Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Night Lizzie…a good sleep does wonders.

Well Bartend, methinks a drop of ye old zider may be called for if you have it this far west?!

All the best for tomorrow Mary in case I forget.

Coming right up…in fact I can recommend this particular one…er had to have a sip to check it wasn’t flat!!

Have you got an appointment tomorrow Helen?, I couldn’t remember…blame the juice :wink:

Right gals…I’m closing the saloon early…must be last nights celebrations catching up on me…It’s now self service, just put ya dosh in the wooden box…tills not invented yet!!!
Have a good sleep Mary and anyone else having chemo or continuing chemo tomorrow.
Di…I don’t have an appointment till next Friday…results time again!! So thats you me and Sandra next week! Third time lucky eh!!
I hope your wound is behaving itself love. You get a good nights rest now, build up energy levels for next week! Im going away at the weekend in my sisters caravan…so might have to leave you in charge of the saloon!!
Catch ya later all

Di good luck with the drains tomorrow!!!

well, had a good day, got the blood test done and went to visit the Old One for lunch - was lovely to meet you Val and I now have lots more reading material! Off for a good sleep hopefully…night all and sleep well, mary x

pomegranates attacked with needles ? Lol you lived dangerously you lot,I was only let loose with a wooden toothpick !

Oooh migraines…I get them too,total hell and mine are brought on usually by lack of sleep ! Had a few lately and nothing seems to shift them,last tried imigram but it makes me all spaced out and I feel worse than just having the migraine and that is saying something !

Am leaving gordon alone in the bar as better head off to my bunk,loads of good luck wishes for all tomorrow and lovely sweet dreams too !

Morning everyone…:smiley:

Not much to report here - looks like clear blue skies here at the moment…


Morning Theresa and everyone :slight_smile:

Looks like just us two early birds as usual! Been up since 5, send some of that sun here will you!!

Off to see BCN later for drain and have blood tests ready for Oncologist next week. Luckily brother is able to take me so we can have a good catch up too.

Have a good day all and hugs to all having Stuff.

Di xxx

Morning Girls.

Got up early to take my Mum out for the day and its piddling down here in Manchester.

Good luck with the drains Di. Positive vibes coming your way Mary and if I am not mistaken Martina is being blasted again today, so thinking of you too and anyone else having treatments.

If Riviera is anything like Cassey, then any kind of spending counts.

Not sure what I am going to do today, now. Maybe we’ll catch the train to Meadow Hall in Sheffield, then we’ll be under cover. Or maybe I’ll just curl up on the sofa with a book.

Hope your all having better weather than me. Catch you lata. :slight_smile:

Morning All

Positive vibes and rays of sunshine coming your way for the chemo Mary, and the draining Di. Hopefully it’ll look better and better.

More groovy, laid back, easy surfin’ vibes for you Lizzy and Sandra, smooth those migraines into non existence.

Hope the chemo isn’t hitting too hard Martina. Thinking of you.

Sofa and a book sounds good Jane. Mmm, nice fire, tea and buns, perfect!

Morning all

Think I’m out of the gloom now, despite the cold and grey day in Suffolk.

Good luck and good vibrations for chemo and helpful veins today Mary and nice, healing vibes for the wound Di. Thinking of you too Martina - hope you’re having a better time of it this time.

I get migraines too, awful things, so those of you who suffer have my deepest sympathy. I also get cluster headaches, where for several days I’ll get them almost constantly. Mine seem to be hormone related, so I’m hoping hormone treatment when it comes might knock them on the head. Well I can hope…

This is definitely not a day for going out. Curling up on the sofa with a book and some nice chilled music is the way to go. I might even light the fire. Cup of coffee, hot buttered toast…mmmmm

Cold and almost grey here too. Had terrible winds the last couple of nights, and it wasn’t the chilli beans. :smiley:

Just seen your messages on facebook Mary - I’m so rubbish I keep forgetting to check it, but have replied at last! :smiley:

Morning all,
Hi Gennie, glad you are feeling brighter, despite the weather. Blue skies and blustery up here in Yorkshire, no excuse not to hang the washing out!

My migraine always starts with a wierd tingly feeling on my tongue! - which can last for days (and is doing!)- have taken Imigran (supposed to stop them developing) again this morning, but think I might just have to let the thing run it’s course, seems a determined s*d this one!

Enjoy the sofa today, I now have to go and make myself some toast - you’ve set me off!

Have a good day, all

We get very strong winds here Carole. It blows right in from the east and we are the first high ground reached from the Norfolk coast (even though we’re miles inland, Norfolk is just flat) so the wind really blasts down the road I live on. This morning we were leaning in to it just to walk up to the school bus!

Definitely a day for a log fire and battening down the hatches I feel.

I get the classic zigzaggy lines when I get migraines Lizzy, which is handy as it means I can usually take painkillers and avert the worst of it. No good if I wake up with one though, then it’s just a case of lying down in a dark room and waiting for it to pass. I’m violently sick too. Just awful. Take it easy and enjoy the toast!!

Morning all…mmmmm a late one too. For once my OH must have tiptoed out of the bedroom without waking me up. Had a lovely lie in.

Hope the migraines fade away Lizzie and Sandra. Thinking of you Mary.
It’s cloudy and real blustery here, good drying day, as long as its not too windy. Love the smell of fresh washing in from the line.

Good luck with the bloods Di and nice to do catch up with family.
Hey Jane I think you must be getting the rain we had earlier, its coming over the pennines. Curling up with a book sounds good too!

{{{{hugs}}}} to all having stuff done today.

thanks gals for your positive vibes…I’m ready for the off…Gen, glad you’re feeling better and Di hope it all goes well with nurse etc…yes Martina was "done " yesterday and had a very sick evening bless her…see y’all later!! Mary x

Sorry to hear Martina was sick last night… sending you loads of love and gentle hugs…
