Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Carole - we used to live in East Kilbride…:smiley:

Yes full node clearance is automatic with IBC - they only found 6 nodes one of which had cancer cells… The surgeon did say it was really unusual to only find 6 lymph nodes in a full clearance though - especially as i am ahem not exactly skinny…

Its one of the reasons why i was to see lab results from the mx - but it is proving to be like getting blood out of a stone… The bcn just says there are “procedures i have to follow” - i did ask the onc twice when i was seeing her during the rads and she said she would send them to me - but when i got a letter last week for my followup appointment it was just that - no lab results :frowning:

I’m going to ask again at the that next appointment and if no joy i will have to contact the pals service as it is getting ridiculous… (i got my results verbally in december)

Ow ow and BLOOMIN OW!!! Giving blood out of this portacath thingy is a bit of a palaver. She stuck the big carpet tack thing into it (ow) and nothing was coming out, so she flushed it through a couple of times (sting). Still nothing. So she resited the carpet tack. BLOOMIN OW! We got one lot of blood out and then it stopped playing. More flushing (BLOOMIN STING) and finally it started flowing nicely.

I think I’d rather go the good old crook of the arm route if it’s going to be like that every time (although she did say it was probably because the cath is new and needed flushing a few times to free it up). I’ve got to have the carpet tack again tomorrow for the chemo.

*whimper* I think I’m going to have to be a big baby and ask for some of the Emla skin numbing cream they give to children for the next round because … just…OW!!

I think I will have to bling the thing up a bit with some sequins round it Carole because right now it’s just a (now sore) lump on my chest. That’s not a good look on anyone!

I’m on a course this afternoon. New Framework for UK Company Reports and Accounts 2009. Sounds a blast doesn’t it?

Best of luck for the results Piper.

Ouch gen - sounds like you might be better off just giving the blood out of your arm…

I’m hiding from the plumbers in my craft room with Molly… She tries to escape through the back door all the time… That dog sure does love workmen lol

Yes Monty was trying to stick his nose in the tray the nurse had the syringes in. He loves people coming to the house, it makes his day!

good luck Di, form an orderly queue girls…Gen, hope its soon done, Theresa hope your arm settles too or the nurse can help, I’m still waiting for appt to have hickman line fitted…mary x

oooh I want to do the conga round the table at your course Gen,that sounds a bit dry… da da da da daaaah , not too much skipping or might set off my leaky boob again !
Good luck with results Di, seems like we are a right pair of oooh better watch what word I use… mine is the right one too ! Was rather spectacular at the time but fed up with it after a week and getting better each day,not even a huge opening on the wound,it’s tiny,that prob why it came shooting out at a rate of knotts…sorry tooooo much info for some.

Carole,Im from Edinburgh’ish originally but lived and worked all over, lived in Carnwath Moffat and Dumfries years ago when used to trouble shoot for Truste House Forte Roadside Catering devision,commonly known as The Little Thief…ooops sorry meant Little Chef,lol.
Good luck with the workmen,hope they don’t leave a mess !

Morning gals. I’ll join that conga line…bags I in the middle though…too risky to be at the end especially if its going fast!!!
Good luck with those results Di!
Sounds like a rivetting course Gen…ahem…or not…Oh I think blinging your thingy up sounds cool!!!
Good luck with getting your results Theresa…hope the arm is ok!
What does ‘driech’ mean?
Good luck with the dance excercise Carole!!!

Top of the morning and happy St. Patricks day…to anybody irish or with a drop of the irish in them…9I have a little bit)
Helen x

Ah, so Scotland is the place everyone is or wants to be! Knew it. I used to live in Lanark Sandra, so I know Carnwath well, was just down seeing a friend in Moffat, get my car serviced in Dumfries, and can’t resist Jenners in Edinburgh when I’m over there.

However, East Kilbride, Theresa. Windy City! :smiley:

Dreich means dull, wet, cold, and grey. It’s a braw word to describe it. Oh and happy St Patricks to all too, I forgot about that. I have no Irish except that apparently we came round via Ireland from France on my Dad’s side a couple of centuries ago. Why we were in France, or left, was never established but I’ve always felt I should have my cake and eat it… :wink:

OOOOCHHYYY Gen, poor chest! I’m sure a rivetting course this afternoon will have you feeling right as rain again, or more probably like drowning yourself in the rain barrel! :smiley:

I’ve got no Irish in me but mmmmm certainly wouldn’t mind a couple of pints of guinness ! Ooooh, in celebration think will go and make a stew, rather tasty with the addition of redcurrent jelly and worcestershire sauce…

MmmmMMMM! Sounds yummy! Ok, down to the Old One’s and get a pot of that going. We can use up the last of last year’s 'taters with it. It’ll do the Old One good to put her feet up and let us do the cooking for a change. :slight_smile:

My mum was born in Belfast (1929) - but they moved over here when she was about 3…

Carole - certainly was windy… lol we lived in Gardenhall - literally right on the edge of town our house looked over fields towards Eaglesham and when the wind was blowing it was coming straight at us from the sea lol used to have to fight to close the front door in a storm…:smiley:
I was married in East Kilbride and we moved here when i was 21 weeks pregnant with David.

Irish thoroughbred here - both my parents are from Co Tyrone and we moved over here in the 70’s when I was 10…maryx

My mum was from Ballyclare near Belfast! She was born in 1922 and came over…when she was 17/18 married to my dad. My dads mum was irish too. Mums dad was scottish, so that makes me a bit of a mixed breed…
Have you still got your accent mary?
save some of that stew Sandra…sounds dee…lish!!
helen x

No Irish in me at all, but happy St Patrick’s Day to those of you that are.

My dad’s family also arrived here from France going back to the Norman Conquest (apparently). My maiden name has French origins and my first name is Genevieve so I sound kosher. We were probably arrow fodder rather than aristocracy, mind you lol.

Chemo at 1pm tomorrow, so I presume my bloods came out ok in the end. A friend made a comment earlier regarding my body’s refusal to bleed this morning along the lines of how typical that was for an accountant. Like getting blood out of a stone… Ho ho.

The course was, as anticiptated, riveting. A conga would have livened it up no end. The only interesting bit was the fact that it was held at the Imperial War Museum in Duxford and I got to look at all the old aeroplanes.

It’s my turn to help out at my boys’ Beaver Scouts troop tonight. A somewhat tired and irritable me and 20 little boys aged 6 - 8 of variable levels of behaviour. It’s enough to make anyone tear their hair out, but since I now have only a thin covering of hair left and it’s dropping steadily this could be interesting… :o

Hi Everyone! Glad to hear everyone seems okay at the moment - does that mean the saloon will be open later?!

Well, had my results of the clearance and just 2 out of 12 infected this time so I’m taking that as a result, please tell me if I’m wrong - nil would have been better but 2 out of 12 ain’t bad. Hey, I could write a song about that!!

Next step Chemo, then radio then probably Herceptin but all this to be confirmed by Onc on April 1st. Seems an awful lot to be done and is too scary if I think about it too much so am trying to just take one step at a time.

Wound was re-dressed and a drain bag attached which I have to go back on Friday to have checked and changed.

Feeling quite shattered now, I think I was very wound up this time about the result and dreading another op so feel like a weight has been lifted.

So,tThe first round’s on me gals…hugs and thanks to all for the congo line, it worked so I think we should keep it in for anyone’s hospital visits!!! :slight_smile:

Di xxx

Oh Di…sooooooo…pleased you have a reasonable result. So now its the waiting game again!! It sounds heavy stuff love…but like you say take it a step at a time…that seems to work!! I don’t doubt your tired…and I hope the wound starts behaving itself!
I think your idea of a conga line is sound! It might just ‘wrong foot’ the bad guys!!!
Good luck with your chemo tomorrow Gen. But think you might need huggings more with your beavers tonight!!! Little boys are soooooo tiring!!!
Well I’m all for a slug of the good stuff later on Di so see you in the bar…

Piper - glad your results went well…:smiley:

It does seem alot of treatment at the start - but just take it one step at a time {{{hugs}}}

Just had to have the plumber back - went to do some washing up and the new boiler wouldn’t work and had a “gas supply error” message! Luckily he lives just around the corner so was able to come quite quickly - turned out a gas tube had a “little kink” in it from one of the final things they did so he just moved that (like a tiny hose pipe) and all is well again… Just as well i really thought for a minute we had bought a duff boiler lol

Gen - hope it goes okay this evening i wouldn’t fancy facing all those little lads even when i was well lol

Hey Di,at least you now know what path you are on and hey you could have had 12 nodes affected so I’d say you did pretty good.Did they attatch a new tube/drain to your wound?

Yup meet you in the bar too Helen, The stew was lurvely with garlic mash and green beans,I did make double so to put half in the freezer but it was soooooooo tasty that everyone had second helpings !

Hey Gen if the orrrible little boys are too awful you could just shout at them that they are so bad that they have made your hair fall out… sorry for my warped sense of humour, or maybe you could just make them do a congo instead !Good luck with the chemo tomorrow.
Beautiful sunset here over the sea,just been out to get my washing in,having a good sniff,yup,another strange habit but cant help myself,fresh washing off the line one of my favourite smells,what’s yours? There were so many bumble bees outside too…global warming hits tropical North Wales…

And Bilbo comes storming into town! Hey, look there, shouts Calypso. Somebody’s kicking up a storm.

Yorkie looked out over the fence line. Sure enough, somebody was riding in fast.

Dust was kicked up behind, and there was locomotive speed on those hooves.

Bilbo came riding past full pelt, coat tails flying. She hauled up at the bunk house, launched herself out of the saddle and stood, breathing heavily for a minute. Then she strode over to the rain barrel and cupped some cooling water over her head before moving back to her horse. She smoothed and patted the sweaty mane and gently led her over to the water. While her horse drank, Bilbo took off the saddle and harness, laid them aside, then put her arms round her friend’s neck. Thanks for carrying me back, she whispered.

Bilbo turned and waved over to Calypso and Yorkie. Hey y’all, she shouted.

Hey yourself, yelled over Yorkie. Riviera and Steel emerged from the barn and shouted over. What’s happening Bilbo?

Bilbo smiled and started over to the Old One’s kitchen, and the others moved in to join her. As the walked together, already smelling the stew that Scotia had started earler, Bilbo updated them on the day.

Heck of a day! she said. I went out to check the mountain pass that the Old One got a feeling about. Woah, flash flood! Nearby got me and Firefoot swept over. But not Firefoot. She dug in those hooves and kept kicking. I love that horse. Got us close enough that I could throw the reins over a tree and between me and her, we hauled our @sses up and out of there. Phewweeee! That was close. Then, if you wouldn’t believe it, we’re riding back in and I glanced ahead to the Border. There’s a helluva dust trail comin’ up from the Boss’s side of the Border. Didn’t know what it was, so thought I’d better get back here licketysplit and see what we all thought.

The others turned and craned their necks to see what she might have been seeing. Nothing. Determination was blocking the view.

The five of them moved into the Old One’s kitchen, hung up their hats and jackets, and Riviera went to turn the spoon in the stew pot. The Old One came through from her parlour.

Well there young 'uns, hungry? Scotia set this to cooking and I’ve been having myself I nice, relaxing afternoon. Want an early bowlful before the rest get in?

Absolutely! said Calypso, and her stomach growled. Bilbo here saw something or someone looks like they’re coming across the border. Might as well get a good bellyful before we take a look.

Across the border you say, said the Old One. Oh well relax and rest up, there’s nothing to worry about there. It’s just the cowpokes bringing a new herd across. The Boss brings them in every year.

The Old One glanced round at the assembled table and narrowed her eyes, just a tad.

Now, young uns, she said, I just had me a feeling there, and I’m going to share it. You keep careful to yourselves now. Those cowpokes are mighty interesting to young uns, and mighty interested. You get my drift?

Hrmmmrpph,hmmph, said Steel. You don’t need to worry on that count Old One. Nobody’s interested in a bunch of cowpokes. We’ve got enough to be doing.

Riviera kept her head down, but grinned and looked up sideways and caught Scotia’s eye. She winked, then the Old One caught her eye, and she hrrmmmpphed in a good impression of Steel. Nope, nobody interested, she grunted, and then looked very focussed on her stew.

Fresh washing off the line is one of my favourites! Fresh mown grass, my dogs’ paws, the smell of the seasons changing, honeysuckle, fresh jasmine, patchouli, a wood fire, deep snow, earth and grass stains on my dogs’ heads.