Hi All

Not lost this week 11st 12lb - total loss 6lb

Off to see a friend this week so I’ve got to be careful.

Good Luck everyone


Hi all,

No loss for me either. 12st 4lb still, so will have to make bigger effort this week!
Tally and Al I read your posts about rads, just to say that I was told to try not to lose/put on weight when I was having rads as they said anything too drastic does affect the measurements they have done, so maybe best to check with them.
I bought a swimming costume at the weekend as I used to swim a lot but feel really nervous about going since my Mx. Does anyone else here go swimming with a prosthesis? What is it like? I feel like everyone will be staring at me. Stupid I know, but I really want to enjoy my swims again and have lost all my confidence.
Good luck to all with the weight loss this week!
Esme x

Hi All,
Bit late weighting in due to Mothers day celebrations with OH ,Kids and Grandsons ,it was great !I feel so lucky. I hope all you mums out there had a good day too. well I weighed 12st 6lbs today , so NO loss but i’m not surprised with the lunch I packed away yesterday, is it just me or has anyone elses appetite increased since DX like mine , maybe its just psychological you know the brain telling the body to make itself better, what do you think?
Anyway a more solid effort this week from me.
Sue X

Hi chubb club - stayed the same (BIG GROAN), 10st 12lb - it’s just not shifting! Well done to all those who lost, keep going girlies.

Here’s a shocker. Finally got on the scales. Weight had gone up to 13st 2lb, but when I got on the scales I was down to 12st 8lb, my pre-chemo weight from last March.

Still need to lose some more.


Snoogle, thats excellent - bl**dy well done!
xxx monica

Morning everyone, how are we all today!!! I’ve had a strange week, not sure if its the tamoxifen, but I’m constantly thirsty, my mouth and lips are so dry - even my top lip is all chapped and I am weeing at least three times a night. Anyone else like this?

Anyhow, back to business, I’ve lost another 2 pounds and am over the moon!! I’ve started some gentle jogging which must have sped things up a bit!!!


start weight - 12 stone 4 pounds
week 1 - lost 3 pounds
week 2 - lost 0 pounds
week 3 - lost 1 pound
week 4 - lost 3 pounds
week 5 - lost 1 pound
week 6 - lost 2 pounds
current weight - 11 stone 8 pounds
focus - looking hot in Antigua in July!!!

Good luck everyone with your weigh-ins and thankyou for this thread, it’s really keeping me going.


hi ali the tamoxifen totally dries me out too… ask for a prescription of oral balance saliva replacement gel from your GP and get checked for diabetes just to rule it out too.

im also thinking of joining your chubb club even though im not over weight everything is tight and my tummy sticks out so much i look pregnant… was at the YWF in glw and stuffed my face over the last few days and was horrified when i went on the scales today as i havent been this heavy since i was pregnant.

hoping to lose a stone and getting back to my pre-chemo weight weight of 8st 5lb

Start weight 14st 5lbs

Weight today 14st 5lbs

But am just recovering from last chemo so feeling good, and I’m pleased than I haven’t gained any more weight since half term. At least now I can loose weight without feeling sick/tired etc.

Start weight: 12st
End of March target: 11st 10lbs
Week 1: +0.2lb
Week 2: no change
Week 3: +0.6lbs
Week 4: +0.6lbs
Week 5: -2.2lbs
Week 6: +3.2lbs
Current weight: 12st 2.2lbs

Have put on what I lost last week, plus a bit more. Bum.

I’m not losing anything, or increasing in weight but I’m growing in size. My largest fat boy jeans are now too tight around the waist and I have rolls of disgusting flab around my middle. This week I have swum 50 lengths of the pool, power walked two hours, run for two hours, cycled 5 miles to the gym and back again, done two gym classes, two sessions on the weight machines, dug the garden and walked around the Tate Modern for a day. And no cakes, chocolate, sugary drinks, fried food, dairy products, bread, cereal, deserts or alcohol. What is happening to me? I have never felt so disgusted with my body and my partner said to me last week that my fat is a huge turn off for him (as it is for me) and he no longer wants to have sex.

I can’t bear this any longer - why does tamoxifen does this to us? I also have a permanently dry mouth and skin, didn’t realise it was tamoxifen doing it.

It’s all driving me towards the doughnuts… there is no motivation to diet when there is no achievement gained.

Well done to all of you who are losing so well, there must be something I am doing wrong if you can all do it.

Hello everyone
I put a pound on this week - shame, I wanted to lose 2 and get to a stone lost, but hey ho! giving up week day alcohol this week to see if that helps (plus got lots of sweeties from daughter for mothers day last week!)
I’m also feeling a bit dehydrated ?from tamox, and burned and wiped from rads so am not really cross with myself. Reckon once I get over rads I can push exercise some more - and that ooph will drop a few ounces! LOL
so, starting weight 12st 6lbs
current weight 11st 9lbs

well done all you winning losers xxx

New piccy!!! Look at my hair!!!

Hey Monica, what’s a pound when you’re doing so well!! Take it easy with the exercise though. I started gentle jogging this week, but really slow!!!

Helen - I fb’d you, I’m sure you’re just growing muscle with all that exercise. How long have you been on the tamoxifen? I’m getting fed up of constantly exfoliating my dry scaly face, and now I think I have dandruff as well. Am constantly drinking pints of water to try and counteract it, but at night time my bladder re-fills about 3 times without drinking anything - how does the body do that???

ET, Flora keep going.

Lulu - can’t believe you have any weight to lose having met you!

with regards of the drying effects of tamoxifen i had…
dry itchy skin so have aqueous cream for that
constipation so have lactulose and dioctyl
dry mouth so have biotene gel
dry scalp so have poly tar shampoo

only been back on it about a month so its not too bad at the mo.

Al i put on 4 pounds over the weekend at the YWF!!! cant bloody believe it… although maybe should just try and cultivate it a bit more to use it as my new boobies instead of piggies if i decide to go that route.

Leucite, your partner actually said that to you!!! I am so sorry to hear that. It’s not as if you aren’t bloody well trying, is it?? How insenstitive.

I’ve got bigger (tummy & thighs mostly) and my parter would still like sex, but I feel so unattractive and dried up, it is me that struggles to say yes. He also hates condoms, so I need to get a coil sorted out.

I know my weight gain this week was due to copious amounts of alcohol on friday night and lots of chips. I have felt absolutely pants all weekend, so I am now on the green tea, fruit & veg again.

I also started a very slow running programme last week, so hope to pick that up again tomorrow if my day of healthy eating has rekindled my energy levels!

Hey Al

love the pic - your hair looks great!

I’m a bit the opposite with the drinking - I seem to be perpetually thirsty and drink loads but don’t go to the loo any more frequently - where is it all going? Perhaps I’ve turned into a big sponge and my fat cells are soaking up the liquid. Odd, very odd.

I’m off for a couple of weeks tomorrow, think the OH and I could do with a bit of a break from each other. He was only telling the truth, insensitive as it may be, and not very helpful.

I’ll carry on with the running and see how I get on with the weight loss while I’m away.

One good thing - I had a hot flush free night last night - the first in five months!!!


Hi All,

Have lost 3lb this week. Now 12st 1lb.
Well done to everyone and good luck for next week!

Love Esme x

Hi All

I’ve lost 2lb this week, really pleased as I’ve been away for the week. I think 1lb is carry over from last week.

Start 12 4lb 1st Feb, 22nd March 11st 10lb

Re Swimming
I’ve been swimming with a prosthesis. I usually wear a harmony silk size 6 but for swimming I use foam prosthesis with a pocketed swimsuit. I did buy a Swimform £35 (water resistant clear silicone)but I found it to heavy after using the foam one.


Hi Chubb Club. Well done to everyone who has lost again! I have lost one pound so I am under the 11st mark. ( 10st 13lb) But boy its been hard work.
Tried those Adios herbal tablets but dont think that they really helped. My eyes have become really puffy, not sure whether its the Tamox or the black coffee since I have stopped dairy. Does any one take Cod liver oil for their joints???

Hi All,
Bit late again!!! checking in , its because I have put on 2 lbs, cant believe it ,I thought I had tried so hard , how depressing, I am not goner give up though cos I look like Jabba the hut from star wars , well nearly , and I feel so old and unatractive at the moment , I too have gone all dry, my usually greasy poker straight hair has turned into mad hair ,its got dry and seems to have expanded sideways with a hint of a curl, very strange , also my fingertips have cracked , actually quite painful, has anyone else had the same?
Sue X