Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

hey all, head better,probably due to the freezing cold and wind blowing the cobwebs away, Am starving hungry today,what’s all that about ? Just going to indulge myself with a big bacon roll and cuppa mmmmm.

Re olden days sweeties (anything from the 70’s etc or from my childhood is deemed “olden days” by my children,sigh,like the day I pulled out a lovely shocking pink water silk jacket that I had worn to a friends wedding in 1984,give away was the shoulder pads,oooh " look at the clothes from the “olden days” !!!) Anyway, whatever happened to Fry’s bar of 5 centres ?

Can’t stop,the bacon is calling…

Big hugs and good wishes to all.

Sandra x

I used to get loads of migraines when I was at junior school ( i can still remember that far back ) but they stopped once I reached puberty, until odd times more recently when presented with stressful situations, when I have one on 3 or 4 consecutive days , then nothing for months. I swear by pink Migraleve which stops the kaleidoscope lights quite quickly and lessens the pain afterwards.
Good luck to all being messed about today, and to all those awaiting the slow slither into Black Canyon - Ros.

Next instalment:-

Riviera was taking it easy on Old One’s rocking chair when they reached the bunkhouse. Steel was organizing the rota for everyone’s chores, Mule and Ponchokat were helping Old One in the kitchen. Blackjack and Lizzie were feeding the horses and the rest of the Riders were generally busy getting the table ready for supper and clearing up round the place.

Yorkie and Bilbo staggered out of the wagon and flopped in the barn, whilst Casey unhitched the horse and unloaded the provisions. Calamity and Scotia wandered into the pantry as Casey was stacking various items in completely the wrong place. Old One wouldn’t like that – she liked to keep her pantry shipshape! “What’s up Casey” asked Scotia. “Nothing” she replied as she wandered off in the direction of the barn.

During supper Casey seemed very animated and everyone else took up her mood. By the time they were finished they were all feeling full and happy and looking forward to a good evening. As the Riders drifted into groups however, Casey snuck into a corner and retreated into her own thoughts. In fact, much to everyone’s surprise, Casey was the first to call it a night. “I’ve got a busy day tomorrow,” was her excuse. “Doing what?” said Steel. “This and that” she replied as she retreated. The others looked at each other. Tumbleweed and Vegas turned to follow her out, but Riviera said “Leave her, she just needs a bit of space. We all do at times. She’ll be ok in the morning.”

Casey was up at first light, checking her belongings and, as soon as was decent, she called in at the Sheriff’s office. “Just checking where the first train stopping at Determination is headed for.” She said to Dan. “Normality” was his reply. Casey turned on her heel and left with a smile.

When Casey returned and told the other Riders about the grand opening of the railroad station she was met by a sea of apathy. None of them shared her enthusiasm for the railroad, so she decided to go alone.

When she arrived at the station it was full of townspeople. As expected, the Mayor was there, together with the Sheriff and his deputies. She noted too that the Boss and most of his boys were there too. Good. Casey and Sheriff Dan nodded to each other. Dan was sure that Casey was up to something and he had to make sure that he and the deputies were there to help if needed, but he also had to be careful that any help appeared to have been given accidentally. He had a difficult line to take in this town. He wanted the Boss out of town as much as the Riders did, but he had to try and achieve this whilst appearing to be neutral. The Boss could remove him easily if he suspected he was against him and then the Riders’ task would be even more difficult.

The Mayor started his speech and welcomed the coming of the railroad to Determination. As he finished his speech, the first train came into view as it rounded the bend towards the station. “Right on time” thought Casey as it pulled up to the platform and started to unload people, animals and freight. “Well, it’s now or never”. Her stomach lurched as she thought about what she had to do now. She steeled herself and marched over to where the Boss was standing.

She stood and stared icily at him for a moment. He stared arrogantly back and said “Better back off, lady. You haven’t got any of your little friends with you today and I don’t take kindly to being stared at.” The crowd fell silent and everyone stared at the group standing on the platform. Casey looked at the station clock. 11:58 am. She took a deep breath and started.

“You think you own this town? You think you can keep the Storm Riders here and play with them like pawns on a chessboard? We’re only here while it suits us and to be honest, I’ve seen enough of this town already.”

The Boss laughed sarcastically. “Is that right? Well, I can arrange that you don’t see any more of this town again, but not in the way you mean,” he sneered menacingly. The boys closed in around Casey as the station clock struck 12. The guard blew his whistle and all hell let loose.

Sheriff Dan had ordered his deputies to open the many crates of chickens that had been unloaded from the train when he gave the signal. He gave the signal. Dozens of chickens flew out of the cages and ran amok amongst the crowd, causing chaos. Women screamed, children laughed and chased the fowl all round the platform, and the Boss and his boys were scattered. Casey gave a whistle and Jet appeared on the platform, racing towards her. As he pulled up beside her, Casey swung herself into the saddle.

“You can’t outride my boys,” the Boss shouted from the other side of the platform, where he had been pushed by the melee.

“I don’t need to,” replied Casey as she urged Jet forward. The train was pulling out and she could see the empty flat bed truck at the rear coming towards her. She’d have to time this just right, or she and Jet would be mincemeat.

The Boss was ordering his boys to shoot, but Sheriff Dan and his deputies suddenly started lunging around at their feet, apparently tying to catch the fugitive chickens. Every bullet went into the air.

“Let’s go Jet,” said Casey and they picked up speed. As the flat bed truck came alongside, Casey urged Jet forwards and they leapt onto the truck. It was close, but Jet managed to stop dead at the end of the truck. Casey wheeled Jet round as the train gathered speed. She could see the Boss’s boys scrambling for their horses, but she knew they would never catch her now. She took off her hat and waved it at the Boss. “Don’t think you’ve seen the last of me,” she shouted.

well I’m home…all those positive vibes much have done the trick- eventually after 4 goes when they used the affected arm but said it was ok as it an aseptic procedure etc…was home by 1.45…my next one is going to be delayed by a week due to the hickman going in the day before and it is their policy to wait a week due to infection risk - I did tell them my friend works with doc who does them in xray and he said it was to use straight away but there you go - have also moved it to the thurs instead of wed as my friend can take me as she’s off etc so will ease things a bit so it’ll be 8 days late…mary x

On the names front, I seem to remember I got the name Mule following a comment on how I think I’m a determined, independent woman, but others probably just think I’m stubborn… Carole likes to think she’s strong and silent, when really she’s a softie and Gennie wants to be stylish.

I got diagnosed after my first mammogram too Lizzie. Although I didn’t get mine until I was 52. Just as well really - bc probably wouldn’t have shown up 2 years ago, so it would have been more advanced by the time I got the next one. So I’m a big fan of screening too.

I get migraines too. Don’t bother taking anything any more as nothing works. Just take to my bed. Does anyone else get them after flying? I’ve had loads of holidays where I spend the first day crashed out in some hotel room or another sleeping off a migraine.

I’m glad it went ok today Mary. Another one down…

Thats great news Mary, glad there weren’t any big hitches to them doing it today. Will keep the vibes coming for 8 days time>>>>>>>>

Oh my Sal…Way to go Casey!!! You beat the cr@p out of those bad guys!!! I feel like throwing everything into the air and cheering real loud…you made it!! In fact I think I will…YIPPEEEEEE!!!
Feel strangely emotional…scuse me a sec!

Hey! I am strong and silent. When do you ever get more than two words out of me. And I’m tough as old boots. I can get the top of the jar by myself and everything. :smiley:

Good news Mary! Another step down Determination Main Street. Relax and take it easy now.

Excellent chapter! Love the chicken ruse. Next episode in the Chronicles of Casey coming up tonight.

Encore, Encore. Great story line Sal, seems we have all come a long way since the early days and we are all starting to smile in the face of danger. As I said in my party speech. You are all such wonderful women and I could not have got this far with out your help, so watch out for that train coming back into determination. I might just be on it, ready to lend a hand.

Well done Mary. Hope your arm ain’t to sore. Take it easy now. Send my love to Martina and hope she’s not to iccky today.

Well, I braved the whether and took my mum up to Meadow Hall for the day. Damned good sale at M&S Gen, thanx for the tip. Got myself a couple of pairs cotton PJ’s and some nice casual pants from a Next clearance shop. Can’t beat spending money to make you feel good. I’ll be in big trouble when the credit card bill comes in. lol

A great instalment Sal…look forward to the next.

Great new instalment in the story there. We’ve come a long way since the panic-stricken early days!

Casey - we’re relying on you to be driving that train back in to take us back to Normality with you one by one. You’ve got the gig, don’t think you’re getting away now!

My lovely M&S goodies arrived today and for a wonder none of the stuff I ordered ended up being out of stock. I’ve got 2 pairs of trousers, some pj’s, 2 bras and some knickers for me, 2 tops for Jez, 4 tops each for the boys, a winter coat each for the boys for next winter, 3 tops a pair of trousers and a pair of boots for Maddie. If I tell you I saved about £150 on my order that gives you a clue about how much I spent lol. Mind you, that’s the kids set for summer now aside from shoes so can’t complain.

Oh I also bought the much-promised Nintendo Wii for the kids (they can have that for Easter - daddy is working most of the holidays so it will keep them out of my hair in chemo week) and a Wii fit for me. I’m eating for Britain at the moment and although I don’t think I’ve put weight on yet I’m very conscious that I will if I don’t get my lardy bum moving. :smiley:

Glad today went ok for you Mary - I’ll vacate the easy chair, just you sit down and take it easy for a few days now. :slight_smile:

I’ve been getting the munchies during this too. Thankfully I’m so panicky about putting on even more weight I’ve managed to keep it to only 3lbs, and I’ve got two of those off again. It’s my middle section that goes haywire. Bunssh of Sshteel, Belly of Jelly. :smiley:

Hi all

Glad the veins behaved themselves Mary! Also enjoyed the new chapter and looking forward to next one, you clever inventive folks.

Having had a suspiciously easy ride since first chemo I did have an unpleasant episode at 5am this morning - Domperidone sorted it out, I got back to sleep and I’ve been fine rest of day.

However, reading through last couple of days’ posts re migraines it suddenly dawned on me - that’s what it felt like, a really bad migraine, complete with dizziness and visual disturbance, the sort I normally only get once a year at the max.

Checked with hosp and agreed that a precautionary dose of Dom at bedtime tonight would be helpful - anyone else found this I wonder?


yes sal - great new chapter there!! Go get 'em!! Yes Rosie - I agree re the domperidone but as well I had lots of the ondansterone anti sickness left and the nurse said if you still feel sicky to take them for a couple more days - just have lots of fluid and dried fruit, veg etc to ward off the constipation so I’m gonna do that this time just in case - its easier to prevent it than sort it once its started…Gen - hang on where you are in the rocker for now kid - I’m ok as its early days yet so make the most of it - saying ’ that I’m sure them bad boys have a couple we could nab if we needed…mary x

ps rosie I took one at bedtime even if I didn’t feel sick anyway - the dom’s that is and also a whole sleeping tab for first 2 nights after chemo and then half for the next 2 nights and slept well, just hope I can repeat it this time too…!!

Hi guys. So pleased it went okay today Mary, I was thinking of you. Had a good result today as fluid build up has gone right down so maybe an end in sight … yippee!!

Fantastic chapter again Sal!

I too have the munchies Carole and Gen, but with no excuse other than when I’m a bit stressed I head straight for the cookie jar, I’m totally ashamed to say I’ve got through 2 packets of chocolate digestives this week :-0 !! As they were ‘bogof’ I’m telling myself the second one didn’t count.

Hope everyone’s day went okay and anyone having Stuff got on okay.

Di x

HURRAH ! good news abounds ! My leaky boob has ceased to drip ! Whoop whoop ! Great to hear you havent been toooo bad Rosie and glad to hear Mary and Di you have had a good day today too. Now where is that conga line…

I made some cutard creams today from an old “lofty peak” flour cook book and they are delish ! Gosh seem to be going into mad cooking and baking mode at the mo, right enough the girls and oh aren’t complaining !
Just having a cuppa,catch you in the bar later…

Red came into the kitchen at the Old One’s looking pleased with herself. She dumped a brown paper package onto the table.

What you got there then, asked Tumbleweed.

Ah ha, said Red, Just the only piece of pink material in the store. The train brought supplies in yesterday, and I saw Mrs Hassett taking a huge bundle of stuff in. I nipped in quick and found her putting this up on the shelf.

Pink? said Riviera with more than a hint of incredulity. Pink? You’re serious?

Red ignored her, and shook out her treasure. See, she said, enough for two new shirts. I’ll get the Old One to help me cut them out tonight. Anyone want a new bandana from the scraps?

Nancy stuck her hand up, then quickly put it down again as Riviera raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow in her direction. Red saw it, winked and gave her a quick thumbs up behind Riviera’s back.

Just then Mule stuck her head in the door. Anybody seen Casey? she asked, I could do with her to help fix the wagon wheel.

In fact, nobody had seen Casey since the day before. Riviera went to check the barn and confirmed that Jet wasn’t there either. While Casey could take care of herself better than most, nonetheless with the bad feelings the Boss had towards the Storm Riders, Mule suggested they take a look round town to start with. They took a section each. Calypso said she’d go see the Sheriff, see if he knew anything, and Riviera and Steel looked in the direction of Uncertainty Row. If there was one place in town that somebody could disappear that was it. They both checked their guns and saddled up.

I’ll check Black Canyon said Scotia. Blackjack picked up a couple of ropes from the barn and headed out with her.

An hour, two cups of coffee, and three slices of Mrs York’s spiced pumpkin pie later, Calypso left the Sheriff’s office with a grin and went to see who she could find round town. It wasn’t long before she’d picked up everyone apart from Scotia, Blackjack, Riviera, and Steel, and moseyed them along to the railway station.

Ok, said Yorkie, what’re we doing here, and why is there suddenly all this secrecy involving Casey, and why are my boots covered in chicken feathers? Sure enough, there were piles of chicken feathers blown into corners everywhere.

The train’s coming in, said Calypso, and the Sheriff thought we might be interested.

PonchoCat laughed. And I thought my trainspotting days were over. Just let me get my knife out and I’ll etch an engine onto my belt.

Five minutes later and the platform rumbled as the train arrived in Determination for the second time. The whistle blasted from about 100 yards out, steam pouring from the engine chimney. And the whistle kept blasting out till the brakes brought the train grinding to a halt in front of them, steam curling out over their boots.

Goddang!! yelled Mule covering her ears. What does that driver think he’s playing at.

The whistle stopped and the train’s noised simmered down to a quiet hissing. Mule took her hands off her ears, and the whistle let out one last almighty blast right in front of her. She balled her fists and started towards the engine cab.
I’ll give him a good hiding, that noisy sonofa…. And she stopped.

Hey y’all, I’m steamin’ and a rollin’! shouted out Casey, and with a whoop she threw her hat out over the platform and swung out onto the engine step.

The Storm Riders stood and stared, except Calypso who strode over and shook Casey’s hand as she jumped down. Heard you’d got yourself a trip on a train yesterday, she chuckled, but what’re you doing back?

I’ll tell you what she’s doing back, said Mule, and decked Casey with a swift jab to the jaw. That’s for bursting my ear drums.

Casey laughed and held up her hand to Mule, who took it and pulled her back up.

You need to do some more heavy lifting, Mule, she chuckled, that punch would hardly tickle a bed bug! She shouted up to the other driver that she’d see him next week, then held her hands up to fend off questions as she let Jet out of the truck behind. They mounted up and started heading back to Old One’s when they heard shots from the direction of Uncertainty Row.

Hey Steel and Riviera are over there, yelled Calam. C’mon let’s get going!

They spun in that direction and rode fast.

Uncertainty Row was the pit end of Determination. Every low life, scum bag was drawn to the place, and the Boss did a good deal of his recruiting there as well as running half the operations. If you were new in town and feeling down on your luck, the Row would suck you in to the gambling, drinking, opium dens, and every sordid bit of trading you didn’t want anything to do with. The Mayor did nothing to help the Sheriff clean it up. He was in the Boss’s pocket and he got a good cut from the Boss to make sure town policies never could quite get a grip on the place.

The Riders rode through the Row towards where another three shots rang out near the gambling house. They leapt off their horses and ran to the door. Just as they got there a figure came crashing through one of the windows, knocking Bilbo off her feet. A weasely no good scrambled to get up, aiming a kick at Bilbo, who grabbed his foot and twisted it so he fell heavily. Vegas leapt over and knocked him cold with a single punch. A woman of some ill repute ran screaming through the door, followed by two drunks making a staggered get away. The sound of crashing, smashing, and yelps of pain came from inside. Casey looked at Mule and PonchoCat, and the three of them charged through the door guns drawn.

Steel was standing in the middle of the gambling room with a head under each arm, and arms and legs kicking and flailing behind her. She knocked the two heads together, and looked up at the Riders standing there. Riviera was at the top of the stairs pulling a coat over the head of what looked like an otherwise naked man, then she aimed a kick at his pasty rear end and he came crashing down the stairs.

Look out Steel, she yelled, and launched herself over the banister onto the bar top. Steel whirled too late as the bartender came up from behind his hiding place with his shotgun ready. He let off a shot just as Riviera’s boots slid along the bar, aimed a kick at the gun and jolted it upwards, then stunned him with a swinging kick to the back of the head. The shot missed Steel and took more plaster off the ceiling. That was enough for Steel who lunged forward and dragged him by his shirt over the bar.

Allow me, said Casey. Steel didn’t blink, she just held him up in front of her. Casey pulled her fist back, paused, took his chin in her hand and angled it better towards her, then let fly. He went straight down backwards, lifting dust and a floor board.

And that, said Riviera, is how it’s done. And she drummed a quick flamenco beat with her heels on the bar, clapped her hands together, and took a bow.

And you, said Steel, looking pointedly at Casey, you weren’t in here. Mind telling us where you’ve been.

Certainly, said Casey, and the Riders strode out and continued back to the Old One’s.

Well, said Mule as they rode down Main Street.

Nothing to it, said Casey, and she cast a quick wave over at the Sheriff’s office. Sheriff thought it was about time we made a point to the Boss, and I thought it might be easier if just one of us did it. No need to go getting into a big showdown. So at the railway opening yesterday I told him where he could shove his threats, jumped on the train and headed out. Normality’s only 15 miles across the border and the train pulled in there. I had me a look around and then signed up with the railroad. It’s been a long time since I drove an engine and I wanted that back.

Is that it then, asked Calam, are you heading out?

No way, said Casey, when the train comes to Determination the driver will have done a full shift, so I’m driving the train back, I’ll do a few shifts, travel about a bit, then I’ll ride back in from Normality and hang out here till the train comes through again, maybe bring the train in once in a while. You lot can’t do without me anyways. Look at the mess you made back there.

She chuckled, reached over and tipped Riviera’s hat off.

That evening was one heck of a good night. The Riders pushed back the bunks in the bunkhouse, brought the food down from the kitchen, and cracked open the beer and whisky. The Old One laughed as she looked round at her Storm Riders, singing, dancing, Casey and Blackjack in yet another card game, Riviera trying to get Calam to play flamenco, PonchoCat showing Scotia how to crack a whip and getting her whip taken off her by a stung Yorkie. They were all there, they were all happy. Spring had come to Determination and with it a new breath of life and hope.

That sure was a humdinger of an evening after all the trials and tribulations lately.The Old One is back on the porrch with her shawl round her shoulders and a rifle resting on the rail.I’ll take first watch tonight you Riders need your rest.

Very glad to see the Old One back!

Also very good news that we have two less leaky boobs out there. An extra round there for Bilbo and Scotia. :slight_smile: