Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Once we got into fifth year we were allowed out to run without supervison. Fortunately my best friend lived about 100 yards away from the school so we used to set off somewhere in the middle of the pack, peel away to her house for coffee then when the runners started coming back past the house jog back out into somewhere near the middle and go back to school.

With a rebel yell…lol :smiley:

Ah, I think I get trouble with that too then. I just kind of hobble along till it goes away and try and stretch everything out. Must try the golf ball next time.

I’d love to run, but that and cycling are just not in my DNA. I probably could put myself to it if I tried, but I’d rather dance, shift weights, and do pilates and yoga and stuff like that. Not that I follow through on that, but it’s on my to do list. :smiley:

Only thing I liked at school was the dance team and dance practice for the Christmas parties, although in the early years the old wallflower bit was hard to handle. I was such a little geeky swot back then. I’d never have had the guts to rebel. However, I came into my own in fourth year (our age 15), and it all went downhill from there.

Your moment for stardom Val! Give ‘em the ol’ razzle dazzle…
Glad the wee ones are fine now. Keep taking care of that leg.

I think a few Riders are riding the inner storm this week. But we’ll all be back and slamming back the drinks by the weekend.

I must get the bike out again. I really enjoy that, but the traffic is a bit of a bummer isn’t it? I did the London to Brighton bike ride three times in the 90s. Great fun. 27,000 cyclists - lots of them in fancy dress and it was always the hottest day of the year so far! You could feel yourself losing weight as the day went on. Just water though unfortunately:(

It is kinda quiet now you mention it Carole. Save a couple of drinks for me though, we’re going to south Wales for the weekend to visit family. Although knowing them, there’ll be plenty of drinks there too.

Right, I’m off for a dose of prunes then to the bunkhouse. See if I can get to sleep despite the steroids. I think I just might, I feel pretty damn good this time, just a bit dry.

Night all.

Hi girls. I’m still here Carole, just chilled from yesterdays reflexology.

I have just booked a champagne week end in York because OH deserves it sooooooooooooooo much, so if any of you want to baby sit my Shih Tzu’s this coming week end. (We have two Charlie and JJ, they are adorable) Sal it would be good practice for you. lol

If you send me the link Sal I will happily sponsor you. I was going to do it myself but should be back in work by then and don’t know what my days off will be. I work a 24hr 7 day shift pattern. Don’T know about you but I feel really compelled to give something back.

Glad your chemo went well Carole. I love, The King and I, one of my favorites… The only acting I ever did was the school nativity and then I was just an extra. (Rolls eyes and tuts)

What does a champagne weekend involve? I like the sound of that:)

I know what you mean about giving something back. My sponsorship target is quite modest, because you have to put something and I didn’t know what to put. But the more I raise the better.

It just means there’s a bottle of champagne on ice, in the hotel room when we arrive. Free use of all the leisure facilities, Swim pool, sauna. only draw back, I can’t join in. Asked onc at rads today and he advised against it until treatment finished. Also had my planning for boosters done today and now have a huge blue rectangle drawn on my booby. Can’t see that still being there next Wednesday when they start. Know what you mean about the tamoxifen that’s exactly how I felt when I started taking them. Be prepared though Sal, your heating bills will go right down. Way Hey out of a negative comes a positive. Forget all that dwelling on the bad side. My Tuesday group suggest putting on some feel good music for lifting your spirits and its working a treat for me.

Off to bed now. Have first appointment for rads tomorrow 08.30 so up at 7a.m. Night god bless everyone.

Good Morning Ladies! I was allowed home early on promise of good behaviour (ha ha!) after lymph node clearance on Monday. Feel pretty rubbish but more than pleased to be home to try and recover ready for the next round. Results in next week so counting the days already.
Have been catching up on everyone’s news and am so pleased to hear that so many of you are feeling well, that’s a tonic in itself, I’ll apologise now if I missed anyone who’s not doing so well, I think I still have anaesthitic head and nothing’s sticking at the moment!
Could I put forward my two Schnauzers to join the Kennel Guard at the corral please, they’re well behaved but will see off any baddies at the drop of a hat.
Lots of love and luck to Jane and anyone else going for treatment today, hope Helen got on okay yesterday and will soon be riding back in.
Di xxx

Morning Gals…:smiley:

Daft labrador to report here as well… but she is from working stock so very slim and loves to run around the common at high speed lol

Piper - good to see you home - be sure to follow the doctor’s orders and behave :smiley:

My sister goes home again today - it was only a flying visit really - but it has been good to see her :smiley:

I joined up for the race for life this time last year - someone from our local crop died in the february from breast cancer so i talked the others into signing up… then of course i got diagnosed myself in the may…:frowning: i did still intend to do it - but by the time of the race i was onto docetaxol (taxotare) and was getting more and more breathless and tired and in the end i had to drop out just a couple of days before…:frowning: i was totally gutted…:frowning:

There you go a piccie of molly…:smiley:

Oh and just read that last post lol The crop is when we get together to scrapbook…:smiley:

Morning Angel, it must have been great to see your sister, I must admit I don’t know how I’d have managed without mine. I am so lucky she lives close so I’ve seen her nearly every day and she’s been a real rock.

…How gorgeous is Molly??? Love Labs!!

Hi piper - how are you this morning…?

My sister lives down in staffordshire (tamworth) i’ve only seen her the once since i was diagnosed - about 2 weeks after i was diagnosed (actually it was the day before all my hair fell out… lol) she kept wanting to come and visit but i kept putting her off… to be honest i just didn’t feel much like visitors when i was on chemo…

Angel - feeling very very sore but only as expected, the tightness under my arm this time is much more though so the exercises are a bit of a nightmare…I don’t do exercises at the best of times :wink:

I was wondering about how I’d feel on Chemo, so was interested to hear you say about your sisiter visiting. At the moment I’m happy to have visitors but I’m not one for seeing anyone if I’m even slightly down, it doesn’t take a lot then to get me blubbing so I prefer to crawl under a stone until the storm passes.

Meanwhile people arriving with the best medicine…chocolate are still warmly greeted!!!

piper - i think the problem is due to the distances involved she would have had to actually stay with us… i did see my brother the day before each chemo session - but he lives closer in yorkshire - so he and his oh could just pop up for a couple of hours and go again…

Hi all

Thought I’d better just pop in and say ‘hi’; making the most of having my energy back post-op, and busy preparing for the chemo-siege (starts 20th March).

Got my prosthesis on Monday and most impressed - I’m not the smallest size in the universe after all, I’m a size 2! Came out of the fitting room with two boobs and a big stupid grin on my face…

Love and hugs to everyone, now must get back to the ironing,

Rosie - good to see you’re so upbeat. I hope you didn’t do too much ironing - it’s bad for the soul you know. lol

Di - it’s good to have you back. Take it easy now, we’ve got the baddies on the run!

Jane, your weekend sounds great. Do you get your boosters at the end of the three weeks of rads? How many times do you have to go for them? No hot flushes yet, but I’ve been getting night sweats on and off for years, so maybe I might not get too many side effects. I can live in hope anyway:) How long before you started sweating? By the way, thanks for the sponsorship. If anyone else wants to do likewise, I’ll send them the link. Now I feel like one of those celebs on chat shows - doing anything to plug their latest project!

Theresa, your lab looks lovely.

I went for a run this morning - wa hey! Only 10 minutes, but it felt ok really. Boob felt a bit wierd - not where the scar is (that’s still numb) but underneath. I got used to that and was pleasantly surprised. I’m a bit tired now though. Although not too tired to make that honeycomb ice cream this afternoon! The trouble is, it takes ages to freeze and we’re away for the weekend, so it’ll have to wait until Sunday night. Still, there’s pleasure in anticipation…

I hope you’re still feeling ok Carole, after your last run in with the chemo.

How’s the hair doing Gennie? I hope it’s not going too fast. I’ll be thinking of you over the weekend.

I’m off to pack now. See you Sunday.

Evening ladies. Di, good to have yo back. Take it easy now and let your familly look after you for a few days. We have got the bad guys covered and most of us have had surgery, so any questions…fire away.

Sal, I finish my rads next Tuesday and boosters begin Wednesday. I’m having four altogether, so finish a week on Monday and thats me done. Like you, I feel guilty compared to what everyone else has to go through. I’m not going to dissapear though, feel like I have made so many friends here and they can be very hard to find. Found out today that my oldest step daughter is doing the race for life but I still wanted to support you because I feel you are doing it for the Storm Riders. My rads are taking place at, The Christie. Don’t know if you have all heared of that hospital but it’s a very big teaching and cancer research hospital. They lost quite a lot of money in the iclandic bank crash, it was in the local paper last night. Anyway Gordon Brown has been in manchester today and they met with him to try and get some kind of compensation. I have decided that with the money I am saving from kicking the cigarets, I am going to do gift aid through work to The Christie and if I was clever enough, I would start a campaign for people to donate any money they save on national no smoking day to them. Any of you girls want to do it for me???

How are you Storewoman? You too Martine? hope you are both well. We haven’t forgot you but am getting pretty drunk supping your beer in the saloon.

Gen, Carole hope your both ok. We’re here if you need us.

I won’t be here over the weekend but will be thinking of you all and hope you have a good one.

Are you going somewhere nice Sal??? Hope so. Have a good time

Hey all. I’m still here and kicking. Just approaching that feeling whacked point of the chemo. This time isn’t as bad for some reason. I think I might just avoid Black Canyon with a bit of luck. But I am very tired tonight, so just a quick drop in to make sure you’ve not all drunk the saloon dry yet! Off to bed in a minute.

Excellent that you’re out early Di! Take it easy though. Still got a ride ahead, so keep your strength up.

Rosie, glad you’re doing so well. :slight_smile: Nothing like a good prosthesis to put a smile on your face. Size 2 sounds pretty good. Not too small, not too large, just perfect!

Jane, Hah! As if Casey gets to leave the Storm Riders anyway. Too many adventures still to be had before a whole bunch of us ride over the Border together.

Gen, how you holding up kiddo?

Ros, Mary, how are you both doing?

And all other Storm Riders out there that are out in the mountains for a while - thinking about you.

Sal, have a great time in Wales. Sink a few drinks for us while you’re there.

Night all.