Thanks everyone! I hope you’re all doing great. I’ve been on codeine forever and come off it and I feel the worse I’ve ever felt so far. Isn’t that ridiculous?
Helen aren’t you’re star? replying to everyone individually- you put me to shame.
Well I’m in the clinic Thursday am. It’s a horrible feeling just stepping into that clinic, even when they’re just checking on the infection but that should be it until January. That’s when I go back for reconstruction, on the good breast xxx
Hi All
So, I’ve discovered the best way to summon an unexpected visitor is to ditch the bra! It seems the minute I decide that that’s it for the day, and I can’t wait to get the darn thing off, someone will ring the doorbell! I’ll have to make sure I have a cover up to hand, I can’t go around traumatising people ?
Hi kateday
Sorry to hear you have to have chemotherapy, have they given you a start date? The monthly chemo starter threads here are great, really supportive and everyone is in the same boat. I would definitely recommend joining in. I’ve completed four rounds and about to have four more and so far I’ve been ok with the side effects. It’s very doable and you will be supported all the way. Stay strong, you’ve got this! ??
Hi Jacqb
They haven’t given me exact date just within next two weeks
So either next Monday or Tuesday or the following
I have joined the October month as it stands it will start this month
You are one that also has 8 cycles most seem to have six and this was what I was originally told
Was also told three weeks radio now it’s four and a half
I presumed this was because it was triple negative. But not actually sure xx
Glad to hear that they are getting on with it and not making you wait around. Our circumstances are different as I’m on the Rosco Trial which splits the chemo into four T and four FEC with surgery in the middle, so I was always down for four rounds. I don’t know if I will be having the extra radiotherapy boost. My oncologist also said that in some places, Germany for instance, eight is the standard number of treatments for everyone.
I think we just have to trust the docs and their oath do “first do no harm” they just want to kill the cancer bitch! (Yes I do see it as a monster within me).
As you are nearing the end of the month, maybe join the November thread as well, I joined May and June and I’ve found both threads to be a huge support. There is something massively comforting about knowing others are going through a similar experience.
On a practical note, fill the freezer with portioned meals, take every offer of help you are given, and download Netflix to watch anytime. You really can lose yourself in a show when concentration a book is too much.
I have Netflix
Came in handy after surgery haha
Today my hair is being cut short in prep
The kids don’t quite understand why I want to cut it short
Have explained it’s abiut me being in control
I think this part of the journey is scaring them xx
Being part of a trial is amazing well done xx
Hello all, I know I shouldn’t moan as it could have been a lot worse but feeling really rubbish today. Just received payslip from work to see that they have taken me off full pay. Boss had said that after 8 weeks it was discretionary and hinted that they would continuing paying me, but it seems not. So I’m £200 down this month and need to get back to work ASAP beating in mind now that any phased return to work will not be full pay.
I’m sick of this disease, I’m lucky that they caught it early but it’s done nothing but cost me financially. Firstly because it was found through a private health assessment the journey continued down the private route and cost me just over £200 in excess. Then because it’s DCIS it’s not deemed ‘bad’ enough for a critical illness payout - I’ve lost my breast FFS, now work have decided that they’re not paying me.
I know I’m lucky to have my life,just feeling rubbish. Was looking forward to starting swimming next week, but if I go back to work I won’t have time to do that
Sorry, know many of you have it far more seriously. Not feeling very strong today
FFS says it all really. How can DCIS be deemed not serious enough for a pay out? You have every right to have a moan. Hope you are having a better day today.
Jacq x
And today is a better day … I’m guessing ups and downs will continue for a while!! Work have agreed to extend full pay beyond the normal and to pay full salary on a phased return … Thank F for that!!!
So 6 weeks on, I’m out of pain (still stiff and feel like things are swollen), work is on side for a return mid November which will be 10 weeks at 2 hours a day from home initially (my job involves driving normally).
Things are looking up!!
Hope the rest of you are seeing some glimmers of hope and feeling ok xx
Sadly still having problems with my axillary wound. It just won’t close. It’s constantly weeping fluid and I’m having to dress it a couple of times a day. I ran out of dressIngs last Thursday so popped into my GP’s to see if the nurse could dress it only to be told that they had no appointments till Monday! I ended up spending £20 in Boots on dressIngs. TBH my GP surgery have been completely useless, I’ve asked them for help twice since diagnosis in April and both times they’ve turned me away. Given that my hospital is a 50 mile round trip and I don’t drive, it’s really upsetting that they won’t even dress my scar.
Seeing the oncology team on Tuesday to assess me for chemo on Thursday. I’ve got my fingers crossed but it looks doubtful.
That’s is just awful treatment
Do they not have district nurses who could come dress it for you
I will try and find out what granuals we use at work we had a lady with a wound and for love or money we couldn’t get it to close
We used these granuals and it heals very quickly
I would write a complaint they could not expect you to drive all that way for dressings
Is your Chemo due to start Thursday xx
@kateday. Yes chemo due on Thursday is booked but will all depend on the wound. I will know on Tuesday.
I have been asking about treatments to close the wound but they have very much wanted to leave it to resolve itself. I would be interested to know what the granules are called, thank you.
I just don’t want to delay the chemo so am getting quite anxious. The district nurses saw me at the ambulatory clinic on Friday so I can now get dressIngs from them. Hopefully I won’t need them for much longer. ???
A little update
Chemo has been put on hold for three weeks which is disappointing but necessary as I know that healing just doesn’t happen on chemo. I’ve been taking high strength vitamin C for the week and, I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but all of a sudden over the last two days, my wound has started to close and is much less leaky. It’s definitely on the mend and I’m so pleased to see light at the end of the tunnel. Also, cancelled chemo means I can enjoy a nice glass of wine on my birthday this Saturday. Hugs to you all ? ???
Hi Ladies
How are you all? I’ve been reading your posts and it’s strange how this journey is taking us all in different directions.
I have oncology appointment looming now and needing to decide between rads or ANC.
Then I’ll be moving on to tamoxifen.
Still doing the exercises and feeling sore, but getting stronger all the time.