margaret no hun i cant hear you but i can see the curtains wafting lol

forgot all about the wii thingiy doing your weight and bmi etc - fab! Been on today and set my goals.
My goal is to get to 8 stone 2 in 11 weeks (my friends wedding 1st may)
current weight 9 stone 10 (already lost 1lb this week - whoop!)
target approx 2lbs a week
Just done 40 mins on wii!! Feeling motivated now!

Start Weight = 13st 13lb
Current Weight = 13st 10lb

Short Term Goal
Lose 2lb a week!

My long term goals
Be 10.5 stone by September 4th!!
To look hot in a ballgown dress for October Charity Dance!

Well girls, weighed myself for the first time since starting WW Online and have lost…wait for it…3LB!!!
I am very happy! Although feeling very tired today, not looking forward to going out in the cold to pick up daughter!
I went swimming yesterday and Ballroom dancing with hubby last night which i am sure i lost weight because of the amount of laughing i did!!
I have a Wii and am up for the friend thingy, but i do not think mine is attached to internet! I will ask hubby and see what he thinks - hope all having a good week
Jayney, thanks for call today lovely to chat as always, hope today was better!
Karen xx

Struggling with healthy eating yesterday and today (as I knew I would). Came home from work yesterday and started to nibble lots of food as I was getting the dinner ready, then rounded the evening off with a big bowl of co-co pops before bed. Bums! However I am going to get back on track. I really want to break the 12 stone barrier by Sunday. Thinking of treating myself to a half body fake tan next week if I do lose some pounds. It costs about the same as the money I’m currently saving on snacks and sweets. How’s the weight loss going for others?

I would love to join in too. I actually lost weight during chemo, but its crept on in the 5 years since finishing, particularly recently (a stone, from 8.3 to 9.3) I don’t want to keep heading in this direction, plus I have treated myself to lovely new clothes since chemo, none of which I can now wear, especially the trousers! Such a waste.

I will ‘weigh in’ with you all this Sunday, if that’s ok

best wishes to everybody


Hi all and welcome Sarah - the more the merrier.
Well done to all that have lost weight already. I’m determined only to weigh on a Sunday. Have tried really hard this week - just sensible eating - museli for brekkie, soup and ryvita for lunch and then something balanced in the evening. Haven’t found myself hungry inbetween meals yet so hop the motivation keeps up. My focus is my holiday to Antigua in July - I want to look hot on the beach! Hopefully will lose 2 pounds this week, well that’s my aim. Fed up of wearing jogging bottoms and hubbies jumpers.

Karen - that’s a great target - a wedding and a ball gown. Think we all need a focus. Has anyone else got a good one?

Well girls, am currently sat in starbucks after 12th rad. I treated myself to a skinny latte and skinny muffin as had such an early start. Will run up stairs at the station to counteract - on second thoughts am braless so that might not be such a good idea!!!

Hubby taking me out for a meal on Saturday - hope I don’t blow it for Sunday weigh in!!!

Keep going girls.


hi al you lovely ladies
just found this thread and what a good idea, im due to start bback work 22nd feb,so i would love to join the diet club , i will get on the wii sunday for a weigh in then let you know, its top secret i dont share this information with many people lovely clothes last spring with the intention of wearing more skirts, but when i lost my hair i felt horrid, now my hair is coming back i want to lose abit of weight and feel great this summer, so thats my goal
heres to the weigh-in julie xx

Hello guys
like Al I’m determined not to weigh myself before Sunday. I have about 2 stones to lose - got to a size 10 for my 50th birthday and now struggling to wear 12s. Only 5ft 4 so it all shows! sick of everything being tight.
sorry, got no good ideas for motivators/targets except getting back into my flippy skirts for the summer.
good luck all round
monica x

Hi Everyone, sounds like we have struggled a bit - me too, i have been snacking and have desperately wanted some chocolate!!! Had herceptin today and did not drink much water so not good there and i know that is why i wanted to eat!! I ate too much yesterday, cooked chinese spare ribs which apparently are HUGE in points!!! So probably had about 30 points yesterday. Went our for a meal tonight with a friend…and i was so good, i just had tomato soup and a slice of brown bread, however i then came home and had a small bowl of shreddies!!! Which i think is alright points wise but i could have done without them!!!

I am interested to see how i do this week to see how the herceptin may affect things!!!

Keep going girls…loving everyone’s goals…AL i am with you with the holiday!

Karen xx

Start weight: 12 stone 2 lb
Current weight: 12 stone 1 lb
Week 1 weight loss - 1 lb

I want to get down to 10 stone 9 lb but this hasn’t been the best start. I had hoped to break the 12 stone barrier today. I’m finding it hard to shift the weight even though I’ve not eaten loads of junk. Oh well, one pound is better than nothing I suppose. I’ll try to increase exercise levels this coming week. Psychologically it feels good to be eating a bit less and healthily (mostly) so that’s a good thing. Good luck with weigh ins to everyone.

Morning all, how is everyone?? Weigh-in day!

Scottiedog - well done!, A pound is still a pound!

Well, Wiifit has made me a very happy lady this morning, I’ve lost 3 pounds!!! I haven’t been exercising as shattered from rads, but I have eaten sensibly all week and I went out last night with hubby for a meal, but didn’t have desert even though there was a chocolate melt with my name on it!!

Start weight: 12 stone 4 lb
Current weight: 12 stone 1 lb
Week 1 weight loss - 3 lb

Focus - to look hot on the beach in Antigua in July!!!

Hey scottiedog - lets break the 12 stone barrier together this week!


weigh in day came round quickly, didn’t it?
my stats are
start weight 12st 6 (ht 5ft 4in)
week one weight 12 st
6lbs lost

good luck everyone
monica xx

Hey Monica - that’s a fab start - what’s your secret??

You, me and Scottiedog are all going to smash that 12 stone barrier this week!!!

First weigh in today 14st 5lbs. Want to get down to 10 stone before my daughters wedding in August 2011. I have chemo on Friday so may not be up to logging on next Sun. This is going to be a tough week, I have got my appitite back big time, it’s half term so will have my youngest around grazing all week and hubbys just given me a box of chocs for valentines - Oh dear not a good start…

Week 1 weigh in, must have misunderstood and gone the wrong way.

start 13s 13lb
now 14s 00lb

never have been very good at losing weight, must sort the wii fit thing out

I’m with you Tally :slight_smile: perhaps we’ll get the hang of it by next week ?

Start 10s 0lb
Now 10s 4lb

Hope to lose a stone by summer.

HurdyGurdy and Daisyleaf (Monica), Wow, what a fantastic start - well done! Do you notice a difference in how your clothes fit yet? I’m looking forward to that feeling. However my jeans are still straining a bit at the button, but I am going to get below 12 stone this week with you both, (feels like a kind of milestone), and once I break that barrier I want to stay below. Tally, Et, Sabby and others, keep on keeping on, but be kind to yourself if under chemo. No way would I have managed to lose any weight (or even think about trying) when having chemo, and I think you are courageous giving it a go if you are on chemo or other treatments just now. Take care everyone.
scottiedog x

Hi All

Monica - how did you lose 6lbs? Chop off a leg? That’s an amazing start.

Well I actually lost some this week - not much but better than nothing I suppose. Have been to the gym four times this week so something should be shifting!

Start weight - 11st 11lbs
target weight 9st 7lbs (or less if possible)
weight lost this week - 2lbs
current weight 11st 9lbs.

Getting married in Antigua in November so have to be thin and beautiful by then!

keep on losing


happy valentines all

am starting diet tommorrow,just had a lovely cream cake, had to eat it otherwise i would have had to throw it away, waste not want not

wii has weighed me at 11 stone 12 oz, so i would like to get just under 11 stone, so that i can wear some pretty clothes in the summer and feel good, agree with the kids of so they will be grazing all day , but not me
et do be carefull while you are undergoing chemo, you need your fuel

good look everyone for the coming week julie x

Hi everybody

As posted before, have put on a stone in 5 years since chemo, would like to lose about half of it so I can fit back into some good clothes I spent lots of money on and have hardly worn. This is my first weigh in:

start weight: 9st 4lb
target 8st 7lb
ideally by the summer, for the clothes!
