Tattoo for mum/update on mum

That’s great Wacky (or Mark… somehow the name Wacky suits you)

Let’s hope that now she really is able to get over all her treatment and move forward. She will be so proud of how you’ve supported her through all the ups and downs of her treatment… she must’ve done a good job cos you are clearly a very loving son.

What fantastic news, Wacky! Grinning like mad here, so pleased for you all! As it will have affected you all, now I hope a lift for you all.

Hi Wacky, just caught up with your post and its true, your tattoo has a very powerful message and your family are very lucky having you, I couldnt do this withouth mine,it really is important and once again, I am thriled about your mums good news. Keep posting and thanks for sharing with us. Shar :slight_smile:

I think it is a lovely idea. I am doing the same to show my mum support. Post a pic once completed! X

Thanks eveyone.
Ginger1984, Would love to see a pic when you get your tattoo done.
Any ideas what your having done?

Mum went to hospital today for a new sleave.
They were not happy with the skin redness on her chest. Looks like the cancers back again.
Gutted! : (

Oh Wacky, that sounds very worrying for you all. Thinking of you all…and hoping it turns out to be a flase alarm. I know you will continue to be a great support to your mum. Take care.

Really sorry to hear that Wacky
Hope you get some definite news soon, with a plan for treatment
Thinking of you all

Mum finally has her appointment with the hospital this Wednesday.
Her inflamatory breast cancer looks like it has come back.
It looks worse that it did originally. Mum only stopped her chemo in November.
You can now see it above the neck line of her blouse.
Really worried about her and what they will say on Wednesday.

Oh Wacky I am so sorry to hear this. INflamamtory breast cancer is especially nasty, yet even so there are some very encouraging stories from women on here. Will be thinking of you all… your love for your Mum shines through every post and I’m sure she knows how much you love her and your support means a lto to her.

Take care

Thinking of you all, Wacky, as you come up to Wednesday’s appointment and hoping you get news of some possible treatment.

Thanks everyone. Will keep you posted as to how mum gets on.

Wacky I am so sorry your mum has a problem again so soon after her chemotherapy is over. I hope they can find out what is happening in order to try to control it. She has such an supportive family.
All best wishes

Thanks Cackles.

Hi Wacky, I have sent you a PM tonight, I do hope all went well on Wednesday and as someone else said on here, your love for your mum really does shine through and that means such alot, I know I appreciated and embraced that so much last year when I went through my treatment. Lots of positive thoughts to you and your family x

Thanks Shar.
Sorry for not updating sooner but I’ve been trying to get my head around the news my mum had yesterday.
Mum went to see the docs and got the test results and they examined her.
They told her No cancer!! After department linked to the cancer department said they thought it had come back, mum gets confirmation that it had not.
Aparently it’s a very severe rash all over her back, chest and neck, but the cause is unknown.
They have put her on some tablets to try and sort this out.
Mum has to go back in a months time to see the docs and see how the treatment for the rash is going.
We were all fearing the worse , good news for a change!!

Thank you for the update. Well that is good news - you must all be SO relieved. Goodness me what a time you’ve had of it. Never before has a rash sounded like good news!

I hope you are all able to enjoy this moment together.

Take care.

What a relief after such stress on you all. Yippee in some ways but I hope they can find out the rash’s cause.
Thank you for letting us all know.

That’s such great news! It’s had a ripple effect to me - it’s just the news you wish to kear.

All the best for you all.

Oh that is absolutely fabulous news, what a relief,though be good to know cause of rash, the fact is not cancer is the best and the main thing oh lots of love to u all. please keep us updated, it wonderful x