hi girls please can I join you?

Start weight 70Kg
aim for 55Kg

sorry cant do stones and pounds
Will start diet this weekend as I want to be back to normal for my hols in May - also need to get back into my nurses uniform in March

love and good luck x

I’ve blown it for this week. Have had loads (of rubbish) to eat yesterday and today including crisps and just wolfed a BIG bag of minstrels, and having curry from take-away tonight. Well and truly blown my aim to get below the 12 stone barrier. Might not get on scales this Sunday in case I’m heavier than when I started - eek. Mummytumbles I wish I were close to your current weight - I’ve still 6 kg to lose to reach 70! Best of luck to everyone. Hope you are all doing better than me! I’m not giving up, this is just a blip…

hi scottie - remember as each day starts only we have the power to decide its direction good or bad - so you blew it today - tomorrow you can start again!
I’m gutted cos this time last year i was in the middle of a very hard diet and now I’m starting again but the docs wont let me do that diet…so WW here I come
love and hugs Rachel x

Sunday already - oh dear! Can’t bring myself to pull out the Wii fit and weigh myself today. I’ve eaten FAR too much over the last few days. (I have hit some kind of self-destruct button by mistake - that’s what it has felt like - not just food, but everything has fallen away for the last day or 2, feeling sluggish and a bit sorry for myself, I have even been snacking and pigging out when I wasn’t feeling hungry at all, how daft is that!?). Now I feel as lumpy as ever. Sorry girls - I will be back in the saddle for next Sunday and give myself a good talking to in the meantime. My husband thinks I should weigh myself and post my weight today regardless, he seems to think it would be good therapy for me to do that, but then what would he know - he has barely changed bodyshape in the 17 years we’ve been married, and despite eating like a horse most days, he has no flabby areas at all. Take care everyone. scottiedog x

Scottie, I agree with your hubs. You should do it anyway. Sometimes seeing it written down is the push we need.

That said…

Start weight: 12st
Current weight: 12st 0.2lbs
End of Feb target: 11st 10lbs
Week 1: +0.2 lb
Week 2: no change

I am still 12st 0.2 today. I was 11st 10 during the week, but only once (I know, I probably shouldn’t weigh every day, but I do…)

I was quite good yesterday, and walked a fair few miles, but obviously it was too little too late. 2 weeks until next Tax now, so I have a chance of regaining some control… maybe…

Hi all, gosh Sunday came round quickly!! Well, I haven’t broken the 12 stone barrier - I’ve stayed the same weight at 12 stone 1 pound. Was a bit gutted, but it’s half term and with the kids around has been difficult. Will aim again to beat that 12 stone barrier next Sunday. Scottiedog, I too think you should post, I didn’t want to when I had stayed the same, but I’m staying true to myself as I really want to succeed. I’ve had bad days this week where after cooking yummy puddings with my daughter I’ve then had a but of a binge. You might not have put on as much as you think you have.

Good luck everyone

start weight - 12 stone 4 pounds
week 1 - lost 3 pounds
week 2 - lost 0 pounds
current weight - 12 stone 1 pound
focus - looking hot in Antigua in July!!!

Hi everyone,
Start weight 10st 1 lb
1st week 10st 2 lb + 1 lb
2nd week 10st 1 lb - 1 lb

It was a bloody hard slog loosing that one pound which was so easy to put on last week. I feel i am prowling the house looking for food and sit and think about it all the time, how sad is that!!

Good luck everyone, I start my chemo tomorrow and am dreading it, well that is if the snow stops so i can get to the hosp.

Love Liz x

Yes, school holidays are difficult…but after putting on a lb last week I gave it the boot this week.

start 13s 13lb
wk 1 gain 1lb
wk 2 loss 1lb
weigh 13s 13lb

this weeks mantra, must try harder, lol

keep going gorgeous gitrlies we can do it!!!

HI everybody

My first wek and…well no progress at all…

start weight 9st 4 (59kg)
target weight 8st 7 (54kg)

but I remain optimistic!


You can get a graphical weight-loss progress ticker from . After you set it up, you log in to type in the date and weight and your ticker is automatically updated. You add a few lines of mark-up to your posts to include it.

Let’s see if this works. Here’s my ticker and graph: […] No, it didn’t.

These are from before my diagnosis. I lost 5 stone (31.8 kg) in 2008 and have gained 1 stone (6.4kg) in 2009 after developing a sweet tooth!

I collated some simple diet tips on my Food Confessional food diary blog which was a main factor in my being finally able to lose weight.

I’m 5’2" and lost 1.5 lbs a week by eating a max 1,200 calories a day (with calories from 25% protein, 50% carbs, 25% fat). I didn’t do any exercise. And, even though I swore blind that I never would, I ended up calorie-counting as I didn’t know what 1,200 calories looked like. I worked out that I will put on weight at 1,400 calories or more.

I also made and printed out little calorie guides to put in my handbag so that I could work out what to choose when I was out shopping and stopped at some place like Starbucks for a drink and sandwich.

I think you’ve all got it covered here, but if any of you would like to use the Food Confessional blog if you think it will help you lose weight - by posting weigh-ins, thoughts, anything - please send me a private message and I’ll add you as an author.

current: 11 st 6 lbs (72.7 kg)
target: under 10 st (63.6 kg)


Hi to everyone in chubb club…Here goes then,I’ve stayed the same,but they made me eat those fish and chips when I went to Whitby.Honest.
It was so hard to resist and I had been so good last week too. I will try harder next week.!!! I plan to get a Wii fit from Argos any advice?? Jellylegs x

Chubb club - I like it! Well also not lost anything this week (day 12 after chemo) Still 12st 12lbs. Been very tired this week so not had much exercise. Hope to do better next week, although now got another layer of snow in the north east ! Marli

Ok, have to admit, not been on the scales post op.

Too scared!!!


OK, decided that it’s only fair that I do it too. I usually weigh myself in the morning, but this is just after 9pm, and with more clothes on (Gawd I’m just making lots of excuses now)

Current weight is 12 stone 4lb. Ouch!
Basically I’m back to square one, as I reckon my morning weight tomorrow will be the same as my starting weight ie 12 stone 3 lb. Oh well I suppose it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. This is HARD!!
Will I ever get below 12 stone? (yes … well probably)I’m going to try so hard this week. I can picture just how much better I’ll look and feel if I slim down a bit …

By the way HurdyGurdy and Flora29, thanks for encouraging me to post, I know in my heart you were right. Mummytumbles what a fab tattoo - it looks gorgeous. All the best to everyone else who is on this journey and has joined us bunch of ‘losers’.

Oh dear the return of the snowy weather makes me want to eat lots of stodgy food!

week 1 (last week) 10st 4lb
week 2 10st 2lb

-2lb but don’t think it’s the diet - more likely the water tablets I had for my elephant ankles LOL

I’d like to join in.

I’ve decided -This is it- got to do it this time.

I put 8lb on after treatment in 2006 and stayed at around 11st 8Ib for 2 years then I put weight on again after more treatment in 2008, got down to 11st 10 after tax (when up to 12st 6 on tax) After early retirement in Jan 2009, I’ve being making the most of my retirement and being on lots of holidays. Weight after Xmas 12st 4lb, I’ve been calorie counting for 4 weeks now (I write every thing down-not done this for years!) I’m having on av 1300 cals a day+ exercise and it’s slow (1lb a week) I’m down to 12st this morning - thought I would lose more than one pound a week- just got to keep going.

Good luck everyone

Hello All, Please can I join in the Chubb Club!!
Im 5ft 3inch
weight at beginning of my diet 72.8kgs … 11st 6lbs (ish)
last weeks weight 70.7Kg…11st 1lb (ish)
I enrolled at the local gym and as well as dieting I do exercise for half an hour and swim half a mile each week, and Ive lost 5lbs!
Isnt it strange how we all have got huge tyres round our middles? why is that i wonder? I was 8 an half to 9 stone before all this happened last April… I HATE my fat body…
Oh well off for a swim now!!

Start weight 14 st 2

After 9 weeks of slimming world and daily exercise of 20 mins ive lost 20 pounds ( 12st 10) which IS good but before tamoxifen i could loose a stone in 4 weeks easy if i just stopped snacking.

Now i am eating very well,no snacks,no cheats and exercising daily and loosing a pound a week!! So hard to keep motivated but at least its going…

Well done everyone else.