My morning weigh-in

Start weight - 11st 11lbs
target weight 9st 7lbs (or less if possible)
weight lost last week - 2lbs (11st 9)
current weight 11st 8lbs.
weight loss this week 1lb, total 3lbs

At least it’s finally going,albeit very slowly. And due to the exercise I am getting much more toned so my clothes are feeling looser which is great.

Long way to go though. Keep at it, girls, may we all be slim for the summer!


well done helen thats excellent !!!

Hello everyone
weighed in today as had family staying over weekend - have stayed the same weight, so;
starting weight 12st 6
target 10st (ish)
week 1 12st - 6lb lost
week 2 12st - no weight lost

just got to keep on keeping on, (and maybe going out for meals a bit less often!)
love to everyone
monica x

Well done everyone!! I know some of us have struggled this week, but we can do it!! I’ve started well today - loads of salad and water and feeling really positive about going under 12 stone! I am meeting my uni girls weds eve though so hope I don’t blow it on pizza and wine!!

Hubby is joining me on an alcohol free March, so on that basis I’ll lose loads.

Stay focussed everyone.


hi all well weighed in monday, and guess what my weights the same, i did try honest, but will try harder this week, was back at work yesterday for 2 hours and am doing wed and fri aswel so heres hoping i will lose something this week
julie x

Bumped for mumzy!!

Good luck all - am trying really hard this week. Hope everyone else ok.


I know I am late weighing in, I did weigh myself on Monday, but it was disappointing news! I put 2lb on. Weight is now 11stone!!! Argh!!!. Now rads are over I am going to make a real concerted effort - sorry to let you all down gerties and well done to all those that are going in the right direction!


3.1/2 lb OFF!!!

Hi all of you, I lost 11lb before rads but have been really tired so diet went out of the window, havent been on scales since but assume i have put back on at least half of what i lost. Anyway assuming my energy levels have returned by next week I hope to get back on he diet. Still havent plugged the Wii Fit in yet but its downstairs next to telly so showing some willing. My dogs cant wait till my energy levels are up so I can walk them again. I got very good at cooking again after CP and was making lots of currys, last couple of weeks has been anything that can be thrown in the oven. Heres to more home cooking.


Hi everyone. Don’t meant to intrude but I saw this on the NHS Choices Facebook page ( and wondered whether any of you might be interested?

NHS Choices: We’re setting up a new weight loss blog on NHS Choices Talk ( and are looking for people making an effort to shed a few pounds to write about their quest, why they’ve decided to do it and how they’re going about it. If you’re interested in blogging, email <script type=“text/javascript”>eval(unescape(‘%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%74%61%6c%6b%40%6e%68%73%63%68%6f%69%63%65%73%2e%6e%68%73%2e%75%6b%22%3e%74%61%6c%6b%40%6e%68%73%63%68%6f%69%63%65%73%2e%6e%68%73%2e%75%6b%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b’))</script> or download the registration form [I’ve attached it here to make it easier].

Anyway, don’t know if it’s your kind of thing but thought you might be interested to know about it.

best wishes

Thanks Leah for that not sure whether i could, but will if anyone else will!!!
Sorry guys have not posted, i have been without computer for a few days. I weighed on Wednesday and I too have put on 1lb!!! I am not that surprised actually as i had a bag of chips night before weight in which probably contributed some what!!!
So my stats are:
Start: 13st 13
23/2: 13st 11

I have been doing WW Fit and ‘Just Dance’ anyone got it? My daughter got it and it is a fun, fab and quite tiring workout, morning after i did it could not move a muscle!!

I dont know about anyone else, but i get very depressed just getting ready in the morning with clothes not fitting and today i went to put some boots on that i have not worn for a while and could not zip them all the way up, i felt like crying!!!

Well done everyone for keeping up with it all, we all have to remember that we have lots of things roaming about our bodies that maybe hindering us, we must keep positive when we know that we are doing our best!
Hope you all have fun and healthy weekends!
Karen xx

leah thanks for that , i will look into it, anything that will spur me on , i will try

karen dont feel down on yourself, in the cold months we still need more fuel for our bodys, when spring comes you will feel more like it,

cannot beleive, i gave up chocolate for lent all well and good then went round my sisters today and she made me some yummy bread and gave me a chocolate rice crispy cake, i yummed it all up then remembered the lent thing,DAME, BUT IT WAS NICE ,my sis felt really awful,lo could have been worst, it could have been 2 days before i finihed,

next weigh in sunday good luck all julie xx

Start weight was 12 stone 2, and I’m still 12 stone 2. Oh well at least I’m consistent if nothing else… I look forward to reading about those who, like me, are trying to crack the 12 stone barrier. Hope this is the week you do it!

Morning all!

Well I haven’t cracked the 12 stone barrier but have lost a pound so getting there. Hasn’t helped this week eating so much at the ywf in Bristol, so am happy with my

start weight - 12 stone 4 pounds
week 1 - lost 3 pounds
week 2 - lost 0 pounds
week 3 - lost 1 pound
current weight - 12 stone
focus - looking hot in Antigua in July!!!

Good luck everyone.

Scottiedog - this week???


Agree that it is so bl**dy depressing getting ready in the mornings and nothing fits! As though it’s not bad enough that eyebrows and lashes have to be drawn on first before daring to show yourself LOL

Diet sabotaged this week by TWO birthday meals out (but lovely to be spoilt)

week 1 10st 4lb
week 2 10st 2lb
week 3 10st 4lb

Stay strong girls - resist temptation


Well i stayed the same this week,

Week 3 10 st 1lb

Good luck everyone for next week. Liz xx


I lost 1lb! Not much but a start

start weight - 9st 4 (59kg)
week 1 - 9st 4 (59kg)
week 2 - 9st 3
target weight 8st 7 (54kg)

keep going everybody


lost 3lbs this week, so -
start weight 12st 6lbs
week 1 - lost 6lbs = 12st
week 2 - lost nil = 12st
week 3 - lost 3lbs = 11st 11lbs

target - around 10st, so long way to go!
good luck everyone
monica xxx

You are all doing so well girls and so brave foractually putting your weight on here!!
i have lost 1stone 1lb since beginning of jan but still weigh far to much to put that on!!
Am 50 at end of march and so dont want to be fat and 50!!!
Keep up the good work!
love debs xxx

Hi Chubb Club girlies. I’ve lost 3 pound this week, yippee!!I made a vegetable soup this week,just onions carrots stock cube and cabbage this helped when I was really hungry. Well done to everyone this week we WILL get there. And I would get there quicker if they stopped making Crunchie bars too. Jellylegs xx
11st 2 lbs