Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

We used to sit on each other…or give piggy backs…or use my mums old brush!!!

Well I’m signing off now girls. Positive vibes to all those having stuff done tomorrow>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>…big hugs too!!!

Have a good nights sleep y’all

Helen x

Hmm, not sure we can analyse the banister on a public forum, but I don’t charge huge fees for not having some thoughts on the matter! :wink:

Sounds like an excellent weekend! Envy you the champers that soon. I discovered this time round that I can’t handle the alcohol till my Week 3. At least it gives me something to look forward to though. I don’t think I’ll deprive myself of a spot of bubbles after all.

Hoo Hoo! Things are definitely going to hot up around Determination this year. Can’t wait to see what a lust struck Storm Rider’s like. :smiley: Maybe I can eventually convince Steel to at least sit down in company and take her hat off.

Did you see Mr Farrell in In Bruges? Fantastic film (not for watching with the kiddies though), and oh what I would give to have those eyes look into mine. In fact, I think if a Colin Farrell type turned up at the saloon Steel might just be persuaded to buy that extra round. Come to think of it, if we’re dealing in youngsters, Josh Hartnett could take a mosey into town too. Move aside Brad and George, although not too far… :smiley:

Off to roll into my blankie for the night. Having a bit of a sag on the old positive front. I think I just need to get this third dose behind me, then I can say, Last Epi coming up! and feel a lot better about the whole thing. In no world at no time will I ever be ok with this bald thing or how long it all takes. No way Hosey (the y is 'cos I can’t get an acute over the e).

Whinge, gripe, girn, moan. There, that’s done. :smiley:

I’m getting very fearful of the bald thang now. Hair still very much in evidence to date, although every morning I wake up and wonder is today the day. This time next week I fully anticipate being hairless and, to be honest, I’m not ready.

*slides a few bubbles down the bar for Steel in anticipation and sympathy*

I’m off to my bed. The weekend has caught up with me. Good luck and ++++ vibes to those being meddled with tomorrow.

Oh, and I know where your mind is going with the banister.

*tuts and rolls eyes* :smiley:

…and I thought riding a pillow had other connotations too !
Just give me a couple of hours with Sean Bean - now there’s a nice piece of rough !

Morning all
Rise and shine it’s a beautiful…awww it’s started to rain…so not so beautiful day…here in Yorkshire!!
Hi Di, thinking about you today…go get em!!!
If anyones having chemo or any other stuff…good vibes coming your way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>…
Helen x

Morning everyone…:smiley:

Just heard off the breast cancer nurse… and my xray was clear!!! :smiley: I am so relieved… i have been so scared that i have hardly been sleeping…
It is probably a case that my lung is a bit scarred from the chemo… so it will probably play up for a year or so until it heals… I’m still going for the ECG next monday - but that is more for completeness than anything…

Brilliant news - so pleased for you, angel

theresa - brilliant!! Phew…take care everybody and good positive vibes for all being seen to(!!) this week…me, I’m just chillin’…mary x

That’s great news angel. My boob still thinks it’s auditioning for a part in an alien movie…had another major explosion yesterday,just as well there were no small children in the vicinity or I would’ve had their eye out ! The swab taken has come back clear so not quite sure why my boob has taken to being so badly behaved,am feeling ok just getting fed up with the mess and it is slightly freaky…fingers crossed that it will clear up in the next couple of days.
Hope you are all well and taking it easy.

Sandra x

Hi all…Great news Theresa…bet you are so relieved, and should be able to get some good rest now.
Hey Mary you do right…loadsa, loadsa chilling for you…
What ho Sandra…It sounds like your boob is trying to take centre stage…don’t take any nonsense, you show it whose boss!!! Everything crossed for it clearing up soon!
Right I’m for a shower and spruce up, for my pre-op thingy…again!!

Catch ya all later
Helen x

Yeehaaaa! Storm Riders and their horses gallop in circles, whooping, shooting, and raising a lot of dust! Calypso is in the clear!!!
Excellent news! That’s cheered me up no end, never mind you. :smiley:

Now, what we need is some maggots and fire ants for Scotia. Set the maggots to work clearing out the wound, then get the fire ants to bite down and shut it over. Perfect job. Next one going out, get to looking. :smiley: Thankfully for Sandra, the wound is bound to clear up before anyone gets back to Scotia. Parallel universe living has its risks.

Ros, good reminder, Sean Bean. Forgotten about him. Yum!

Anyone hear the one about the banister and the pillow… Snigger.

I don’t think you can be ready for the hair loss bit, it’s more like achieving a zen like state where what happens happens, and you take it as the balance of ying and yang. Or you could just go b@ll@@ks!

Would Shaggy and Scoob get down. Heck no! They’d feel their heads, run and find a mirror, and go “Check this Scoobs”, “Grrrooovy Shraaggy”, “We’re, like, Egg Heads Scoob”, “Hee hee hee hee heeeee”. Then they’d find some costume to make them look really intelligent and wander about with clipboards.

As you can tell I am feeling a bit more on the up side today. Nurse booked me in for my last epi while I was there, which made it really feel like things are progressing. And I explained that I didn’t want the nurse I had the last time (very politely and nicely of course), and she promised she would make sure somebody else grabbed me tomorrow. Phew! And she said that the CMF is definitely a good hair growing back one, and she had a lady who had enough hair grow back that she stopped wearing scarves while she was still on it. Ok, not hoping that far, but Cool!

EEEEEKKKKKK ! get away with your maggots and ants lol, going to see the head medicine man tomorrow and see what modern medicine has to offer, ooh or maybe he has shares in a maggot farm ? wound is fine and clean just keeps filling up ,my boob is going to look like a burst balloon at the end of all this,not that I’m that bothered,rather that than full to bursting with yuk.

Sandra x

Maybe instead of the Red Hat Ladies we can be the Burst Ballon Ladies. Lol. Mine’s fine as long as I maintain a constant military marching stance. :smiley: As soon as I relax it just goes Phhhrrrphtttttpht

thanks everyone…:smiley:

gen it’s weird because i started chemo so soon after being diagnosed i didn’t really have chance to get too upset about it… i guess i was probably the opposite to all the rest of you as i had 6 months to worry about the op instead… lol
at the moment i am still going around in my wig all the time - loves my wig… lol mainly because at the moment my real hair looks like a toilet brush with sparce patches… lol
hugs and hope it is not as bad as you fear - as i’ve said before mine all fell out in one morning - much to my son’s horror…

Theresa - I’m SO pleased your x-ray was clear. I’m relieved, never mind you lol!!! :smiley: :smiley:

Well I hope my hair doesn’t all fall out in a morning until Friday now because I’m going back to work tomorrow. Quelle disaster if it all drops out on my desk!!! :o Oh now I’m scared that might happen, maybe I’d better just take the rest of the week off. I wish.

I took myself off shopping today and purchased a Fat Face sweatshirt and handbag, a pair of jeans, a bra and some socks. Oh I do love shopping, it cheers me right up!

Theresa - whooopppiiee! All that positive thinking and we got the baddies on the run! What a relief for you. Pull up a stool at the bar, the first one’s on me:)

Carole, I’m beginning to think you’ve got the hots for Scooby Doo as well as Colin Farrell, Sean Bean, Brad Pitt etc. lol You keep referring to the dippy dog - I wonder what the trick cyclists would think of that one? Personally, you can keep Colin Farrell, but I raise you a Goran Visnjic. phwaaaaa. All dark and broody. Now he would look good in Determination!

And going back to yesterday (I’m still catching up), I’ve got a recipe for honeycomb ice cream that doesn’t need an ice cream maker. Yummy. Let me know if you want it Carole. I might just have to make some of that tomorrow…

Gen, I’m glad you’ve been getting some retail therapy. I think I’m going to have to do a little bit of that soon. You bought a bra - are you back in normal ones yet? The trouble with these non wired ones is that they look if they’ve been engineered by the construction industry, rather than sewn, if you know what I mean. Not exactly glam. I tried an underwired one the other day, but it made my side hurt as I’m still a bit swollen and tender there. So it’s back to bras by Wimpey for the moment.