hiya all
I am currently half way through treatment,had 3 epi got 1 tax to go and then cmf.I have put on a stone since diag last nov.prob at the begginning i wasnt very careful what i ate but lately i have tried to be sensible and go on my stepper every morning.
I look and feel like a sumo wrestler the fat round
my stomach is awful and i look pregnant-which i no im not.
Do you think once iv finished chemo the weight will fall off-im hoping its all water retention-or am i kidding myself.The fact im doing my stepper 5 times a week usually tones me up b ut is obviously not working at the mo.
One thing thats made me happy is the fact my hair has started to grow on my bald patch-used the cold cap through out ,so figuring i may have be able to have a proper short style within a couple of months.
Good luck to all you dieters-its hard work
Jackie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Jackie
I did find it easy to lose the first 12 lbs post-chemo but struggled a bit since - wine I think, lol, been socialising more. reckon daily exercise has got to be really good - am doing the same on the treadmill now as have just finished rads.
good luck - its great to feel that you have a wee bit of control in all this…
love, monica xx

Hi everyone,
I am new to this site, I have finished my treatments a year ago and wish I had used this site before. I had a lump and 3 lymphnoids removed, then had chemo and radiotherapy. I weighed 9 stone 4 before hand and have now put on 2 stone. I cannot seem to lose it even now 1 year on. Any help or advice would be gratefully received. I would love to join your group as well.

I was a runner before being diagnoised but have been unable to start training again as I am just too exhausted and my knees were damaged through all the treatments. Any exercise suggestions?

I was taking tamoxifen but stopped about 3 weeks ago just to see if things got any better. They have. I have lost the bloated tummy and some of the bulk around my middle and the hot flushes are not so bad.

Look forward to hearing from anyone, as it would be great just to talk to people about things.

Hi all, and welcome JoP. Hope everyone is doing ok this week. I was on a course today and there was lunch provided and it was all really yummy stuff like crispy prawns, sausages, gorgeous wraps, sarnies and bagels - I could have really gone to town, but just chewed slowly and drank lots of sparkling water!!!

JoP - I’ve been light jogging three times a week for the last couple of weeks and think that is having a huge effect. It’s the small maintainable changes we make that make all the difference. I’ve also cut sugar from coffee and use a sweetner instead. You have to be kind to yourself and don’t get discouraged if you don’t see any immediate weight loss. Would your knees cope with a brisk walk three times a week?

Good luck everyone, well done to all that have lost - roll on Sunday!!!

Hi Jo P

Have you thought of swimming ? It’s one of the few exercises my daughter was allowed to do when she was at school due to problems with her knees.

Hi all, i have one of these vibrating plates (does the work for you) scared to use it incase it “rumbles” things up… Anyone have any thoughts on this/ may have to sell it.
Anne x

Morning all,
well I’ve stayed the same this week and I’ve been jogging 4 times - never mind

start weight - 12 stone 4 pounds
week 1 - lost 3 pounds
week 2 - lost 0 pounds
week 3 - lost 1 pound
week 4 - lost 3 pounds
week 5 - lost 1 pound
week 6 - lost 2 pounds
week 7 - lost 0 pounds
current weight - 11 stone 8 pounds
focus - looking hot in Antigua in July!!!


remember muscle weighs more than fat Al!! you are doing so well, all of you!
love Debs xxxx

Hi everyone
Al you are doing so well- muscle does indeed weigh more than fat
I am also 11st 8lbs this week - lost the pound I put on last week - which is a miracle given that I have had 2 days of noshing with oh and best mate, culminating with wonderful battered cod and chips at Boulmer, Northumberland. yum yum! also going out for sister in law’s 40th birthday lunch today…
so, for me,
starting point 12st 6lbs
now at 11st 8lbs
target - around 10st - weight is secondary to clothes size, need to be back in a 10 for summer clothes

new focus - girlie weekend in Marrakech, in June!

started exercising this week but skin has now split following rads, so taking it easy for a bit longer - bit frustrating but there you go…
good luck everyone, lets keep going
monica xxx

Hi Chubb club,I have lost 3 lbs this week cannot believe it,I do think not having dairy any more has really helped though. I missed it in my coffee at first but when my friend recently put milk in my drink (drank it did not want to upset her)I could feel the fat on my lips!!
Focus to get back in my size 10 grey trousers.I love them

I was away at the weekend so haven’t been able to weigh in until this morning, and a small result is showing, although I still weigh more than when we started this thread!!! lol

Start weight: 12st
End of April target: 11st 10 lbs
Weeks 1-5: -0.8 lbs
Week 6: +3.2 lbs
Week 7: -0.4 lbs
Current weight: 12st 1.8 lbs

No where near my target yet, but that was my LAST CHEMO so I am hoping to be on the mend from here on in!!! Hurrah!!!

My body fat % is still tumbling downward though, it’s just my overall weight that is going up and up.

Hi All

No loss this week, still I’m happy with my overall loss 8lb in 8 weeks. After trying for so long, at last I’ve found something that works for him.

Weight this week 11st 10lb

for me, don’t know why I posted for him…I did have a lovely dream about a really sexy man last night, I must of still being thinking of him!


i lost 1 lb during the week but after pigging out yesterday with the edinburgh girls i put it back on plus 1.

must try harder LOL… iv so not got any will power.


hi all,
lost 2lbs! a small triumph for me as I am finding it sooooo hard.2 stones 4 lbs to go . oh boy , i think I’ll just try to think of it as half a stone a month, huh some hopes.
Well done to all you that have lost.
Sue X

Flora, well chuffed for you that you have had the last chemo - hope you’ll soon start feeling bl**dy marvellous!
monica xxx

Hi everyone,

Weighing in late this week and not good. Have put on 2lb. Possibly due to the fact that I’ve discovered malteser easter bunnies! Need to sort my chocolate problem out.

Well done all of you who lost weight, everyone seems to be doing really well.

Love Esme x

well i am seriously gonna have to do something… i have manged to lose what i put on at the weekend… but just had a call from my GP to go and see her cos my cholesterol is 9.5!!! so no fat for me and guessing that will help with the fatty bits and the lipids.

Hi guys, so sorry that i have not been in, i start the thread and then disappear. I have not been weighing myself the last few weeks as dr told me to stop exercising completely and that totally de-motivated me, went out today for my first power walk in nearly three weeks!! I am going to be in the promo dvd that i am raising funds for so i better literally get my butt into shape!!! Keep going summer is coming!!!

I have lost another 2 lbs this week, weight now 10st 6 lbs,Its great but I wonder if I will ever be able to eat normally again whilst on Tamoxafin. Is it going to be a life without choc and crips and chips for ever!!! Keep strong girls we can do it even if we have a bad week we will get there . hugs xxxxxxxxxxx