Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Glad to hear everyone is doing ok.

I’m still here :slight_smile: Feeling a bit weary - a week of work has worn me out, although it was quite nice to be back to a bit of normality. Hair still falling out steadily, but actually still looks ok at the moment - it’s just got a lot thinner. I have fine hair, but lots of it, so I might get another couple of days out of it before it starts to need covering up. I don’t know - my scalp is starting to feel a bit sore, so maybe it will all depart in the shower in the morning.

My lady garden is looking a bit moth eaten though. I went to the loo and was somewhat surprised by the amount of foliage had been lost. Sorry, is that tmi???! :smiley: :smiley:

Having bloods done and seeing my Onc tomorrow, although it seems a bit early to be testing bloods when I’m not havbing chemo again til next Wednesday but then I guess if they are ok tomorrow they’ll only be better by next week. I shall be requesting something for indigestion and stronger laxatives from her this time.

Those gallivanting this weekend have a wonderful time!! :slight_smile:

I’m about too, lurking steadily, checking things out, still wary…day 10 tomorow after first one…Gen - omeprazole is good for indigestion - I’ve had it too - horrible, can’t enjoy a warm drink…have heard from Martina - she’s wary too and keeping a low profile - doesn’t trust them baddies…she’s lying low but we’ve got her and the rest of the gang covered…mary x

Hi there y’all ! Have actually been too busy today to come surfing .
I looked the thought police baddies straight in the eyes yesterday and said " you ain’t keepin’ me down no more" and took myself into Birmingham to see Riverdance, which entailed tackling my most hated road junction - I did it too. Since then I’ve carried on bashing the bad guys by spending all day planting up tubs and baskets outside - boy did that feel good !
I believe some-one mentioned possibly adopting a greyhound ? We did that a few years ago - he was the softest, laziest animal imaginable, but we had to be really careful with him. They have very delicate digestion and he would eat absolutely anything while we were out on walks. As he constantly had poo problems, we had to keep a muzzle on him so he couldn’t demolish half-eaten pizzas and the other delights of living on a main road. He was also the worst thief ever - imagine what it was like moving everything up a shelf when the babies started walking and factor in a 6 foot reach - nothing was sacred.He started having real behaviour problems when my husband was in and out of hospital, so we reluctantly had to return him to the shelter. Maybe he wasn’t typical but maybe he was.
Apart from still feeling like a bear with a sore head ( the stubble is really stubbornly clinging on ) things haven’t been anything like as vile as after the first chemo, so let’s hope it goes like that for everyone else. I’ve found music to be a great uplifter but I don’t think the neighbours share my taste !
Best wishes to all, Ros.

Morning All, up and at the campfire early today as lying down is sooooo uncomfortable, it will pass I’m sure once the wound starts healing but meanwhile lots of sleeping sat up on the sofa.

Ros, sp pleased to hear you sound a bit happier this week, well done for negotiating a busy junction from someone who even hates roundabouts!
Sal I’m impressed you went for a run, well done you - I’m looking forward to getting back to my normal daily walks which I miss hugely.
Gennie, laughed at the ‘lady garden’ … hee hee, good luck with the ‘stuff’ today, have a lazy weekend after the shock of going back to work won’t you?
Carole hope your energy level’s okay for you to enjoy a good weekend, I’ll order some sunshine which will cheer you up :slight_smile:
Rosie - what’s this talk of ironing??? I have it on good authority (mine) that ironing is the one thing that will definitely set back recovery so should be avoided at all costs!!!
Have fab weekends away Sal & Jane , it sounds wonderful.
Hope all is well with you this morning Theresa and Mary and that Helen is out of hospital and home recovering too.
Hope everyone else is feeling okay and any stuff going on today goes well for all.

Waffled on quite long enough so time to shut up, another freind coming for coffee today, two friends came yesterday and it was lovely to sit and chit chat for an hour or so. Have a good day everyone,

Di xxx

Hey all, my badly behaved boob has hopefully got the message that such behaviour won’t be tolerated and is now settling down after a mad week.
I’m with you Di re the ironing,gosh I have told everyone that I will probably not ever be able to do the ironing ever again ! However,as much as I hate it am a bit concerned that hubby ends up with clothes more creased than before they were ironed !
Great idea to pot up some tubs and stuff,very spring like here in Wales,lots of lambs gamboling around. Just off to make a “it’s the start of the weekend” cake…nice victoria sponge I think…any old excuse eh… Take it easy folks and be good to yourselves.

Sandra x

Hi everyone…:smiley:

A quiet day here - David will be home from school soon… (they finish early on a Friday…)

Di - hope you manage to get some more rest
Sandra - cake sounds lovely…:smiley: we used to live in south wales (Newport…) we’ve moved around a fair amount because of my husband’s job although we have now been here 12 years

I’ve got a night out with the girls tonight. We’ll see how much of a lightweight I am having not drunk much alcohol for some time. 2 glasses and I’ll be under the table!

I saw the Onc today. She has prescribed me a shed load of drugs in advance of my next chemo (more laxatives and something for heartburn, specifically). I have a stye on my eye, so she’s also given me antibiotic drops for that because my white blood cells came back “lowish” from my blood test. But only to be expected because I’m only just over 2 weeks in. So they’ve got to be repeated next Tuesday before chemo on Weds. Yippee.

It shouldn’t be a problem - she did say that the levels were acceptable for chemo already, but obviously we’d like them higher before we start the next bout. I’m surprised actually, I feel pretty well and expected her to say I’d bounced right back already.

I then had a 40 minute wait at the hospital pharmacy to be handed a little bottle of eye drops. Quite why that took 40 minutes, it was a pre-sealed bottle in a box for goodness sake! Oh for such inefficiently to be acceptable in my line of work!! :smiley:

Hair still slowly thinning but still looks acceptable on my head as it’s the hair underneath that’s going first. Scalp sore though - who knew hair loss was painful?!

Hope everyone is well.

Morning All
Bit of a problem with the computer yesterday, but it’s playing along again today.

So far so good on the third round of chemo. No Black Canyon! How about that. Wonder why? Maybe we get really stressed the first couple of times and it hits us hard. Still got the tiredness, dryness, and constipation. Meds are doing absolutely zero on that front, and taste hideous. Yeeuch! But only one more of the Epi to go then I can transfer to flopbott. Yippeeee! :smiley:

I’ll catch up with the thread later, but just on the “Garden”, I have had a few odd moments there, which would be definitely TMI, so don’t even ask. :smiley:

And you’re keeping your locks way longer than me Gen. Very strong hair, but then what else would we expect from Riviera? :slight_smile:
The soreness is weird isn’t it. My ickle bit of stubble is still hanging on, but I’m definitely thinning round the eyes. Only 5 1/2 weeks to CMF! Hang in there eyes, you can do it!

Got to go do the hoovering before pm tiredness flakes me out.

Chapter coming up.

I asked my Onc about Black Canyon yesterday and she said she thought it was probably the body reacting to having had steroids for the first few days then suddenly none. So you go high with the steroids then plummet when you stop them. She suggested I split my last day’s dose over a couple of days to see if that helps. Have you been reducing the amount of steroids you’ve been using Carole, that might be why you’ve avoided the dark walk this time? Either way I’m glad you’re not having to take that little detour this time!

I had a nice night out with the girls last night - came home and got into bed and loooooooooooooooads of my hair fell out. It still looks just about ok but is so thin now I don’t know if it will get me past the weekend. It seems to be mostly the hair at the back that’s going, the front and top is still quite well attached.

I had my smear results back this morning. They are dated 6th March, but I only had them today. Anyway it was quick, just under 3 weeks since I had it done. Thankfully it was normal. I was shaking as I was opening the letter - obviously it was more on my mind than I realised. That’s one less area of my body to obsess about anyway lol!! :smiley:

howdi pardners…couldn’t get on here for all of yesterday pm and missed you al…ahhh shucks…hope we’re all getting along ok. The chemo unit advised me to not have the hickman line fitted on friday after x ray rang me on thurs to say come in and have it done - no, day 10 was a big no no due to wcc drop etc so I just hope they get it arranged before next one on 25th…mary x
Gennie - got your message re facebook - they’ve changed the main page and confused me - doesn’t take much…

hi there all…back at last!! Tried to get on yesterday, but the computer wouldn’t let me.
Wow…some catching up to do! I felt more emotional after my op this time around, possibly because the onc gave me some information just before they took me down… that I hadn’t known about. The DCIS was found in 2 areas not one and on oppostite sides of my breast! So more tissue to be cut away. His parting shot, that confused me a bit was…‘and they are positive’. Now if anyone can explain what he meant by that, it would be appreciated!!!

I also came home with very painful aches in ribs and legs, had to be helped into bed…it felt like they’d laid me down and kicked me with hobnail boots on. I do remember having really bad shakes after the op…so I guess I could have tensed my muscles up! When it was time to go home ,the ward sister also forgot that I had to see the physio…and she’d already sent me to the discharge lounge. So hey… the physio was sent down to me and because they didn’t have a spare room…we had a half hour consultation in a changing cupboard…the staff nurses words…not mine. The staff nurse was quite disgusted!!! I just wanted to go home!!!
Anyhoo…enough waffle…back to beating up those bad guys, spitting em out and starting all over again!!

Looks like I have a bit of reading to catch up on folks! but anyone having anything done tomorrow, good luck!

Helen x

Helen {{{hugs}}} sorry to hear that you’ve had a rough time…:frowning: Could he have meant they had got results on whether the tissue was er or pr positive…? unsure…

hi angel…thanks for the hugs…need em!! I don’t think thats what the onc meant, only because my last results said that er and pr were positive…or maybe you are right, yeh maybe that is what he meant!
confused or what!
helen x

helen - more (((hugs))) just think this time you are still really recovering from 2 ops close together!! I had pains in ribs and round my back and shoulder too - just rest up now…mary x

yeah your right Mary…I actually feel much better this morning…and that pleased my grandson, to see his gran ‘looking’ and sounding like she usually does!!!
helen x

Well I hope Yorkie has her boots up on the bunk and is taking it easy. Hang in there, and let those wounds heal up.

Good news on the smear Gen. I think mine’s coming up in a couple of months. If it’s not one thing… :slight_smile:

Sorry kiddo’s but I have to go. Just dropped in quickly. Period came on big time on top of a delayed slight black canyon, and the constipation meds which have just made everything go the other way and now I need to sit on ice. :smiley: Feel pretty ungroovy today, and need to just lie still and whimper for a while. Here was me thinking the third dose was an easy ride. :confused:

I’ll be back riding the range tomorrow. Breathe in those spring vibes and take it easy all.

Ooooooch, and in the words of the song “sometimes it’s hard to be a wooomaaaaan”. :wink:

Hi all, glad to be back online, hope the Gremlins have been sorted out.
Great to hear you’re home Helen and feeling brighter, I found I felt much worse after second op but two lots of anaesthetic in 2 weeks can’t be good can it, plenty of TLC prescribed.
Sorry you’re not 100% Carole, hope things look brighter for you tomorrow.
I had to have an emergency dash to hospital Friday when my wound started leaking big time, soaking the dressings and running down my tum…panic panic. Anyway they sorted it out straight away only for it to happen yesterday when there was no one available to help. Big sister to the rescue so now sport a Blue Peter style dressing courtesy of Kotex sanitary towels and tape!!! Not impressed with nil support at the weekend - couldn’t even get online here to panic!
Anyway enough of my moaning, big hugs to all and good luck to everyone having anything done tomorrow.
Results day for me Tuesday so am hoping for some beter ones this time.
Di xxx

Oh poor you Piper! Hope your wound soon starts healing! Wey to go big sister…sisters are great, mine is a little sister…but so so supportive!!
I really, really hope your results are the right ones this time around! My fingers and everything else crossed for Tuesday!
You make sure you have plenty of rest and TLC too Piper…
Could certainly do with some of that moonshine now…anybody who wants to join me, just pull up a stool and …set em up bartender!!

Helen xx

Good to see you back Helen and sorry you had a bit of a rough time. I was very achey afterwards too - I was told it’s because they give you a muscle relaxant whilst they are operating then give you something to tighten it all up again before you come round. Hence you feel like you’ve gone several rounds with *insert name of current boxer*.

Piper - my wound did exactly the same thing twice and scared the living daylights out of me. It meant the scar took longer to heal and delayed chemo by a few weeks while it all mended properly, but it’s fine now.

Carole - sorry you’re having a grim day. My period arrived yesterday - so much for chemo stopping them. Ha. Hope tomorrow is a brighter day.

Feeling tired today, for no particular reason. Shame I’ve got to go to work tomorrow, I could do with a duvet day.

Hi Guys. We had a dry weekend and drove all the way back from Cardiff in the sunshine! Now that’s not a thing I say very often. The number of times we’ve driven past the Welcome to Wales sign and it’s started raining… We had a really nice weekend. Saw my Dad and my brothers, my uncle, my niece and her children, so it was good to catch up.

I hope you had a good weekend too Jane. A change of scenery really helps I think. And good for you for donating your ciggie money - brilliant idea. I’d do the same, but I’ve never smoked. lol.

I’m really glad to see everyone back and I’m sending out all the positive vibes I can to anyone who needs it. A few of you I think! I hope you are all resting up and getting yourselves back to fighting form. When I had to have my first biopsy, I was telling my daughter and her quote was “It’s sh*it being a woman isn’t it?” Well, not all the time I guess, but it certainly has its moments!

Helen, I’m sure the surgeon was just telling you not to worry unduly - that the team is positive about getting it all sorted out for you this time. Sometimes they don’t make themselves clear do they? And then when they have gone, you start wondering… Wouldn’t it be nice if our brains had an off switch? We might get some more sleep then!