Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Ros - glad to hear that you’ve got another chemo out the way…:smiley:

Thats one more out of the way Ros…hope the icky passes soon!
I used to buy 4 fruit salads for a penny (old penny that is)…I loved spangles!!! What about penny arrows!

Glad to hear you sounding a bit more chipper Old One, hopefully your daughter will turn a corner soon too. We need you back as goodness knows what this lot got up to last night;-)

Pleased to hear your visit today went well Ros, as Helen says, another one down. Hope the sickness doesn’t last too long.

All this talk of sweeties is making me very peckish, my granny used to own the sweetshop on the way to school (1960’s) and I used to stand there for ages and ages staring through the glass counter and at all the jars deciding what to spend my threepenny bit on :slight_smile:

See y’all laters, hope you’ve had a good day all. Di x

I remember Jubblies and I was a kid in south Wales in the 60s. If we’re talking about the same thing, that is - wierd orange flavoured ice lolly things in odd shaped cartons. When it started to melt, you had the devil’s own job trying to squeeze it out of the carton enough to eat it, without it leaping out of your hand and onto the floor!! Anyone remember acid drops? I loved them - the sweets I mean, not mind altering stuff:~/

Fruit salads, black jacks, mojos, as you say, Helen, 4 for 1d. No wonder we had rotten teeth!

So, we’ve got the intellectual level for the evening - nostalgia and sweeties! Well, the only way is up, I suppose. lol

We thought we’d celebrate Jane’ momentous week with a new chapter. So here’s the first instalment.

Sheriff Dan had been trying to catch Casey on her own for a couple of days, so he was glad when he saw her coming out of the general store with the supplies she’d been sent for (mainly whisky from what he could see). He called over to her “Can I have a word with you Casey? I have some good news.”

Casey struggled over with her precious cargo and dumped it in the corner of the sheriff’s office. (She wasn’t going to risk leaving that lot in Old One’s wagon – she knew it wouldn’t still be there when she got back.) “Good news isn’t too common round here sheriff, so spill the beans” she said.

“I hear through the grapevine that you were an engine driver in Normality” said Dan.

“That’s right, sheriff. Rode the Cannonball Express for years. Always on time, despite the best efforts of some of the Bosses kind trying to see that I did otherwise.”

“Well, I’ve just had news that the new station just outside Determination is gonna be opened soon. We’ll have the railroad coming to this here town.”

Casey’s heart leapt. She’d been missing the sound of the steam and the smell of the smoke more than she cared to admit. She longed to take a shovel in her hand again (and not for fighting the Bosses boys this time) and blow the whistle at the kids in the farms as they ran to try and catch her engine.

“Well, that’s mighty interestin’ Sheriff. I think you just planted a seed of an idea in my mind.” Said Casey.

“Thought I might have,” chuckled Dan. He knew it wouldn’t take much to get one of these Riders get their escape plans drawn up. It was just a matter of time before the opportunity arose. “First train arrives tomorrow at noon” he said. “I expect you’ll be there?”

“I think you can count on that” smiled Casey. She had a twinkle in her eye as she winked and left his office.

As she drove the wagon down Main Street, Casey looked down Uncertainty Row. A few of the Riders had got caught down there recently and, sure enough, there was Yorkie and Bilbo, propped up against the wall, looking mighty tired.

“Hey, you two,” yelled Casey. “Climb up on the wagon. You’re coming back to the bunkhouse with me. There are gonna be some changes around here soon.”

Yorkie and Bilbo wearily climbed in the back of the wagon and crashed out on the straw, too tired to ask her what she meant, but grateful of the lift. They could do with some of Old One’s good home cooking tonight.

Run out of time - more tomorrow.

Whoa Sal…not sure if I can wait while tomorrow…what is that twinkle in Caseys eye…come to think of it, I remember a chap on the tv years ago called ‘Casey Jones’…relative perhaps?? Got me a wondering now…great instalment!

That’s who I’m named after, Helen. Sal christened me because I’m a train driver back in reality. Whoo Whoo

Hope the sickness is wearing off Ross and Gen sorry you’ve slipped of your hoss into black canyon but if I know Riviera, she wont be down there too long. A bit of retail therapy perhaps? Spend some of that there insurance on yourself.

Thinking about you and your family Old One and glad that your daughter is feeling slightly better this afternoon.

Refresher chews and banana arrow bars were a couple of my favorites. And we had jubilees in Manchester too. Always wore mine lol

Hi All
Yes, clackers (banned at our school - supposedly led to broken wrists!)all the same sweets…I’m a 1958 vintage, hence my 50th birthday mammogram present from the NHS finding the BC. Have to say, BIG fan of the screening programme, despite what has just been on The One Show. OK, DCIS might NOT proceed to invasive - but I’m more than happy to have it dealt with sooner rather than later!

Hope everyone is OK, and has the evening best suited to current mood. Gennie, comfiest seat in the house for you, if you doze off we’ll throw a blanket over you, if you want anything else, just holler.

Val, glad your daughter is feeling a bit better.

Sal, loving the story! Bring on the next instalment!


Fab chapter Sal, I love reading these tales, you’ll have to put them altogether and we can read them all over again. Can’t wait for the next one either!

Really needed the cheer up as I had to do my own dressing this afternoon, I was sweating with fear doing it and then ended up with a crick in my neck where I couldn’t see what I was doing…I’d never make a nurse that’s for sure. I then ended up blubbing at other half when I put boiling water on the rice and we always use cold…it seemed such a huge mistake, I know I wasn’t really crying at that but I hate being like this.

Anyway enough moaning, Stormrider head back on, off for a good gallop round on Firefoot to clear some cobwebs before the saloon’s open, save one for me :wink:

By the way on the nostalgia front did you all used to eat pomegranate’s with a needle??!!! Di x

Val, thinking of you and your family through this hard time. The storm you all are weathering is no less hard than the one here. I hope the doc can help. It sounds like it could be a bit of pn depression. Here’s a hug and a hand. Looking forward to that stew!

Good news on the old drip Sandra. Sounds like it shouldn’t get in the way of your next bit of treatment at all. Nearly 45 eh? Been there for a few months. Quite like it actually. Any mid life crisis thinking looming yet? Assuming I get the longevity of the women in my family (and why not!) 45 is just about exactly half way through. My plan to gradually transform myself into a gorgeous, chic, totally together in a mature at last kind of way, solvent (!) grown up and fabulous 50 something has hit a little stumbling block there, but at least I get to try something new with the hair, and if this doesn’t grow me up, I don’t know what will!

Ah, Black Canyon got you in the end Gen. Did me too last time, just a day later. Guess it’s something we just have to plan for at some point in drug week. I don’t think it’s the steroids, I think it’s just the drug getting into every part of you. Wonder if the cmf will do the same thing? I hadn’t got round to trying a buff yet, but I ordered one today, a summer version. I look awful if I push the scarf up my forehead, so I’m really hoping cmf brings it back in quick. I definitely have stubble where I didn’t before, so the hair that holds on does keep growing. I have at long last managed to stop wrapping my head in a towel when I get out of the shower, but I still wet my “hair” first as soon as I get in, :smiley:

Yes! I remember clackers. Mine were mint green I think. Also confisticated. Bah Whizzers on Nationwide! And Spacedust. And those sherbet things – didn’t like sherbet though, but loved spangles. And Space Hoppers. Mine had a horse’s head. I loved my space hopper. I’d put it to bed every night and feed it in the morning. :smiley:

Take it easy Ros. Icky is not good, but you’ve got a groovy vibe going on with this chemo. It’ll pass.

Excellent chapter Sal. Uncertainty Row is definitely a black spot in Determination. Keep it coming. :wink:

That hot water cold water thing gets me every time Di. :wink:
Yes, needle and pom seeds. And at Christmas, without fail, we had two coloured melon balls from a packet.

Re the story - I’ve been copying everything over so we don’t lose it, including some of our wee scenarios. It’ll make a great account when we’re ready to pull it all together.

Love the story Sal, can’t wait to find out what the twinkle in my eye is.

Oh yes what a memory…pomegranetes eaten with a needle…mmmm its all coming back! That was real fiddley to do…Di love , worry not about the rice…and I’ve still got that bottle under the counter, that I saved last night. Have a good gallop…clear your head!!!

Will put a reserved sign on the comfiest chair for you Gen…just name your tipple…
What a present to get Lizzie…hope you got some ‘really’ good ones to compensate!! …a bit! Great attitude…‘dealing with it sooner, rather than later’…I’m a 1955 model, so 50 has way passed me by.
Aaaahhh Jane…I really enjoyed Casey Jones when I was a little one!
Hey Carole…was your space hopper inspiration for this brilliant western epic? Surprising what childhood influences we bring with us into adulthood…
Hope Ros , Martina and Mary have had a good day!
Looking forward to some of you fab stew, do you do dumplings too Old One???

Oh my grandma used to give us pomegranates to eat with a needle at Christmas. I’d forgotten all about that - used to keep us busy for ages!!

I’ve just about climbed up the sides of the canyon I think (hope!) - I just insisted on having Emmerdale on tv and promptly fell asleep in front of it. Now I’ve woken up I feel a bit brighter, if all goes as last time round I should kick back into normality at the weekend and I don’t think the dip was as long or as bad this time. Maybe the body learns to adjust. Only 2 more of these to go and then the vagaries of CMF to discover. Hurrah!

Jane - I spent a fortune in the M&S online sale today, does that count? Mostly it was spent on the kids, but even so spending is spending eh? :smiley:

Glad to hear you’re feeling a bit more like it Gen, Bartend’s reserved the comfy chair for you so feel free to snooze when you want :slight_smile:
Line 'em up then Nell!

M&S have got an online sale??? Where’s my credit card?

Right you are Bilbo…saloon is open, drinks are lined up on the bar…first come first served. Pineapple juice for Riviera in the comfy chair…no falling off the stools!! yeeha

…ooohhhhh…I needed that, cheers!

Better hide my credit card, I buy all sorts when I’ve had a drink…hee hee :wink:

Me too! Thankfully Steel is much more prudent than me, so she can have a good few beers tonight instead.

Mary - good luck with the chemo tomorrow. Hope the veins stay nice and available.

Hi All
Having a (very) early night…fighting off 3rd migraine in as many days…sure it can’t possibly be stress related!!

Good luck to all with treatments / appts tomorrow, have a chilled out evening (hide the credit cards if necesary! - I am SO bad at the online shopping if I get in that mood!)

Hope everyone has a decent night’s sleep, - sweet dreams and all that


Don’t let the bugs or snakes bite Lizzie…get a good nights rest. That goes for everyone else who is having stuff done tomorrow…rest up!!
Steel …Bilbo whats ya tipple!