Debs, well done with your weight loss, what is your secret!
Well done to everyone who has weighed and keeping focused, i have had a good week, but terrified about weighin on Wednesday as i am not sure how i will be if i have not lost anything- reading WW magazine this afternoon and i so want to be like one of those models who has lost 3 stone, although i actually need to lose 4! Seems that this will take an eternity!
Karen xx

apparetly I have put on 3Kg (6.6lb) - i think my scales are broke - but then again some trousers fit on friday and today are far too tight.
I will try hard this week
up ya viva xxxxxx Mrs 73Kg

Evening all- well , last week 12st 12lbs, this week 12st 13lbs! Out yesterday to see Ronan Keating and ate out, even had a glass of wine. Have last chemo Wednesday so have decided to take myself in had in 4 weeks time.
Congratulation Monica,debs and Jellylegs you are doing so well. Good luck for the coming week everyone. Marli x

Hello All,
New to this thread, Having my last rad today and tryig to look forward positively except that for some strange reason have managed to put on 1 stone since DX . must be comfort eating but despartate to loose and put this all behind me and try to rebuild bit of self esteme, my question to all is ,has anyone tried the Cambridge Diet ? and does anyone know if it is OK whilst on Tamoxifen? I have been on this diet before and althought it is a bit severe it works! So would be grateful for any commments.
Cheers, Sue

Hi all you slim jims!

I’m also new to this thread but having read thru, you look like a supportive bunch so I hope you don’t mind if I join you.

I’ve put on loads of weight since DX 1yr ago. I was around 10st 4 before, have just weighed and am…oh can hardly bring myself to write it…12st 6!!! How did that happen?! Actually I know really. For one thing I used to exercise and was quite active, then I had 6xFEC to shrink my lump, so there was my first excuse! steroids, eating constantly as it helped stave off sickness, no energy to exercise! Then mastectomy in Aug. Couldn’t possibly exercise after that, plus friends and family felt sorry for me, so plied me with chocolate which is my favourite thing ever. Then 20 rads Oct to Nov. Didn’t feel up to much then so choc helped me thru, and then it was Christmas! Right that’s all my excuses out of the way and I can’t think of any more. Today is beautiful and sunny which is making me think of summer and I really want to get this weight off and back into my old clothes.

Well done all of you who have done so well! Hope I haven’t rambled on too much, but need to get real now and stop making excuses!
Esme x
p.s Haven’t tried the Cambridge diet Sue as am no good at things like that, as all I can think about is choc! Think I will just have to go for healthy food and I need to exercise! x


Weight in this morning -no loss this week.
12.4 on 1st Feb -12.0 1st March
Average cals over the week 1263

I’ll just keep on doing what I’m doing- I never managed to stay doing my plan this long before - its been 6 weeks now, I only usually manage 3 weeks.


Hey all,

Happy ‘dieting’ Monday!!

Well, I went back to work today and resisted the biscuits on the staffroom table!!!

Am sick of apples though!!

Monica - you star - you went under 12 stone!!! Hope that’s me this week.

Welcome to Sue and Esme, Sue, I don’t know about the Cambridge diet. I wouldn’t do anything too strict if you’ve just finished RADS. Really important to eat healthy as our poor old battered bodies needs lots of vitamins to repair.

Keep up the good work ladies - here’s to next Sunday’s weigh-in!!


Hi Esme you sound like me a chocoholic!! I have told myself if I am very good I can have a Crunchie on Fridays. And it has helped although was tempted to eat the whole 5 pack this week. he he he
Good luck and welcome to chubb club.xx

Hi all

lost 1lb so back to 10st 13lb. At least its going in the right direction. Does anyone know if herceptin has any significance on weight gain???
Keep going, we can do it!!!

Hi All,
Can I join too! I have put on 1 stone since DX and have now finished RADS this week, I am sooooooo tired as I am back at work ,although very reduced hours. I tend to eat when I’m tired so its catch 22, anyway I am determined to loose something as the reflection in the mirror is orrible and my confidence has taken a massive tumble . Sunday it is then , after lunch or before???

Hi olisana, glad you are joining us. Do your weigh in whenever it suits you best. Most people tend to post their start weight, their target weight and how much they’ve lost that week, but please yourself how you do it. And share any tips you have please - some of us are struggling. I just can’t get myself under the elusive tw… tw… twe… (12 there I said it) stone barrier, and this week is going to be no exception - too much choc.

Hello Scottiedog,
I am also up in the dreaded twel…stone bracket, I am only 5foot 1 inch so a cube would descibe me at the moment! I am so desparate to get rid of this weight before i have to venture out of these baggy cardi’s when the weather warms up.
Sunday it is then , I will try not to gorge tooo much before then.

Hi to all you newbies, welcome to the chubb club!!!
Well girls, i am feeling really happy this morning, i have weighed myself this morning and wait for it i lost 5LB!!!
Start Weight = 13st 13lb
Week 1 = 13st 10lb (-3lb)
Week 2 = 13st 11 lb (+lb)
Week 3 = 13st 6lb (-5lb)
Goal - to look fab on the beach in Sept and in a ball gown in Oct!!

I think the fact that i pukked everywhere yesterday probably aided things, but hey must look on the bright side!!!
Sadly tho’ because of being sick yesterday i can not go for herceptin today which messes up my calendar, need to go next week!
The great thing about doing this is that i really do see that having herceptin and all the other crap really does make a difference, the two weeks after having herceptin i find it really hard to lose anything, so Jayney i think it makes a massive difference and then it takes the third week for the effort to have any reward!
What i love about this thread is that i am not alone, and to know that we are all the the same boat i hope gives you guys as much hope as it is giving me!
Hope everyone has a great week!
Love Me xx

Hi all
I didn’t post on sunday as I haven’t been having a ‘diet’ week, which can be seen in my results!!

Start weight: 12st
Current weight: 12st 0.8lbs
End of March target: 11st 10lbs
Week 1: +0.2 lb
Week 2: no change
Week 3: +0.6lbs

However, my body fat % has been dropping really sharply, so I am hopeful this means I am losing fat and putting on water retention!! God knows how though, as to be honest, my eating style hasn’t changed much.

I am not worrying about it all too much, but am annoyed to be consistently above 12st for the past couple of weeks.

I will do this properly after my last chemo and rads, so will focus more on it in May. However, my OH also wants to lose some pounds, so we are starting with a ‘big lunch, small tea/dinner’ regime next week, apparently. Not sure myself, as I don’t have time for a proper lunch at work so I will end up having two lunches (sandwiches, salads and soups, most likely). Probably not a bad thing really, unless I end up ‘topping up’…

Well done to anyone who is managing to lose!!

Karen, after seeing you today and our chin wag, herceptin does have an impact. I had my herceptin on Monday so will see what my weigh in on Monday morning is like. I’ve been quite good, so will be cheesed off if haven’t lost some!

Keep going girlies

good morning slim chums
Did you know we could link our wii fits over the internet?
Not quite sure how we can do it but apparently a couple of pals have been losing weight and using their wii fit and internet to keep each other going.
I havent weighed yet but a pair of jeans that were very very snugg last week are comfy to day.
I did 3 hours in the gym this week - circuits, pilates and leg bum and tum (OMG that was soooooooooo hard) I am hoping to get an induction into the gym weights and tread mill bit next week. then I can start training for the race for life - anyone else gonna do it? Dont forget thet Kerry on another thread needs support for her marathon she is running it for the willow trust; i will try to post the link here today.
Ok my girls keep up that good work
btw flora your picture is stnning!
xxx rachel xxx

hi mummytumbles

apparently, to link up you need to share friend codes and input each others codes on your wii’s. then your miis can visit each other. not actually tried it yet though!


Hi Chubb Club girlies. I’ve lost 2lbs this week so I’m down to 11 stone. Next week I want to be in the 10st somethings again. But it is soooo hard. I keep craving bread and choc and the red wine is really calling but I’ve managed to keep my drinkijg to just Fridays now. Drank lots of flavoured water this week,5 bottles for a pound from Morrisons.
Start 11st 7 lbs
March 6th 11st 0 lbs

Mummytumbles I’m going in for ‘The Race for life’ too hope to start some training in the gym this week.Maybe swimming at first though!!!

Jellylegs well done. You have obviously been working hard at this (unlike me, my willpower is woeful this week - again!) I’ve gained a pound so I’m 12 stone 3. Starting weight was 12 stone 2. My excuse is that for a couple of days this week I felt completely wiped out with a heavy fuzzy head and fatigue. Just want my energy back. I seem to either have loads or none at all. Good luck with weigh ins girls - and someone give me a kick up the a*se, it’s what I need.

Morning all,
Well Sunday is here and I have just weighted myself !! Oh Boy 12stone 6lbs !!! its worse than I thought I have actually put on 1stone 6 lbs since DX. So here goes I am fired up to start the weight lose today famous last words i know , but I will try my best OH is on board too as he has also comfort eaten(stuffed) and put on just under a stone .ot the garndsons today ,so no time to over eat and a bit of hidden exercise.
Good luck to all you kindred spirits,