I have just read a positive message from Christine123 who reports her progress in losing weight. Would any of the members be interested in setting up a support froup so we can encourage each other as we deal with side effects of treatment?
It’s so easy to look on the bleak side, which I often do, and I would much prefer to focus completely on the positive aspects of life after diagnosis.
I like many others have put on weight and I’m going to my GP today to ask if he will help me with a sensible nutrition plan so I can be successful in the Ben Nevis challenge later this year.
Losing weight isn’t going to be easy, but I’ve decided to approach it from the viewpoint of mind over matter, if I can get my subconscious tricked into thinking slim and healthy I believe my physical body will follow suit. I’ll let you know how I get on.
Enjoy the sunshine.
hi there, now you are talking my language I so need to lose weight and like you I want to focus on the positive aspect of all this and get fit, but havent the motivation to do it on my own, please include me in the group I would love to join, many thanks love suzan x
Hi Gentleninja
Sounds like an excellent idea….I’d love to join if I may? I have about a stone to lose and I to am now trying to ‘push to be positive’. It’ll be interesting to hear what your doctor recommends
I would like to lose some weight as well, but have just finished chemo last week. Then mx and rads, is it best to wait do you think? was quite fit and active before all this, did belly dancing for one and half years thats good for you.
Yes please. I have gone from size 10 to size 14 and I do eat really healthily. It was chemo then Tamoxifen and now Zoladex is about to pile on the pounds too.
I finished chemo last summer and have piled on a stone since being on Tamoxifen.
Would love to join you all in trying to lose a stone or so.
Love Judy x
I finished chemo Sept 07, Heceptin Oct 08 and am on Tamoxifen. I have put on just over 2 stone.
I would love some support to lose weight
Me too. Would love some support to lose weight.
I’m on Arimidex and have put on nearly two stone.
How shall we organise the group therapy? Perhaps a regular ‘weigh in’ and if we have lost weight, tell us how it’s been achieved. Any other ideas? Christiane x
There is a ‘bikini diet’ starting next week on one of the breakfast channels. I have signed up to get this emailed to me. My biggest problem is will power and discipline. I’m so miserable with the weight gain that I need to do this.
I think dieting in a group is a brilliant idea…when shall we start?
Morning Ladies
Let’s bite the bullet. Shall we start with a weigh in tomorrow morning?
Good idea Browner
I’ll be on my scales 7 am breathing in.
7am it is…ooooh am dreading it!!
7am for me too - before breakfast!
Shall we have a weekly weigh in?
I’d like to join too. Got a horrible spare tyre and about 1 stone to lose. Biscuits and cake are my problem - work in an office where there’s always something nice to nibble on.
Oh great looks like I’m the first on the scales!
11 stone 1
My realistic target is to get down to 10 stone but a couple more pounds would be wonderful. I’m going to try to keep to 1250 calories a day with no chocs crisps cakes pies or biscuits
Judy x
Ok (deep breath) 15st.
I would like to shift a stone before my hols on 5 Aug. Doable but I think it’s going to take some patience.
11 stone on the nail. Tried shuffling the weighing machine round the kitchen to make it less… Would like to lose a stone
13st 8lbs - pre breakfast and after ablutions!
Would like to lose a stone.
I was hoping not to publish my weight, but as you have all been so brave…….11st 8lbs. Love to get down to less than 11 stone. Feeling motivated already…I’m off for a run now! hehe
I would like to join too.
Weight today 12st 1 (OMG) whats happened to me always used to be a size 12.