Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Val - ((((hugs)))) you take care and love to J too, shes having a really hard time bless her…mary x

Horace, new here, but have seen how much you have had to deal with, really sorry and love to you and your family.

Would your daughter take anti -depressants? I did have an episode of PN dep which I refused to acknowledge and struggled through after the birth of my first son.(23 years ago - where does the time go?!)A few years ago I had depression (different trigger) which I then did take a/ds for. Definately helped, I know they are not an answer to everything or everybody, but might be worth thinking about?

Take care

Big hugs and much love to you and your family Horace, that must be so tough for you all.
Good luck for all being treated interfered with or having results this week. For me, I am feeling better ,hic, must have been last night that sorted me out and a couple of hot toddies. Not planning to see anyone medical til next Tuesday when got onc appointment to find out what is next,am hoping to have finally sorted out my drippy boob before then though ! One single dressing does me the whole day and nothing at night Di,so there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Better go and do some houseworky things,catch up in a bit.

I knew you had an appointment next week Sandra, but I got the day wrong. Glad the ‘drip’ is sorting itself out!!

Good luck for today Ros & Martina!

Well I suddenly found myself pitched off my hoss into Black Canyon at about 9pm last night. What’s that about? I woke up at 2.30am wallowing in misery and felt proper rotten - was awake for 2 hours watching rubbish on telly. Still feeling ropey today, but hopefully I’ll manage to clamber out if Flashheart will stop skittering about the top of the ridge and pick his way down to get me out. Danged hoss.

Di - I have got a couple of buffs and I do find them comfortable. I’ve also today received a couple of jersey cap bandanas from which seem more comfortable (some nice scarves & stuff there, not too pricey and based in the UK). I’m always very prone to headaches and I think having something tied round my temples is not going to be doable for me. In fact I’m not wearing anything around the house (on my head, that is, I wear clothes obviously!) - I just shove something on to go out or to answer the door.

Val - I’m sorry your daughter is having such a horrible time. I had PND after my twins were born, but wasn’t diagnosed until they were 10 months old. I was in utter misery for months and couldn’t work out what was wrong with me when I had “everything”. Good husband, 3 beautiful children, nice house…but I was so miserable. I did have antidepressants and they worked miracles for me I must say - within a couple of weeks the clouds lifted.

Right, I’m off for a small snooze and then I’ll have a bath I think. Try to shake off this black dog on my back.

Sorry to hear you’ve been in Black Canyon Gennie, but I’m sure you’ll be in the light again very soon. We’ll give the dog a kicking if you need us to.

Been trying to ring the GP all morning, but they’re constantly engaged. Grrrrr.

Val, we’re all thinking of you and your family. It’s hard enough with a 2 year old and a new baby when you’re feeling fit and well, but she’s had a lot on her plate and it’s not surprising she’s feeling rough. I’m with the others, on the anti depressant front. I had an episode about 10 years ago, after a particularly sh*te 5 years or so. I did the typical Mule thing - “I can do this on my own - don’t need to take anything”. Big mistake. The only thing I achieved was drawing out the whole episode and making it last about three times longer than it should have. Ended up taking the ADs anway in the end.

Gen - sorry to hear you’ve been in Balck Canyon…:frowning:

I spent most of last summer with nothing on my head as well - just used to pop something on if someone came to the door… I think i said before though if anything once i finished chemo i started wearing my wig all the time… I’m not sure if the chemo made my head even more sensitive so the wig was irritating - but i’ve worn it non stop since November…

Theresa x

Thank you all so much for the good wishes.I had a lovely visit from Mary[kittenkat]this morning which has really cheered me up-it really is good to talk.Jo has been back to her GP this morning and has had cystocele explained more fully so she now knows the treatment options and is less scared/depressed.Hopefully the stew pot will be back on the stove soon.Hugs to all going through treatment today and in the next day or two.Lots of love TOOxx

That’s good news Old One,yup it is def good to talk,great on here but even better in person.
Don’t worry about the stew pot,I can be your able assistant as have just made a huge pot of stovies…for those not in the know think corned beef hash…ish . Oooh that’s as in a sort of hash as in food and not of the funny cigarette variety… just read that back and it looked a bit strange…or maybe thats the side efects of my late night !

I had a weird 70’s moment dream last night,must be all the David Cassidy talk,does anyone remember “clackers”,those two balls suspended on strings with piece of plastic that you held and clacked them repeatedly together,I loved mine,purple and pink,then damn that Nationwide programme that showed report saying how latest craze was so dangerous as the balls used to shatter and I had mine taken off me ! Think it was probably the incessant noise was more likely the cause that mine disappeared tho…anyway,dreaming about them and spacedust…orange flavour,that mad confectionary that fizzed on your tongue and if you necked the whole packet it was like your head was gong to explode ! Whoo those were the days of living dangerously ! Lol .

Horace that is good news…:smiley:

Sandra i remember both of those as well…:smiley: but then again i guess we must both be 44… :wink:

oops not sure what happened then my message came up twice…

Lol,only 6 weeks off being 45 ! Gosh doesn’t time fly when you are having fun !

oh i’m a baby then as i was 44 last month… :wink: lol

sandra - was it you who mentioned being in the west midlands the other day…? if so - do you remember jubblies…? (obviously a west midlands delicacy for small children of the 70’s lol)

I grew up on the Staffs/West Mids border and I remember jubblies very well. And space dust, and sherbet pips and fizz bombs. Oooh the good old days!! :smiley:

Does anyone remember rice paper flying saucers with sherbet in them,or american cream soda sherbet, or barratts sherbet with a liquorice stick in it…have they still got those??

My sister had one of those sherbet dips with the licorice in just last week!!! lol she squealed with excitment when we spotted some in a shop in morpeth as she hadn’t seen any for ages…:smiley:

and yes remember the flying saucers etc…:smiley:

Gennie - i was forgetting you mention you grew up in Penkridge… i’m not sure if you might have grown up knowing one of my friends from when i did my degree as he and his brother also lived there as children… Andy Phillips (now 44) and Ian (now about 41 i think…)

Theresa x

Ian would be my age, although Andy Phillips rings a bell. If they went to school in the village we’d have gone to the same ones as there’s only one middle and upper school.

I love those sherbet fountains, you can certainly still get those. Flying saucers too - my kids love them. I also used to like the American Cream Soda sherbet or rainbow crystals - I used to buy a quarter of those and some bassetts hard licorice sticks to eat it with. Anyone remember spangles too? Now I know you can’t get those any more, I’ve looked.

Actually - for a bit of nostalgia have a look at I occasionally treat myself to some sweeties from there.

all this tslk of sweeties - we’ve got an old-fashioned shop in town that has all the jars on the shelf behind the counter - my late husband loved midget floral gums.
Drove myself to chemo today cos my usual ex-workmate was otherwise engaged - made it home fine, ate lunch, slept for 1.5 hours, and now feel very icky.
Sorry you’ve had the blues Gen, and also really sorry to hear you’ve had another tricky time Horace - let’s hope things are on the up for you both.
Thanks for the good vibes from everyone for today - speak soon, Ros.

Gen - Andy’s mum still lives there, his dad died of a heart attack a few years ago now… Ian became abit unconventional when he went off to uni - became very involved in animal rights, bypass protests lots of things like that…