Tamoxifin Buddies wanted!!!

Sally, I had mirena coil taken out after 4 blissfull period free years. Didn’t have chemo so didn’t have that messing up my cycle,got my period back a month after coil was removed then had 4 normal cycles then period free for 65 days then started another period ! Had hoped they were just going to disappear but hopefully they are on their way out.
8 months on tamoxifen and still side effect free,saw my onc last week and she said to just enjoy that I am !

Sandra x

Ok…Is it the Tamoxifin or have I become a gready pig???
I’ve now put 14lbs on sinse diagnosi…(Aug 09)I admit to having a bit of what I fancy too now.That black Christmas dress will have to be let out lol
Jellylegs xx

Ah! Jellylegs I know what ya mean…I can eat as much as my husband and his he avery large appetite.I go to slimmers world to try an keep mine in check I go up an down by 2lbs every few weeks but never seem to loose any more, which is soooo bloody fustrating when you have been so good. I’m hopeing being off Tamoxifin for 3 wks I will break the barrier.Also have noticed in my 1st week that my Hot flushes seem to be subsiding , not as fierce and the last 2 nights I think I onlyhad 1 during the night!!! : )

I definately think the Tamoxifen contains an appetite increaser so we eat more to keep us strong!!!No,I really do know what you mean.I have put on 15pounds since March 09 and no matter what I do,I just can,t shift any weight.That just adds to the misery of this BC.Has anyone found an exercise that works on your middle?Live in hopes.Ha Ha


Well that’s a relief - I have put on a stone since January!Just started to get my head around trying to lose some weight - then it will be christmas ho hum maybe make it my new year resolution!

Has anyone out there been brave enough to dye their hair before post 6 months chemo is up?? From what I have read you shouldn’t use dyes with amonia and peroxide in etc but there are vegetable and henna dyes available and I am getting a bit tempted to have a go - then I can ditch my wig as I have quite a healthy covering of WHITE & GREY hair now. I am happy with the amount, just not the colour! Read some stories where the hair has turned green because of the chemicals still in the hair. Any advice greatly appreciated ! Cheers Debbie x

Not lost or gained any weight on Tamoxifen, but I’m not finding it increasing my appetite. I am doing a lot more exercise than I was before dx(ie I am doing some), so at least I’m maintaining my weight - which I’m viewing as a victory in itself! The most positive thing at the moment is that although my bathroom scales tell me I weigh exactly the same, I look as if I’ve lost weight because I’m a bit more toned. Hope I can keep it up - I’m worried that if I have to stop doing what I’m doing (walking briskly for 40 minutes a day 4 days a week) I’ll begin piling on the pounds.

I think part of what Tamoxifen is doing to us is probably slowing our systems down. I read somewhere that as you get older you have to reduce your calorie intake more to maintain the same weight, so this oestrogen suppression is probably acting like the natural ageing process kicking in early, and boosting the effects. Not run that one past my oncologist, but I may do so in December when I’m due to see him.

Ann - I found pilates quite good for the middle - pulls it all in so at least you look like you’ve lost weight even when you haven’t… worth a try?

WoooHooo!! Just been for my weigh-in Slimmers world and I have lost 2 1/2 lbs best loss I have had in weeks and I’m putting it down to being off Tamoxifin for 9days now.And I have also felt GREAT!!! for the last couple of days,sleep also slowly returning but lots of “far out” dreams tho!!!Getting about 4-5 hrs
Let us know if you do dye your hair as I’m thinking about it when my rads finish : ) As yes the grey hair does get you down some days…
Hope every one is having a good week

Hi All
I had my last chemo on the 1st of sept, my hair is about 2cm long, I have not been wearing my wig or scarves at night in the house, the kids are fine with it but my son kept asking when i would be able to dye it!!! He is 12 and a grey haired mum is not cool!!! I phoned the guy who supplies the wigs for the hospital I am under and asked his advise, he is a specialist and been in the buisness years. He said to dye my hair with a semi permanant colour and if that was ok, when it had grown somemore use a permant one. I have coloured mine a golden blond colour, no problems and when i look in the mirror i do feel better and my lovely son is pleased he thinks i look more normal. Such alot for kids to get their heads round. The problem I have got now is nasty sores on my face post chemo and I am sure stress, I have found this journey very,very hard! I have tried allsorts anybody any tips? Have been on tamoxifen about a month and so far ok!! Also when can I iron post mastectomy? Such alot of questions, take care Mand

Thanks for the info on the hair dye - I may now give it a go! As for the ironing question - I reckon 2-3 years should cover it LOL - don’t do anything unnecessary AT ALL. Glad u r ok on the Tamoxifen, take care Debbie x

Hi all

im back,pc fixed yipee. ive been taking tamoxifen for over 3 weeks and so far so good just hot flushes.

had marina coil takenout last wed and have been bleeding on and of since which is horrible as i had 7 yrs period free but hey ho.

For those of you who had chemo my toenails are lifting off not painful at all and have new nails underneath just big toes to go now. also my eyelashes are growing back now as well yipee but hair is grey/white but am holding back dying it for a while yet

saw surgeon yesterday and will talk about new boob in 6mths something to look forward to in the new year

Feeling like my old self more or less now so im well happy but have put on half a stone but no increased appitate since being on tamox.

so all in all its good

love to you all
Sally x

hi i was supposed to start tamoxifen today but got chest infection and so on anti biotics and an inhaler…
is it safe to start it now?..feel yuk and really dont want to feel worse…

forgot to ask doctor about it and now sat here thinking …ooops what do i do?..

Hi scouser

maybe you could ring NHS Direct ? ( although they probably wouldn’t know??) or your out-of-hours doc helpline if you have one ??

Other than that, I would say it won’t hurt to leave the Tamoxifen for a few days until you feel better. I didn’t start mine until a week after I was given it…needed to get my head round a few things first. The onc said it wasn’t a problem.

Hope you feel better soon

Anna x

thanks annalou…didnt realise the side effects could be that bad until i read some of these threads and sat here thinking…i dont really need to feel worse…was given tamoxifen on last chemo 0ctober 15th and told to start in 4 weeks…which is today…seeing chemo doc next friday for check up and chest x ray results …so might leave till spoke to her…

you might be lucky like me and not get really bad side effects. I had a few days of feeling weepy and a little queasy ( not sure if that was the Tamoxifen or just generally feeling low/anxious because of BC…) and now ( 3 month on it) the only really noticeable side effect I have is flippin acne like a 15 year old!!!

Anna x

oh bless…acne.!!!..right adding clearasil to medicine box…as they say everyone is different…and goodness me we all are…i just like to be preventive as much as possible…i only came on tonight to see how/when i could start dyeing hair…all 2cm,s of it…ha…

Fellow Scouser,I don,t think it is going to hurt your treatment by delaying starting Tamoxifen a week later.I left it a week after being given the prescription by my onc and I don,t even think about it now.The worst SE for me is the flushes and sweats,day and night,but these have greatly decreased with using the wockhardt brand.I think it,s trial and error which brand you use.Good luck to you.

Take care,

Ann xx

cheers for that…just checked and i,m on the one you just mentioned…so fingers crossed…thanks again…

I’m on Wockhardt too.

annalou…ha…definitely getting clearasil then…x

Anna i am only 2 weeks on tamoxifen …and i left it 2 weeks after the doc give me presc i wasnt brave to start it and now i dont feel anything as a big change…legs feel heavy sometimes and i need to lift them on chair but otherwise not what i was imagine…so go for it and dont be soo scared…Anna i had little mini spots but they gone i thought is my battling hormons …because i am 42 and chemo stop my periods…so i thouht is bec of that change…i will be glad to go in menopause and not having periods back…