Suddenly feels real

I have my mastectomy on Friday 24 Jan, and I have lots of appointments this week with consultant, pre op etc. my ct scan results showed it’s no where else in my body so that was a huge relief. Today it’s suddenly hit me and it now is starting to feel very real. I want the op asap as I want this nasty stuff out of me. I feel overwhelmed today and need a bit of tlc and kind words xx


CT result is brilliant so try and focus on that. You know that once they do the mastectomy the cancer will be gone which is the most important thing but waiting for the op seems like an age. The worst thing I found about the mastectomy was the drain but it shouldn’t be in for too long and you’ll be amazed how much better you feel once it’s out. I know that right now you feel like you’re in the middle of a nightmare you can’t wake up from but you’ve got this. Much love xxx


Thank you. I think I woke up today and suddenly the op is next week. We are so happy the ct scan was good news. I now need to get the op done and then recover before I start radiotherapy. Hope you’re ok x

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Yes all good now thanks. Mastectomy in April, axillary node clearance in June and one week of radiotherapy. But on the plus side my CT was clear, my bone scan was clear and my recurrence score was very low. All behind me now thank god and I know I’ve been incredibly lucky, but it’s only now that I’m starting to feel like me again. It’ll be a hard few months but you’ll get your life back honestly. I’ll be thinking of you xx


Good to hear you’re recovered and now feeling much stronger. How did you find out your recurrence score? Is it predict breast website?

Thank you. I had an oncotype DX test (there is info about it on the Breast Cancer Now website) but your eligibility depends on very specific criteria. Might be worth asking if you’re eligible. Mine come back as a 4 (out of 100) which would generally mean no further treatment but oncologist wanted to go ahead with a short course of radiotherapy because the mass was so big. It obviously can’t guarantee it will never come back but it did give me a bit more reassurance x

Looks like I’ll qualify as in her 2 negative, estrogen positive and stage 2 or 3a. I’ll def ask when I see the consultant x

Your score is v low,great to hear. I have lobular multi focal in my left breast, I’m her 2 negative and er positive. The consultant said lobular doesn’t respond too well to chemo so more than likely I’ll have radiotherapy to the chest wall. I will ask about the oncotype. I’m hoping it’s radiotherapy only but if I need chemo then obv I’ll have it. First step is mastectomy! X


Replying to this comment as I took have lobular cancer in my left breast due to have a mastectomy and immediate reconstruction early in February. It is also pr, er and HER2- and I’ve been advised radiotherapy is likely post ok and prob not chemo. It’s reassuring to hear a similar pathway to mine. The waiting since diagnosis has been the worst. Now that plan is in place and I know the order of events it seems easier to cope with. Good luck with your journeys. X

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Typo should say pr+, er+ and HER2-

Dear Stafford22,

Wishing you lot of luck with your surgery next week, hopefully you will have some help when you come home, someone to pamper you, with lots of lovely goodies.

Will be thinking of you, health and happiness going forward, when you are feeling up to it let us know how you are feeling.

With hugs Tili :pray::rainbow::kissing_heart::rainbow:

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I know what you mean, everyone said it would get easier once we knew what we’re dealing with. Mine is also in 2 lymph nodes. So I having an ancillary clearance. My op is 24 jan, I’ll let you know how it goes when I’m feeling up to it

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Thank you so much x

Hi @stafford22

Having all those checks and talking about it makes it more real doesnt it…

I had a mastectomy June 22 then 8 weeks later axillary clearance when found in lymph nodes.

I, like you, just wanted the cancer gone and reminding myself of that took me through the nerves of pre-surgery.

Even with previous ops/anaesthetics and 40 years experience as a nurse, i worried I wouldnt wake up or see my family again. However, i think thats normal and i just kept telling myself i just needed to get through it. Try keep gently busy this week.

I was absolutely fine of course, and was home in time for scrambled egg on toast for tea and sleep in my own bed. My consultant doesnt use drains and i needed no pain relief at all. Next day i was in the shower, independently and pottering round the house.

I know i was lucky but fingers crossed, it wont be as bad as you fear.

I recommend doing the exercises religiously to reduce tissue scarring/eventually limiting movement and be prepared to do them for months. This will also help if you need radiotherapy after. You should be given them before youre discharged. I still find 2 years on that my chest is tight if I dont.

I wore vest tops that I could step into ( bamboo is soft and cool) then zip hoodies over them (front opening shirts or tops would also work-dont buy specifically). Put affected side in first.

I also had a bamboo pillow case on a squishy pillow that i rested my arm on in bed/on the couch to raise it. The inside of my arm was sensitive and the soft/coolness of bamboo helped.

Make sure youre given a little heart pillow before you go home to put under your shoulder/arm. This stops your arm rubbing against side of chest and I found it comfier. Worth trying to see if its useful for you.

And lastly, take the time after to recover- eat well, drink fluids, little walks, chill, laugh, trips out, have fun… then hopefully ready for any follow up treatments if needed or just living again…

Big hugs and kisses for the op.


Laura thank you so much for telling, you really have calmed my concerns. Thanks for the tips. To be honest I’ve really struggled up to now but on Thursday I had good news that it’s no where else in my body so that was fantastic. I now need to get thru the op and recovery. Then def radiotherapy. Not sure on chemo til after. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply x

I’m now ordering some vest tops!


Hopefully your surgeon has prepared you for whether he uses drains or not, what dressing he uses (mine used a plastic spray on that peeled off over a week but allowed me to shower and no padding etc needed) and whether you’re going home same day.
If you will have a drain, I understand there are drain bags you can use and may be abit harder dressing?
Fingers crossed he doesn’t as just one less thing to deal with but if he does, I’m sure someone will come along to guide you.
If he hasn’t given you the information then you could call your breast nurse.
I found preparing myself really useful.
big hugs

Hi laura, I think they use drains as my nurse said on Friday she’ll explain what to do with them. I’ve got my consultant appt, pre op and nursing 121 on Thursday and Friday and I’ve got a list of questions to ask!

good that they’re going to explain and you can prepare.
Also great you have questions - notebooks and pens are very important!

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I had a mastectomy and reconstruction on 9 January 2025 for DCIS. I had a drain and still have it with me. Getting it removed tomorrow hopefully. It really isn’t that bad you just need to remember to take it with you! I had to empty it every day, it is quite straightforward and you write down the measurements on the leaflet they give you. I didn’t know it was there much. I tucked into bed next to me with a towel wrapped around in case it leaked, but it never did. I haven’t really felt it go it doesn’t give you much trouble but then I am on Codeine which has helped me to get through this. Feeling much better just lately but still fatigued which is normal after an operation.
Hope this helps you.

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I am a week ahead of you! I had a mastectomy and reconstruction on left side on 30th Dec. Having the drain out was a huge relief! Hoping it goes well for you. I had an increase in pain after that, due to anesthesia completely wearing off. Keep on top of painkillers :grinning:.

Good luck to Stafford for your op this week too!!!

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