Tattoo for mum/update on mum

Hi all.
Went to see my mum and dad and we are all ok. Mum had a blood test done this week which showed she is badly anaemic. She has to have a blood transfusion on Wednesday. Can anyone explain why this has happened and more about anemia also.

Hi Wacky Racer,
So glad things are well for you all again, that’s great news.

Quite a lot of people who have chemo end up needing a blood transfusion, so please don’t be too worried. In fact the anaemia - low levels of blood iron - might explain why yout Mum has been low generally of late. Although I haven’t had a blood transfusion, I know people who have, and they tell me they felt like a new person afterwards! Certainly they seemed much more like themsleves again - more energy and generally brighter.

Hope all goes well for your Mum with her transfusion. I’m sure she’s secretly proud to have such a caring son.

Really pleased you have all made up, Wacky!
Anaemia is most often from low levels of iron, but can be from other reasons as well, and as it so bad that she needs a transfusion they will be checking out other reasons with simple blood tests.
After the blood transfusion she may feel not only less tired but less breathless, less irritable and you may find she seems less confused.
Our blood is what gets the oxygen round our bodies so you can see it affects a lot.
I have had blood transfusions but only immediately after operations so too dopey to tell you what it’s like.
Keep on keeping on!

Thanks everyone. Lets hope mum is feeling better for christmas.

Evening Wacky Racet.
I have read all the posts here and think you are a lovely worried son that cares very much for his mum. Anaemia and the low blood counts caused by the chemotherapy can cause memory loss and activity to drop in some people. Your mum may be shielding herself perhaps by denying she as had cancer. Lots of people do this and if she copes that way so be it.
I had “Tatoos” put on for my radiotherapy on thurday. Having had chemotherapy I have now become needle phobic… I take my hat off to you for getting one done…I hope it is not too painful.
All the best for you and your mum and dad.

Thanks Cackles for your kind words.
Lets see how mum is after the Transfusion.

Well, mum went for her transfusion today. After having a blood test and waiting four hours she was told the blood would not be ready for another five yours. She could wait or come back tomorrow. So let’s hope she has better luck tomorrow.

Oh dear, that doesn’t sound organised! Hope it all works out today for her and that she feels better fr it

Thanks Lavender.
Well, mum had her blood transfusion today. 4 hours to put in 2 bags of blood. Mum has a problem with her right arm , can’t remember the fancy name, but I know it’s to do with the lymph gland in her armpit and fluid in her arm making her arm very large. Anyway they had to take her blood presure and used the poorly arm. When they pumped up the blood presure machine there was a pop, and a vain in her arm burst. Apart from that all is ok. Let’s see how she feels over the next couple of days. Hopefully she will feel more like her old self.

Good that she got the blood in finally, but what a shame about the popped vein. Difficult to see what else they could do apart from check on the poorly arm, normally they are not supposed to use it for BP check or anything with needles but with a blood drip in her other arm guess the options were limited.
Onwards and upwards!
By the way the swollen arm stuff is called lymphoedema- pronounced lim fuh dee mah if you can work that out!

Thanks lavender for the info.
They had to check her blood presure every 20 minutes, so after the vain popped in her arm, they had to take it using her ankle.
Didnt know you could check blood presure from there?

Well, it’s not the everyday place to do it, that’s for sure, but it is possible!

Hi all.
Well i finally had the Tattoo done.
Decided on something that was personal to me, my wife and my mum.
I had a script tattoo done on my arm which says " The first wealth is health " meaning that money is not everything and good health is more important. Nothing too flash, just some suttle lettering.
Mum has had a bit of a set back. The blood transfusion did not seem to make her any better. still very tired. She went for a check up last week and the doctor found a lump on the other side. Mum had a chest x ray and a blood test and goes back next week.
A real shame as mum was doing so well and after finishing her chemo in November , her hair had started to grow back, not a lot but just enough to see a stubble. This cheered her up seeing it start to grow back. i fear that she may need more chemo and i dont know how she will deal with the possability of that.
I have uploaded the picture of my tattoo to my profile picture for you to look at.

Hi Wacky,
thanks for uploading your photo - a very powerful message indeed.

I am sorry to hear you Mum is still having to have more treatment and investigations - a very worrying time for all of you. Hopefully they will get on top of it and she will soon be on the mend.

I am sure your support means a lot to her at this time.

Take care of yourself too.

Evening Wacky,
Sorry Mum is going through so much just when she was getting her hair back. Mine unlike RevCat and Lavender is still only a centimetre but thatis better than nothing.
You must be pleased with the tattoo. You wanted to get one done and you have done just that. I hope it wasn’t too uncomfortable.
Do let us all know what mums progress it like.
My best wishes for her and to you and your wife. She has a lovely family supporting her.

That’s a really good tattoo, Wacky, it really means something and is a message to a lot of people.
Really sorry to hear the news about your Mum, hope the tests go well.

Thanks everyone, really pleased with the tattoo, it means a lot to me. Mum get her results next week so fingers crossed. Will keep you posted.

Wacky I think your family are very lucky to have a lovely thoughtful person like you in their lives. I love the idea of the tattoos, and the one you’ve chosen is perfect. Best wishes to you, your wife and your mum xx

Thanks bubbletrouble. Most people that have seen the tattoo seem to like it, and what it stands for.
Mum has her appointment with the hospital on Wednesday so lets hope for some possitive news.

Hi everyone.
Some good news!
Mum went to the hospital and got the all clear again.
The small lump that was there two weeks ago has disappeared.
Doctors very pleased with her and don’t want to see her again until May.