Tamoxifin Buddies wanted!!!

Thanks for that lolly73, will remember that for when i start mine. Been and had my rads planning today and start on 9th of Nov, will make the most of the free days before then
Luv Pauline x

Hi All

hope you dont mind me joining this thread ive just started to take tamoxifen 3rd pill tonight. Can anyone tell me when the SE kick in as ive had a couple of hot flushes during the day and now got thrush.Ive had night flushes since starting Taxotere chemo back in August so im used to them LOL.

Hope I dont get too many SE as im getting pretty fed up having to deal with SE LOL

Take care all

Sally x

Oh Pauline ref primrose oil my onc said 1g (1000mg) daily and they are on special offer at mo in superdrug BOGOF so its 6mths worth for £8

you might not get ANY SEs !! I’m approaching this (1 month in) with the attitude that I’m not going to get any,or at least I’m not going to notice any - so far so good. Lots of people are fine and dandy on tamoxifen and sadly we don’t often hear from them,only from folk who do have side effects. Am not doubting people when they say they do have horrid side effects,but I do think that it’s wise to try not to expect any :slight_smile:

Thanks sally, already brought mine from D&H they too have them on offer buy on get one half price. You were soon done after your chemo and rads, like julie i am still waiting to start rads. Hopefully we will all be done for xmas.

Have a good weekend, luv Pauline x

Hi Pauline, used to speak on the chemo thread - glad you are all done with that one! I have been on tamoxifen for 2 months now and have not had any significant SE’s - get a bit flushed a couple of times during the day but I can live with that! Hope you find it just as good and all the best for the rads - they didnt give me that cos of the secondaries to the bones so I will find out whats next in store for me in early november when I see the onc again. Best wishes, debbie x

Hi All

Ive been taking evening primrose oil since mon and the tam i started on tue evening, i felt really quiet sick on monday and on and off ever since,now I think its too soon to blame the tamoxifin so googled the oil and found out its a rare side effect of it. so ive decided to stop taking it and see what happens.

Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem.

take care all and hope you have a lovely weekend

Sally x

Hi I stopped taking EPO as I read on here it helps you produce Oestrogen . Here is an old thread on it that I got from google breastcancercare.org.uk/forum/i/is-evening-primrose-oil-oestrogenic–t4829.html Seems lots of alternative medicines arent suitable for us if we want to avoid oestrogen.

Hi Sally, sorry to hear you are feeling rough, that was very useful info from Gocat - I reckon you will feel better now you have stopped the EP oil - we are all different but I am sure you will even out once it is in your system more, take care, debbie x

Hi,Sally,Debbie,Pauline i have got my tamoxifen and i am ready to start …thinking as 1.11 is good to remmember when i start it …so i wish i ahve Debbie`s reaction on it Sally once you stop primrose oil i wish you are no longer having probs…Christina

hi debbie, nice to catch up with you again. Glad to hear your tamoxifin isn’t causing you too many problems, long may it continue. I am so confussed about the evening primrose oil. con you take it, can’t you take it??? Anyone enlighten us please?
hope everything goes ok in nov when you meet your onc regarding your secondaries

cristine and sally, hope all is well with you two as well. good idea sally starting on the first, i will need something to help me remember too, brain like a sive

Have a good weekend everyone, luv Pauline xxx

Pauline i am going to start tamoxifen and see from there …i hope that it will be kind to me …if not then i will ask the doc what to do …Christina

Hi there.My onc was all for me taking EPO and I’m 8/8 for ER and PR ,I take 5oomg at night with tamoxifen ,been on it since April and havn’t had so much as a hot flush…not sure if it’s the EPO that is helping but I don’t intend stopping it to find out.

Sandra x

Hi all

Well ive taken 5 tam so far and am still feeling sicky on and off, ive just taken so anti sickness pills again, ive gone off food as well and i havent taken any epo since thurs.

Pauline it was my onc who said take the epo…

So as i am still feeling sick i think im gonna try them again and it made no difference not taking them.

I see my onc again so i’l give it til then and if im no better I shall talk to her about it.

hope everyones ok

Sally x

Hi all can i join in to please! Have taken 6 tamoxifen so far! have felt very queasy and got indegestion, but have been taking evening Primrose oil too as onc said i could, so was interested Sally that nausea could be a side effect of that!
Also started rads today! so not sure which is which with side effects!!!

love debs xxxx

Hi Debs

just read your post and i think now its the tamx thats is making me feel sick as i didnt take epo for a couple of days and i still flt sick, I have been taking anti-sickness pills left from chemo.
I googled tamx and it said that neausea is a common side effect 1/5 apparently and usually goes after a week or two and can be treated with anti-sickness pills.
Today i just took some at abt9 and have felt fine for rest of day so hopefully it is passing, its horrible isnt it, also ive had to take omeprozole again a few times this week.
Its good to hear i not alone with this, we just get over chemo and this happens.
Glad your 1st rads have gone ok you will be surprised how quick it goes.I cant beleive its a week since I finished mine.
I must just say that sicky as a se of epo is very very rare apparently and im taking mine again.
Sometimes its so hard to know whats making us feel yuck when we start more than one new thing.

take care and keep slapping the cream on

love Sally xx

thanks for that sally! think it is the tamoxifen, the rads people said it probably was when i mentioned it today. as you say its difficult to know which new thing is causing the problem!!
i have some antisickness tabs left so i will try those as i hate the nausea feeling!
I’m a week in now so hopefully it will stop soon!

love debs xxx

I have been taking Tamoxifen for just over a year and I find the side effects come and go!! Work that one out?? Nothing really happened until about the 6 month just a bit of nausea ( like morning sickness ) and then the hot flushes from hell started. They have gone now and I’m left with the odd medium flush. My upper body joints are really playing me up at present, ( shoulders, elbows, thumbs especially ). GP sent me for a series of X rays which ruled out arthritis, so must be the Tamoxifen.

Only 4 years to go !!

Kat xx

Nearly done the first 30 days.

So far I’m getting achey knees, and some stiffness in the ankles. Generally feel like my body temperature much hotter than it used to be - and soles of my feet normally feel like they’re on fire.
Getting very dry eyes too.

Haven’t been back to GP or oncologist to ask as I’m sure they’ll say it’s early days yet, so at present I’m not taking anything alongside the tamoxifen (unless you count lemsip for the cold I’m fighting off).

I’m walking like a demon (to get the weight off and get a bit fitter) so I hope the joint pain thing doesn’t put the ki-bosh on that.

There seems to be a bewildering number of side-effect symptoms you could possibly get with taking the tamoxifen, and different degrees of severity to those symptoms, don’t there?

I just switched to the wockhardt brand, not by intention and they have dramatically reduced the hot flushes

I start on my first pack of Wockhardt tablets on Sunday, I’ll keep an eye on my body temperature to see if it makes a difference for me too! I’ve made a note of the symptoms I’ve had on APS, so I can spot any differences with the Wockhardt ones. Only thing is, it may be that even if I feel the brand change is worse or better, because I’m only just starting in, it could be that the same brand has different effects for me down the line. Ho hum.

Period #2 on tamoxifen has started. On the positive side, the pre-menstrual symptoms haven’t been so bad as they usually are.