Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Val sorry I can’t offer any advice but so sorry to hear your grandsons are poorly, it must be upsetting for you not to be able to see them but it sounds like they’re getting loads of love and attention. Hopefully it won’t be long before you’re all feeling better and you’ll have lots of hugs to catch up on.

Val. My friend said her daughter was constipated at about the same age, really badly. The doctor said the same thing. She added prune juice to her daughter’s milk and it worked a treat. She’s the one that told me to try prunes for the chemo constipation.

Really glad Edward’s picking up, but sorry to hear you’re still poorly. Take really good care of yourself. And don’t give up. Rent Appaloosa instead and watch it. The sheriff and his deputy are us Storm Riders - it’s brilliant! Almost like we wrote it. )

And on films. Too late for tonight Mary, but rent Appaloosa next time. What are you watching anyway? And make mine a double scoop vanilla and butterscotch.

Looking ahead for story lines and seeing as we’re stuck in Determination for a while, anybody want a little romance in between dealing with bad guys? Steel can’t, she’s too much of a loner (why? ah ha, we may find out…). The cowpokes will be coming through soon, and there’s always some cutie to be found if we look hard enough. :smiley:

Next instalment coming up. Got to get the rest in from the landslip and head us all for the saloon. We need a break!

Thanks girls I will certainly look out for Appaloosa-love those horses!Riders I can see a rainbow against the storm clouds and you will all get there in the end.

uuummmm ice cream - love Ben n Jerry’s Phish Food or cookie dough…or mars bar ice-cream and solero lollies…will keep a look out for that one carole…Val I so hope you pick up soon its horrible being ill like that and the boys too bless them. mary x

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…all this talk about ice-cream, think I’ll just nip and have a look what we’ve got in the freezer…
helen x

Gets you like that doesn’t it. lol! Think we’ll get the local cafe room to order in one of them new fangled ice cream makers. :smiley:

mmmm what a good idea…then we could mix our own outrageous flavours, how about strawberry, peach, lime and pecan nuts…
mmmmmmmmm lurverly…

Well gals I’m for a bit of shut eye…sleep well all…hope your feeling better tomorrow Val …

Helen x

Just finished reading last night’s posts - interesting that when Steel suggests a bit of cyber-romance everyone carries on talking about ice-cream!!!

To keep everyone happy, therefore, may I request a dishy Italian cowpoke who, having met the Riders, decides to quit in order to open a Gelateria in Determination? (Those 1970’s films were called ‘spaghetti westerns’ after all…).

As may be obvious from the foregoing nonsense, Calam is currently enjoying 12 days of feeling near normal before chemo starts. So far have managed two bits of social life and have planned in a lot more(woo hoo!); done a mega-shop of store-cupboard items and now defrosting freezer prior to re-stocking with gallons of sorbet and ice lollies (having studied the Hints-and-Tips section in great detail.

Val - if the poor little constipated chap doesn’t respond to prune juice, then perhaps home-made syrup of figs could be another option? I jotted down the recipe given in the recent TV prog by James Wong. My mega-shop included the figs, sugar and a lemon ready to make a batch ready for any chemo/sicky drug induced problems heading my way.

Love and hugs to all, whatever stage you’re at.

Wey hey the old one is back on form.Poor Finn finally ‘went’ during his nap exactly one week on from last time.It happened as we were driving over to visit and so we had a very happy little family.Edward has lost his jaundice,opened his eyes and regained his birthweight and my ‘bug’ has departed.I am now going to catch up on the last week and then sort out the pie dishes and stew pots ready for our next campfire.
Thank you so much for taking time,during your own much more pressing troubles, to listen to mine.
The Old Onexx
ps got a big pot of honeycomb icecream to share!

Hi all …yeh!!! for Finn Old one…at last, the poor little mite. Bet he’s feeling heaps better…!

Hey good for you Rosie, a bit of socialising is deffo good for the soul!!! The cowboys I remember watching on tv are probably not around anymore…but I would go with a cowpoke with dark hair, blue eyes, bit of stubble,intense…wey hey!..imagination is going into over drive now!!phew!

I haven’t had any ice-cream today…but my little sis bought me a chocolate rabbit…early easter pressy…think I’ll bite its ears off first!!! yummy.

Hey Old One, the honeycomb ice-cream sounds dee-lish-ous though!!!
Can’t wait to try a scoop…hope there is raspberry juice to pour on!

Good luck for tomorrow Piper!

catch ya later
Helen x

yuuummm honeycombe…val, glad things are moving in all ways and you’re feeling better too…don’t go too mad though will you, mary x

Maybe that treacle pudding was a mistake…
Does anyone here remember Wagon Train-an early TV Western?When I was a teenager I had pics of Robert Horton[Flint McCullough]and his horse all over my bedroom.I’ve always been a cowgirl at heart!

Oh, Val… I used to watch wagon train, rawhide…Rowdy Yates… a very young Clint Eastwood…yummy!!Bonanza, the Virginian…and the rest!!! I was a cowgirl!! to the core…but when playing with my brothers, they used to make me be the indian!!!cos they always lost!
I watched all John Wayne, Audie Murphy and Richard Widmark films…er they aren’t around any more thought…so showing my age!!!

Helen x

Roy Rogers and Trigger was my thing - I used to use old baby reins over a pillow and pretend it was Trigger - wonder what the shrinks would say nowadays. Still, we did t least use imagination in them thar days. Glad all is well with you and the babbies Horace.
All the talk of ice cream made me feel like heaving yesterday but I think I may be on the up again.
Best wishes to anyone being " attended to " tomorrow - Ros. xx

Hi Y’all - My favourite was Bonanza and Blue was my pin-up if I remember rightly … my brothers and sister and I used to straddle the back of the sofa to ride our horses when the theme music came on!

Thanks Helen, yes I shall be off tomorrow for an op to remove some more nodes, have been told I’ll be in until Friday so hope you all have a good week, I have plenty of supplies of chocolate to take with me so once I’m over ‘morphine sickness’ I’ll be sorted:-)

Good luck to everyone else having ‘stuff’ done this week, not long until Wednesday for you Helen so big hugs. Hope those having Chemo this week go on okay too xx

Di xx

Di, best of luck tomorrow and for the rest of the week. If the foods really awful we’ll try and sneak some of the Old One’s pancakes in to you. Right behind you Bilbo, all the way.

Helen - have fun at the pre op assessment! Don’t we just have a whoopy time. Bet everyone wishes they were us. :smiley:

Ooh honeycomb ice cream, not had that before. Yum! So glad Finn is “heaps” better. lol!

And Calam stands up and gets counted! An Italian cowpoke with good commercial business sense is it? Well I think we can manage to nudge and wink as Calam finds yet another reason to saunter past the cowpoke’s bunk house. Wonder if he’ll be bunking in the barn at the Old One’s. That’d be might handy. :wink:

Rosie, I’m writing this so can’t back track the thread - remind me when you start chemo?

Not remembering Wagon Train, but I do remember the Virginian, Bonanza, The Lone Ranger, and endless westerns. Actually, just watched the Magnificent Seven there. I loved Charles Bronson in his younger days in the westerns. Hooooeeeee! Clint Eastwood goes without saying, and more modern and not exactly western, but I thought Antonio Banderas made a rather scrumptious Zorro. Oh to be Zeta-Jones. Actually, I’d quite like her hair at the moment. :smiley:

I always got captured by indians and tied to the totem pole to be rescued, which I kind of always engineered if the boy down the road was playing and did the rescuing. :smiley:

Hang in there Ros, nearly through this one. And I’m trying hard to psycho analyse your reins and pillow. How about you were clearly an independant child who held repressed memories of being desperate to be out of those reins to walk on your own, and used to hug your pillow at night whilst dreaming you were hugging your own horse, and yet you were somehow still attached to those reins because they let you get up and take your first steps, so you incorporated them into your conscious young vision of freedom. ;D

Here I sit with a glass of champers in my hand, feeling pretty good. :slight_smile:

I’ve had a really “normal” weekend. Last night my friend and I took our daughters to a kids disco and ended up joining in and bopping on the dance floor to a load of songs I’ve never heard of. I had energy, I was happy, well it was splendid aside from the fact that the glass of wine I was offered tasted vile. That was partly due to the fact that it was crap wine and also my taste buds are still a bit wonky.

Today I drove my boys to a Beaver Scouts event about 10 miles from here, then drove 40 miles to my brother’s new house navigating by means of satnav and 9 year old daughter. Spent the day there (beautiful house, lovely views, huge garden, very jealous!) and then drove 30 miles home. I’m feeling a bit weary now, but then I’ve driven 80 miles on unfamiliar roads so it’s hardly surprising.

Back to work on Tuesday I feel. I’d go tomorrow, but my boss emailed me on Friday to say there’s not much work on and he’s not in tomorrow so I’m going to have myself a nice day to myself, hopefully still feeling ok, as my treat to me for being a big brave girl. :smiley: :smiley:

I have also ordered Cookie Dough ice cream in my next Sainsburys home delivery on Tuesday (what a shame, they were on a buy one get on half price too so what’s a girl to do?!) prompted by discussions of ice cream here. It was my big craving when I was pregnant with the boys - I ate gallons of the stuff. Tub, spoon. Yum!!

Wild West movies were never my thing, but I’m not averse to a spot of romance in this 'ere story we’ve got going on. A bit of the tall, dark & handsomes won’t go amiss, although I’m with you on the issue of Colin Farrell, Carole. He’s one of those people who sometimes can look dog rough and other times…wooooaaaah yeah!!

Really pleased to hear the little ones are recovering Val. My daughter had quite severe jaundice shortly after we came home from hospital and we ended up back there for a few days under bili-lamps etc. It turned out to be a benign condition called breast milk jaundice and lasted for a few weeks, gradually improving all the time. She’s a hale and hearty 9 year old now, none the worse for it all - but it put a few grey hairs on my head!!

I used to sit on the end of the banisters with a pair of my mum’s old tights for reins and play horses. What does that say about me? :0 :smiley: