Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

I am back in normal bras Sal, much to my relief. It’s taken a while though, probably only the last 3 weeks or so that I’ve been able to wear them comfortably. Did I ever mention that my practice nurse told me that I’d be advised by my consultant not to wear underwires again because they are thought to be a contributory factor to BC? Well she was wrong, because nobody has mentioned it.

Has anybody here been told not to wear underwires any more?

No, Gen, although the bc nurse did say to make sure that the bras fit properly and the wire isn’t on the breast at all. I think that theory about underwires being a contributory factor is bunkum. I seem to remember seeing somewhere that it was one of those risk factors that people talk about, but there’s absolutely no proof that it’s true.

I’m finding all bras are still a problem. I’ve even bought a couple of secret support camis from M&S to wear when I’m at home. I find that the non wired ones come up so high under my armpit, it’s irritating the axillary scar, which I think is probably one of the reasons I’ve got adhesions behind it.

Well if you’re looking for good looking in an off beat kind of way, loyal, adventurous, funny, and easy going, guy Scoob’s the man for me in the surreal universe next door. Lol!

Definitely would like the honeycomb ice cream recipe.

Goran. Well he’s definitely riding into town. Rrroowwwwwwr! Ooo, he could be a bad guy who’s really a good guy that got caught up with the Boss and can’t get away, so Mule decides to turn him to the cause, by whatever means at her disposal, ;), and he spies for us on the inside. He’d be great in that role.

And, I’ll see you Goran and raise you a Russell Crowe in his gladiator kit.

I’ve not had any warnings at all about underwires. Thankfully I didn’t have any probs with bras once the dressings were off. Luck really, the wound is in a good place.

Russell Crowe in Gladator - mmmmm … Well, I suppose you’re used to men in skirts, Carole, what with you living in Scotland. lol

Think I’m just unlucky with the scar. If I’d been taller I don’t think the bras would come up so high - when you’re short, you don’t have much room for manoeuvre:/

Hi all, I haven’t heard the one about not wearing underwire bras. Doesn’t sound very scientific as a theory!!! I haven’t tried a bra yet, I feel much more comfortable in a little camisole, cos…like you said Sal they don’t interfere with the axillary scar.

Christian Bale is pretty easy on the eyes…perhaps a bit surreal in his batman outfit…but good at whupping the bad guys!!!

i’m still not back in bras as well… my skin is still recovering really from the rads…

before i forget i might not get on much for a couple of days - my sister is coming up from Tamworth to visit…:smiley: so don’t worry i havn’t been kidnapped by the Boss… :wink:

Weren’t you told to wear a bra 24 hours a day for two weeks after the op, Helen? I was, which was nice in a way in that it gave support in bed, but I did get sick of having something tightish on all the time. When’s your next op - Wed?

Hey girls…Back from missing in action (in other words all the family have been here this week-end and I have been up to my eyes in it) and boy have I a lot of catching up to do.

Nell, really sorry your going back for another op but as everyone has already said, better out than in. Loads of positive vibes coming your way for pre op tomorrow and best of luck Wednesday.

Angel, that’s brilliant about your chest x ray. Cassey raises a glass of rose and toast’s the good news. Hic

Carole, is it your chemo again tomorrow? Loved the last chapter but no romance for me. Am on a mission and have no time for shenanigans, besides far to happy with OH even for a fantasy betrayal. Lol (and I can’t imagine Richard Gere in a western, he’s far too cute)

Sal, hope you have a good day at your support group tomorrow. I’m back at mine and the youngest has given me a pedicure this evening, so my feet are in tip top shape, ready for my reflexology. Can’t wait.

Gen, that’s great about your critical illness payment. I’m so pleased for you because I have read several articles on how these company’s try to get out of paying up. Its brilliant that yours as come up trumps and taken some of the pressure away from you and your hubby.

Well, I’m on day nine of nineteen so you could say half way there and starting to feel a bit sore in the boob area, A bit like some one has punched me there. I’ve been told this is normal??? also starting to get a very dry thickly cough, not sure if that is linked but will ask doc when I see him on Wednesday.

Right am off to bar to get a round in. very best of luck to anyone having treatments tomorrow. catch you all later.


I have read somewhere in all the literature given to me by bc nurse, not to wear underwired bra’s again but am still in camisoles, partly due to axillary scar and partly due to soreness from rads

Not sure the height matters much Sal. I’m 5’7" and some bras, underwired or not still cut into my armpit. I think women are just destined to suffer… :confused: But I’m envious to note you’re considering glam bras at all. With these humungous boobies I pretty much live in brick built bras. I can’t stand all that wobbling, so I’m in the full cup, inch wide strap, superglued on. There’s a girlie bit to me they forgot to put in I think. :smiley: Unless I see some hard core scientific proof, I’m definitely not giving up my beloved underwire. Those soft bras, even the sports ones, just end up riding up and giving me burns.

Hi Jane, hope the weekend was choatic but fun. Yup 3rd dose tomorrow.

Have fun with your sis Theresa. If you’re not back by the weekend, we’ll come looking for ya at the Boss’s place. :slight_smile:

Just had 2 long phone calls from friends…Feel I’m repeating myself a lot…
Hi Sal, no-one said anything about me having to wear a bra…that I can remember! I go in on Wednesday…this time stopping overnight. I might get a bit more of a rest this time.
Too right Jane…Definitely better out!! No bad guys allowed!!!
Good luck with your 3rd dose Carole!! Treat yourself to some of that honeycomb ice-cream…

re the bras, as I’ve got a bit more than a handful,more like a bucketful,40e, I have been wearing a bra since my op, went to M & S and they recommended maternity bras,cotton and soft and cut fine for me so doesn’t interfere with under arm scar,got 2 in pack,1 black 1 white for £20,certainly work for me.

Sandra x

Two bras for 20 pounds .That sounds like good value for money!!
Mind you I’ll have to find just the right sized sock to fill the smaller ‘gap’ on my right side!!

Positive vibes coming your way for tomorrow Carole, hope you get to have a different nurse and have a word with your bc nurse about that aromatherapy. We all deserve a bit of pampering.

Gen, good luck at work tomorrow. Are you there full time or part time? I cant pretend to know how you, or any of the other girls, are feeling about your hair but I do know your all strong women and will come through this. Positive thinking is what is going to get us all out of determination and back on dry land.

Best of luck for tomorrow Carole. I hope you get somebody who knows which angle to stick a needle into a vein this time!! Just think - this time tomorrow you’ll be able to say only one more epi to go. :wink:



HI Ardmuire
I have just read your comments and was glad to find someone who actually feels the way I do at the mo! I was recently dx in late Jan and had a WLE + SNB(2cm,grade 3+sml dcis, ER+ Her2-) early Feb. I am going for 2nd surgery in 2wks for, hopefully, clearer margins and LN clearance as 1 of the 2 nodes were positive (can’t really understand why I need them all out)?
Chemo is planned 3-4wks after surgery followed by rads & tamoxifen (why can’t I just get my ovaries taken away as my c is oestrogen receptive)?
My scars after 4wks have healed well but I am left with a very sensitive nipple in which I cannot bear clothes/anything touching me. It is stopping me from the getting out and about & every step or bump is agony and I walk around most of the time like the ‘Hunchback of Notre Dame’ and it doesn’t seem to be easing!
If this does not go, I would consider having a mastectomy at my next surgery rather than being left like this! Decisions! Decisions

Hi Rosiefff. Sorry to hear you’re in such pain. Really hope it goes away. Have you asked your bc nurse about it? Re the ovaries, I wondered that too, but I found out that while a couple of forms of estrogen are produced by the ovaries, both estrogen and progesterone are also produced in the adrenal glands and estrogen in fat tissues. I guess that’s why the Tam, and as the Tam is likely to put you into menopause anyway they don’t want to put us through a big op. I’m going to ask the onc about it anyway next time I see him.

Good luck to you to today Martina. Thanks all for the luck wishes. After my chat to the nurse yesterday at bloods, I shouldn’t be getting Nurse Cack-Handed today. Phew!

Couldn’t get on-line yesterday p.m. at all - why do we pay subs to these companies ?
Made up for everyone who’s had good news and good luck with everyone’s treatments today.
Don’t worry about losing the thatch in one lump, Gen - I reckon I could have left mine another week before shaving it. Now it’s like a very short loo-brush in places whereas other areas are smooth, and means I can’t get the wig to sit straight. I’ve found a little baker-boy cap for £2.99 on Ebay - very warm and cosy.
Found it far more comfortable to slob about with no bra recently with the swelling I had - it won’t offend anyone will it ? Mind you I may end up needing a JCB to hold up the survivor.
Paints a lovely picture doesn’t it ?

Hi there…Hope you didn’t get nurse cack handed Carole.
A quick post to say …will be back to chat in a few days…I’m gonna ride round the prairie checking for bad guys…and whupping them!!! You all keep an eye out now! and don’t drink all the moonshine…save a slug or two for me!!
Hugs to anyone else getting stuff! done!
(((((((O)))))))))) :slight_smile:
Helen x