Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Interesting you say that about the headache Carole - I’ve had a low level blighter hanging around since Sunday. Actually that makes sense now. OK I’ll stop writing my death warrant then. :smiley: ;o)

I think this lot do a variety. They do a show that’s all short sketches, a panto at Christmas (although not this year 'cos the theatre was being refurbished), I know they’ve done drama, and they do musicals. Should be fun when I get to be properly involved. Met some great people, one of whom is already a good friend. 'Bout time I loosened off my Steel side and started socialising! :slight_smile:

I Capture the Castle! Wow, that’s an achievement, I’m impressed! :slight_smile:

My guess is the headache is the hair. Oh, you might find that your scalp gets quite sore in places. It’s like when you sleep funny on your hair and twist the root the wrong way, and wake up going OUCH till it straightens itself out. It’s not all over. I found it was worse where the hair was holding on longest, as if the follicles were putting up a fight! lol.

Poor poochy. My old dawg doesn’t really walk any more, he just ambles along sniffing and widdling on everything. Mind you, he was always like that really. Typical lazy lab, although he’s getting a bit thin these days and has lumps all over him so who knows how much longer we have him.

you can borrow my dogs if you want,can’t keep up with them pulling my arms off at the mo,one is a weimaraner and the other is a great dane ! They look great galloping loose along the beach though some people do get slightly alarmed !

Oooh I love weimaraners, they are so beautiful. Are they a bit highly strung? The only one I ever knew well was bonkers lol.

And a Great Dane too? Scooby Dooby Doooooooooooooooooo!!!

Nice dogs! Rabbit season is now upon us, which means mine are forever wrenching my arms out. The road to the forest track is hoaching with rabbits. I’ve got to try and spot them before the dogs do, or it’s a toss up between losing my arms at the sockets or my face on the tarmac. :smiley: Poochy 1 is a Rottweiller, Poochy 2 is a small standard poodle.

we have a good mix of dogs then, weimaraner is a bit bonkers and great dane is a big soft lump and is HUGE, will have to put up some pics of them when can get round to it.Delivery men are very wary coming to our house,one snarly grey dog and another the size of a house !

Yes my lab does a good impression of fierce whenever anyone walks past the end of the drive. Little do they know he’d probably just bring them a teddy as a welcome gift and wag his tail if they made it into the house! :smiley:

Wow, have you two got your Equity cards? I’m impressed. I used to do reviews when I was at college. I seem to remember a can-can routine that we ended up doing three times one evening. We were more drunk every time we did it, goodness knows what it looked like at the end. Although I suppose the audience was a little worse for wear too. Thinking about it, I always ended up either singing or dancing. Nothing straight at all:)

I signed up for the Race for Life last week and my daughter and a couple of her friends are also planning to do it. She did it 18 months ago and I planned to do it last year, but by the time I got round to it, it was full. Just as well, 'cos I couldn’t have done it anyway, as I had plantar fasciitis at the time. (i’m impressing you with my medical knowledge now aren’t I? (foot injury)). If any of you want to sponsor me, let me know and I’ll send you the link to my sponsorship page.

We’ve been thinking of getting a dog for ages now. OH fancies a greyhound, 'cos they’re lazy. lol We went to the Dogs Trust the other day and came back with a form to fill in. Exciting:)

Years ago our next door neighbours had a great dane, who collapsed in our back garden. Have you ever tried to lift one? My neighbour and I rolled the dog onto a blanket and carried her home - nearly killed us!!

Hope your brain mets are doing ok Gen. lol

Oooh get a doggy Sal!! Go on, go on, go on!!!

I’ll sponsor you for the Race for Life. I’ve toyed with the idea of entering, but suspect I may be feeling a tad lousy come July so it might not be the best idea. Next year… ;o)

I’ve had plantar fasciitis. I got it from yomping around Paris at top speed with DH (before he was H) on a “romantic” weekend. Went on for months. Bl@@dy hurts doesn’t it?!

Just a bit! And being on your feet all day at work doesn’t help:( I couldn’t do any exercise for about three months and I still get the odd twinge. Note to self - when training build up very, very slowly!

Ok I’ll bite, what’s plantar fasciitis? Something to do with feet I’m guessing.

I’ll sponsor you too, send the link. Anything with the word Race in it is something I definitely don’t do. Too much humiliation at school. I always came last, and my legs seemed to kind of windmill out below the knee, which caused great mirth to everyone but me. I don’t think they do that anymore, but I ain’t taking chances. :smiley:

lol! I look at Poochy 1, all 7 1/2 stone of her and I definitely need to put on a couple of stone of muscle if I’m ever going to have to lift her. It would be impossible. I just imagine trying a great dane. Wooh. Our friends’ whippet collapsed once when we were looking after her. But she got up again.

if my great dane ever goes down I haven’t a hope in hell of picking him back up,have to get the fire brigade or a helpful man with a JCB i guess…awwwww

The plantar fascia is a tendon that goes from the ball of your foot by your big toe to your heel. It gets inflamed when you overdo it and gives you hell. You have to get a golf ball and massage your foot with it:D Seriously. The only relief I ever got was by wearing ridiculously high heels one evening, but you can’t do that every day.

I don’t think I’ll be racing Carole. Not built for speed. lol When my daughter did it, there were quite a few people just walking it, although I do intend to run. You’ve painted a great picture in my mind of your legs Carole. I seem to remember a couple of kids doing that when I was at school. I never thought I’d get into running, but it was the only thing I could do for ages when I knackered my shoulder, so I got used to it. Now we live close to the downs and it’s really nice to run there. Although in the winter I can’t run in the evenings after work with no street lights in the village!

Oooo sponsors! You’ll be my first - I haven’t got round to sending the link round to everyone yet.

Hellooooo I am back!Plantar fasciitis is a very painful inflammation of the foot around the heel area-nasty.I love dogs,mine were a yellow lab and a Cairn terrier I do miss them.Just got 2 tonkinese cats now.Tomorrow I have been asked to talk to medical students at our GPs about bc,quite flattered to be asked.
I do hope all our brave riders are ok today.The hair will come back and all will be well.
The Old Onexxx

Hey, fame at last Old One! I hope you’re going to charge them an exorbitant fee:D

How’s leg? And the grandson?

I don’t run. I never run. I was made to run cross country at school because I was tall and skinny therefore I was a good runner. Not. The times I came in last in school cross country races. The humiliation. The misery. I NEVER run.

My Millie dog collapsed back in November, I was here on my own and had to try to get her out to the car to go to the vet. She was a black labby too, but a fairly slim one. Luckily the last thing she did before she collapsed was get onto the sofa (she was never allowed on there, never got on there, I wonder if she knew…) so I was able to sort of scoot her over into my arms then turn around and stand up by bracing myself against the sofa. Took me ages and she’s dead weight practically unconscious in my arms with me saying “come on Millie, help me”.

I managed to get her out to the car anyway but sadly she died at the vets a couple of hours later.

If Doofus collapses I’ve got no chance. He’s about 7 stone.

Hi sal I think our last two posts were simultaneous!My leg is slowly improving but it is tedious.Both grandsons are fine now but it has been such a worry.Hope you are ok.Love valx

ooh Val, you’re our spokesperson. Give a shout out for the Storm Riders!! BC isn’t all doom & gloom :slight_smile:

When we got sent on cross country at school, there was no country near to cross, if you get my drift. It was just running round the streets. A couple of us used to go to the caff for a cup of tea and then join the others at the end. lol The only thing I was any good at at school was swimming. Hated hockey and netball with a passion:(