Wow Helen - getting married is a fab focus. And Antigua too!
Sounds like everyone is doing well - this is just what I need to spur me on - thanks everybody. Currently cooking a roast so must be careful not to gorge myself.

Stay strong fat busters and here’s hoping we all stick to our guns this week - just think how sexy we are all going to look.


Helen - a wedding in Antigua sounds as fab as it gets! xxx
agree the girls still having chemo - you need to give your body what it needs right now. If its any help, I have just gone off the carbs completely, hence I think the quick weight loss.
keep going girls!

Hi everyone,
Well done to everyone who lost weight this week, what a fantastic start you have had.
Unfortunately i seemed to have put on a lb.
Start weight 10st 1lb
Now 10st 2lb
Did go out and have a lovely meal last night though and couldn’t resist the pudding. He ho. Will try harder next week, promise.
Liz xx

Hi All
Great seeing so many losing weight no matter how much. Monica and Al, that was great!! I’ve got stuck now as started in November at 9st 11lb and am now 9st 4lb. Slow, but I had Xmas and 3 birthdays to contend with.
Want to get to 9st. If I go much less I will look like a scraggy old broiler not a “spring” chicken!!!

Don’t know what I will be next time as we are off to Madeira for 10 days on Friday.

Good luck and keep at it.

Well, I did have Taxotere this friday just gone, so that is my excuse. I am trying really hard to drink more, as I reckon I have water retention. My body fat % is going down while my weight is going up… and no, it definitely isn’t muscle!

Start weight: 12st
Current weight: 12st 0.2lbs
End of Feb target: 11st 10lbs
Week 1: +0.2 lb

start weight -12st 12lb
Current weight -12st 12lb
Had chemo Wed. so not best week admittedly, but at least have not put any on!
Will try harder.
Well done Monica,you are an inspiration. Good luck everybody. Marli x

I weigh 3 lbs more when I’m wearing my prothesis! No wonder I get aches in my shoulder when I’m wearing it!

Had a real shock this morning, got on wii fit and i have lost 9st 7lbs and apparantely am severly under weight. Think i have a problem with the board as it keeps turning off too, and its just over a year old, what a day, washing machine is playing up too!!.
Liz x

11st 1lb start weight and ive stayed the same!


why do they make prostheses weigh so much? Do our real boobs weigh that much? No wonder we women suffer with backache and shoulder ache?

Oh dear…dodgy weekend…friday party…saturday party…sunday hangover food…
Started the week off well and was looking to be on target but put it all back on again over the weekend…sooo
Start weight 9 stone 10
todays weight 9 stone 10
No change…suppose it could be worse!
Well done guys who have lost this week and to those that havent keep going!!!

Well not a good start for me either:-

start weight 10st 12lbs
weighed in Sunday: 10st 12lbs

NO CHANGE - Arghhhhh and been really good! Oh well at least it’s stable! I am hoping that it will kick in over next 2-3 weeks and start to come off, it has done in the past.

Well done to you all who have lost, let’s keep it up girlies!


Well done to everyone who weighed in - everyone is doing fantastic in their attitude and therefore we have to believe that it will come…
I will weigh again in Wednesday…although i am not holding out much hope, i had herceptin on Thursday and food has been a nightmare. Went to London for the weekend and therefore made healthy choices but you know what eating out is like! Had a McChicken sandwich and not the chips, water not fizz etc, but yesterday was the day for me…not Valentine’s Day (my 15th Wedding Anniversary on Thursday so we dont celebrate the 14th!) …but Chinese New Year, my hubby is of chinese descent and therefore had a chinese last night, which i never think is a good thing!! Have been really good today and have done an Hour on the Wii Fit Plus which i got today and i love it, the cycling is fab!!
My Wii fit is internet connected so not sure what we do with that but would love to interact with others! Well done everyone…
Love you all, will weigh in Wednesday…

Hi, well weighed in this morning and no change!
Start Weight 14st 0lb
Last week: 13st 10lb
Weight Today 13st 10lb

Just typed an essay and lost it!!! As you can see no weight lost this week which taking everything into consideration is probably not a bad thing at least i did not put anything on! Feel like i am eating less and exercising more and i think that prob herceptin has something to do with everything. Didnt drink much water yesterday as was at a friends house and much easier to drink tea than water!!
Have a night out tomorrow with Hubby so need to make heathly choices but find this quite hard being a chinese - need to stay off the chinese spare ribs!
Hope everyone is doing okay and being kind to yourself!
Karen xx

Karen, that is good, you haven’t put any on!!! Keep going and enjoy your meal out with hubby!


Hi, Well after being very very good this week I have lost 2 lbs.If i see another tin of tomatoes though I’ll think I will scream!!!

Hi all,
think I may have undone some good work this week - eaten out too many times!!! Will have to cut right down tomorrow, fri and saturday if I am going to go under 12 stone.

Karen - at least you didn’t put any on lovely - don’t be discouraged - and you did have your new year meal!!

So pleased we have this thread, everytime I think of having a biscuit I think of the shame when I come to weigh in on Sunday and have to post the truth on here - it is really helping.

Keep up the good work everyone!

good morning

have to say ali, this thread is good because i too think of the thread have been really good this week, not much excersise but have cut down, and have also given chocolate up for lent , which is 46 days and finishes on easter saturday ready for the yummy easter eggs sunday,and they taste so much better, i have done it for the last 2 years and have kept to it, funny yesterday though i have a few chocolate liquors left and they fell out the bag and i nearly poped one in my mouth, but instead put them in a bag, now thats will power lol, i even dreamt last night that i ate some chocolate

you girlies are doing great, even staying the same is better than putting it on we can do it!!!
see you sunday julie x

well… i was weighed at weightwatchers and have stayed the same AGAIN!!! i have exercised myself 5 times a week with a 2 hour roller skating session on sunday.

Damn you banoffee pie!