Terrified but puting on a brave face

Hi, I’ve been browsing the forums for a couple of weeks and think it is amazing all the support that you are all giving to each other. Hope it’s ok to join in.
I was dx with ILC on 9th July 1.2cms. I had lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy - they took 6 nodes. Due to see consultant for results on Monday but spoke to Gp and he confirmed 2 nodes are positive, but that’s all he knows! Wish I had’nt asked!!! Suppose I hoped he would say everything was fine!
Now I’ve got so many possibilities going round in my head, I dont know what to expect. Being brave in front of the family but really could do with talking to you guys! Any advice or similar situations??

Hi there Jackie and welcome to the forums,

Firstly, I apologise for the delay in setting your post live. As well as the support you will no doubt receive from your fellow forum users, you may find BCC’s resource pack helpful, it has been designed for those newly diagnosed and includes information about diagnosis and treatments. If you would like a copy just follow the link below:


If you feel it may help to talk to someone in confidence about your fears and concerns then please give the helpline a call, the staff here are all either breast care nurses or people who have personal experience of breast care issues. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 the lines open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and
Saturdays 9am - 2pm.

I hope this is of some help to you.

Best wishes

Hi Jackie
Welcome to the club nobody wants to join and well done on getting this far. Absolutely everyone will tell you that the waiting is the hardest thing to endure and that, strange though it sounds, once you know what you’re up against and how its going to be dealt with it clarifies things and its not so bad. We are capable of making up far worse scenarios in our heads and to know and understand is an enormous help.

Make sure that you write a list of questions [even the really daft ones cos they are important to you] before you see the cons and I hope you are taking someone with you cos you won’t remember everything. Don’t be afraid to ask them to repeat anything you don’t understand, they are there to help you understand what is happening and they won’t mind at all.

The absolute best of luck and don’t forget the forum is here whenever you want it 24/7, there’s always someone who can’t sleep [quite a few at the moment with this blessed heat].

Take care and Lots of Love


As AJ says the worst part is the waiting - the mind starts to take itself off in all directions and start making up it’s own story and Monday will seem like years away. Try to look at it that out of the 6 nodes taken 4 were clear which is double the amount that were affected, small consolation I know but better than 6 being involved.

Once you speak to the consultant and/or oncologist you will have a better idea of where you are going next and that is much better than worrying and imagining a whole lot of stuff that may or may not be about to happen.

I agree with AJ about taking someone with you - I didn’t and there was so much I heard but didn’t digest and yes they are quite happy to repeat themselves and answer the ‘silly’ questions.

All the best for Monday and your future treatment plan.

Thanks AJxxx for your kind words of support.

I’m taking my OH with me but it will be
me asking all the questions so I think I will do what you said and write it all down.

My friend has just spent the last year being treated for BC with mast,chemo and rads, now Tamoxifen. I dont know what to expect but no it is worse if your nodes are affected.

Can anyone give me suggestions what to expect as possibilities.

Thanks Jackie28

Hi Jackie and welcome,

I was diagnosed with Grade II ILC on 22/07. I am waiting for MRI results (next tuesday to find out what surgery I need. I have been in a terrible state and the girls on here have helped me so much. I have only just started so I don’t have much advice I can offer you, but I know there are a lot on here who have had lymph node involement and are doing okay!

It’s all such a worry and there are no easy ways of dealing with this. A lot of the girls on here have a lot of experience and are always willing to share.

Be kind to yourself,
Love & Best Wishes

Hi lilacblushes

Thanks for advice. Its great being able to talk to others. Have sat at home today feeling so alone although I’ve got a great family supporting me. My mood swings are up and down like yo yos at the mo!!! Put on a smile and joke for everyone else but that is not how I really feel. They thought I was mad when I had lumpectomy and SNB cos I was still cracking jokes down to theatre and grinning all the time. They said they were’nt used to such happy patients!!!

I would like to ask if you are ok but tell me to mind my own biz if you like xxxx

Hi Moonshine.

Thanks for encouragement. Its nice to know lymph node involvement can be ok!!

Good luck for Tuesday hope all goes well.

Hi Jackie,

Lymph node involvement is one of my worries at the moment along with the other 500! But it is treatable cause I have already asked BS and others. Do you know what Grade yours was?

I’m much like you in that I’m always joking around but underneath it’s a different story - so I know exactly what you mean, but I have always had a mad sense of humour and I’m gonna hold onto that for sure!!

The only people that know how you really feel are the ones going through it themselves - thats why it’s so good to come on here.

I have brought a geogeous little 11 week old labrador puppy - he has really cheered me up and is doing me good going out for walks with him. By the way, because Lobular is the less common one - I thought I was the only one - but you will find there are quite a few of us on here.

Lots of love

Hi Jackie,

sorry you have had to join us but everyone is so helpful. I’m a bit behind you myself - having surgery next week and have changed course from a WLE to mastectomy due to genetic concerns. Seems like very sensible advice above and glad OH is coming - I find it hard to remember a thing after any of the conversations.

Love, Maggie xxxx

Hi Jackie

I’m sorry you’ve had to join our club. I’m a ductal chick myself, so can’t help on that front.

It sounds like it’s all happened in a very short space of time for you (which in my mind isn’t a bad thing, apart from the rapid introduction to bc of course). I marvel at how we get ourselves through the obstacle course of diagnostics and the interminable waiting. Grrr! Shortly after dx I started lurking on this forum and I took comfort from reading thoughts so similar to my own. After much crying (and laughter ?) I realised that I didn’t feel so alone in my bc bubble. Jackie, you don’t have to slap on your make up and maintain a brave face here!

Definitely scribble down any questions that come to mind so that you can get the most out of that appointment. Print two copies so that OH can jot answers down should you get distracted by conversation. And ask for a copy of the pathology report.

Wishing you the best of luck!

Hi Moonshine.

No they didnt tell me a grade. I think there was prob loads I shouldve asked but in such a state of shock. But he wont get off that light on Monday,lol!!

Whats your puppy’s name??


Hi milliemum

Hope your mastectomy goes ok. That is one of my concerns - I have huge boobs and if one goes missing I think I will need a turkey plus stuffing and sausagemeat never mnd a chicken fillet to replace it!!!

Anyway good luck and all the best


Hi ripley

Thanks for support and advice.
I will definitely be asking for a copy of report, thanks. After looking through these forumsI can see I’ve got a lot to learn about BC. When I went the first time the consultant made me feel that 1.2cms was exceptionally small and really nothing to worry about. It was only after when the BCN told me it was ILC I became suspicious after looking it up. Of course now lymph nodes affected not so little to worry about!!

Anyway cheers and all the best.

jackie28 xx

Hi Jackie (and Maggie)

My little pup is called Ralph. I was just saying on another thread about when I had a sleep this afternoon that I rushed up to answer the phone - tripped over Ralph - fell over bin and went through back door into garden, my kids haven’t stopped laughing since!

Talking of chicken fillets - was sure I spotted my BS in Somerfield this morning, I was walking behind him and I’m sure he was looking at the breast fillets - help - told you I’m cracking up!! My MIL has got a nice fillet after her masectomy but I’m sure it’s not the right one for her, it’s always falling out! have warned her when she comes round tape it down or something
cause little Ralph will have that buried in the garden in 2 seconds flat!

I’ve got medium size boobs but I dont’t mind what surgery I have - just wanna get rid of this thing.

Love to you all

Hi Jackie and Tracey,
I had such a weird conversation this pm with my bcn - I had to laugh :slight_smile: I’m big boobed too. We have agreed that I’ll have the mastectomy without the reconstruction yet. When I get my genes result back in September and if I carry them I may then think about having the other one done just to get rid of the worry. Then, I could have them reconstructed together but a nice little A or B cup so that would make trotting on my horse a whole lot better and I wouldn’t be slapping myself in the face all the time!! If I don’t, I’ll need the turkey plus stuffing job!
I just can’t believe the conversations we have to have!!!

Let us know how you get on.

Lots of love, Maggie xx

Hi moonshine

Know what you mean, why does the bloody phone always ring when you are asleep and then its like who am I ,where am i ?!!

Well if the boobs come off at least I’ll be able to run for the bus without hitting myself in the face with the bloody things!!!



Surprised you two haven’t got black eyes!!!


Hi maggie

I dont know if I will be allowed to have ‘good’ boob removed if the bad one comes off, but it seems to make sense to me. I dont have any sentimental attachment to these boulders and now they are causing me all this grief!!! Can you tell me what general consultant attitude is re this or does anyone else know??

I’ll definitely let you know what happens Monday. I feel so much better already chatting like this.


Hi Tracey

Your right!! No chance of ever going topless on the beach, they could use my knockers to hold back the tide.!!! 38G!!
