hobbles back onto her porch,battered by the bug that has laid her low and still very worried about both her little grandsons.Edward seems to have begun to improve at long last but poor little Finn is having a dreadful time.He has been constipated since last Sunday and all the doctor says is ‘nature will take its course eventually’.He is only 2 and doesnt understand why it hurts,the more painful it is the more he resists.He eats loads of fruit,drinks a lot of water and is very active.Any ideas girls?So sorry to bother you with my problems but I am struggling with a high temp,rushing to the loo and being sick.Obviously I cant visit the kids.Oh I give up!

oh Val …poor you!! Bet you have no energy whatsoever now!!
As for poor Finn…its been a long time since mine were that young, but does he like any cereals that have a bit of fibre in them, or raisins…sorry Val not very helpful…perhaps the others can offer better advice! Just glad that little Edward is on the up!!!
Hey love you take good care of yourself!!!

Helen x