Tamoxifin Buddies wanted!!!

hi Teecee from me too…I’m at same point in tamoxifen taking as Anna,1 month in and had my first period last week since starting -it was 2 days late and not very heavy and finished very quickly - am pleased on one hand but fearful of going the other way too !

Hello everyone,my first post feel a bit nervous!I wanted to say to Shenay;you might find that your side effects on tamoxifen get better in time.I have been on it since March 09 and at first had severe leg and joint pains but now (Oct)that has gone and I only have slight numbness in my feet 1st thing in morning.Still have the hot flushes on and off but they are bearable and seem to be better if I dont drink alchohol(unfortunately).
I expect you have started your radiotherapy now and hopefully you arent finding it as bad as you thought.I luckily had no side effects at all or redness etc.
I am not surprised you are feeling down after everything you have been through.It is a very traumatic experience,but hold on as its all woth it when you are well.Are you having any counselling?You can have it on the NHS in my area.
I am on lithium as I have had severe depression pre breast cancer and I am sure that’s what has kept me sane!Take care.

hi ariel !

Just to let you know I found that by taking Evening Primrose Oil together with the tamoxifen before going to sleep, the side effects were greatly reduced.
Then I found by doing a simple Water Cure of drinking 1 litre of filtered water 1st thing every morning as soon as you wake up, then resting for 5-10mins.
This has reduced the side effects by at least 50% and energizes and rehydrates the body and flushes away all the toxins. You will obviously have to pee quite a bit in the morning.

Check out Water Cure website for more info

That sounds good the water cure, will check it out. I have also started taking EPO with my Tamoxifen but I take mine in the morning as I have a very bad sleep pattern. Finding the day Hot flushes are reducing after just 1 week.So I may take EPO both morning an eve!!(don’t think it will hurt!!)
I start my Rads next week 5 wks everyday…

I’m 2 weeks in now. I get hot flushes on the soles of my feet! Bizarre, I know.

I’m also experiencing a low level cramping period-pain sort of ache all the time. To start with thought it was because I started taking the tablets the day my period started, but that’s now long gone and I’m still getting those feelings.

I’ve been feeling very thirsty all the time, so that water cure thing sounds right down my street.

Another thing I’ve noticed - I’m going to the loo lots more on tamoxifien - both for #1 and #2. Am I unique in that?

It’s incredible with this disease - you lose all inhibitions about stripping off, and about talking about the practical issues you experience with dealing with treatment.

Occasionally get that really stiff feeling in my feet, but I’m just walking it off. Early days, but so far I’ve lost weight on this treatment.

Jenhar - good luck with starting your rads next week!

Hello ladies i have prescr for amoxifen been told to start anytime i want to.I am a bit confused by all this BRANDS working different way with SE so if you are kin to advice me wich is THE BEST…if i can say that…i am scared start having it …Christina

krisid - it’d be impossible to tell you which brand of tamoxifen is best for not getting SEs as it seems that everyone reacts differently (or indeed have no adverse reactions) to the brands- it seems to be a very individual thing.I think you just have to get started and see what happens ! I was very anxious about starting a month ago, but so far so good -this is Wockhardt brand and is what I was given in the first place - I didn’t ask for that brand in particular-luck of the draw !

Hi Christina,

I think it just varies a lot from one person to another. So far I have had APS and Wockhardt brands and have not really noticed any difference. But for some, the differences are quite noticeable. A lot of people seem to prefer Nolvadex brand, but I think it is in the process of being discontinued.

I was really scared about starting the Tamoxifen too, but have not found it too bad at all. If you start it and it is awful, you can always stop and discuss other options with your doctors.

Good luck !

Anna xx

Thank you chipper and Anna for your advice …i have the pr and keep looking at it thunking that i have to be brave and start just not sure having tamoxifen and rads together…had my last chemo 30.09 and i am happy at the mo as i am FREE of anything soon that will be over…but anyway i have to try and see how is going to afect me…thanx girls…Christina

Hi everyone,
Sorry I’ve not been on for a while. I feel OK on Tamoxifin at the moment although I have put 10 lbs on !!! I think this has more to do with me being off work and not being so active than the Tablets though. I’ll have to hit the gym soon I think. I have been having ‘Power surges’ at night and have invested in a ‘Chillow’ it is now my best friend I love it. The only really annoying thing I’ve noticed is I hobble to the bathroom first thing in a morning now.
I started my RADS today onto next phase (((((hugs)))))) to everyone xx

Hello I’ve been on tamoxifen for 3 years. Night sweats and lack of sleep were extreme to start. In the past six months the side effects have settled down. I’ve gained weight in weird places where I never had fat before but when I stick to low-fat diet my weight does go down.

I’m not sure if this is true for everyone (probably not) but I have noticed a distinct correlation between drinking alcohol and having hot flushes and sweats. My drinking is minimal and sporadic but when I don’t drink at all, I don’t get the sweats.

So, although being more strict with my food and drink is not fun, I feel better for it.

Has anyone else noticed anything similar? Maybe it’s all in my mind…

hi there just thought i would join in. i start my rads in a week or so, isn’t it funny how different health authorities work, i was told i cant start tamoxifen till after i have finnished rads.
Reading all your posts with interest

Luv Pauline x

Hi Pauline,
I was put on Tamoxifin straight after surgery,I think it all depends on each individual!!
But be thankful I have lots of SE and will have to cope with Rads for 5 weeks as well…oh! Joy!
Good luck with your Rads, keep us posted on how you get on and perhaps we can swap tips on how to get through it pianlessly!!! how many weeks do you have?

Hi Jellylegs,
I’m so happy to find out I’m not the only one who hobbles around in the morning.I cant bend my ankles and my feet really hurt it takes around 5 mins hobbling around to loosen up! I also have found that I have very numb fingers during the night???
Have you spoken to anyone about it? I’m going to mention it on my next visit!
Hope your ok


My ankles are really stiff first thing and after I walk - to the shops - and they are painful too. I went to collect a parcel from PO but they had a strike on so I waited in the queue but by the time I got to the counter I could hardly walk - they couldnt find my parcel and so told them to keep the thing. I then had to hobble home.

Anyone found relief from this yet?


Hi Jenhar everyone, I’ve been taking my Tamox with Evening primrose Oil and low dose asprin,still waiting to see if it helps!!
Just had No 2 of rads and already need Piraton to stop itching boob of fire!!! I’ve got Bio Oil and Aquaus cream to help. But see September/October Cooking thread Jenhar. Ness (((((hugs))))) to all xxx

hi jenhar, i am having 25 rads to chest and lymph nodes. got planning in morning.

Can i ask how much evening primrose oil do you take and i havnt heard of taking asprin too, can anyon tell me what that is for?

Thanks luv Pauline xxx

Thanks, Water, for your post on 12 October.

I am a great fan of water anyway and probably drink 2-3 litres a day, but for the past week I have done as you do - 1 litre of filtered water before anything else.

I have noticed a HUGE difference in my aches and pains! So thank you.

Bubs X

p.s. the reason why water is never mentioned in the medical world is because you can’t patent it and sell it!

Hi Pauline

Just wanted to let you know that my onc recommended I take a low dose asprin to help prevent blood clots from tamoxifen, and also he said its an anti cancer drug.
Im 36 with no other medical conditions, and usually low dose asprin is used after stroke or heart attack, and of course must not be used if you have any stomach problems.