hi lovely ladys

havent weighed myself yet will do later, but have to admit im not expecting much, as have had a stinking cold and couldnt remember wether it was feed a cold staver a fever,or stare a cold feed a fever and i was hungry, will try harder this week promise,
but well done to all of you who have lost and if not never mined
julie x

Morning all! Well, one week back at work and ive lost 3 pounds. Very happy with myself as I’ve broken the 12 stone barrier!!!

start weight - 12 stone 4 pounds
week 1 - lost 3 pounds
week 2 - lost 0 pounds
week 3 - lost 1 pound
week 4 - lost 3 pounds
current weight - 11 stone 11 pounds
focus - looking hot in Antigua in July!!!

Good luck with the weighins everyone.

Oooh, Well done Jelly and Hurdy - great achievements!

Start weight: 12st
Current weight: 12st 1.2lbs
End of March target: 11st 10lbs
Week 1: +0.2 lb
Week 2: no change
Week 3: +0.6lbs
Week 4: +0.6lbs

I’m still on the up :frowning: although body fat % still down. Weird.
Only half a stone added since DX, so it could be worse. I want May to come sooner, post Rads, which is when I will start to get back into exercise in a more measured way.

Well done all who are losing weight.

It’s not going well for me. Had lost five pounds, then went away snowboarding last week - did more exercise in one week than the last 9 months put together and I’ve put it all back on again. Can’t blo*dy believe it. Not as if I stuffed my face either. Didn’t drink much, didn’t eat chocolate or any cake. Just not fair! And still had all the awful hot flushes despite being in such a cold climate covered in snow - they are ruining my life!


Start weight - 11st 11lbs
target weight 9st 7lbs (or less if possible)
weight lost two weeks ago - 2lbs (11st 6)
current weight 11st 11lbs.
weight gain this week 5 lbs.

back to the treadmill tomorrow, I suppose.

Keep going all


well done to everyone who has lost weight
Al - you broke the 12st barrier, woo hoo!
well I put a pound on this week (probably put 3 on last night with takeaway,with prawn crackers, followed by shortbread)
start 12st 6lbs
now 11st 12lbs

overall 8lbs lost

target weight around 10st

onward and downward!!
love, monica xx


12st 4lb. Have lost 2lb. Not a huge amount but at least it’s in the right direction! You’re right about the chocolate thing, Jellylegs, it’s best to allow yourself a treat day. Difficult though!

Yes, I’m doing the race for life too, so more good reasons to get fit. Good luck to all of you who are doing it.

Well done to all of you who have lost weight, looks like you are doing well!
Esme x x

P.S Leucite, sounds like you had a fab and very active time away! Apparently muscle weighs more than fat so maybe it’s ‘good’ weight that you’ve put on. x

Am so envious of all you who are doing so WELL! What a good feeling it must be to see the pounds slipping away. I want to get below 12 stone, and I want to stop eating junk. Should be easy. It’s not.

Loss this week 2lb

So pleased I’ve broke the 12st barrier - total loss 6lb now.

Didnt loose last week so I’m just 1lb a week.

Esme it certainly not easy, I’ve been trying for ages (2 years and more) Whats helping me is that I am eating some crap every day! and mixing it with healthier food.

After years I’ve gone back to counting calories, something I don’t really agree with- at the moment it’s working so I’m sticking me it.

Good luck all


Hi all,

Well done to all those who lost weight. I stayed the same.

Week 4: 10st 1 lb.

Good luck everyone for next week and I will lose that pound and be 10st next week. (Fingers crossed).
Liz xx

Caught up on everyones post, well done to all sounds like we are all getting a bit more focused, i weigh in again tomorrow, and hoping for good results although i have not been a good girl in writing everything down, so keeping fingers crossed!!

I will try and remember to get on the scales tomorrow.

I weighed in on Monday and lost 1lb (yes only 1). Was a bit disappointed with this as it seems a real struggle to get this weight off. Was quite good too!
Current weight 10st 12lbs
Well done to all those who have lost, let’s keep going girlies!

Good morning chubb club members! Happy Mothers Day too! Hope everyone has been trying really hard this week to shift those pounds. I can almost taste spring and so want to go and buy new clothes, but need to shift a bit more yet.

Well, another pound off for me this week. Was hoping for a bit more, but we did have a Chinese and we went out for a meal last week. Think I’m going to start some light jogging! Yikes!

start weight - 12 stone 4 pounds
week 1 - lost 3 pounds
week 2 - lost 0 pounds
week 3 - lost 1 pound
week 4 - lost 3 pounds
week 5 - lost 1 pound
current weight - 11 stone 10 pounds
focus - looking hot in Antigua in July!!!

Good luck everyone with the weigh-ins.


Morning all. My first loss, finally!!!

Start weight: 12st
End of March target: 11st 10lbs
Week 1: +0.2lb
Week 2: no change
Week 3: +0.6lbs
Week 4: +0.6lbs
Week 5: -2.2lbs
Current weight: 11st 13lbs

I am feeling totally inspired by Eddie Izzard’s marathons and the feeling that we are all capable of a lot more than we think we are, if only we get off our backsides and try.

Obviously, going through all of this BC crap means we can’t quite push ourselves as far as we could if we were fully healthy, but we can make a start.

So, diet for one. Exercise for another. I used to be a keen runner and it has slipped since I met OH. I started a very beginner training programme this morning (Run 1 min, walk 90 seconds x 8) and hope to continue it, possibly missing a week post-chemo and repeating weeks here and there so I don’t over do it. It helps that I have a treadmill!

I am hoping I have the will-power and ability to stick with it.

Hope everyone else is doing OK xxxx

I’ve been slacking because a thought came to me the other week, I could be way off base here, what do you think.

The first place weight is normally lost is the breasts, at the moment I am having rad treatment and maybe loosing weight now, after all the planning and measurements have been done could be dangerous? in not so much flesh, would the rad wave things go in to far and do damage to heart/lungs…that’s whats in my mind, so maybe get serious about dropping some lb’s after rads have finished…unless you lot know better…:slight_smile:

Hi Tally,

I’d thought of that as well but think when they do all their lining up at each session they adjust for any weight losses/gains to that area - particularly as some people swell during rads anyway.

I think you just have to go with how you feel. I’ve finished rads now anyhow.

Good luck fellow dusters. Wher are you all?


Dusters?? I mean dieters! Damn iPhone!

Hello everyone
had a weekend away with girlfriends and just back
weighed in on friday and forgot to post!
start weight - 12st 6lbs
last week - 11st 12lbs
this week - 11st 8lbs
total weight loss 12lbs
target 10st - ish
want to look good in white linen trousers!

good luck everyone
monica xxx

Hi All
Have got down to my target weight 9st from 9st 11lbs. Started dieting slowly beginning of December and have lost about 1lb a week. Took longer because of Xmas, birthdays etc but hasn’t been toooo hard. Now I just have to maintain it.
Have found I lost on a regular basis when I started exercising again. I had surgery July and finished Rads mid October so can do a bit more than those of you still in the middle of treatment.
I agree with Flora that we can do more than we think sometimes. OH does triathlons and 2 years ago I decided it was time I tried before I got too old and decrepit (now age 64). Started like her by running 1 min walking 1min and slowly built it up. Did a short women’s only one 2years ago at Dorney Lake and again last year. It is one you can do for Breast Cancer and is really good fun with a great atmosphere. The short course is 200m swim in the lake , then 5km bike and 2.5km run. I can’t do it this year as OH is competing in the European Championships in Ireland. Instead, I’m doing 1 in Rother Valley near Sheffield and a Pedal it Pink ride in Sefton Park for cancer.
I need a target to keep me exercising or I would probably just faff around and slowly walk the dog.
Hope you are all ok.
Keep going, being bloody minded and “if so and so can do something then so can I” has got me where I am now!!!

Hi Chubb Club girlies,hope you’ve all had a good week. Unfortnatley I’ve not lost this week still 11 stone. But have not had a good day today re eating went out for Mother’s day meal with family but it was sooo nice. Jellylegs xx