Tamoxifin Buddies wanted!!!

Hello ladies my first pill is going to be tonight so i will see …Christina

Hope it goes well Christina !

Anna xx

Thank you Anna …i am ok now …does it take a month or so for any SE …?second tabl tonight…i hope tamoxifen work well with my body…all the best for other “begginers”…Christina

I haven’t had many side effects from it at all and have been on APS and Wockhardt brands. I felt a bit queasy when I first took it, but that was more likely anxiety! It has given me spots and some mood swings. This started after about a week. It has also made my periods a bit heavier, unfortunately !

Hope it goes well for you !

Anna x

Hi,Anna my period stop after TAX -chemotherapy i just had,hot flushes as well so my hope is menopause…take care …

Hi all,
Have been given Wockhardts this month and I DO NOT have a headache for once.Fingers crossed was on APs brand xx

Hi,ladies i had 4 tabl till today no 5 today i feel ok ,had my flu jab yest …a bit tired mainly cos had to drive ti rads come back ,then go to GP surgery …and i was soo tired…all the best to everyone with tamoxifen…Christina

I’ve had an idea -am going to pick up my next precription on Friday and I think I’ll ask the pharmacist before they give me the tablets whether they have the Wockhardt brand in stock (which is what I have had so far - I’d rather not risk a different brand !) - if they don’t then I will go to the other chemists in town :slight_smile:


I started tamoxifen 2 weeks ago today and started feeling dizzy about a week ago. Not too bad now but defineately light headed! Has anyone else had this?


Hiya Jackie, been taking tamoxifen for a full two months now and that is not something I have felt - I did feel extremely dizzy when blood count dropped after chemo so if you have been having chemo recently it may be connected ?? May be worth reading back in this thread to see if anyone else has the same? Sorry cant be more helpful, so far I am getting on brill with it and I hope you soon settle down with it best wishes debbie x

Not noticed any difference yet since switch to Wockhardt from APS. Obviously early days, so not taking symptoms or lack of as any kind of settled fact for my 5 years. It feels like a mountain to climb if I think of 5 years. FIVE YEARS!!! So I keep on one month at a time.

Still getting dry eyes. Possibly slightly less achey knees, but the slight dragging feeling in lower abdomen is back.

Most recent period was a bit of a damp squib - but from what I’ve read here, that could change next month. Does make a bit of a dilemma as far as what sanitary protection to have…

Am determinedly keeping up my walking. I’m not losing weight, but I’m not gaining it either.

Have found my appetite has changed though. Not getting as hungry as I was before, and definitely less fussed about chocolate, which was a must-have before.

Not had any experience of dizziness, but then I do have a pre-existing condition which gives me vertigo from time-to-time so I probably wouldn’t notice if I did.

Hiya ladies,

Just wondering if I can join your gang?

I finished chemo a couple of weeks ago, saw my GP today who gave me my first prescription of tamoxifen… I’m due to start next week.

I’m just reading through all of your posts (although only half way through at the mo), and it’s great to get a few tips.

This is a fab thread.

Big hugs to all you tamoxifen girlies out there!!

AM x

mission accomplished - 2 packs of Wockhardt !

Hi All

My pc isnt working so havent been able to come on at OH tonight so ive pinched his LOL.

Been on them now for over 2 weeks and the sicky feeling has gone.thank goodness. getting hot flushes which disturb my sleep, havent slept through for weeks now as had them on the tax chemo as well.

I had my marina coil taken out this week (boo hoo) so now i have periods to contend wiith too , havent had one for 7 yrs due to coil so not happy but maybe the chemo might have stopped them anyway. just have to wait and see.

I actually feel like the old me is coming back now… so nice to feel ok again after all the treatments. see onc and surgeon next week too. will ask about reconstruction but i know it will be too early for that.

glad everyone seems to be ok

take care
Sally xx

Hi all,I hope I can join your lovely thread?
I started taking Tamoxifen in March this year and up until very,very recently,2 days actually,I had been having bad sweats or flushe
s,both day and night.AS I said 2 days ago SE reduced.I started taking Tamoxifen before bed about a month ago and had terrible flushes day and night until the other night when I slept nearly all night.The odd sweat woke me up but found my Chillow and went back to sleep.The main SE I have at present is stiff,painful ankles and knees.I am also quite down,not depressed,at times but put this down to not having anyone to talk to.I hope you will be my best buds?

Welcome flashann. Please let your new buds know how you are getting on xx

WoooHoooo!! I have been told to stop taking Tamoxifin for the next 3 wks to see if my SE will subside(havin radiotherapy at the mo).This is day4 and still very poor sleep so waiting!!! And have been told that my SE of stiffjoint ,ankles and legs and numb hands at night is due to the chemo still in my system!!!not sure about that!!!
Anyway apart from that feelin not bad today,just done some Tai chi from the Breast cancer Haven cd Its not bad gets my arms moving anyway.
Will let you know how it all goes.

Hope everyone has a fab weekend.

Thanks Jellylegs,I have been much better the last few days.After I read all the posts concerning makes of Tamoxifen,I went and checked mine.I had been on APS since march and my new presciption was Wockhardt.My sweats,day and night,have reduced considerably so I can live with that.Painful ankles,knees and now wrists continue.But hey you can,t have everything.Hope all my buds are coping okay.



Wow I just checked my Tamoxifen packet and realised it is Wockhardt, which is a change from previously. My sweats have definitely decreased but I didn’t realise it could be due to the change in brand until I read this thread.

Next time I get the prescription filled I will definitely ask for Wockhardt again. Thanks for the info.


Buckwheat,you are welcome.That,s what I love about all the different threads,you never know what you are going to come across.
