Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Hi there!..Gennie thanks for the information about giving muscle relaxation during operations, I didn’t know they did that…interesting! and might well be what they did. Do you work full time…that must be real tiring, and coping with a young family too…why not take half a duvet day!!!

Actually Sal you are right about not being able to switch my brain off…there is always something to think about…and what you said about them getting it sorted out this time, makes sense! Thanks!!

Hope your day improved as it went by Carole…rest up!!

I haven’t done anything much today, but I’m for an early night too!
If anyone is having chemo or other stuff done, hugs and good vibes coming your way(((((((hugs))))))) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Helen xx

hi guys!
youve been so busy while ive been asleep!
hope all are well, sorry to hear your not so groovy today Carole, do hope you feel better soon, my peroids are heavier too, and i had bad ones anyway. hmph, i am woman hear me roar!!!
Got good news! lump has shrunk by almost half! woohoo! 2 more cycles of chemo and of to see the surgeon! yeah! mid may i recon, so something to look forward to! hehe.
been sleeping a lot on this cycle, think it was antibiotics, but wasnt as bad as last one, i can see why people say its “doo-able”, and now i know its working its all been worthwhile!
so Red is well and truly back in determination guys! any baddies that need shooting or Taz-zing let me know! ill be right by your side. pow pow!
hugs and positive thoughts going out to all o ya!
Red (nikki) and breeze xxx

ohohoh!!! just read back a bit, Sal can i sponsor you please?!? my friend is doing race for life too, dressed as a wench if she raises £100! i am going to do it next yr, ive decided. im not the most active person in the world, but its something to work towards! might even do it on stilts if all goes well!
I have a springer and a sprocker, George and Jess who have kindly decided to have their second litter, so sprockets due in about 8 weeks, can they stop of with the others, they love company! the first litter was last sept, so i hope she has had enough time to build her strength up again, shes only 20 months old bless her.
Gen, Lady garden all gone! its a weird thing isnt it! i dont mind going out with bald head, and i dont mind having no nose, underarm or leg hair but the lady garden was a bit harder to come to terms with! hehe oh well maybe that`ll come back a different colour too…
interesting about the steriods causing black canyon, makes sence, but why do they make me stuff my face? antibiotics made it even worse, i looked about 38 weeks pregnant for a week on those! couldnt stop eating marcona almonds and manuka honey on toast. strange!
any way, take care guys :smiley: Red xxx

Morning gals…:smiley:

Red = good to see you i was only thinking about you yesterday and wondering how you were getting on. Great news about the tumour shrinkage!!! I remember how pleased i was when i heard my chemo was working its a great feeling and as you said makes it all much more “doable”

Red - congrats on the news!! Shrink you badddddies!!! mary x
I’ve been wondering about the garden area too…uuuummmm…carole - the joys of it all eh! And as for periods - mine’s due and I’m thinking will it won’t it, not sure how I feel!
ps anybody else on Facebook??

Hi there all…Thats great news about the shrinkage Nikki…sounds like your ready for the next stage of your journey. Yeeha!!!

Hey Mary I am on facebook…but it was my sister put it on without telling me,when all ‘this’ started…don’t go on it too often…I forget to…just not always sure how to ‘work’ it. (I can write on the ‘wall’). Technically limited…but learning all the time!!!

Hi Angel…the information you gave me about what the onc might have meant when he said ’ they are positive’… was correct! I rang my BC nurse up for the first time ever and she said he probably meant the hormone thingys (my words…not hers). So way to go Angel…

Just had a lovey walk…its a grand day for riding the prairie, listening to the birds and smelling the damp earth…er sorry getting carried away!!! (whoops! maybe I should be!!)

catch ya all later
Helen xx

helen - I know what you mean - daughter got me onto it - have sent you a pm with my name anyway…
ps if they come to take you away can you call for me please…

Yabba dabba doo, Red!! You’ve got them darned baddies on the run:D I’ve sent you the link for my race for life page. I’m on facebook too, although, like you Helen, I don’t really get it…

What a great day:) The sun was shining, the birds were nesting and I got some gardening done. We even got the lawn cut! I might even start planting my seeds tomorrow! All we need now is for the leaves to start coming out. I don’t know about you, but it always makes me feel better to see all that bright green in the spring:)

Has someone got results tomorrow? We could do with a calendar on the side of this thread, so we can keep up.

Hi girls, yeh the weather has had a wonderful effect on how I feel…its great isn’t it!!
It’s Piper who has results tomorrow I think Sal…but your right so much is happening all the time, its hard to keep up with it.
Hope your wound has stopped ‘flowing’ piper and good luck and fingers crossed for positive results tomorrow!!! Huggings of good vibes coming your way>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
You deserve it!!!
Mary sent you a pm.

Excellent news Red!! :slight_smile:

Hasn’t today been glorious? I’ve been stuck in the office for most of it, mind, but I actually walked back to the car carrying my coat rather than huddled up in it zipped up to my neck. I’m with you on the leaves Sal, once the trees lose the skeletal look it always cheers me up.

Hair still just about hanging in there but very thin now so it’s just a matter of time before I have to resort to the scarves. Meh.

On the plus side the insurance money hit our bank account today. For the first time in, like, ever we are solvent. For now. Until I get spending! :smiley: Mwahahahahaha

Good luck for tomorrow Piper. Anyone else in the firing line? My next Chemo is Wednesday and I know Martina’s next one was meant to be tomorrow but a little bird tells me it’s been postponed. Are you still around Martina? Let us know how you are flower. xx

LOL Sal, I’m really struggling to keep up but then again I’ve never had a very good memory. Great news about the shrinkage Red.

Had a wonderful weekend in York. drinking champagne and eating chocolates. It was a lovely day yesterday and we walked all round the city wall with coats off. You can’t beat a bit of sunshine for making you feel good and I did notice buds appearing on one or two trees. I have to admit to not being completely chilled though, some things just wind me up so much. I was really surprised at the £6.50 charge to enter York minster. Last time I visited, you just put a donation in the box and then again £6.50 to enter the castle museum. All the museums in Manchester are free. Once again, the underprivileged are denied education through cost. Although I don’t know where the credit crunch is because there were queue’s for everything. Sorry I’ll get off my soap box.Got my Tuesday club tomorrow and more reflexology, so that should chill me out. lol

Gen, your doing brilliant to keep going in work. I don’t know how your managing. I’m getting really tired now, having to go for my rads every day and its not unusual for me to have an afternoon nap these last few days. Slept all the way home on the train yesterday.

Carole, hope your feeling better? I have started using music to lift me up and it works a treat. Especially when I put the boppy stuff on.

Helen, great to have you back and glad your feeling well enough to get out for a walk. Isn’t fresh air a great tonic. Don’t over do it though, you’ve been through a lot recently. 2 ops must take it out of you.

Positive vibes for all the girls having things done-receiving results this week.

Take care xx

Big hugs and positive vibes to you all,ooh there must be something in healing sunshine. Piper hope your leakage not too bad, I have had two major explosions and am down to just being a bit drippy now. Hurrah, got my onc appointment today,but not til 31st march, am hoping as that will be 5 weeks post op it’s going to be to discuss rads and not chemo…still don’t know what path i will be going down or how my ovaries are going to be interfered with so guess I will just have to WAIT and SEE …def going to that garden centre soon so can plan out what is going where in the greenhouse.

Sandra x

Gennie, that’s great news. It will feel fantastic to pay off your mortgage. We did it about 8 years ago, when my husband’s compensation finally arrived - no more mortgage payments - brilliant! The song going through my mind at the moment? Hey big spender:D Have fun. Is it really nearly three weeks since your first chemo? Hope it goes well on Wed.

Sandra, I’m glad you got your appointment with the onc - two weeks will fly by.

Jane, I’m glad you had a good weekend. We went to York minster about 18 months ago and I can’t remember paying. Although, as you say, the memory’s not too good…

Good luck for tomorrow Piper. We’ve got the Boss’s boys cornered in the barn, so you’ll be fine I’m sure.

Hi there…glad to hear your ‘explosions’ are now down to a simmer Sandra!!, you sounded like you were positively volcanic!!!

This brilliant weather also has me thinking of organising all the pots in the garden. My hubby has said he’ll take thursday off, so that he can take me to the doctors to get the staples cut out of my boob…then we’ll go to the garden centre!!!Looking forward to it! ( well to the garden centre anyway).
Glad you have your appointment Sandra…fingers crossed!

Great to hear you had a good weekend Jane! Hubby went to York not long since and said the same as you…its a lot of money to look round somewhere!
You’re a trooper gennie…working and juggling everything else!!

Hope your feeling ok Carole…get lots of rest and TLC.
Hi Old One…hope your ok, take care now!

Well I’m gonna mosey over to the saloon…something awful inviting about that thar place…feel free to pull up a stool and drink a slug of moonshine with me…or two!!!

helen / yorkiexxx

Steel slams through the saloon doors, strides to the bar, and with a steely glance dares anyone to ask where she’s been. :DD

Well, that was interesting. You think you have the pattern sorted, then the chemo delays it’s voodoo reactions for a day or two. So Black Canyon was negotiated after all, just a bit later.

Quick catch up then - Nikki, loving that shrinkage! Keep it up and they’ll be able to take it out with a pin. :smiley:

Di, best of luck tomorrow. Positivity positively flowing out to you! Just remember we’re standing right behind you, hands on your shoulders. Glad you’ve got your onc appointment Sandra, and really glad to see you’re bouncing along there Helen!

You just can’t keep good Riders out of the saddle. :smiley:

I am liking all this positive happening type stuff! Excellent weekends away, mortgage payments, spring sunshine, garden planning… Ah the year is fair looking up! :smiley:

Just a mo, while I track back through and see what else I’ve missed.

Ah, missed out on the champagne and chocolates! Could do with missing out too. Anybody found a mysterious 2 or 3 pounds crept on since chemo? Don’t feel any different in my clothes or self, but the scales are going up. Wierd. Or maybe not. Chemo seems to have brought on a munch fest. Can’t get enough carbohydrates. I’m even eating ground rice and prunes! Haven’t done that since I was about 8.

Could you all send some of this sunshine up north? We’re grey, dreich, and chilly. Nonetheless, must get out and dig the plot over this weekend and get planting, or I’ll be cooking mini veg this autumn.

How’s the line working out Gen? Is it easy to deal with? Maybe you could have it subtly enhanced with gold filigree and a couple of chic diamond studs. :smiley:

Talking of boppy stuff Jane, I just got the DVD that Madonna and Gwyneth’s trainer put out. Decided I’ve got to get this mushy butt moving. Buns of steel is what we want if you’ll pardon the pun. :smiley:
Apparently it’s based on dance moves. You’ll note the “apparently”, as it’s still in its wrapper. lol. No excuse tomorrow though. Must get into that funky groove, hone and tone!

Ah Carole …dreich… now there is a word I haven’t heard for a while lol, Didn’t realise you were Scottish ! Where about are you?Although I live in Wales and my girls were born here they do know where there bahooky and oxters are… they think they are doing quite well as they speak Welsh,English and Scottish !

Morning All, didn’t get online yesterday as I fell off the saddle due to Niagara Falls from my wound - it’s being sorted today when I hopefully get the results of the clearance too.
Also have onc appt though for April 1st!!! :wink:
Apologies for not writing much as too much movement of right arm starts the waterworks again but wanted to thank you so much for your good wishes and hope to have some good news to report later.
Big hugs to all and every positive thought being sent out for everyone having ‘stuff’ today.
Di xxx
PS I shall have a great mental picture of you all behind me today congo style after Carole’s comment :slight_smile:

Morning Gals…:smiley:

Gen - great news about the payment :smiley:
Carole - sorry to hear that black canyon still struck…
and healing vibes to all with aching drippy wounds…:frowning:

We are meant to be getting a new boiler today (third attempt) so hoping it will not be too cold.
And Nigel is off to Uttoxeter to visit his mum for a couple of days - he hasn’t been down there since early November - hmm hope this darn boiler all gets sorted in a day i won’t be impressed tonight if i have no gas for heating, hot water or cooking and he is all snug as a bug eating a meal cooked by his mum… lol

I am going to try and get hold of the lymphoedema nurse today i am a bit concerned about my left arm it doesn’t seem right at all…:frowning:

Morning all.

I had a cat called Oxter at one point. She was much cuter than an actual oxter. I’m half an hour down the motorway from Hamilton, or an hour up from Dumfries depending on which way your engine’s pointed. Where were you from originally?

Da da da da da daaaah, da da da da da daaaah, da da da daaaaaaaah, da da da daaaah… Little bit of a Congo there to help Bilbo on her way. :smiley:

Good luck with the boiler Theresa. I had mine replaced in Feb last year. Brrrrrrrr. Very cold for a couple of days. Remind me, have you had a clearance?