H i Tracey
When you say thursday do you mean tomorrow,If so Ireally hope everything goes ok for you
Remember there is a lot of people on here rooting foryou
love Eleanor
H i Tracey
When you say thursday do you mean tomorrow,If so Ireally hope everything goes ok for you
Remember there is a lot of people on here rooting foryou
love Eleanor
Hi everyone,
sorry I couldn’t get on yesterday. I was so knocked out by the anaesthetic but much better today. WLE and SNB and 1.8mm tumour. I think I have missed Tracey - if I haven’t, Tracey I was so frightened by the thought of the operation but it was so much better than I thought. Anaesthetist just said I’m going to give you something which will make you feel like you have drunk 3 glasses of wine which it did, and I didn’t care what they did with me, and then I woke up! Vomited all the way home but I didn’t care…I was home Results next Tuesday. I’ll try and get the weekend out of the way before I start having butterflies!
Jackie, I can’t believe how covert they’re being with you. My lot just seem to be so up front and whilst they don’t pull any punches, at least I know what’s what.
Hope Tracey is ok…or is it next Thursday I wasn’t quite sure?
Loads of love to you all for now, Maggie xxxx
Hi Maggie,
So glad you are back and it all went okay. I will be having mine next thursday, it doesn’t sound too bad, but I do get in a bit of a panic if I think I’m going to throw up!! How is the pain, some say armpit pain is worse than breast pain. Did you have dye put in day before?
I bet you are relieved its over now - I am sure your results will be okay, that’s quite quick, have been told I will have to wait 10 days to 2 weeks after for mine.
Am having pre-op assessment tomorrow.
So glad you are back,
Love Traceyxxxx
Hi tracy,
Don’t get to worked up about opp,as with everything we are all different,hope you are like me 5hrs after eating a sandwich yoghurt n banana 2 cups of tea,
blue dye a bit strange,blue cast over face,everything blue when i went to the loo,drank plenty of water so it all cleared up in 24hrs.watch the painkillers had co-codamol
made me constipated that was worse than opp.thank god only needed them for 48hrs
Hi Tracey,
I’m glad I’ve caught you before you go as I don’t think it would be possible to dread it more than I was and I can honestly say, hand on heart, that it was fine I’m a very sicky sort of person - put me in a passenger seat in the car and I’ll be sick - so unless you are like that don’t worry and if you are, ask for some anti-emetics and it will stop you being sick if you don’t like it.
I had the radioactive dye in the morning - also very manageable - and the blue dye they put in when I was under. The pain is fine too. They put in loads of long acting painkiller during the op. I would recommend wearing a bra all the time though as if I take mine off it’s a bit sore.
Let us know how the pre-op goes today.
Lots of love, Maggie xxxx.
High Maggie,
Thanks for the reassurance, I am a bit of an old worrier I know.
Pre-op was fine - the worst part was walking past the ward where my hubby was last time he was in there.
But two sweet ladies in waiting area chattted non-stop to me - neither had got a tooth between them - both in their 80’s - but they certainly cheered me up, a right couple of characters. Staff were all lovely and made me feel very reassured.
I haven’t heard from Jackie for a couple of days - so now worrying about her! She must of got her notes by now, I hope there wasn’t anything in them made her feel worse.
Will you be having chemo & rads? or does it depend on your results?
The girls have got friends over who are all staying the night!! it’s a bit chaotic, but there the house is full of laughter whick is no bad thing. Ralph is so excited by all the fuss he is getting and has been like a mad thing all day!!
Take care,
Love Traceyxxxxx
Hi girls
Really brief message, i’ve got loads to tell you but I’m just off to the hospital with hubby and THE CYST!!! its now the size of a tennis ball and they are going to operate tonite. BUT< i’ve been down there for the last two days with youngest daughter who has a pilonidal sinus on base of spine which flared up and had to be operated on last night, would you believe it. Doesnt it come in bucket loads so my little illness has had to go on back burner while I nurse the rest of the family!!! Anyway please dont worry be back on over the weekend when this all calms down a bit!!! So I can tell you about THE REPORT!!! Anyway got to tell you Im a crossbreed!! Im bit of ductal, bit of lobular and a bit of DCIS as well!!! So I can swing each way,lol!!! Got to go now, Bye.
Lots of Love Jackxxxx
Dear Jackie,
Can’t believe what you have been going through - you must be so stressed out - what a nightmare for you. I really hope your daughter and hubby are alright. Talk about everything happening at once, no wonder we haven’t heard from you. I really hope they will both be on the mend now.
Couldn’t help laughing at how you described your ‘crossbreed’ dx! You really should have been told all this - not learnt of it by reading your report. Well, I have certainly heard of others on these threads with the same dx - so I will try and find something for you.
In the meantime you concentrate on your family, but please don’t forget about you - you have got your probs to deal with aswell. I think you are a very strong woman - if I could I’d give you a big hug, make you a cup of tea (with a drop of something in it) but you will have to do with the thought, ha, ha.
Take care,
Lots of love Traceyxxxx
Your poor thing,everything always comes at once.my OHwent into hosp day after i came out,stayed there for 9dys,he’ll do anything to get out of doing anythingLOL.
Showed him my scars,Ah thats nothing look at mine he says 2ft long after having double lung transplant 5yrs ago,then he burst into tears bless him he has been really good but it suddenly got to him.,think thats why he ended up going into hosp, he’s ok now though.
Make sure you look after yourself.
love Eleanor
OMG Jackie, I hope it all goes ok - will be sending many positive thoughts. You all seem to have had such hard times not only yourselves but with your partners - it never rains does it. And some people seem to skate through life with not a worry. Lots of love to you all, Maggie xxxx.
Hi Jackie,
Really hope you hubb’sy op went well and he and your daughter are on the mend.
Do you fancy switching to another thread ‘newly diagnosed - confusing diagnosis’ You would be very welcome and everyone is at similar stage with treatment - think I am the last one to go! Maggie and Eleanor are there aswell.
They are a great bunch - I think you will find it ‘just your cup of tea’.
Do hope everything is well and want to hear all about the REPORT.
Love Traceyxx
Yeah come on over to our place ha you wer’e having a party, no really it would be nice for you to join us,if you look back molly on the other thread has done
a mini profile so we all joined in.because don’t know about you but I was loosing track of everybody.Don’t know about you but since getting bc
my memory is going as well,oh the joys of life.
Memory deffo gone -
Have got that song going round my head now, who sung it? I can’t remember ha, ha,
Love Txxxxx
I know I got some tablets from the heath shop supposed to help the memory but you guessed it keep forgetting to take them.lol
got oh singing it now,well howling is more lilke it,no wonder it raining.
Jackie, do join us on that thread. Hope hubby and daughter are ok.
Maggie x.
Hi girls!
I’m on my way over to the new thread!