Tattoo for mum/update on mum

hi hope u dont mind me jumping in here, but my mum has had a tatoo for me - i didnt know she was going to do it, but i finished my chemo 5 weeks ago and my mum had the breast cancer ribbon put onto her arm for me. i was so touched, she has been there with me thr chemo along with my OH and friends and she just wanted to do this for me. i was so touched tho had to pick mysel up off the floor, love to u all Shar xx

bumped up xxxx

Hi Shar, Nice that your mum got a tattoo for you.
A bit of a shock eh? I wasnt sure how my mum would react, so ran it past her a couple of weeks ago and she is cool with it.
Didnt want to freak her out, or make her feel worse.
Its just my way of coping with whats happening to my mum and that whatever happens in the future i’ll always love her.

hi wacky, how are you and your mum getting on? Has her treatment started? are you managing to get your head round it more now?

Hi OAL, love the new picture!

Hi Wacky, have you decided what you are having yet? Sorry if that’s nosy but I would love to know!

DaisyGirl xx

Hi Daiseygirl, still not sure. I thought i did with the script and the pink ribbon on my forearm but have since had other ideas like combining the pink breast cancer and grey Aphasia ribbons in one tattoo. (my mum and my wife)
Im now designing a Swallow bird with the pink breast cancer ribbon in its beak. This may go on my upper arm.
Will keep you posted what the final design is.

hi mark , just caught your post and think its a great idea, i dont have tattoos myself but my daughter has a very discreet one for her late father , my son is 18 and his tattoos are like a work of art, he discusses each one with me he hasnt had one for me as such but has had ‘this too shall pass’ across his shoulders as i like this saying cos whatever is happening now will eventually pass, good luck let us know what you decide,maybe you could sit and design one with your mom or pick something that she loves to incorporate into it,i personally wouldnt like the pink ribbon on my kids but your mom may i would love to know your final choice, your love for your mom is so evident xxxx

hi wacky how are you and your mum how is treatment? just wondered wht tatoo u had for ur mum?
i am now half way thr rads, lots of love to u all Shar xxx

hi wacky,

my other half has got full sleeves on both his arms, each one of his tattoos is personal to him, and he can tell you where he was and what inspired him to get each section of the work done, simply if you dont know him you wouldnt understand what his work means and is about,

you get your tattoo, it is a personal thing with a meaning for you and your mom, as you say, you will wear it forever and it will always have a meaning and comfort for yourself, and will have touched your mom and dad too,

some people on here have expressed their opinions on how they would feel if their children had a tattoo, but not everybody ‘gets it’ do they?

everyone is entitled to their own opinion, personally I think it is a thoughtful, meaningful gesture,

hope your mom is coping ok, sending you love and best wishes Liz x

Hi Silvershar hope your treatment is going well.
Not had the tattoo done yet, but have decided to go back to my original idea with the text " A mother holds her childs hand a while ,but their heart forever" running from my elbow to my wrist on the outside of my arm. I have decided to leave the pink ribbon off of the tattoo after speaking to various people and listening to their views.
I think the pink breast cancer ribbon is a great simbol, but like someone said it doesent have to be there, the text on its own says it all.
Hope i worded this right, if not im sure someone will tell me!

My mum had her first chemo 2 weeks ago.
She is starting to get really tired now and has small naps during the day. She went with my dad to see the mcmillan people at the hospital this week and get her wig. At least i made her laugh when i tried it on! Hair looks like it may be starting to fall out, not sure yet but there is slightly more on her brush than normal.
Next chemo on the 18th August.

Hi Liz, Thanks for your post. It was most comforting. You really do seem to understand why i want to get this tattoo.
Thank you.

Hi wacky racer, how are you and your mum, been offline for a while and trying to catch up with the posts, I am sure you have lots of people on here to talk to but if u ever wanna pm me feel free, or anyone any questions about anything i get email alerts from this website and would always be happy to help, support and advise, Shar xxx

Hi shar good to hear from you.
I must admit I haven’t been on here for a long time, for one
Reason or another. I’ve been struggling to come to terms with
My mums cancer.
My mum is just finishing her 4th month of chemo.
She is very tired, gets out of breath easily so only goes out to
Hospital appointment, and that has to be by taxi.
She has never had any sickness but not much of an appetite.
She remains positive but stubborn!
She has the first of her appointments for her tests to see how
The treatment as worked on the 25 th November, so fingers
Crossed for some positive news there.
It not get the tattoo done in the end. One reason was I could not decide
What to get and another, I still wasn’t sure if it was the right thing to do.
So for now I am wearing a pink breast cancer silicone bangle in support.
Dad is under a lot of strain at the moment and I’m helping as best I can.
Having a disabled wife and a sick son, I’m looking at possibly giving up
Work to care for them, so I may be able to help out with driving my mum
And dad to appointments.

My daughter was diagnosed in August and I decided that having wanted a tattoo for years that now was the time. I have had a butterfly with the pink ribbon as it’s body. My daughter was so pleased that I have had it done, it was my 65th birthday present to myself and my daughters and grandchildren are thrilled with it. I’m sure my great grandson would add his pleasure but he is only 8 weeks old!!!

Just thought i would update to all as to how my mum is.
Well last Monday she went for a bodyscan and had the results last Friday.
The scan came back clear, so really great news.
The doctors say so more treatment is needed.
The 4 months of chemotherapy have taken its toll on her but it was worth it all in the end.
My mum has dementia (aged 73) but this has not formally been diagnosed. She refused to admit she has a problem.
I spoke to her on Friday saying that it was great news from the doctors, but she yelled at me down the phone for sugesting that she had ever had Cancer. She forgets.
Its been hard and the dementia has taken some of the joy from me about my mums good news.
I talk to my dad about her going to the doctors to have it diagnosed but he says dont say anything, as she has a go at him after i leave if i say anything about it.
My dad is still in good health at 78, but i feel he is struggling to cope.
Dont get me wrong its great news about her breast cancer, but i fear the future for my mum and dad and i dont know what to do for the best…

Hi there Wacky Racer,
The first thing you can do for your Mum (and Dad) is carry on just being there, you have no idea how much difference that makes.

But re the dementia, I wonder if your Mum is having the forgetfulnes that I and many others had with chemo?
I am 67 and already had my fair share of CRAFT moments (can’t remember a “flaming” thing) but during chemo and for 6 months + afterwards, it was much worse. Talk about forgetting what I’d come upstairs for, I would be at the foot of the stairs wondering if I was going up or down etc etc. It has improved a lot in the last couple of months.

Wishing you all the best

Hi Lavender.
My Mum has had the poor memory for about 2 years.Although it has got much worse since the Chemo. She forgot she has had cancer.
I have had a bit of a falling out with my parents after last Thursday. so have not spoken or seen them since then even though they live on the same estate as me.
Dont know what to do for the best, maybe just stay away for a while.

Aw, that’s a shame, the falling out, Wacky. But maybe the poor memory can help you all there. If you leave it a bit, then your Mum will have forgotten, and your Dad will be glad of you’re being there if he doesn’t feel you are “stirring her up”. I can’t think how else to put that, I hope you see what I mean. There is a lot of insecurity in people with memory loss, they know there is something wrong and feel bad about it, if everything goes along calmly, they can settle more.
Christmas coming up gives you reasons to be in contact without saying “Cancer” or “Memory”. Keep on visiting and best of luck.

Thanks alot Lavender, will do.