Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Great chapter Carole, ooh set em up bartender,could do with wetting my whistle whilst watching these numpties on The Apprentice…oooh they do make me laugh…

Fantastic! instalment Carole…I loved the whupping part…
Drinks on the house…all lined up on the bar girls just grab one and cheers to all the stormriders!!
Numpties is right Sandra…just been watching em…we stormriders could teach em a thing or two about ‘real’ life!!
Great news about the drain Di and way to go Old one…your’e right about the rest thing…
Felt a bit teary today…but that work out with the Boss and his guys did me a power of good!
Good going Rosie and Mary…
Here’s to you Jane
{{{{hugs}}}}} all round…thats me to my bunk…see y’all
helen x

What a fantasic chapter, so glad to have got out of Uncertainty Row, what a great desciption. I have such a mental picture of us all in our kit - I can picture the town and everything…

Hope everyone’s well this morning, the rain and wind is awful here so a day watching DVD’s I think with the dogs curled up on the sofa with me. Helen, I’ve been a bit teary too - so sending big hugs to you, we can’t be happy clappy all the time, much as we want to be but with this bunch to rescue us from the bad guys we won’t be down for long.

Good luck and hugs to everyone having anything done today, and to those not too!!

Di xx

Must’ve been something in the air yesterday. I was welling up at anything vaguely nice, sentimental, or slightly sad I heard or read. Strange.

Anyway, morning all!

Don’t knock the easy ride there Calam. I feel the same, and just hoping it stays that way. :slight_smile:

Morning everyone…:smiley:

Great installment there Carole :smiley:

Goood morning all,hope you all slept well, mad and blustery in Wales today,yup,that’s about right with British summertime round the corner, ooh had to get up as got youngest practising her recorder, gawd I hate that instrument,in fact that is prob an insult to all other instruments,it is a form of torture ! Maybe I should see if she could play the conga on it… am offski to get my porridge on,mmmm just the sort of day for it,yum.

Morning all…wow another long lie in!!! well its a miserable blustery,rainy day here…pity!!
I’m going away for the weekend and stopping in my sisters caravan…which is by the ‘seaside’. I could see myself making sandcastles and having long bracing walks…er but not in the rain. Still I’m looking forward to it, nice to have some quality time with my sister and her hubby.
Thanks for the hugs Di, and pm Sandra.
Carole and Sal, your installments are mega and meaningful and like Di I can picture everything thats happening there!!!
Hugs to all

Oooooh, the recorder. Even the name makes me cringe. It has got to be one of the worst instruments to have to listen to if it’s not played well. Maybe that and the violin. Ouch!

I got severely hailed on earlier when out with the dogs. Now it’s lovely and sunny. How I love our temperate climate! :slight_smile:

A caravan weekends sounds great Helen. I spent many a summer in my gran’s caravan when I was a kid. Who was it mentioned corned beef and potatoes? That was one of the holiday staples, and I loved it! That and hot sand between the toes, and poking jelly fish on the sand then running away. :smiley:

Di and Helen and Carole - hope today is a bit perkier (((hugs))) to you all. Having a quiet day today, had horrible headache early on so got up to have steroids n brekkie and headache tabs and went back to bed till 11.30 Just feel like sleeping so going to attach myself to the sofa and watch that Monty blokes porgramme where he’s living on the west coast of Scotland in a cottage with pigs n chickens in the garden an his dog…lovely scenery, basking sharks and dolphins…mary x

ps if anyone ever fancies a chat send me a pm for phone number…x

That was me Carole,am obsessed with food at the mo ! Yup i had the double whammy as before my eldest went to high school last year she played(attempted) the violin ! Eeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk, so with that and the recorder going no wonder I was up to high doh !

Just hope you don’t get hail when you are in your caravan Helen or it will be like living inside a mad drum !Hope you have a great weekend though,my hubs away to Riga for weekend,lucky him,so I’m on swimming gala duty,not so lucky me…

Oh oh oh Mary, I was up in Applecross last year where that prog was filmed,it is LOVELY.There is a great campsite which has these wooden camping huts(akin to a hen hoose)stayed in one and had a wonderful time as the weather was fantastic and not too many midgies at that time. The pass of the cattle,one of the roads to get there is a wild crazy road,highest pass in Britain and literally zig zags up the mountain side,if you get the chance to go up there would really recommend it.

hi all…Thanks Mary…you sound like you need to chill today, and it sounds like ‘Monty’ is helping you to do that. The scenery sounds great!
My OH has just informed me that he can have off work Monday and Tuesday, so when my sister and hubby comes home we can stay on in the caravan for the extra day or so…yipee getting excited now! Hardly been out of the house in weeks!

Carole and Sandra, when my children were little they played the violin and clarinet…ooh the squeaks,screams and high pitched noises were terrible!!And that was just from the neighbours, asking them to be quieter…only kidding!

Helen - thats lovely, you’ll have a lovely break I’m sure - even if all you do is sit in and read or have a walk it’ll be a change won’t it?! Mary x

It will Mary, and thats what I’m looking forward to really… getting away from this setting for a while. Having a laugh with my sister…we talk non-stop when we are together…can’t wait!!!
Helen x

Hey Carole, great chapter. Storm Riders are certainly kicking ass this week:D

I got off lightly with the musical instruments - all my son ever wanted to do is play football, cricket etc and my daughter played the keyboard - with headphones. What a result! However, I always think that the sound seagull chicks make is just like a 2 year old child with a recorder and living near the sea … they drive you to distraction at times.

I think I spent every holiday I ever had until I was a teenager in a caravan. I still hander after the sound of the rain on the roof, which just shows what sort of weather we used to get. lol And corned beef hash - love it. Still make it now and again - real comfort food:)

Helen, you’ll enjoy your break. The change of scenery seems to take your mind off everything else and it’ll be great to have your sister to gossip with.

Well, my cozzies from Figleaves came today. How can things that are supposed to be the same cup size and are made by the same company seem to be so different? Anyway, the choice has been made - grey with big white polka dots. Sounds wierd, but nice in reality. And my daughter came round for tea and she agreed with the choice, which is reassuring.

Hope you’re all feeling brighter today, although the weather doesn’t help does it? What programme is it that you were watching Mary? I never switch on the tv in the day, but if it’s worth watching, I could be persuaded to change my mind. I’ve been feeling pretty cream crackered myself this week. I don’t know whether it’s the tamoxifen kicking in, but feeling tired and a bit headachey for days.

Hi all,
Hope everyone is OK, this thread keeps making me eat more, Gennie’s hot buttered toast yesterday, and Sandra making the porridge this morning - yep, had to have some! - hit the spot!

Loved the instalments - what an incredibly talented bunch you lot are! Great imagination.

This time next week - I will have had the op! (WLE +SNB) Hurray!! After it being all set for March 5th, then postponed to get second biopsy result - I really cannot wait! Whatever happens - once I get in that ward next Thursday morning - I will refuse to leave until op is done! Seems so long to wait - had the mammogram before Christmas!

Helen, have a lovely weekend, you deserve a break, hope the weather is kind. Looks like plenty cosy clothes needed! I have just booked train tickets for Edinburgh, weekend of 17th April, my mum and my sisters live up there, lots of retail therapy! Think timing should just be good, post op, pre rads,

Now have to search t’internet (as it is known in Yorkshire) to find reasonable price car for eldest son, as youngest son has now past driving test, and fight is on to take possesion of elderly family Fiesta. I’m not paying for it, hasten to add, but unfortunately said son has unrealistic ambitions as to what his £3500 will buy! Talk about Champagne tastes and beer money…oh, actually, yep, gets that trait from his mum!

Take care

It’s just occurred to me that some of the later Storm Riders may not have read all our posts on this thread and the Bury St Edmonds one. If you have, you’ve got stamina girls! Now I know you’re a bright bunch, but I thought it might be worth while running through the imagery of the story. The sheriff and the deputies are the surgeon and medical team. The lightnening strike (don’t think we’ve mentioned this for a while, but Lizzie is headed there soon) is the surgery. I seem to remember we had a blizzard for chemo and I don’t think we got as far as rads. Maybe the desert?

Lizzie, the next week will soon pass and then you’ve got your foot firmly on the road to recovery. Don’t go too mad on your weekend away though, it takes a while to recover from the op. You could get your Mum and sisters to be personal shoppers for you and do all the running around.

Whoa, you’ve now got two young men in the family on the road. That’s expensive. I’m sure you could find him a nice Skoda for £3,500. I’m sure he’d love that. lol.

Ooooh Edinburgh…Lizzy,am jealous,that’s where I’m from originally,great shops and even better bars !

You should get a good deal re a car especially now,make sure you haggle , haggle , HAGGLE ! So that’s at least a years road tax ,free mats and a full tank of petrol thrown in. I have worked as a “mystery shopper” and have learned so much about haggling as you find out how desperate companies are to have your custom,and also if you don’t ask you don’t get…

Happy shopping !

Hi everyone…:smiley:

Bit excited here lol i have booked myself a weekend away next March… It is a scrapbook retreat lol in Warrington - going to meet up with a whole load of people i know on the scrapbooking forum i go on…

All i have to do now is explain that i have booked it to nigel… lol


Lizzy - not long to go now [[[hugs]]]

Hi all…Feeling much better today, guess thats the nature of this ‘stuff’, a bit of up and down, like a see-saw…used to love playing on them.
Thanks all.
What time are you due in for your op Lizzy? You’ll be just fine…bet you can’t wait for it to happen now after such a lonnnng wait!! so pleased its happening for you at last! My son lived in Edinburgh for several years, so we visited often…a lovely place with lots of atmosphere! Good retail therapy too!!

Sounds like you’re all set for the hols Sal…lurve the description of your cozzie! Hope the headache gets better soon.Have you been on tamoxifin long? The bcn told me that I’d be on something similiar, but I can’t remember what it was…still I’ll find out next week!
Carole and Di, hope your ‘see-saw’ is more up than down today. {{{hugs]}}} to both.
Glad your chilling out Mary, perhaps there will be more of Monty tomorrow!!!mmmmmmm
Hugs to all
catch ya later
helen xxx