Tattoo for mum/update on mum

Hi all.

I know alot of people dont like tattoo’s but im after some help.

I have been looking at getting my first tattoo for about 4 years.

I have decided that now is the time. My mum starts her chemo this thursday. I want a script tattoo on my forearm. Ive looked on the net for mother quotes etc, but still not sure what it should say.

The best i have come up with so far reads.

“A mother holds her childrens hands a short while, their hearts forever”.

I want to be able to love the script and the meaning of it, whatever the future holds for my mum.

I dont want it to sound morbid ,as i hope my mum will be here with me for a long time to come.



Am I missing the point here?
I don’t get it?

gosh as a mum I think that is a lovely quote, I will borrow it if you dont mind, do you like the shape of the script for it?

The only thing i would say is my friend was not allowed to join the police because thier tatto showed below short sleeves. Now I am not suggesting you want to be a PC, but more saying you might want to think of future carreer choises, and have the tattoo on the upper arm where it can be hidden. or on your leg

Your mum is very lucky to have you thinking of her like this

That sounds lovely to me, Mark and not at all morbid!

K x

I like tattoos, and have several, but as a Mum I’d be gutted if my kids did that. I would rather have a trinket I could wear such as a chain not spending £s on an inking.
Shoot me down, but I think i’d hate my kids to do that.

Thanks everyone. I understand about the forearm and being able to cover it up. I work in a garage so appearence is not that important. Im 40 years old and my tattoo is going to be part of me. Hopefully i will stay at this job for years to come, but if i ever have to change jobs and my prospective new boss don’t like my tattoo, well thats just tough!
Hopefully get it done in the next couple of weeks.
Mum starts her first chemo on Thursday.

Do you know how your Mum might feel about you having a tattoo done “for her”? Would she perhaps feel that there are other ways of showing how you feel about her and what she’s going through? Is there a more practical way of showing support - like taking her to appointments, mowing her lawn, cooking some meals for her, rather than have someone draw a pattern on your arm with indelible ink?

hi, Are you going with your mum for her first chemo? or is someone else taking her

Wacky Racer
Sorry, but re-reading your original posting again, it sounds like this tattoo is more about you than your mum. “I have been looking at getting my first tattoo for about 4 years” - so this is an excuse for getting a tattoo that you’ve been considering for 4 years?
Think about HER not YOU.
No doubt other people will shoot me down on this.

hi cheshire cheese,

i think you must have missed whaky racers first post about his mum, he was obviously distraught and has been dealing with this the best way he can. I think he has been thinking about her alot

I will bump his first post up

No I hadn’t missed it

Ask your Mum what she thinks about you having a tattoo. If you really are doing it “for her”.

as a mother i would hate any of my children getting a tattoo for me, when i was ill, my family took, fetched ,carried, attended appointments and did lots of lovely kind things… getting a tattoo, with anthing for me on it NO… ps i have 6 tattoos myself and my 3 sons all have tattoos… but have them for me … no way

Ok let me try and post again. Last post did not get put up, must have been a bit strong.

So…I AM thinking of my mum and the tattoo is for my mum.
Maybe i didnt word my original post correctly.
I am a carer for my wife who had an accident at work. She slipped and ended up with a brain injury and has since had 2 stokes due to this. She suffers from Aphasia which means she has problems with speech and understanding, along with her physical problems.
I had been designing a tattoo for my wife ( grey Aphasia Ribbon ) and researching the best place in london to get it done.
Then my mum was diagnosed with cancer, and i wanted to get something for her first, im still going to have the Aphasia Ribbon on my leg, later.
After being shot down the other night by people on here i went to ask my mum and dads opinion about the tattoo, as i didnt want her to freak out when it was done or get upset. My mum and my dad were touched that i wanted to do such a thing for my mum.
So next week the tattoo is to be done.
I am helping out my mum as much as i can but as you can understand caring for my disabled wife takes up most of my time.
My dad is going to most of her appointments with her.


I am glad that you have discussed this with your folks and they are cool with what you would like to do.

I am sure that your mum and wife are equally important to you and as your gesture is symbolic perhaps you could combine the two ribbons? The bc symbol is a pink ribbon and I think it would complement the Aphasia ribbon well.

Whatever you decide, I don’t doubt your motives and I am sure no one else does either. You are giving this careful thought, asked us what we think and that says it all.

DaisyGirl xx

Thanks daisygirl. Thats it exactly, i came on here to ask peoples opinion.
P.S Nice cat by the way.

It’s very tough for you at the moment with both your mum and your wife being poorly. If having the tattoo helps you to feel that you are doing something for your mum and your mum feels good about it then it seems a positive thing to do. I didn’t have any by choice but now have 6 small blue ones because of marking for radiotherapy. Don’t have feelings either way towards them. I know that tattoos are very important to people who choose to have them and are part of their identity. My nephews friend had a similar tattoo when his mum was diagnosed.My husband has been building a car since I began my Breast Cancer journey. I am sure it has helped him stay sane and helped him deal with his feelings.

Hi Sunflower. Yes people deal with how they feel in different ways. Your husband with the car, people having a tattoo. Having the tattoo is my way of dealing with it as its something very personal from me to my mum.I’ll always be proud of it and it will be part of my mum on me for the rest of my days.

Hi Wackyracer, so sorry ur having tough time. I actually think it’s a good thing as long as ur mum agrees. I wouldn’t mind if my son got one for me, it’s a personal thing i guess. When my son was in Afghanistan all kinds of morbid thoughts went through my mind about him not coming home, u wouldn’t believe how my mind went into overdrive. Anyway i always said if he didn’t make it then i would have a tattoo on my wrist, i was planning the design in my head! Luckily i didn’t have to as he came home safe & sound but would it have been for me or him, well me probably but it would have made me feel closer to him. Hard to explain but that’s how i felt.x

Thanks hjv123.
Glad your son came home safe and sound.